-Caveat Lector-

A couple of important quotes from the material below:

    There is a principle that underlies declarations and policy emanating
from the United Nations. That principle is spelled out in the book, Peace or
Anarchy by Cord Meyer Jr. of the
*United World Federalists*. "The UN must be given the constitutional
authority to maintain security through laws which call for OBEDIENCE FROM
government can override."

    Military sources stated that the training is designed to provide
realistic training by combining together foreign soldiers alongside U.S.
troops. "Most of these countries don't deal with peace keeping missions."
But "peace keeping is becoming much more prevalent in the world today", said
U.S. Army Sergeant John Hartline. He revealed further what is actually meant
by peace keeping when he stated, "it (peace keeping) is very important
because a lot of the countries are not accustomed to dealing with civil
disturbances and that's exactly what this training is about."

Dave Hartley

    With the precision of a military strike, foreign troops descended on the
Gulf Coast of the United States in late June and early July. As was reported
in a previous WINDS report (see: "Peace Keeping" Armies Train for Global
Control"), albeit the troops came at the invitation of the American
government to be part of Cooperative Nugget '97. This military training
exercise took place at the Joint Readiness Training Center at Ft. Polk,

    The exercise brought together more than 4,000 soldiers from four NATO
countries and eighteen European and Central Asian countries. These non-NATO
countries are members of the United Nations, Partnership for Peace program,
some of which may soon become members of the expanding NATO.

    In opening ceremony remarks the Supreme Allied Commander stated that,
"Cooperative Nugget takes place at a decisive time in history," when it will
take not fewer soldiers, but "greater soldiers, who understand what working
together means." He said that it will require the "support of the U.S.
Congress and the average American citizen who understand that the world is
not a safer place to live. We are truly at the beginning of a new millennium
where nations can and must work together." One wonders if the world is not a
safe place because of these "greater soldiers."

    Military sources stated that the training is designed to provide
realistic training by combining together foreign soldiers alongside U.S.
troops. "Most of these countries don't deal with peace keeping missions."
But "peace keeping is becoming much more prevalent in the world today", said
U.S. Army Sergeant John Hartline. He revealed further what is actually meant
by peace keeping when he stated, "it (peace keeping) is very important
because a lot of the countries are not accustomed to dealing with civil
disturbances and that's exactly what this training is about."

    This international collection of military personnel has been assembled
under NATO sponsorship, with UN influence visible throughout. They are said
to have been brought together to "hone their peace keeping skills" and this
joint exercise serves to clarify how NATO and the UN define peace keeping.
The training largely involves military interaction with civilian and
non-military personnel under a variety of conditions.

    In a communique released to the press the organizers state, "During
training exercises troops will deal with civilians and the (news) media
through the unique rules of engagement required in these types of
operations." In a series of photographs of the event, the soldiers are shown
to be heavily armed when dealing with the yielding and passive populace. The
photographs also show the techniques and tactics associated with
humanitarian and peace keeping operations, which include a Hungarian soldier
searching a civilian at a UN checkpoint, Lithuanian soldiers searching rooms
for contraband items, a Turkish platoon leader escorting civilians during
patrol training and a Polish soldier searching a civilian's baggage. In
"React to a Civil Disturbance Training", one of 33 tasks in the situational
training exercise, a Latvian soldier detains a civilian whose hands are
raised in a surrender position.

    These are the soldiers who will be in charge of the world's next trouble
spot and they are being trained to deal with whatever unfortunate people
fall under their jurisdiction. The sight of these NATO - UN soldiers,
bristling with heavy weaponry as they command and control the civilian
population, is in striking contrast to the friendly and familiar local
police officer who is always on hand to assist those he serves.

    Officials say "there are no hidden agendas associated with this
exercise--only the opportunity to demonstrate the role of the American
military to emerging democracies." If the training exercises are an
indication of the role the military will play in societies around the world,
then there are, in fact, no secret agendas. What it does reveal, however, is
the ominously impending transition of the military from a defender of the
people to a dictatorial oppressor of the people.

