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US mayors’ report chronicles rising hunger and homelessness

By Debra Watson
27 December 2002

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A record number of citizens in US cities were forced to look for
emergency food and shelter this year, according to the United
States Conference of Mayors. Their annual report, “The Status
Report on Hunger and Homelessness in America’s Cities,” was
released December 18 in Washington DC. It shows an increasing
percentage of the population of US cities are unable to afford either
shelter or adequate food.

In cities across America in 2002, according to the mayors’ report,
the demand for emergency shelter jumped 19 percent, the biggest
rise since 1990. In 2001 and 2002 the demand for emergency food
increased by 23 percent and 19 percent respectively, the highest
increases since the recession of the early 1990s.

The demand for emergency food and shelter has increased by
double-digit amounts nearly every year since 1987. The report
chronicles the two-decade campaign on the part of big business and
their representatives in the Democratic and Republican parties to
reduce a substantial section of the working class in the United
States to penury.

Hunger from coast to coast

This year, for the first time, every city participating in the survey
reported an increased demand for emergency food. In every city,
emergency food assistance facilities were relied upon by families
and individuals both in emergencies and as a steady source of food
over long periods of time. Families with children made up 54 percent
of those requesting food assistance in Miami, 95 percent in
Charlotte, North Carolina, and 70 and 80 percent, respectively, of
emergency food applicants in Los Angeles on the West Coast, and
Philadelphia in the east. Miami had a 50 percent increase in
demand for emergency food and a 50 percent increase in demand
by families for food assistance in 2002.

Requests for food from pantries, which comprise the bulk of charity
and non-federal food assistance, are up throughout the country. In
Minnesota, food banks served 892,285 individuals in 300,000
households in 2001. By the third quarter of 2002, 982,000
individuals in 325,000 households had been served.

However, the pounds of food distributed—about 21
million—remained nearly the same. Food banks have been forced
to reduce the amount of food in emergency boxes in many US cities
this year, due to a combination of increased need, decreased
government funding and/or decreased private donations. According
to the mayors’ report, in one-third of cities surveyed, food assistance
facilities turned people away due to lack of resources.

Besides the general slowdown in the economy leading to decreased
donations, Nashville reports a major cause in the loss of food
donations, noted by other cites in last year’s report. The city noted:
“Second Harvest [a food bank] reports that although volunteers have
increased, the agency has lost approximately 2 million pounds of
food; this loss is a result in a shift in management at a major grocery
chain, which has typically donated food to Second Harvest, but is
now selling to the secondary market.” Second Harvest had to shelve
plans to open two new food distribution sites because of falling

It is remarkable that over the last decade the percent of the
homeless population consisting of families with children has climbed
from 32 percent to more than 40 percent. Two thirds of the US
homeless population consists of families with children or single
women and unaccompanied youth. More than one in five of the
homeless are working, many in full-time jobs that do not pay enough
to rent an apartment. People remain homeless an average of six
months, and four out of five of the cities surveyed said the length of
time people are homeless increased in the last year.

Construction of new public and affordable housing has been
neglected for decades. In two thirds of cities surveyed, waiting lists
for public housing are a year or longer. The wait is three years in
Los Angeles and seven years in Miami. Public housing and rent
certificates and vouchers meet less than half of low-income housing
needs in every city but three of those surveyed.

A homeless memorial

An extraordinary memorial service was held in Minneapolis,
Minnesota on December 19, the day after the mayors’ report was
released. Advocates for the homeless, community members, and
homeless people themselves gathered to remember 94 homeless
people who died in Minnesota in 2002.

The 2002 deaths surpassed the record of 85 in 2001. In the
recession of the early 1990s aid workers estimate about a dozen
homeless people died in the state. The causes for the deaths this
year ranged from childhood disease to the ailments of old age (a
baby and an elderly man in St. Paul, Minnesota), several homicides
and some who froze to death in the winter elements. The life
expectancy of a homeless man is estimated at about 47 years.

