-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Army Documents Warn of Occupation Hazards
The War After the War
by Jason Vest
March 19 - 25, 2003

After a victory in Iraq, the transition from soldier to cop may be
harrowing for
the U.S. military.

Despite the sanguine way George W. Bush and his chamberlains talk about a
post-war Iraq, senior military officers are worried.

According to recent unpublicized U.S. Army War College studies being read
with increasing interest by some Pentagon planners, "The possibility of the
States winning the war and losing the peace in Iraq is real and serious."

And that's especially true if occupation force soldiers are not retrained
to be "something similar to a constabulary force" and imbued with the
that "force is often the last resort of the occupation soldier." The War
College studies explore in detail a troubling paradox: While all experts
agree that
stabilizing post-Saddam Iraq would be a protracted endeavor, "the longer a
U.S. occupation of Iraq continues," one of the studies notes, "the more
exists that elements of the Iraqi population will become impatient and take
violent measures to hasten the departure of U.S. forces."

One study broaches the subject of suicide attacks against U.S. soldiers.
"The impact of suicide bombing attacks in Israel goes beyond their
numbers," it says, "and this fact will also capture the imagination of
would-be Iraqi terrorists."

Yet Bush and some of his top advisers have consistently preached that
laying the foundation for post-blood-and-sand Iraq really won't be that
much of a chore. In a recent speech to the American Enterprise Institute,
Dubya's tone was upbeat as he rattled off a succinct post-Saddam checklist
for the U.S. Army: Deliver medicine to ailing Iraqis, hand out emergency
rations, destroy weapons, secure Iraq from those who would "spread chaos"
internally, and mind the oil fields-but not for "a day more" than

Indeed, after the speech, a "senior administration official" told one
reporter that a transition from U.S. military to U.S. civilian control over
Iraq would take only a few months. Testifying before the House Budget
Committee earlier this month, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
dismissed Army Chief of Staff Eric Shinseki's suggestion that a U.S.
occupation force might run to the hundreds of thousands; in a recent
interview with the Voice, a senior Pentagon official dismissed General
Shinseki's comments as "bullshit from a Clintonite enamored of using the
army for peacekeeping and nation-building and not winning wars."

But at a time when the U.S. Army is a case study in multitasking-fighting
the Global War on Terrorism (or GWOT, in Milspeak), keeping watch on the
Korean peninsula, peacekeeping in the Balkans, chasing Islamic rebels in
the Philippines, saddling up for more action in Colombia, to name but a few
chores-a number of military professionals are quietly venting spleen about
how disingenuous they believe the Bush administration is being with the
public about post-war Iraq.

Some are merely angry at what they see as a gap between optimistic policy
pronouncements and the hard realities of a by-the-numbers post-war
reconstruction. But perhaps more importantly, others are angry at what they
see as the administration's neoconservative ideologues' playing fast and
loose with soldiers' lives in an effort to realize a dubious vision for the
Middle East. Because what the neocons dream of-either an instantly
democratic Iraq that begins a "domino effect" of democratic revolution and
renewal across the Middle East, or an Iraq whose defining aspect of
democracy is a volatility that destabilizes the Arab world-is at odds with
the lessons the army has learned about modern post-conflict stabilization.
The situation has the potential to produce a slew of unintended or
unforeseen consequences beyond the U.S.'s ability to handle them.

According to "The Day After: The Army in a Post-Conflict Iraq," a December
2002 paper produced by the War College's Center for Strategic Leadership,
army studies have concluded that even with United Nations support, "a
post-conflict Iraq requirement of 65,000 to 80,000" U.S. Army personnel is
the low-end manpower requirement for a military occupation expected to last
not a matter of months, but "a minimum of five years and possibly as many
as ten."

Read on and you have to wonder whether the White House is just ignoring
unpleasant possibilities, or reveling in a Roveian-Rumsfeldian
cloud-cuckoo-land: While the paper reports that "experts disagree as to the
required time frame needed to accomplish the post-conflict strategic
requirements, particularly the governance and justice aspects, all agree
that it won't be measured in months, but years." Part of the reason, the
study explains, is that the past decade of army post-conflict stabilization
operations has revealed that transitioning from immediate post-war
stabilization to civil society is, for a host of practical reasons,
complicated. It's one of the ironies of modern conflict: The war itself may
go fast, but securing the peace is what matters, and often nongovernmental
organizations and aid agencies don't have the resources to rapidly take up
the slack-which means the military has to, even though it doesn't really
want to. Realistically, the military will need to facilitate a gradual
"measured withdrawal and handover to appropriate UN agencies and entities,"
and can't just toss the reconstruction ball to civil authorities.

