-Caveat Lector-



Alan Morrison

    I have often spoken about the fact that the United Nations is an
organisation which has been widely infiltrated by occultists and propagators
of the "New Spirituality" (New Ageism). In the book "The Aquarian
Conspiracy", by Marilyn Ferguson, a survey of New Agers showed that the
leading influence on their spiritual "awakening" was Pierre Teilhard de
Chardin. The occultist and well-known "channeller", Dr. Robert Muller, who
was an Assistant Secretary General at the United Nations until recently,
wrote in one of his books: "Teilhard [de Chardin] had always viewed the
United Nations as the progressive institutional embodiment of his
philosophy" (Robert Muller, ed., The Desire to be Human: A Global
Reconnaissance of Human Perspectives in an Age of Transformation, Miranana,
1983, p.304). As the darling of the "New Spirituality", Teilhard de Chardin
rigorously applied his monist, evolutionary philosophy to the world
political situation, leading him to advocate a vision of some kind of
one-world government. In his book "The Future of Man" (Harper & Row, 1955,
p.182), he wrote: "Although the form is not yet discernible, mankind
tomorrow will awaken to a 'pan-organized' world".

    The United Nations has long been one of the foremost world harbingers
for the "New Spirituality" and the gathering "New World Order" based on
ancient occult and freemasonic principles. Seven years after the birth of
the U.N., a book was published by the theosophist and founder of the Lucis
Trust, Alice Bailey, claiming that

    "Evidence of the growth of the human intellect along the needed
receptive lines [for the preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the
"planning" of various nations and in the efforts of the United Nations to
formulate a world plan... From the very start of this unfoldment, three
occult factors have governed the development of all these plans". [Alice B.
Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol.II, p.35.]

    Although she did not spell out clearly the identity of these 'three
occult factors', she did reveal to her students that

    "Within the United Nations is the germ and seed of a great international
and meditating, reflective group -- a group of thinking and informed men and
women in whose hands lies the destiny of humanity. This is largely under the
control of many fourth ray disciples, if you could but realise it, and their
point of meditative focus is the intuitional or buddhic plane -- the plane
upon which all hierarchical activity is today to be found'. [Ibid., p.220.]

    To this end, the Lucis Trust (formerly known as the Lucifer Trust),
under the leadership of Foster and Alice Bailey, started a group called
'World Goodwill' -- an official Non-Governmental Organisation within the
United Nations. The stated aim of this group is "to cooperate in the world
of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ" [One Earth, the magazine
of the Findhorn Foundation, October/November 1986, Vol. 6, Issue 6, p.24.]
Readers should bear in mind that 'the reappearance of the Christ', as stated
in Neo-Gnostic literature, is not to be confused with the biblical concept
of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, but refers to the 'World Teacher' who
is expected to lead humanity into a forthcoming Golden Age on earth. But the
esoteric work inside the U.N. does not stop with such recognized occult
groupings. Much of the impetus for this process was initiated through the
officership of two Secretary-Generals of the U.N., Dag Hammarskjöld (held
office: 1953-1961) and U Thant (held office: 1961-1971) who succeeded him,
and one Assistant Secretary-General, Dr. Robert Muller. In a book written to
celebrate the philosophy of Teilhard de Chardin (and edited by Robert
Muller), it is revealed that "Dag Hammarskjöld, the rational Nordic
economist, had ended up as a mystic. He too held at the end of his life that
spirituality was the ultimate key to our earthly fate in time and space".
[Robert Muller (ed.), The Desire to be Human: A Global Reconnaissance of
Human Perspectives in an Age of Transformation (Miranana, 1983), p.304.]