    Charles Lichenstein, former U.S. Representative to the UN, gives this
revealing insight into the United Nations peace keeping agenda. "The UN is
reinventing what used to be called "peace keeping". In the last several
years, that do-good concept has been stretched to encompass a range of UN
operations that typically involve the use of force, even the waging of war.
'UN peace keeping' is a dangerously misleading misnomer."

    A furor was created in Germany recently when news headlines reported
what actually took place in the "peace troops" training. International News
Electronic Telegraph (July 5, 1997) PEACE TROOPS SIMULATE EXECUTIONS...
"German soldiers training for service as peace keepers in Bosnia filmed
themselves simulating executions of civilians, the Defense Ministry said in
Bonn. During the training some soldiers would dress as civilians to simulate
scenes they might face in Bosnia." One might ask if they are simply joining
their American counterparts in "honing their peace keeping skills?"

    Those who direct and control the world's military are changing its focus
and mission. Countries are shifting away from the traditional role of
protecting their individual sovereignty and their citizens' liberty of
conscience. They are being redirected to encompass what NATO's Supreme
Allied Commander called, "that new vision." As the new vision develops, it
will be seen to be a monumental departure from past loyalties and values.

    It was during the Reagan years that many of the domestic military and
intelligence programs were instituted. Operation Garden Plot is the code
name for the use of coordinated military action in law enforcement at any
time during a civil disturbance within the fifty states, District of
Columbia, and possessions and territories The operation of the FBI's
COINTELPRO Domestic Counter Intelligence Program, FEMA Federal Emergence
Management Agency, and JTTF Joint Terror Task Force, all give the government
the authority to step in and immediately crush any civil disturbance or
turmoil which might occur. Civil disturbances are defined as riots, acts of
violence, insurrection, unlawful obstruction or assemblage, or other
disorders prejudicial to public law and order.

    Urban Warfare Training has been conducted in Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami,
Detroit, Pittsburgh, Washington, Charlotte, and may be coming to a city near
you. These exercises may be calculated to condition the American people to
the sights and sounds of warfare in their neighborhoods. About ten mock
invasions of major U.S. cities occur each year. The Charlotte Observer
reports on one such invasion in March of this year, "Without warning,
helicopters swooped over Third Ward, scaring residents with sounds of
simulated bombs and gunfire as commandos stormed a vacant warehouse. They
used training ammunition designed to look and sound like the real thing,
with flash-bangs and people jumping out of helicopters. About 100 Army
special operations troops descended on uptown for a secret drill. 12
helicopters, including special Black Hawks, swooped in. Charlotte residents,
rattled by hovering choppers and noises that sounded like explosions,
flooded police and city offices with complaints."

    This is another aspect of "honing the peace keeping skills" that is
employed by the global elite. Peace keeping, as defined by the UN, more
closely resembles civilian conditioning and control which will increasingly
take place on a worldwide scale as the New World Order becomes fully

    There is a principle that underlies declarations and policy emanating
from the United Nations. That principle is spelled out in the book, Peace or
Anarchy by Cord Meyer Jr. of the United World Federalists. "The UN must be
given the constitutional authority to maintain security through laws which
FIRST DUTY and which no government can override."

    The suggestion of rendering foremost allegiance to the dictates of the
United Nations runs counter to both the United States Constitution and the
highest principle of human rights--liberty of conscience. Giving preeminent
homage to UN dogma is in opposition to the law of man's true freedom.

    The world is witnessing, on a massive global scale, the lethal
conditioning of humanity. Whole populations can so easily become
desensitized to the significance of the most earth-shaking events happening
around them. As exemplified in the degradation of the moral and ethical
character of our military, what seems reprehensible and abhorrent at the
outset, slowly becomes reasonable and justified after a period of

Written 7/17/97
Copyright © 1997 The WINDS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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