-Caveat Lector-

Israel Defying Hundreds of UN Resolutions to be Nuked Next???


US Will Attack Iraq 'Without UN Backing'
By Toby Harnden
Daily Telegraph UK

Friday 10 January 2003

America will not delay a war with Iraq until the autumn and is prepared to
launch military action against Saddam Hussein without further United
Nations authorisation, a senior Bush administration adviser said

Richard Perle, chairman of the Pentagon's Defence Policy Board and a hawk
whose views carry considerable weight, rejected suggestions from British
ministers and senior Foreign Office officials that plans for an early war
should be put on hold.

Mr Perle, who is close to Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, said
he did not expect the UN Security Council to reach agreement on the use of
force but had little doubt that George W Bush, the US president, would
press ahead regardless and lead a coalition to victory.

"I'm assuming that we will not get a consensus on the Security Council but
it may be possible to get it," he said. "It would be a great mistake to
become dependent on it and take the view that we can't act separately.

"That would be an abrogation of the president's responsibility."

Mr Perle stressed that as an outside adviser he could not speak for the
Bush administration. But with Mr Rumsfeld and his ally Vice-President Dick
Cheney, now the driving force behind US foreign policy, his pronouncements
have taken on increasing importance.

Mr Perle said inspectors would not find actual weapons in the face of
Iraqi concealment. "If that's the test, we're never going to find a
smoking gun," said Mr Perle.

He criticised Hans Blix, the chief UN weapons inspector, for his handling
of the inspections. He said inspectors had mainly visited previously known

"They are the last place you would expect Saddam to put something," Mr
Perle said. "You would have to be a complete idiot to do that. The
inspectors returning to known sites makes Blix look foolish."

The Swede "has a history from when he was head of the International Atomic
Energy Agency and Saddam built a nuclear capability right under his nose",
he added.

Mr Perle suggested that American patience with the UN inspections process
was limited and closely linked to the military timetable that makes it
very difficult to fight a war after March because of the searing heat.

He said: "If there's no change in Saddam's attitude I think there'll be a
reluctance to continue this without a clear indication that our patience
will be rewarded by a UN Security Council consensus.

"A consensus would be a useful thing and I think we'd be willing to wait a
little longer to get it but not a long time."

Mr Perle said America had been right to go to the UN to seek Resolution
1441, passed unanimously in November, because it "produced a consensus in
support of significant demands" but the UN had only a limited role in
dealing with Saddam.

"The question now of course is whether the UN having done that [passed
1441] will insist that its demands be met or revert to its previous
posture which was to pass resolutions but not take the actions necessary
to ensure compliance with them."

He expressed doubt that Tony Blair had asked or would ask Mr Bush to delay
war until the autumn and accused those who sought such a delay of being
opposed to ousting Saddam in any event.

Although Mr Perle did not mention them, a number of US State Department
diplomats are implacably opposed to war.

They were encouraged by the views of the ministers and the Foreign Office,
reported in The Telegraph yesterday, as well as recent comments by Jack
Straw, the Foreign Secretary, that the chances of war were "60:40

Mr Perle said: "There are nations on the UN Security Council against
taking military action so they will try to slow any movement towards
military action."

America and its allies, he insisted, already had the legal and moral
justification for war. "We might be acting without a resolution from the
UN authorising it but I think the administration can make a strong case
that Saddam's defiance of a variety of resolutions passed previously could
be understood to justify military action."

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

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