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    U.S. armed Pol Pot,
say eyewitnesses
Expert: 'They had to be fair
to both sides of the conflict'


Editor's note: WorldNetDaily international correspondent Anthony C LoBaido
has traveled extensively in Cambodia during the past nine months. His reports
on Cambodia's notorious Killing Fields have included examinations of Pol
Pot's Nazi-style experiments, the U.N. harboring the would-be assassin of
Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen, and the alleged British SAS involvement in
training the Khmer Rouge.
In this update, LoBaido shows how U.S. anticommunist forces unwillingly were
tricked into arming and training the Khmer Rouge.
By Anthony C. LoBaido
© 2000, WorldNetDaily.com

THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Burma -- In a dark sideshow to the ongoing United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Bangkok, Thailand, U.N. chief
Kofi Annan has met twice with Communist Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen to
hammer out the final details of the upcoming trials of the Khmer Rouge
genocidal killers.

Pol Pot and his cadres were responsible for the murder of 1.7 million
Cambodians in the Killing Fields genocide perpetrated between 1975 and 1979.

Yet, in the ensuing quarter century, not a single Khmer Rouge soldier or
leader has been brought to trial or justice. Pol Pot died in 1998.

Pol Pot in 1994, four years before his April 15, 1998 death.

Now, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen -- a former Khmer Rouge leader who
defected to the Vietnamese side -- is negotiating with the U.N. in an effort
to get the world body to approve of Cambodia's handling of the upcoming
trials of two Khmer Rouge leaders.

The U.N. wants to place its own lawyers and other legal experts on the panel
that will try the 74-year-old, one-legged ex-Khmer Rouge Gen. Ta Mok -- known
as "The Butcher" -- as well as "Duch," a professed born-again Christian who
ran the infamous S-21 prison in Phnom Penh.

Hun Sen, whose son recently graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West
Point, is reluctant to give operational control of the trials to the U.N. He
points out that the U.N. gave Pol Pot a seat in exile during the 1980s, after
Hun Sen's Vietnamese Communist government invaded Cambodia and overthrew the
Khmer Rouge. Hun Sen wants a trial, "run by Cambodians to judge Cambodian

While Hun Sen and Annan spar over legal minutiae at the United Nations
meetings in Bangkok, WorldNetDaily continues to piece together the
involvement of the British Special Air Service and the U.S. Special Forces in
supplying and training the Khmer Rouge.

Between 1985 and 1989, the British SAS trained anti-Vietnamese Cambodians in
sabotage and other soldiering skills -- yet never trained any Khmer Rouge
killers. Indeed, the British soldiers trained only those Cambodians loyal to
the former deposed Cambodian King.

However, recent interviews and research in regard to alleged American
involvement with the Khmer Rouge have brought new developments to this
twisted tale of genocidal insanity.

American soldiers speak out
"I served with the 374th Tactical Airlift Wing following the 1973 cease-fire
in Vietnam," said Tom Berta in a recent interview with WorldNetDaily.

"I went to Utapao RTAFB Thailand in June of that year. We had seven C-130
aircraft, and by mid-July we had 20 and were doing the bulk of the 374th's
airlifts. We ran guns into Cambodia, lots of guns, 50 flights a day in July
and August.

"I was there in Thailand and watched the C-130's get loaded every day from
June through Sept 1973. I personally flew with our aircraft on many
occasions, at least 20. The CIA exercised what it called the 'Third Option'
and sold arms to the Khmer Rouge," said Berta.

Nina Morrison, a former pilot with the CIA front company Air America, refused
to undertake any flights to arm and supply the Khmer Rouge.

"The SAS were there doing training in Cambodia all right," Morrison told
WorldNetDaily. "Just like they were involved recently in East Timor."

Mr. Nol at the Memorial Stupa at The Killing Fields. His brother was killed
by Pol Pot's henchmen.

"The world in general has become a lot more complicated. As such, journalism
must also adapt and become more thorough and complex to put all of the
missing pieces together. In regard to the Khmer Rouge, this is dangerous work
indeed," said Morrison. "True history has a way of disappearing into the

In regard to the alleged American involvement with the Khmer Rouge, Morrison
added, "I do not have words to express my disappointment in our government's
position in world affairs, for it does not reflect the foundation upon which
this great Republic was created."

Other Americans, like Bert Bueno, a 40-year-old civil engineer from
California, tell another story -- the story that many American soldiers had
absolutely no idea what was happening in Cambodia.
"In 1979, I was sailing in waters off of Cambodia during a Western Pacific
cruise. One of the countries we had liberty at was Thailand," he told

"I had no idea that Cambodia was killing millions of people. When I saw the
movie "The Killing Fields" in later years, I was in shock.

"I have always wanted to go back and do something. One day, this evil is
going to reach our borders of America, and the people are going to say, 'Why
didn't anyone tell us this was coming?'"

Retired U.S. Special Forces Maj. Carl Bernard, the point man in the
Pentagon's attempt to train the anti-communist Hmong hill tribes of Laos to
fight against the Stalinist Pathet Laos government is knowledgeable in the
field of special forces training in Southeast Asia.

