-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

This is the repellent reality behind the Lavender Lobby’s rhetoric of
"tolerance" and "inclusion." From "academic" settings such as the "Exposed!"
conference radiate initiatives and measures which use the classroom as a
recruiting ground.

Teaching Tools

In 1996, the National Education Association (NEA) — which was arguably the
most powerful element of the Clinton coalition — adopted as part of its
bylaws Resolution B-7, which deals with "Racism, Sexism, and Sexual
Orientation Discrimination." The measure called for the elimination of
"discrimination" against homosexuality, the imposition of policies to
"increase acceptance" of "gays and lesbians," the integration of an "accurate
portrayal" of homosexuals "throughout history and across the curriculum," the
eradication of "subtle practices that favor the education of one student over
another on the basis of … sexual orientation," and the development and
implementation of "training programs on these matters."

One of the tools available to achieve the goals outlined by the NEA is a
video entitled It’s Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School, which has
been screened in classrooms across the country. Set in six elementary and
middle schools, the agitprop video depicts supposedly candid discussions
between "enlightened" teachers and schoolchildren. The discussions follow a
predictable script: Homosexuals are treated as oppressed victims; objection
to the practice is scorned as bigotry; and Christianity is singled out for
individualized condemnation.

"Some Christians believe if you’re gay, you’ll go to hell, so they want to
torture them and stuff like that," insists a fifth grader with the
enthusiastic certainty typical of misled innocence. An eighth grader recites
one of the sodomite lobby’s preferred sophistries: "If kids are too young to
be taught about homosexuality, then they are too young to be taught about
heterosexuality." A first-grade teacher from Wisconsin insists that parents
should be compelled to enroll their children in sodomite mind-laundry
classes: "If parents are allowed to have their children opt out of gay and
lesbian units [classes], what will happen when we teach about Dutch culture
or African-American history? It scares me."

"It’s Elementary is the latest tool in a fast-growing campaign," reports
Robert H. Knight of the Family Research Council. "A homosexual teachers
group, Gay, Lesbian and Straight Teachers Network (GLSTN), has produced its
own video, Teaching Respect for All, as part of its second annual ‘back to
school’ campaign. The 50-minute video is based on the staff training program
created by GLSTN for the Massachusetts Department of Education under
Republican Governor William Weld."

It was under Weld that the Bay State became the trendsetter in officially
sanctioned pro-homosexuality classroom indoctrination. Peter LaBarbera,
publisher of the Lambda Report, observes that under Weld’s leadership,
"Massachusetts became ground zero in the movement to promote
homosexual-affirming education policies, and the state’s ‘educrats’ are now
working with gay groups to export them to other school districts nationwide.
In 1994, after Weld created his precedent-setting ‘Governor’s Commission on
Gay and Lesbian Youth,’ Massachusetts became the first state to enact a ‘gay
rights’ law for schools."

Among the innovations mandated by the Governor’s Commission, in a February
1993 report entitled Making Schools Safe for Gay and Lesbian Youth: Breaking
the Silence in Schools and Families, was the requirement that "all certified
teachers and educators will receive training in issues relevant to the needs
and problems faced by gay and lesbian youth. Such training should be a
requirement for teacher certification and school accreditation."
Significantly, no exception was recommended for accredited religious and
private schools. The Commission also decreed that pro-homosexual messages be
"integrated into all subject areas" and the removal of "biases in existing
curriculum, such as the exclusive use of opposite-sex couples in math or
foreign language exercises."

Not content with compelled indoctrination of both teachers and students and
the censorship of "homophobic" classroom material, the Commission dictated a
set of "Anti-Harassment Policies and Guidelines." "Schools should adopt and
publicize policies which prohibit anti-gay language and harassment on the
part of faculty and students" and propound "clear guidelines … for dealing
with anti-gay epithets and speech," decreed the Commission. The body further
directed teachers and staff to take all necessary measures to eliminate
"discriminatory attitudes directed against gay and lesbian people in
general." The Commission also called for the creation of "Gay/Straight
Student Alliances" in "every high school in the Commonwealth"; these
"alliances" are essentially liaison offices with the Lavender Lobby.

Causing Them to Stumble

Newsweek for November 8, 1993 reported that in Massachusetts, "National
Coming Out Day" is "an autumnal rite every bit as gala as graduation day...."
In the state that contributed homosexual Congressman Barney Frank to the
House of Representatives, noted Newsweek, "multiculturalism has come to
embrace multisexualism." Thus "more students seem to be coming out, and
they’re coming out younger. A climate of greater tolerance is making it
possible for teens to explore more openly what they’ve historically sampled
in secret."

One of those responsible for the expanding epidemic among Massachusetts
teenagers is Karen Harbeck of the Massachusetts Governor’s Advisory
Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. Speaking in June 1997 at the Second
Congress on Family Law and the Rights of Children in San Francisco, Harbeck
proudly outlined the gains made by the sodomite revolution: "Ten years ago,
the average age of ‘coming out of the closet’ for gay men was 26; the
average age for lesbians was 28. On the average, young people today are
coming out of the closet at age 15.... And if you come out of the closet at
age 14, 15, or 16, you’ve probably been gay or lesbian for the previous six
years and had no one to talk to."

While most people would be startled by the idea of a "closeted"
eight-year-old, Harbeck insists that public schools have to "liberate" such
children — now designated as "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans-sexual, or
Questioning" (GLBTQ) youth — at the earliest possible age. "By seventh grade
it’s too late," Harbeck insisted. "People say this is an issue mainly for
high school sex education class. They’re wrong; it belongs in pre-school."

One result of the "gay youth" revolution in Massachusetts, observes
LaBarbera, "has been a proliferation of horror stories, as parents get wind
of one-sided, pro-homosexual ‘lessons’ or even ‘gay pride’ rallies at their
child’s school, often after the fact." Typical of this trend is the case of
Mike Chiusano of Beverly, Massachusetts, who in 1994 was denounced as a
"homophobe" at the dinner table by his then-14-year-old daughter after she
had attended four days of mandatory assemblies entitled "Homophobia Week."
"When Mr. Chiusano protested to the Beverly High administrators, his family
became the victim of a harassment campaign, including a phone call to his
wife from one zealot who threatened, ‘We know where your daughter lives,’"
recalls LaBarbera.

In March 1997, Douglas Matthews, the faculty adviser to the "gay-straight
alliance" at Algonquin Regional High School, distributed a "Questionnaire
about Heterosexuality" to students in a freshman history class. The
questionnaire was designed to expose and rebuke "homophobic" attitudes among
students. Among the questions contained in the handout was the following: "If
you’ve never slept with a person of the same sex and enjoyed it, is it
possible that all you need is a good gay lover?"

A similar document was distributed to students at Cupertino High School in
California. Entitled "Heterosexuality: Can It be Cured?" the leaflet,
distributed by the American Public Health Association Caucus of Gay and
Public Health Workers, declared: "Heterosexuality is a condition
characterized by a sexual attraction to members of the opposite gender. Many
persons, in all cultures, at all times, have been heterosexual.... Whatever
the cause of this phenomenon, we can state without doubt that there are many
problems associated with heterosexuality, both for the individual and society
at large." Among the "problems" listed were pregnancy and "a state of
homophobia." Suggested "cures" for heterosexuality included psychotherapy and
widespread sterilization of the heterosexual population.

The time is not far distant when it may be a federal offense for anyone in
either the public or the private sectors to present smoking in a positive —
or even neutral — context. If present trends in the classroom are any guide,
the same federal government will eventually criminalize opposition of any
kind to homosexuality — and American schoolchildren are being prepared for
that dreadful day.


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