-Caveat Lector- http://joevialls.altermedia.info/wtc/radiocontrol.html

Live Film Footage of United Airlines Flight 175's Long Range Approach to World Trade Center

Royal Aircraft Establishment speed estimate 575 mph statute
Copyright Joe Vialls, 17 April 2004

During early October 2001 I published a report including the live film footage shown above, which hung around in cyberspace quite happily until December 2003, when more than 110 of my web pages were suddenly hacked off the Internet by a person or persons unknown. Since then I have had many emails asking me to restore the film, but was unable to do so because I could not find the CD-ROM I'd burned the .swf into, and then "hidden" for security reasons. The film, used informally by British authorities to calculate the final approach speed of Flight 175 on 11 September 2001, had been hidden far too well!
It was not until the page had been hacked and complaints started to come in, that I realised there are virtually no other sources of film footage showing any of the three aircraft on 'long range' approach to their targets, which, when you think about it, is absurd. This event was obviously going to grow to staggering proportions in the minds of Americans in particular, so logic dictates that all footage of this sort should have been run time and again by the mainstream media. It is spectacular footage, to say the very least of it, and "spectacular" is exactly what the media normally likes to peddle in order to make vast sums of money.
No matter what the reason, this particular footage was hacked late last year, and after finding the CD-ROM again two weeks ago, I decided to post it on a spare page. Although I know there are all sorts of rumors circulating nowadays about "no aircraft" being used against these targets at all, this is borderline hysteria, because literally thousands of impartial civilian witnesses in New York certainly saw the impact of Flight 175, if not the earlier [unexpected] impact of Flight 11 on the north tower.
Even if someone was trying to create a new 'consipracy theory' that this footage would destroy completely, I cannot see them using professional hackers to drag the web page down out of cyberspace. Even if they did, why on earth go to the trouble of hacking 109 other pages spread across seven different [free] Geocities web sites at the same time? It makes no sense.

Realistically, the only institution with the power, expertise [and prior record of direct intereference] on this massive scale is the United States Federal Government. Readers may remember that shortly after the first Gulf War, media outlets attempting to bring you gory pictures of bloodied corpses on the "Highway of Death", found they were unable to do so because all of their own photographic archives had been pillaged and 'sanitized' by various federal officials.
Decoding government intent on that occasion, was as simple decoding  George Bush I's intent when he banned all cameras from Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, the "secret" USAF facility used to sneak dead Americans back into the country without being seen by the public, thereby hopefully avoiding demonstrations of the sort that occurred during the Vietnam War. The entire strategy was designed to convince the American public that this was a "clean" war, where equipment got damaged occasionally, but humans never ever died. George Orwell would have been justifiably proud.
But that was then and now is now. Why would the Federal Government be happy enough to let you see the last 1,000 yards of Flight 175's approach into the World Trade Center [thousands of times over], but at the same be so obsessed with eliminating any and all film footage showing the aircraft's earlier attack profile, displayed at the top pf this page?
The most likely answer is because, as you can see, this continuous footage allows you time to study the flight profile over and over again, until you reach the inevitable conclusion that this giant and very clumsy 400,000# Airliner, is being flown with the sort of dexterity more normally associated with nimble combat aircraft. and at a very similar speed.
As any airline pilot will confirm independently, the 'reverse feel' on  a Boeing 767 travelling at 575 mph is so high that the controls feel like lead, and simply cannot be moved as  quickly as you see in the film without overwhelming hydraulic assistance, which can be provided only by the automatic flight director. The pilots themselves cannot disengage the 'reverse feel' placed on the controls, because it is an integrated feature designed to stop the pilots accidentally injuring passengers by imposing extreme "G" forces at high speeds.
In turn this reveals the obvious: If qualified airline captains are incapable of flying a Boeing 767 in this manner, then it is completely out of the question for a bunch of "Arab Terrorist Hijackers", who failed their basic Cessna training courses in Florida.
Put bluntly, this is the only known footage of United Airlines Flight 175 that completely destroys the government myth about 'Muslim fanatics' allegedly taking over American commercial jets. The [permissable] short clips showing Flight 175 just before impact do not allow time for such detailed analysis, but this long attack profile certainly does.
The fact that the Federal Government appears to have hunted down and captured or otherwise removed footage of this kind, does not mean that "George Bush did it". In my personal opinion he did not, and I am still entitled to a personal opinion, despite the large number of emails I receive each week suggesting that I am not.
What the evidence does suggest, perhaps even confirm, is that the Federal Government prematurely decided on a strategy, and could not suddenly throw the whole thing into reverse  once they had peddled the "Osama Bin Laden did it" line. In turn this then allowed them the irresistable opportunity to impose new Communist-style restrictions on the American people as a whole, and they jumped at at. Can you name a Federal official who would not?  

"Micro-Nuclear War Rages Between Russia and America"

On 30 January 2002 the author wrote and published "Operation Shekhinah", which accurately predicted the invasion of Iraq more than fourteen months before it actually happened. Then on 20 December 2003, then my published report "Whatshisname" accurately predicted that Muqtada al-Sadr's Shi'ite Mehdi Army would open a southern front in Iraq, four months before it actually happened. These two reports alone  prove that Vialls Investigations' forward analysis of received intelligence, is 1000% more accurate than propaganda organs such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, on critical matters which directly concern ordinary American and other citizens.
In order to truly understand how America arrived where she is today, and accurately comprehend why and how events like 9-11 take place, it is essential to examine Zionist behavior and hostile actions as far back as the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, though mercifully most of the meaningful data starts around 1980, when Ronald Reagan came to power in America, and joined hands with Margaret Thatcher across the Atlantic in a blatant bid to undermine sovereign Russia and most of the Muslim nations in the Middle East. It was these precipitous Zionist- driven events of the eighties that led to a 'quiet' micro-nuclear war between Russia and America. Starting in 1988, that quiet micro-nuclear war continues unabated today.
This then is my next self-imposed assignment, though as usual it will take a lot of time and considerable funds to research and write accurately. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank [though not name] those kind donors who have already provided me with free unlimited-bandwidth web sites, and sufficient funds to upgrade my computer equipment to the point where I can now 'grab' frames from Zionist media footage with three times the clarity that I could manage just a few months ago. This is very important, because the nature of propaganda today, frequently makes it possible to expose deliberate New York deceptions, by posting embarrassing and compromising  frames of their own television footage on my own web site!
If at all possible, I would like to expand these capabilities still further, with a view to ultimately being able to display short film clips in real time on the web pages, and provide brief audio takes of compromising media chatter sourced from decrypted satellite communications. Because satellites orbit in international airspace there is of course no law to stop me capturing and decrypting their signals, though the equipment needed to do the job effectively is prohibitively expensive. Where I was looking at hundreds of dollars for web sites and frame grabbing equipment, I am now facing potential costs of thousands of dollars, without any concrete guarantee of success.
Nonetheless I think it is worth the effort to at least try to achieve these objectives, and therefore ask you to assist me if you can. My disability pension is just about sufficient to buy our daily bread, but it cannot hope to cover the massive costs involved here. Whatever you can reasonably afford would be greatly appreciated, and can be sent to me by either clicking on the PayPal button, or by direct depositing funds into the Australian bank account displayed immediately below the PayPal button. Thank you for caring.


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