"Not many American G.I.s even knew the Hmong were fighting in Laos on their
behalf, taking out Soviet supplies on the Ho Chi Min trail heading for
Vietnam," Bernard told WorldNetDaily. "As for the Khmer Rouge, it is a
shadowy world that is only beginning to come out into the light."

U.S. 'gave assistance to Pol Pot'
According to Bernard, there is no single source that is more knowledgeable
regarding U.S. involvement in the training of the Khmer Rouge than Special
Forces point man U.K. Pappy.

"Yes, the U.S. and others were giving assistance to Pol Pot. When I
complained, the State Department came out with their reason -- they had to be
fair to both sides of the conflict," Pappy told WorldNetDaily.

"Like most of the reasoning at the State Department most of the time, it has
nothing to do with honor, only expedience. Now it may come out to the rest of
the world that we were supporting Pol Pot. I hope this bites someone in the

Pappy said that in the fall of 1987 he made a trip to Thailand with Gen. Vang
Pao to visit Hmong/Lao fighting camps along the Thai-Lao border. There were
still groups fighting inside Laos that were using Thailand as a launch site.

"When U.S. Congressman Bill McCollum learned I was going to Thailand, I was
asked if I would check on something for him. Three C-141 planeloads of
equipment was sent from Okinawa to Thailand. There was both military and
humanitarian equipment on these planes. The military equipment was to be used
by the Cambodian forces fighting Vietnam, and the humanitarian supplies would
go to the refugees camps in Thailand," added Pappy.

WorldNetDaily's Anthony LoBaido in Cambodia.

However, according to Pappy, the supplies from these three loads were lost.
No accounting could be giving for them -- something that is not unusual in

"I learned for sure at this time that all supplies sent to the Cambodian
forces were to be split between the pro-West forces [of the deposed King
Sihanouk] and Pol Pot. The State Department didn't want to be unfair, just in
case Pol Pot took the country back."

According to Bernard, "Few in the West realized that Pol Pot was flying
around Thailand in state-of-the-art helicopters in the 1980s and 1990s
waiting to retake power in Cambodia when the time was ripe."

For his part, Pappy went on to say that Rep. McCollum's office gave him a
contact. When he called the U.S. Embassy and asked a top official what had
happened to the equipment, he "could visualize him bouncing off the walls in
his office."

"I asked the official if any of this [supplies] was going to communist
forces, or Pol Pot, and just why had they disappeared? He got huffy, wanted
to know my name and serial number, and other details. Of course, I told him
where he could go. I got no info from him."

Pappy then turned to a Thai colonel who was in command of the Thai guards on
the eastern border at the time. Pappy had developed a working relationship
with the colonel, he said.

"I learned that some of the equipment that was given to the pro-West forces
had among them flack jackets. During the delivery, an American, who thought
words didn't mean anything, told Cambodian anticommunists that the flak
jackets were armored vests. The little Cambodians took these flack jackets
and charged the Vietnamese forces. Many of their men were killed in a frontal
assault from bullets passing through the 'armored vests.'"

Pappy said that neither "Pol Pot or his cadres got any of those 'armored

"Of course, when I got back to the states, I sent a report to my contact in
the White House on the slaughter of the pro-West, anti-communist Cambodian
forces. I'm not on good speaking terms with some of those guys in the State
Department who were involved. They had to do some real lying to get out of
that one," said Pappy.

"I was also given the same info from some American contacts. But, I know
personally that the U.S. was giving material aid to Pol Pot, right along with
his enemies, the pro-West Cambodians. Things sure tend to get messy when you
leave the ranks, don't they?

A little bit of justice
While Pappy, Bernard, Morrison, Berta and many others interviewed by
WorldNetDaily lament the Western involvement with the Khmer Rouge, there is
one silver lining that can now be told.

SAS elite Special Forces soldier Ray Billingsley recently told WorldNetDaily
that he and another SAS officer, who were in Cambodia between 1985 and 1989
to train pro-West, anti-Vietnamese forces along the Thailand-Cambodia border,
used the flak jacket misappropriation to their advantage.

"After the fall of Phnom Penh, the Khmer Rouge took hundreds of thousands of
survivors of the Killing Fields and made them walk in a death march to the
Thai border," Billingsley said.
"Once they arrived at the border, the survivors were put in work collectives.
We in the SAS were able to find out who some of the Khmer Rouge killers were
-- you know, the men who ran the Killing Fields and did actual killing of
men, women and children."

"We gave them the flak jackets and told them they were armored vests. When
they charged the Vietnamese, they were shot dead. It was only a small
gesture, but it did bring a sense of closure and justice in our little corner
of that ugly war."

The work of Billingsley and other concerned Western anti-communists will have
to be magnified manifold if justice is to be done in connection with Pol
Pot's henchmen scheduled to go on trial in March.

"It's going to be a show trial. Two men tried and convicted -- one of them a
born again Christian to boot," said Morrison.

"They'll sweep it under that rug. The Western corporations will move in and
it will be business as usual in Cambodia. It should make every decent
American and Brit sick to their stomach. The Khmer Rouge killed almost two
million people, and Hun Sen's idea of justice is a trial for only two men?
I'll say this, they really are one in a million."


Anthony C. LoBaido is an international correspondent for WorldNetDaily.


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