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WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

The New York Times’ brief for war against Iraq

By Bill Vann and Barry Grey
25 February 2003

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In the buildup to war against Iraq, the editors of the New York Times have
postured as “responsible” allies of the growing antiwar movement. Their
modus operandi has been to castigate those elements who denounce the
impending war as an act of imperialist aggression, while advocating a
“healthy debate” about “nuanced” differences with the policy elaborated
by Washington.

With its editorial statement on the impending war, “Power and Leadership:
The Real Meaning of Iraq,” published February 23, the Times has dropped
this pretense, coming forward openly as a mouthpiece for American
imperialism, while offering a bit of friendly tactical advice to the Bush

It is a bloated piece that appears to have been dictated by a committee
and then patched together by a re-write man. Rambling on for two entire
columns and running the length of the editorial page, it adopts the
habitual Times pose: dressing up a predatory US policy in the language of
high-minded morality and international principles.

It is a thoroughly dishonest statement, riddled with contradictions, which
makes clear that this erstwhile voice of American liberalism is at one with
the Bush administration in its desperate desire for war.

Published on the eve of an attempt by Washington and the government of
British Prime Minister Tony Blair to force through another Security Council
resolution authorizing an attack, the editorial vents the newspaper’s hope
that the coming slaughter will be sanctified by the United Nations. But if
these efforts fail, it leaves no doubt that the Times will back a war just the

“Right now, things don’t look promising for those of us who believe this is
a war worth waging, but only with broad international support,” the Times
laments. It notes that the “invasion force is in place, and the military’s
schedule seems to demand that it attack within a few weeks.”

The editorial uncritically echoes the Bush administration’s claim that its
only aim is to protect America and the world from Iraqi weapons of mass
destruction. Why is it that most of the world’s governments—not to
mention the vast majority of the world’s people—fail to accept this claim
as genuine? The editorial blames this on a wily Saddam Hussein’s supposed
success in drawing “the United Nations into a game of find the
handkerchief, in which the burden is on the inspectors to track down
mobile laboratories or sniff out hidden weapons.”

It is the Times, however, that is performing a verbal sleight-of-hand. Who
has proven the existence of mobile laboratories? The chief UN weapons
inspector dismissed Secretary of State Colin Powell’s assertions that such
rolling labs were being operated by Iraq. US claims of concealed weapons
have likewise failed to pan out whenever the inspectors have visited
supposed hiding places identified by US intelligence.

Iraq missiles as the final pretext

The Times seizes on the current controversy over Iraq’s Al Samoud 2
missiles, which the UN inspectors claim exceed a 90-mile range imposed
after the Persian Gulf War of 1991. Iraq insists that once equipped with
warheads and guidance systems, the missiles cannot go further than the
allowed distance.

This side issue, the paper suggests, could serve as the final casus belli,
with the UN telling Hussein “he must let the inspectors watch him get rid
of his missiles immediately, or outside forces will do it for him, with the
support of the international community.”

The recourse to the missile issue raises to new heights the cynicism that
has pervaded every aspect of the US war drive, including the diplomatic
maneuvering within the UN Security Council. The issue arose precisely
because Iraq provided the UN inspectors with data on the missile test
results—a clear example of cooperation with the inspections regime that
the country is supposedly defying. Either way, Iraq will be found guilty as

The demand that Iraq destroy its short-range missiles takes place as the US
and Britain are readying a massive assault that the American military itself
has dubbed “shock and awe.” At the moment, Iraq is surrounded by some
150,000 US troops equipped with thousands of missiles, each capable of
traveling hundreds of miles to wreak death and destruction. Under these
conditions, with the entire country bracing for the coming onslaught, it is
demanded that the Baghdad give up one of its decidedly inferior weapons

To add to the grotesque fraud, Bush made it clear on February 22 that an
agreement by Baghdad to give up the missiles would not alter the US
invasion timetable one iota.

The Times editorial proceeds to cram nearly every pretext advanced by
Bush administration for war into a single paragraph: “Although many
Americans are puzzled about why the Bush administration chose to pick
this fight now, it’s not surprising that in the wake of Sept. 11, the
president would want to make the world safer, and that one of his top
priorities would be eliminating Iraq’s ability to create biological, chemical
and nuclear weapons. Of all the military powers in the world, Iraq is the
one that has twice invaded its neighbors without provocation and that has
used chemical weapons both on its military foes and some of its own
restive people.”

Iraq, the newspaper claims, is the only military power to have twice
invaded its neighbors without provocation. Really?

How many military interventions and invasions has the US carried out over
the two decades since the onset of the Iran-Iraq war? Well over a dozen,
and not just against neighbors, but in the most far-flung corners of the
world. It has attacked, bombed, waged terrorist war, or occupied
Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada, Haiti, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Lebanon, Iraq,
Iran, Afghanistan and the various fragments of what was once Yugoslavia. It
now has troops participating in counterinsurgency campaigns from
Colombia to the Philippines.

This is in addition to the 3 million Vietnamese killed in a 10-year US war in
Southeast Asia. The current plans to invade and conquer Iraq are the
culmination of two decades of escalating US militarism. It is hardly any
wonder that recent polls in Britain and elsewhere show that Bush is seen
as a far greater threat to world peace than Saddam Hussein.