While in one post-war scenario, according to the studies, Iraq's
"second-tier technical and professional leaders remain in place and attempt
to resume normalcy" and "the general populace passively cooperates as
coalition forces attempt to stabilize the situation," the paper nonetheless
forecasts the post-Saddam environment for U.S. troops as "very unstable."
Key governance and legal functions are likely to be shaky as "police and
judiciary are relatively dysfunctional due to the purging of the top
leadership and no replacements." U.S. soldiers also find themselves in
harm's way as "some Iraqi military units are operating at will and
conducting guerrilla attacks throughout the country. Sunni, Shiite, and
Kurdish tribal leaders are ruling respective areas and are initiating
frequent skirmishes in an effort to expand their power base."

The humanitarian undertaking is likely to be formidable as well-a task,
given the dangerous circumstances, that can't be left exclusively to the UN
agencies and NGOs. "Post-conflict humanitarian requirements will increase
dramatically," the paper predicts. "In many cases, the army will be the
only entity capable of providing much needed assistance and the required
security aspects of the relief effort."

And, as the paper notes, "if one 'peels the onion' " of tasks that fall
under the main headers of several key "post-conflict strategic
requirements," the illusion that the army will be a brief, temporary
presence evaporates almost immediately. Take security. "Post-conflict Iraq
security tasks may include control of belligerents, territorial security,
protection of the populace, protection of key individuals, infrastructure
and institutions, and reform of all indigenous security institutions," the
report notes.

Officials at the War College wouldn't make available the authors of the
studies to elaborate. But "The Day After" points out that each of those
task subsets begets more subsets. "For example," the paper continues, "the
control-of-belligerents task includes: Implement and maintain the
ceasefire; enforce the peace agreement, and support disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration. Territorial security includes border and
boundary control, movement, and points of entry. Protection of the populace
includes non-combatants, maintaining public order, and clearance of
unexploded ordnance. The protection of key individuals, infrastructure, and
institutions includes private institutions and individuals, critical
infrastructure, military infrastructure, and public institutions. The
reform of local security institutions includes national armed forces and
non-military security forces."

Army research indicates that just to address the "security" issue, there
are "well over 100 essential services that the Army must provide or
support." Problem is, the army may not have enough people to fulfill those
and other services. Two-thirds of army combat-support functions are not, in
fact, elements of the standing army, but the army reserve. "A majority of
functions and services being performed by reserve component organizations
in support of the Balkans and the GWOT are the same that will be required
in a post-conflict Iraq scenario," the report says-further noting that
there aren't enough army specialists available right now to meet GWOT
requirements alone. The "resultant stress on the army mobilization
function" for post-war Iraq does not, the paper suggests, look reassuring.

Yet to the Pentagon's appointed civilian leaders (increasingly the subject
of derision by many officers for their combination of grand ambition and
lack of military experience), the exigencies of post-war Iraq should be,
according to one, "minimal." In a lengthy interview with the Voice last
week, a high-ranking Defense Department political official did concede that
preparation for Iraq after a war is seriously lacking. "The planning should
have started much sooner," the official said. "That's hard to deny." But,
the official added by way of spin, that's really nothing to be concerned
about, because compared to Afghanistan, Iraq is really much easier to
handle, and won't require a protracted military presence, in keeping with
Donald Rumsfeld's view that the military should not be a tool for "nation

"It's not like there's a bunch of roving warlords and ethnic or religious
differences on the same scale as Afghanistan," the official contended.
"We're getting word that a large part of the military and Ba'ath are
opposed to Saddam. And I think the Iraqis, the exiles who want to go back
and help rebuild in particular, are getting angry with people who don't
believe they can transition to democracy without the U.S. sticking around
for a long time."


Yet much of this flies in the face of the Army War College's 84-page
"Reconstructing Iraq: Insights, Challenges, and Missions for Military
Forces in a Post-Conflict Scenario." Designed as guidance for military
planners, the report provides a detailed "mission matrix" of 135 tasks
essential to Iraq's stabilization and reconstruction. Its tone has been
aptly described by one officer involved in post-war planning as "Here's
everything you need to do to do this right and get out of Iraq as quickly
and effectively as possible, but don't hold your breath."

