As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:637939">Trashing the Media<
Subject: Trashing the Media
A> (Mike . Schneider)
Date: Fri, Aug 25, 2000 4:07 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article, Wayne Mann, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> [A]ll he is interested in is trying to trash the media.

   Read the following, and then ask yourself why that's so bad.

George Will, Feb., 1996: "We're not interested in that [Foster case]
Fred Barnes, Feb. 23, 1996: "Conservatives should ignore the death of
   Vincent Foster and stick to the real issues... It was a suicide...
   No, I don't want to meet Patrick Knowlton."
James Stewart, March 20, 1996: "Now I think it is too much of a
   coincidence that he [Foster] would be that depressed and then that
   somebody would somehow move in and fake some kind of crime. Life just
   doesn't work like that."
Ted Gest, 1996: "Our magazine [Newsweek] covers consumer issues, that is
   not the kind of story we cover, try one of the daily papers."
James Whalen (St. Paul Journalism Prof.), "If there was anything suspicious
   about Foster's death the Washington press would cover it."
Paul Gigot (Wall St. J.), July 23, 1996: "Foster committed suicide.
   Everything points to that... No, I don't want to meet him [Patrick
   Knowlton] and you probably think I am part of the conspiracy."
Jerry Seper (Wash. Times), Oct. 17, 1996: "I don't cover Foster, I'm
   covering Whitewater. Ask George Archibald, he has been assigned the
   Foster story."
George Archibald, Oct. 24, 1996: "Foster is dead. I don't cover Foster...
   My time is limited."
Eugene Meyer (Wash. Post), Nov. 5, 1996: "No, it's not my job... I don't
   care about your friend."
Karen Ballard (Wash. Times), Nov. 5, 1996: "Why don't you write the story."
William Kristol, Nov. 8, 1996: "Amazing... What kind of work does Mr.
   Knowlton do?"
Candy Crowley (CNN), Kwame Holman, Peter Kenyon (NPR), Nov. 19, 1996:
   "If it was reported I would cover it... I have to cover other news,
   it's not my job."
Carl Stern, Michael McCurry, Marlin Fitzwater, & Charles Bierbauer (CNN),
   Feb. 13, 1997: "We don't know anything about it."
Cokie Roberts, April 13, 1997: "Thousands of reporters have looked into
   the death of Vincent Foster and everyone including the numerous
   investigations have concluded that his death was a suicide."
Paul Harvey, July 16, 1997: "The death of White House counsel Vincent
   Foster has now been investigated four times including Kenneth Starr's
   most recent one and all four have reached the same conclusion. There
   was no conspiracy, no cover-up, it was suicide."
Mike Wallace, July 23, 1997: "Just wait until Ken Starr's report is
   released, then you can apologize to me."
Tom Sherwood, WRC-DC, July 31, 1997: "I can't believe there would be a
   cover-up... Why don't you contact Mike Isikoff."
Michael Isikoff, Aug. 13, 1997: "[I] do not have enough evidence to go
   with the story about Patrick Knowlton's allegations."
Martha Malan, (St. Paul Press), Oct. 12, 1997: "We don't have the resources
   to cover the Foster story... No, I don't want to talk to Patrick Knowlton.
John Crudele (N.Y. Post), Nov., 1997: "I don't believe there is a cover-up."
Bob Zelnick, May 30, 1998: "[There isn't] any credible evidence that Vincent
   Foster was murdered. Can I ask to change the subject?"
Harold Hostetler, June 25, 1998: "Mr. Knowlton does appear to be an honest
   and forthright person who is sticking up for his principles and beliefs.
   However, I do not see this as a potential story for Guideposts."
Sam Fullwood (L.A. Times) at Sanford Ungar AU forum (with L. Brent
   Bozell III, Karen DeYoung & Bill Plante), Sept. 8, 1998: "It's not my
   kind of story... Why don't you post it on the Internet then everyone
   will know... Why don't you write a book, you could make lots of money."
Matt Drudge, "I'll read this [written materials] but I was just about ready
   to believe the body was moved and now you're saying he was murdered."