In any event, the US, as the Times well knows, generally backed Saddam
Hussein in the war with Iran and tacitly sanctioned his use of chemical

Who will be next?

The Times goes on to suggest that Washington is justified in invading Iraq
because it has an obligation to ensure “that no other despotic
governments run by irrational adventurers get hold of nuclear arms.”
There is an obvious question posed by this assertion: who will be next? Will
a war against Iraq be followed by an invasion of Iran, which by all accounts
has a far more developed nuclear program? No one can rule out nuclear
capabilities being acquired by Syria, Libya or a half- dozen other potential
targets to be branded as “rogue states.”

Next comes an example of hypocrisy and intellectual poverty that is
extraordinary, even for the inveterate dissemblers of the New York Times.
The editorial chastises the Bush administration as follows: “All too often,
American officials have undermined their own case by demonstrating
reckless enthusiasm for a brawl, denigrating allies who fail to fall in line or
overstating their case against Iraq, particularly when it comes to a link
between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda.”

In other words, the administration is guilty of war mongering, international
bullying, and wholesale lying. The editorial at a later point reiterates that
Bush is lying about Saddam Hussein’s alleged ties to Al Qaeda, noting that
popular support for the coming war is “thin as a wafer and based on
misapprehension that Iraq is clearly linked to terrorism.”

Here the Times admits that the fragile support Bush has for his war on Iraq
is based on government lies. This, however, does not prevent the Times
from peddling as gospel truth the rest of the Bush administration’s war

Indeed, the newspaper lauds the White House for its diplomatic “skill” and
legal sensibilities in taking the case for war to the UN. The very next
sentence of the editorial declares that “to his credit, President Bush
worked hard to achieve unanimous support of the Security Council for
Resolution 1441...” This is followed by praise for Bush having shown himself
“willing to give the United Nations both time and space to make up its

Further on, the Times expresses the hope that after the US military
conquers Iraq it will “unearth proof of a large nuclear program, stockpiles
of terrifying biological weapons and real evidence of serious collusion
between Saddam Hussein and international terrorists,” and thereby
vindicate the war.

But why should anyone believe the postwar “proof” of a government that
systematically lied to the people before the war? The Times is either
oblivious to this glaring contradiction in its own argument, or is so
contemptuous of the public it believes it can get away with any sort of

Oil—the unmentionable word

One word never appears in the Times argument for war: oil. This is not an
oversight. Just last month the newspaper’s chief foreign correspondent,
Thomas Friedman, penned a column entitled “A war for oil?” [See New York
Times’ Thomas Friedman: “No problem with a war for oil”]

Friedman merely acknowledged, with his trademark fusion of cynicism and
swinishness, what most people already know: “Is the war that the Bush
team is preparing to launch in Iraq really a war for oil? My short answer is

Yet, in what clearly is meant to be the Times’definitive statement on the
prospect of war in Iraq, the three-letter word never appears. This in and
of itself brands the editorial as a deliberate effort to conceal the real war
aims of the American ruling elite in Iraq.

The editorial goes on to list the newspaper’s apprehensions and concerns
over a war undertaken without the political cover of UN sanction. It makes
some damning admissions, including the fact that “much of the world has
begun comparing [the US] to ancient Rome” because of its unilateral use
of military power. It sanctimoniously cautions, “The test now is whether
we will find a new way to exercise our power in which leadership, self-
discipline and concern for the common good will outweigh our smaller

The Times discretely avoids any description of these “impulses.” Perhaps
its editors have in mind plans to hand over Iraqi oilfields to the US energy
giants and turn US military rule of the country into a bonanza for American

The editorial concludes with unctuous words about “the real test of
American leadership,” urging the Bush administration to “use our influence
to unite [the world] around a shared vision of progress, human rights and
mutual responsibility.”

Even hypocrisy should have some limits. The Bush administration’s has
elaborated a “vision” of preemptive war to pursue unchallenged
domination of the world’s markets and resources. Notwithstanding the
Times’ enthusiasm for UN backing, whether or not Washington succeeds in
bribing and blackmailing enough countries on the Security Council to push
through a UN resolution will not change in the slightest the imperialist and
aggressive character of the coming invasion.

Nor will it stop the fracturing of world capitalism into increasingly hostile
blocs. While the European and Japanese ruling classes are insufficiently
powerful at the moment to check US imperialism’s ambitions, the road that
the Bush administration is taking inevitably leads towards a new world war.
Only the emergence of an independent revolutionary movement of the
international working class can halt this process.

A major consideration in the Times’ lobbying for UN sanction of the
war—one that is not raised openly in the editorial—is fear of possible war
crimes prosecutions. The editorial hints in this direction, warning that a
US intervention in Iraq “could go terribly wrong, very quickly. The war
could be brutal and protracted.”

Among more astute sections of the American ruling elite, there is
undoubtedly concern that the unprovoked slaughter they are about to
carry out against a defenseless country falls entirely within the legal
definition of a war crime, no different in essence from the first
charge—planning and waging a war of aggression—for which the Nazi regime
was tried at Nuremberg. UN sanction would provide some legal protection
against potential war crimes charges.

The value of such a resolution, however, is limited. Whatever happens at
the UN, the violence, death and destruction that is being prepared against
the Iraqi people will create a powerful constituency among the working
people of the entire planet for bringing all those responsible to justice.

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