    In case readers may be wondering what kind of 'spirituality' Dag
Hammarskjöld advocated, a leaflet about the United Nations Meditation Room
written under the direction of Mr. Hammarskjöld stated that the eerie
lodestone altar within it 'is dedicated to the God whom man worships under
many names and in many forms'. [Quoted in R.K. Spenser, The Cult of the
All-Seeing Eye (Christian Book Club of America, 1962), p.9.] We will save
for a later time to show how this syncretistic notion is fundamental to the
development of the New Spirituality, the New World Order and to the
generation of its Occult Millennium here on Earth. In 1973, the U.N.
Secretary-General U Thant -- who was also a mystic -- formed the
organisation 'Planetary Citizens' with a New Age activist called Donald
Keys. This is yet another Non-Governmental Organisation within the U.N.
which is devoted to propagating the New Gnosticism. Since its inception,
this has grown to be a global organisation which is specifically "devoted to
preparing people for the coming of the new culture" [J. Gordon Melton (ed.),
New Age Encyclopedia (Gale Research, Inc., 1990), p.357]. In a revealing
connection, Donald Keys has been actively involved with the New Age Findhorn
Community in Scotland and writes regularly for its magazine 'One Earth'. On
one such occasion, at the beginning of the 1980s, Donald Keys wrote:

    "The New Age groups are focussing and entering a new stage -- a world
related stage. They are becoming mature enough to begin to shoulder some of
the load of humanity's burden... The spread of New Age values as a unifying
"yeast" in the human loaf may be the critical ingredient for successful
emergence from the 1980s". [One Earth Image, Magazine of the Findhorn
Foundation, Vol.1, Issue 1, February/ March, 1980, p.1.]

    In this same article, Donald Keys posed the question, "To what extent
will New Age energies and values invest the human scene in the 1980s?" And
he answers: "Without doubt it will have a major impact throughout the world
on the value content of governance and the way life is lived" [Ibid]. That
this has been successfully the case, there can be no doubt. We now have all
the talk about a New World Order, and the present President of the most
influential country in the world is the most sympathetic man to the New
Gnosticism that one could have in the White House. His deputy, Albert Gore,
is also completely in tune with the ambitions of the New Spirituality.

    It is also surely of some significance here that Javier Perez de
Cuellar -- Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1982-1992 -- is
reputed to have been abducted by aliens on 30th November 1989 [The
Independent on Sunday (UK), 2nd January 1994, p.10]. Perez de Cuellar has
persistently refused to speak about this experience. However, in response to
an enquiry about the matter from the Prince of Liechtenstein -- a leading
world authority on UFOs -- he did not deny that it had occurred [Ibid.]
Whether or not this event really happened, its public disclosure through the
international media could easily be part of a softening-up process designed
by "security agencies" to prepare people to accept the idea of a
relationship between alien beings and world government leaders. (And we
could say a great deal more about this here, as it is a major part of the
Grand Deception of international governance at the present time.  See our
article on UFOs & ETs on the "Articles & Analysis" Page on this website).

    One has only to enter the so-called "Meditation Room" at the U.N.
Headquarters in New York to recognise the dark antichristian origins of the
spiritual philosophy which has conceived and pervaded this organisation. The
bare wedge-shaped room with its eerie lodestone altar, and the cryptic,
Picasso-like mural on the smallest wall, symbolise the empty heart of
countless esoteric religious cults down the ages. It therefore comes as no
surprise to learn that the U.N. has its own official Indian meditation
instructor, Sri Chinmoy, who holds two meditation sessions per week within
the U.N. building, and whose speciality is to lull his audiences into trance
with music! Even the normally staid Houses of Parliament in the U.K. have
played host to Sri Chinmoy -- at the invitation of the Speaker of the House
of Commons -- so that politicians could receive instruction in his
meditation technique. [The Daily Telegraph (UK), undated article in the
'Peterborough' column.]

    Dr. Robert Muller also sheds some light on the relationship of the
United Nations to the "New Spirituality". He rewrites the first chapter of
the biblical Book of Genesis to make it refer to the creation of the United
Nations. Under the title of 'The New Genesis', the first verse states:

    "And God saw that all nations of the earth, black and white, rich and
poor, from North or South, from East and West, and of all creeds were
sending their emissaries to a tall glass house [i.e. the U.N. Headquarters.
AM] on the shores of the River of the Rising Sun, on the Island of
Manhattan, to stand together, to think together, and to care together for
the world and all its people. And God said: "That is good". And it was the
first day of the New Age of the Earth'. [Robert Muller (ed.), The Desire to
be Human: A Global Reconnaissance of Human Perspectives in an Age of
Transformation (Miranana, 1983), p.17.]

