>  Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/
>  Friday January 15 1:25 PM ET
>  U.S. Medical Journal Editor Fired Over Sex Item
>     CHICAGO (Reuters) - The American Medical Association on Friday fired
>     the editor of its journal for publishing an item on how college
>     students define oral sex, timed to appear in the midst of President
>     Clinton's impeachment trial.
>     The article, which will run in the Jan. 20 issue of the AMA Journal,
>     reported that 60 percent of U.S. college students in a survey taken
>  in
>     1991 did not define oral sex as sexual relations.
>     The AMA said its leadership fired editor George Lundberg, because he
>     had inappropriately injected the journal into the Clinton impeachment
>     debate, threatening its integrity.
>     Clinton's definition of sex is a key issue in the debate over whether
>     he lied about his relationship with former intern Monica Lewinsky.
>     Lundberg had been editor for 17 years.
>     ``Through his recent actions (he) has threatened the historic
>     tradition and integrity of the Journal of the American Medical
>     Association by inappropriately and inexcusably interjecting (the
>     journal) into a major political debate that has nothing to do with
>     science or medicine. This is unacceptable,'' said E. Ratcliffe
>     Anderson, executive vice president of the medical group.
>     ``The AMA has a responsibility to the medical profession, our
>  patients
>     and to the country to ensure that the editorial decisions of the
>     world's most trusted medical journal are based on science and the
>     highest standards of the medical profession,'' he added.
>     Anderson said that Lundberg had done much over the years to advance
>     the stature of the magazine but ``Over time ... I have lost
>  confidence
>     and trust in Dr. Lundberg's ability to preserve that high level of
>     credibility and integrity.''
>     The article in question came from the Kinsey Institute for Research
>  in
>     Sex, Gender and Reproduction, located at Indiana University. It was
>     titled ``Would You Say You 'Had Sex' If'' and stated that it was
>  being
>     published in the context of ``the current debate regarding whether
>     oral sex constitutes have 'had sex' or sexual relations ...''
>     The survey of 600 U.S. undergraduate students found that 60 percent
>     said they would not say they ``had sex'' if it was oral-genital
>     contact.
>     The Jan. 20 issue of the journal is already in print and had been
>     circulated to news organizations.

Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/

Friday January 15 1:25 PM ET

U.S. Medical Journal Editor Fired Over Sex Item

   CHICAGO (Reuters) - The American Medical Association on Friday fired
   the editor of its journal for publishing an item on how college
   students define oral sex, timed to appear in the midst of President
   Clinton's impeachment trial.

   The article, which will run in the Jan. 20 issue of the AMA Journal,
   reported that 60 percent of U.S. college students in a survey taken
   1991 did not define oral sex as sexual relations.

   The AMA said its leadership fired editor George Lundberg, because he
   had inappropriately injected the journal into the Clinton impeachment
   debate, threatening its integrity.

   Clinton's definition of sex is a key issue in the debate over whether
   he lied about his relationship with former intern Monica Lewinsky.

   Lundberg had been editor for 17 years.

   ``Through his recent actions (he) has threatened the historic
   tradition and integrity of the Journal of the American Medical
   Association by inappropriately and inexcusably interjecting (the
   journal) into a major political debate that has nothing to do with
   science or medicine. This is unacceptable,'' said E. Ratcliffe
   Anderson, executive vice president of the medical group.

   ``The AMA has a responsibility to the medical profession, our
   and to the country to ensure that the editorial decisions of the
   world's most trusted medical journal are based on science and the
   highest standards of the medical profession,'' he added.

   Anderson said that Lundberg had done much over the years to advance
   the stature of the magazine but ``Over time ... I have lost
   and trust in Dr. Lundberg's ability to preserve that high level of
   credibility and integrity.''

   The article in question came from the Kinsey Institute for Research
   Sex, Gender and Reproduction, located at Indiana University. It was
   titled ``Would You Say You 'Had Sex' If'' and stated that it was
   published in the context of ``the current debate regarding whether
   oral sex constitutes have 'had sex' or sexual relations ...''

   The survey of 600 U.S. undergraduate students found that 60 percent
   said they would not say they ``had sex'' if it was oral-genital

   The Jan. 20 issue of the journal is already in print and had been
   circulated to news organizations.

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