The number of homeless in the state of Minnesota has doubled
since the last recession. At the same time, emergency money the
state used for homeless for the past three years is being cut back,
reducing state funding to 1999 levels. That year the homeless
numbered about 5,000. In 2002 the number is estimated to be 7,000
on a typical night. Livestock and dogs are not expected to survive a
cold Northern Minnesota night out-of-doors, but on a typical night
about a thousand human beings are turned away from shelters in
the state due to lack of space.

No room in the shelters

The mayors’ report included no similar count of homeless deaths for
the nation as a whole. And while there is ongoing controversy over
the actual number of homeless in the US, some idea of the extent of
the problem can be gleaned from the tally of shelter beds and other
temporary housing arrangements included in the report.

A few examples: Chicago, with a population of 2.9 million, has 6,500
shelter beds and 3,500 family shelter beds. Phoenix, population 1.3
million, has 1,500 shelter beds, 880 family shelter beds, 3,500
transitional units and 2,200 family transitional units. St. Paul,
Minnesota, with a population of 290,000, has 313 shelter beds, 91
family shelter beds, 200 transitional units and 245 family transitional
units. In addition, there are 300 single room occupancy units (SROs)
in the city.

The Mayors’ Report for 2002 finds that in more than half of cities
surveyed homeless people are regularly turned away from existing
shelters. In the US on average 30 percent of emergency housing
needs went unmet in 2002.

The 2002 report does not address the issue of city and state
funding, which makes up a sizable portion of funds for the
homeless. With budget shortfalls projected in almost every state this
year, there is little likelihood that additional, much less sufficient,
funds will be forthcoming.

The primary reference to public funding for hunger and homeless
assistance in the report is in an appeal for more help from the
federal government. But before the new year has even begun,
President Bush has cut home heating assistance, citing the need for
sacrifice to pay for the “war on terror” and the military buildup.

In 2000 the mayors were split over whether “the strong economy
would help the homelessness and hunger problem, leading to
improved conditions.” Two years later every city surveyed expected
the demand for emergency food and shelter to increase next year.

City officials completing the survey cited high housing costs most
frequently as a major cause of hunger. It is not unusual for a low-
income family to spend half its income on housing, leaving little
money for food, medical care and other necessities. The next most
frequent cause was low paying jobs, which had topped the list in
2001 as the most frequently cited cause of hunger in cities.

The list of causes for hunger also included unemployment and other
employment-related problems, economic downturn or weakening of
the economy, medical or health costs, homelessness, poverty or
lack of income, substance abuse, reduced public benefits, childcare
costs, mental health problems and limited life skills. Changes and
reductions in federal Food Stamp benefits were included in the list in
2000 and 2001.

Lack of affordable housing led the list of causes of homelessness in
2002. Other causes cited, in order of frequency, included mental
illness and the lack of needed services, substance abuse and the
lack of needed services, low paying jobs, domestic violence,
unemployment, poverty, prison release, downturn in the economy,
limited life skills, and changes and cuts in public assistance

Reports from the different cities describing the causes of hunger
and homelessness add up to a catalog of social ills resulting from
two decades of falling wages for workers, rising social inequality,
and sweeping attacks on welfare and other social programs.

Despite official insistence that the recession is over, the
unemployment rate in every city surveyed was higher than it had
been in October 2000, reflecting the breadth and persistence of the
current downturn. In Cleveland, Miami and Trenton, New Jersey the
unemployment rate was recorded at over 10 percent in October
2002, when the “The Status Report on Hunger and Homelessness
in America’s Cities” was being compiled.

Not included in the mayors’ list of the causes of hunger and
homelessness, but also not an unlikely result of an imminent war in
Iraq, is a spike in prices of gas, heat and food. Any rise in the cost of
such necessities will drive tens of thousands more who are already
in a precarious financial situation into the ranks of the destitute.

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