As much a historic inventory of American occupation and post-conflict
stabilization operations as it is a considered view of post-war Iraq, among
other things the paper concludes that "recent American experiences with
post-conflict operations have generally featured poor planning, problems
with relevant military force structure, and difficulties with a handover
from military to civilian responsibility." While the administration has
often tried to describe a post-Saddam Iraq as something akin to post-war
Germany and Japan, the paper notes that an entire army staff was dedicated
to planning for post-war occupation two years before the end of World War
II. In the case of Iraq, similar foresight has not been exercised.

And while General Douglas MacArthur "had the advantage of years of relative
quiet to carry out his programs" in a post-war Japan that unconditionally
surrendered, this occupation will be taking place in the Middle East, one
of the most volatile regions in the world. In this case, "all American
activities will be watched closely by the international community, and
internal and external pressure to end any occupation will build quickly,"
and "regionally, the occupation will be viewed with great skepticism" on
account of the fact that "the United States is deeply distrusted in the
Arab world because of its strong ties to Israel and fears that it seeks to
dominate Arab countries to control the region's oil."

While the occupation of Iraq "will probably be characterized by an initial
honeymoon period during which the United States will reap the benefits of
ridding the population of a brutal dictator," the report doesn't expect
that to last too long, as "most Iraqis and most other Arabs will probably
assume that the United States intervened in Iraq for its own reasons and
not to liberate the population." Indeed, many of the report's principal
points stand in contrast to what the planning officer characterizes as the
Bush team's "rosy view of how quick and easy this will be." Among those
points: "The administration of an Iraqi occupation will be complicated by
deep religious, ethnic and tribal differences which dominate Iraqi

Noting that "Iraqi political values and institutions are rooted in a
tortured history that must be understood before it is possible to consider
the rehabilitation of Iraqi society," the report encapsulates the history
of several hundred years of recurrent violence and instability owing to
tribal, religious, and occupation-related tensions. "The establishment of
democracy or even some sort of rough pluralism in Iraq, where it has never
really existed previously, will be a staggering challenge for any
occupation force" seeking to change a political system "where
anti-democratic traditions are deeply ingrained." Indeed, the report adds,
"it is also reasonable to expect considerable resistance to efforts at even

As for returning exiles, "it is doubtful that the Iraqi population would
welcome the leadership of the various exile groups after Saddam's defeat. .
. . Iraqi citizens who have suffered under Saddam could well resent Iraqis
coming from outside the country following a war and claiming a
disproportionate amount of power." And even if some form of democracy does
eventually emerge, Uncle Sam shouldn't expect kisses. "U.S. policymakers
sometimes assume that a democratic government will be friendly to U.S.
policies in the Middle East. This cannot," the report states, "be assumed
in the case of Iraq."

Especially, the report says, if the U.S. isn't well attuned to internal
Iraqi concerns. Although the war has been framed in large part as a mission
of "disarmament," the report notes that the Iraqi army is one of the "few
national institutions that stresses national unity," and that to "tear [it]
apart in the war's aftermath could lead to the destruction of one of the
only forces for unity within the society," as well as result in demobilized
soldiers' joining tribal militias. And it's a given that the U.S. "will
further need to seek indigenous forces to aid in law and order functions
and help prepare for a post-occupation Iraq," an "inevitable part of
rehabilitating" the country.

But "by developing local allies, the United States makes itself at least
partially responsible for the behavior of those allies. Hence a pro-U.S.
force that attacks any other Iraqi force for private resources threatens to
involve the United States in the complex web of sectarian, tribal or clan
warfare." In that case, the world might see something not unlike the
Israeli occupation of Lebanon, where the actions of an occupying force's
proxies create tensions between the occupier and other native groups.

That, in turn, could prompt terrorists to "generate strategies to alienate
Iraqis who are initially neutral toward a U.S. occupation." While any acts
of terror against U.S. troops would "undoubtedly require a forceful
American response," actions like that "seldom win friends among the local
citizenry, [and] individuals alienated from the U.S. occupation could well
have their hostility deepened or increased by these acts." It would take
only a handful of terrorists, the report says, "to attack U.S. forces in
the hope that they can incite an action-reaction cycle that will enhance
their cause and increase their numbers."

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