Helen Thomas, Oct. 7, 1998: "[T]his should be reported to the people."
Helen Thomas, April 9, 1999: "Q. I gave you the addendum to Starr's Report.
   Will you write about Patrick Knowlton? A. No... I don't have time.
   Q. Can I quote you? A. No. Q. You said then that his story should be
   reported. A. It is very unfair of you to do this to me. Just forget it."
= = =

   I also gather Vince thought it was very unfair to get killed.

= = =
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Frequently Asked Questions

Both supporters and critics have asked us the same questions about
various aspects of the investigations into the death, and about
our motives in pursuing the case. Many of those questions appear
below, along with our answers. Please let us know if you have any
suggestions for revisions to this area of the site.

Q. The Foster family appears to have accepted the official suicide
conclusion. So, isn't pursuing this case thoughtless of the
feelings of Mr. Foster's family? Isn't it time to let Mr. Foster
rest in peace?

A. The Foster family has been denied the closure that any family
would expect. That said, those who make this point are not
authorized to speak for the Foster family. But even if this
argument were made by someone authorized to make it, and even if
the entire Foster family would rather believe the suicide
conclusion rather than Mr. Foster's death being at the hand of
another, there are other considerations. Crimes are not committed
solely against the victim or his family. They are committed
against society, and society has an interest in seeing to it that
justice is done. That is particularly true in a case such as this
- where the crime has been covered up for over six years by the
highest level of government, and where the American public has
been repeatedly lied to.

Q. None of you are experts in homicide investigation. The government
has employed many experts over the years to review various aspects
of the case. Why should I believe you over them?

A. We employed not a single expert to prove the case because you
simply don't need experts to prove this cover-up. You don't need
an expert to tell you whether the crime scene had been tampered
with - you need only the accounts of the witnesses. You don't need
an expert to opine whether the FBI covered up that Mr. Foster
didn't own the gun recovered from his hand -- or that the gunshot
residue on his hands proves that he couldn't have fired it -- or
that the manufacturer of the ammunition found from the recovered
gun has never used the type of gunpowder found on the body. You
don't need an expert to opine whether Mr. Foster drove to the park
in a car he didn't own without any car keys. These are just a few
examples of the proof on this site. You shouldn't believe us over
the government's experts. You should simply look at the facts -
drawn from the federal government's own investigative record in
the case - proving cover-up in every aspect of the case.

Q, Wasn't Mr. Foster suffering from severe depression?

A. No, but we devote very little time to that issue in the filing
because, in light of the physical evidence in the case, the
depression issue is irrelevant.

Q. If Mr. Foster was murdered, what was the motive?

A. Motive is generally used to tie a particular defendant to a
particular crime, not to determine whether a crime was committed.
In this case, we have proved that a crime was committed, and
covered up, but we are not in a position to prove who committed
the initial crime or why. In the Watergate cover-up, there was no
official conclusion about who ordered the Watergate break-in or why.

Q. Why is it necessary to prove the cover-up to prosecute Patrick's
civil rights case?

A. Under the law of conspiracy liability, all participants in the
cover-up are responsible for the civil rights violation that
Patrick suffered. Therefore, the question of the existence of the
conspiracy, as well as its participants, are issues in the lawsuit.