    In another of Dr. Muller's books, "Decide to Be", we see the New Age
philosophy perfectly set forth. One passage which aptly demonstrates the
real spiritual impetus behind the United Nations reads:

    "Decide to open yourself to God, to the Universe, to all your brethren
and sisters, to your inner self...to the potential of the human race, to the
infinity of your inner self, and you will become the universe...you will
become infinity, and you will be at long last your real, divine, stupendous
self ". [Robert Muller, Decide to Be, Link-Up, 1986, p.2. This was published
by the British New Age journal 'Link-Up', which has now changed its name to
'Global Link-Up'.]

    In the mid 1980s there was a particular flurry of activity on the part
of the United Nations "New Spirituality" infiltrators to activate its
potential global influence. This surfaced initially in the series of "Peace
Meditation" days sponsored by the U.N. and "fronted" by a variety of
celebrities who are sympathetic to New Age ideology. These two "Peace
Meditation" days were designed to frame the United Nations "First Earth Run"
which began on September 16th 1986 as a flaming torch was passed from
hand-to-hand around the world, culminating on December 31st 1986 when it
ignited an "eternal flame" at the U.N. headquarters in New York. The first
peace meditation was called "The Million Minutes of Peace Appeal", while the
second was entitled "The World Instant of Cooperation". The publicity
leaflet asked the hubristic question: "Are you ready to take the world in
your hands?" [This leaflet was obtainable from: Apt.4, 95, Avenue Road, St.
John's Wood, London, NW8 6HY.]

    Although it was concealed from the general public, these deceptive
occasions were masterminded by an international galaxy of esoteric
organisations and individuals who have been working closely with the U.N.,
and whose spiritual beliefs, affiliations and aspirations are thoroughly in
accord with the "New Spirituality". For these United Nations events were
actually the brain-child of four leading occultists and global
"envisionists". First, John Randolph Price, author of many Neo-Gnostic books
such as "Superbeings" and "The Planetary Commission". He is founder of the
"Quartus Foundation for Spiritual Research" -- a Texas, U.S. based
organisation dedicated to carrying out "research and communications on the
divinity of man" [John Randolph Price, The Planetary Commision (Quartus
Books, 1980), foreword], and whose stated objective is

    "to continually document the truth that man is a spiritual being
possessing all the powers of the spiritual realm...that man is indeed God in
dividualised, and that as man realises his true identity, he becomes a
Master Mind with dominion over the material world" [Ibid., p.173]

    Others involved in the conception of these United Nations Meditation
Days were Barbara Marx Hubbard, whose 1983 book "Revelation: the Book of
Co-creation" called for a Hundredth-Monkey-style "planetary pentecost which
would alter the world's state of consciousness" [Link-Up, No.28, Autumn
1986, p.5.] Then there was David Gershon, of New York, who "envisioned" the
First Earth Run as an expression of universal cooperation; and Moscow's
Joseph Goldin who, in 1985, conceived a global New Year's Eve party to be
held in Moscow on December 31st 1986, with satellite linkage around the
world [Ibid.] At least two of these individuals openly advocate psychic
communication with spirits: Both Barbara Marx Hubbard and John Randolph
Price are among the catalogue of celebrities who are quoted on the covers of
Ken Carey's "channelled" books in the "Starseed" series published by

    Such is the background to this U.N. occult jamboree, designed to
introduce ordinary people of many faiths and Christian denominations to the
realms of occult meditation at a global level. In fact, the organisers were
living out their belief that there will be a critical point at which a
"breakthrough into a new planetary consciousness" will take place if they
can induce enough people to meditate on the planet at any one time. Among
the many patrons and sponsors of these events were the Dalai Lama, James
Callaghan, Yehudi Menuhin, Richard Leakey, Terry Waite, Dr. Linus Pauling,
Mother Teresa, Dr. Robert Muller, composer Philip Glass, comedian Dudley
Moore, actor Ben Kingsley (star of the film "Gandhi"), Paul McCartney, paper
manufacturer Bowater Scott, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, The
Human Unity Institute, Planetary Citizens, the Gandhi Foundation, U.N.A.,
Oxfam, etc.

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