-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Those WTO Protests
By Ilana Mercer

With the anniversary of the WTO protest, the protesters
once again descended on the city of Seattle. Like a
troop of primates, they hooted, threw rocks and bottles
of gasoline, even pelleted a police officer's eye out.
Those who weren't dragged off, left, knuckles still
trailing the pavement, and the debate not much more

The WTO must, of course, be opposed with vigor, but not
for the reasons the protesters trot out. As an organ of
the United Nations, the WTO should strike terror in the
heart of any true free trader. The organization is the
concoction of international statists; it's a powerful
bureaucracy concerned with managing trade not freeing
it; a central planner whose goal it is to "harmonize"
labour, health and environmental laws throughout the

Wrote commentator Lew Rockwell before the charter was
ratified: "The WTO will convert peaceful trade into
policy imperialism. It will allow economic exchange
with some countries under approved conditions, and
impose a variety of sanctions on others. The conditions
will include all the legislation beloved to the U.S.
left-liberals..." In short, a mercantilist takeover
that bears little resemblance to free trade.

Every nation produces and exports what it can generate
most efficiently. It imports the products it cannot
generate efficiently. The same division of labour and
barter occurs between individuals. The top-notch lawyer
may be perfectly capable of repairing his car, but
his time is more productively spent in counsel. It
pays him to hire a mechanic. It is precisely this
inequality of human and natural resources that impels
nations -- rich and poor, developed and undeveloped -- to
co-operate and trade to mutual advantage.

All of which trade barriers obstruct.

Poor nations must be able to use their labour leverage, and
they should have free entry into our markets. This means
abolishing malevolent quotas and anti-dumping regulations,
and allowing developing -- and all other -- nations to
flood our markets, or sell to us below cost to their
heart's content.

To duck prosecution under our protectionist laws, a
foreign trader must raise his prices. And from who is
this duty confiscated? From the consumer, naturally.
"Trade with this foreign price-cutter," governments
effectively tell the consumer, "and we'll seize an extra
$10 from you." Is this not naked theft that our execrable
anti-free traders are cheering? Tell me this isn't a rank
violation of the right to contract freely.

This protectionism, the kind the protesting monolith
advocates, is to the detriment of third world nations.
It also forces consumers to subsidize less efficient local
industries, making them the poorer for it. To keep
inefficient industries in the lap of luxury, hundreds of
others are doomed to shrink or go under.

While they loitered about the streets, our cherubs chomped
on their dirt-cheap tofu and big Mac burgers. The cheap
transportation that got them there, and the technology
that disseminates their sub-intelligent messages, were
once luxuries reserved for few. Thanks to mass production
and economic freedom these are now staples for the masses.
Our humanitarians suffer no shortages, yet they would
prevent third world nations from aspiring to this plenty.

And so they vilify Kathy Lee Gifford or Nike for having
created jobs where few likely existed.

But let us deconstruct a little: Nike is either offering
higher, the same or lower wages than the wages workers
were earning before its arrival. This franchise would
find it hard to attract workers if the case was that it
was offering less, or the same as other companies. It
must be then that Nike, and Starbucks are benefactors
that offer the kind of wage unavailable prior to their

Moreover, economies where child labor is a sad fact are
best compared to medieval England or Europe. Child labor
is not the problem in Chad or Bhutan, poverty is. Child
labor is merely a solution to this problem. Had a
government in England of the 1500s outlawed child labor,
the death of millions of children would have followed.
Children, very plainly, must work to survive in these

Wages in the US and Canada are high not because of any
intrinsic quality of the workers, but because labor is
highly productive, which is due to the degree of capital
invested in it. The Canadian and American work force is
infinitely more productive than that of developing
countries, hence it is more expensive. The entrepreneur
who is forced to pay third world workers in excess of
their productivity will simply go bankrupt.

Alas, these realities are not for our street fighting
dilettantes to fathom or consider. These protesters
are, after all, paternalistic westerners who need to
preserve their Hollywood image of the authentic -- if
starving -- foreigner.

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