Q. If there is a conspiracy, wouldn't the press have reported it?

A. There is overwhelming proof of the media's keeping the facts from
public view. For example, in September of 1997, the three-judge
panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals ordered Mr. Starr, over his
objection, to attach evidence of five separate aspects of the
cover-up to his office's report on Mr. Foster's death. Despite its
obvious historical significance, the news media reported the
contents of Mr. Starr's report, but not the existence or contents
of its court-ordered appendix. Many people, including journalists,
dismiss the existence of a cover-up in the case based on the
absence of its being reported in the news. But this reasoning is
based the premise that the American press would report evidence of
a cover-up. A review of the facts and developments in the case
proves that this premise is false. (See
<A HREF="">

Q. If there is a cover-up, why wouldn't Mr. Starr's office have
exposed it?

A. Mr. Starr used the FBI to investigate this case. It was the third
FBI probe into the death. By turning his office into a "microcosm
of the justice department" (Mr. Starr's description), he has
undermined the independent counsel law. The term "independent
counsel" is short for "independent from the Justice Department
counsel." Mr. Starr testified before Congress that he "loves" the
Justice Department. Apparently, he is not the type of person to
"pull the rug out" from under the DOJ. As far as we know, Mr.
Starr did not personally participate in the cover-up. But we do
know that he allowed it to continue. Many people dismiss the
existence of a cover-up in the case based on Mr. Starr's having
failed to expose it. But that too is reasoning based on a false
premise that Mr. Starr would not fail to expose evidence of a
cover-up. Again, the starting point is a review of the facts of the case.

Q. Didn't Congress investigate this case, and wouldn't it have
exposed any cover-up?

A. Congress did not investigate Mr. Foster's death. The 1994 Senate
Banking Committee's jurisdiction was limited to investigating
whether the White House improperly influenced the "Park Service"
probe into the death. You wouldn't know this from the media's
coverage of the hearings - it broadcast remarks from Senator Orrin
Hatch's opening statement of the one-day hearing, where the
Senator announced that there was "no reliable evidence" to
contradict the Fiske Report's conclusions. Senator D'Amato's 1995
Hearings had the requisite jurisdiction, but declined to probe the
death. The facts of the case prove that we cannot trust Congress
to expose the wrongdoing.

Q. If there is a cover-up, why hasn't someone come forward to tell
the truth?

A. Someone did. Several witnesses who were at Fort Marcy Park
reported that Mr. Foster's car was not in the Fort Marcy lot when
Mr. Foster was already dead. Others, when showed the photographs
of Mr. Foster's body at the park, reported that the crime scene
had been tampered with. We don't know how many witnesses, besides
Patrick Knowlton and those whose accounts appear in the public
record, may have come forward. Additionally, put yourself in the
position of a witness who has some information regarding the crime
or its cover-up. To whom would you go? The FBI? The news media?
The Congress? There is just no one to come forward to.

Q. Why should I care how or where Mr. Foster died over six years ago,
and why should I help get the facts out?

A. Look at the bigger picture. Proof of foul play and cover-up in
this case is proof that our constitutional system of checks and
balances failed in this case - the executive branch failed, the
legislative branch failed, and the news media failed. Proof of
cover-up is proof that we cannot rely on our separate democratic
institutions to protect us from government corruption, as our
Founding Fathers envisioned. Perhaps most importantly, proof of
cover-up is proof that we cannot rely on the news media to keep
government honest.

The American public can demand better, but not without the proof
of what it is we have been getting. The court filing on this site
provides that proof. We can't rely on the very democratic
institutions that have failed us to tell us of their failures.
Public knowledge of this state of affairs would give us the
ammunition we need to improve the health of our democracy. We
cannot fix what we don't know is broken. So, the existence of the
cover-up in this case being widely known is important to us all.
It's essential that the American people learn the truth. That's
why we're asking for your help in getting the truth out to the
American people - to improve the quality of our government and
news media.

Mike Schneider, VRWC Sentinel Outpost.  "Autoguns, on-line!"  +--+--+--+
Reply to sans two @@, or your reply won't reach me.

RABBLE, n.  In a republic, those who exercise a supreme authority
tempered by fraudulent elections.  The rabble is like the sacred
Simurgh, of Arabian fable -- omnipotent on condition that it do
nothing.  (The word is Aristocratese, and has no exact equivalent
in our tongue, but means, as nearly as may be, "soaring swine".)
   -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary", cc 1888
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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