-Caveat Lector-

Best be wary of trend toward more mandatory vaccinations
Charley Reese
Orlando Sentinel, June 15, 1999.

There is a growing trend to make more vaccinations mandatory. This is quite
profitable for the pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccines, but it
is not a good idea.

In the first place, health treatment should always be a personal decision
the patient or, in the case of children, the parents. Vaccines are not
risk-free. Some people die from them; others suffer bad, but not
fatal, side effects.

There has been, according to a newsletter published by Physicians for Civil
Defense, an as-yet unexplained rise in diabetes, asthma, autism and
attention deficit disorder. At least in some quarters people are beginning
to think there may be a link to vaccines or to certain kinds of vaccines.

A health official from Missouri told Congress in written testimony that
there had been a significant increase in the number of children entering
school with developmental disorders. "There is only one common thread we
identify with all these children: They are the children who received the
first trial hepatitis B injections as newborns in the early 1990s."

Now is the time to make a distinction between a personal physician and a
government bureaucracy. Bureaucracies are just that, and they are run by
bureaucrats regardless of their mission. The Centers for Disease Control is
a government bureaucracy. The National Institutes of Health are government

The pertinent characteristic of a bureaucrat, even one with a medical
degree, is that his focus is on programs and budgets, not on individuals.
Like the good soldier, the bureaucrats have a tendency to defend the
program, to minimize or dismiss critics or dissenters. In the case of
grant-making, they tend to finance their own prejudices and to deny money
people, no matter how well qualified, who have different ideas. That is
probably why federal medical research, despite billions of dollars spent,
has not found a cure for corns or colds, much less for cancer or acquired
immune deficiency syndrome.

Once the government decides to mandate vaccinations, the bureaucrats will
justify it. But you should ask yourself: If the vaccines are so safe, why
did the manufacturers seek from Congress a grant of immunity from liability
suits? In other words, as our government has evolved, if you listen to the
"official sources," you will get the official party line. Honest, two-way
communication with government has become almost an impossibility.

Establishment medicine, such as the American Medical Association and the
American Academy of Pediatricians, strongly supports mandatory vaccination,
but you should remember the powerful influence pharmaceutical companies
in these organizations. Both are very much politicized.

For example, while the official line is "the most common side effect of
hepatitis B vaccination is soreness where the shot is given," Physicians
Civil Defense found that to be false. Getting the data, they found that
injection-site pain occurred in 605 cases but that prolonged screaming
occurred in 631 cases. Altogether, more than 4,600 cases involved a
first-listed side effect indicating central-nervous-system involvement.
About 24 percent of the reports and 85 percent of the deaths involved
children 2 years old and younger.

Your best bet for sound advice is from a personal physician, preferably one
with whom you and your family have a longtime relationship. Thanks to
government interference, it has become increasingly difficult for people to
find physicians able to establish that kind of relationship.

Medicine, like corporate hog farms, has become an industry of mass
production. And physicians haven't had much say in the matter.

One source of information you may wish to check out is the National Vaccine
Information Center (www.909shot.com).

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