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U.S. News

A diva for Democrats

The gospel according to Streisand-get with it, fellas

By Gloria Borger

Picture this: It's a Saturday in April in Southern California. Barbra
"I'm Mad as Hell" Streisand is having a political meeting at her home.
Warren and Annette are there, as are producer Norman Lear and other
Hollywood libs. House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt attends, too. The
topic: Barbra's recent essay on the Democrats, "Nice Guys Finish Last."

First comes the diva's dramatic reading of her three-page memo (in which
she refers to the "Supreme Coup" at the high court and exhorts Democrats
to filibuster future "right wing" nominees, to "rock the boat," and to
"talk about Republican pardons" since Clinton's pardons "have no impact
on the health and welfare of the American people"). This, it turns out,
is the sanitized Streisand. A careful textual analysis reveals that this
memo has been edited from an original version, in which Streisand told
Democrats they seemed "paralyzed, demoralized, and depressed." Or maybe
bewitched, bothered, and bewildered.

But I digress. In addition to the memo, Streisand also lets it be known
that she's mad at (a) Georgia Democratic Sen. Zell Miller, who voted for
the Bush tax cut, (b) the eight Democrats who voted for John Ashcroft
for attorney general, and (c) all Democrats who refused to defend Bill
Clinton. She's so mad, in fact, that sources tell me she wants to put
together a group of Democrats to buy a cable-TV network so they don't
have to watch Republican talking heads. "Everybody told her it was
nuts," says one well-informed source. Too bad. Because it's truly an
inspired idea-a Coffee Tawk network à la Saturday Night Live. (Today's
topic: The Democrats and The Way We Were. Better? Or worse? Discuss
amongst yourselves.) Bill O'Reilly, eat your heart out.

Golden girl. Anyway, aside from the fact that this is Babs, what makes
Gephardt-who wants to be either speaker or president-attend a Hollywood
gripe session? One answer: money. She's a big Democratic contributor.
But, you ask, won't campaign finance reform reduce the influence of big
givers like Streisand? No way, says one party fundraiser. "If you pass
reform, people like Streisand become huge." Why? Concerts-and the
ability to gather huge crowds and collect huge sums in small amounts.
"Her name is even more golden."

But what about the Streisand critique, such as it is? Are the Democrats
dead, as Streisand and some others seem to think? Are they under the
spell of the Bushies? Are they timid? "Democrats don't have to be
ruthless like the Republicans," Streisand advises. "They just have to be
strong. . . . Just being nice doesn't work. Democrats should fight
before it's too late! There's not a moment to lose."

Last time I checked, the Democrats weren't exactly losing much time
bashing President Bush or his tax cut or his decision not to lower the
amount of arsenic in drinking water. "I've never seen an administration
in all my years more unwilling to work with Democrats," huffed Senate
Minority Leader Tom Daschle. "It is breathtaking how remarkably
unwilling they are to sit down and try to find common ground." How nice
is that?

In fact, the Democrats are more united than is usually the case at the
onset of a GOP presidency. In 1981 (Streisand's pre-Yentl period), the
Democrats couldn't run for the tall grass fast enough. In 1989
(pre-Prince of Tides), "there was a lot of friction in the party even
though Democrats controlled the Congress," recalls ex-Clinton aide Mike
McCurry. "Our ability to muster an opposition message was limited."

Not anymore. In fact, Daschle told me, "we're pretty happy." And why
not? Their message seems to be sinking in: Recent polls show that voters
believe the Bush tax cut benefits the wealthy, and they oppose his
decision not to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, a recent
Democratic poll by Celinda Lake caught Daschle's eye: Eight in 10 voters
say that environmental issues will be a more important factor in future
presidential elections. As for the midterm elections in 2002, Democrats
will make the case that Bush needs to be "balanced out" in Congress,
says pollster Geoffrey Garin. So far, Garin's polls show the voters want
that balance-by 15-to-20-point margins. The Bushies understand this. One
senior Bush adviser tells me that Bush will be praised by the
environmental angels as early as this week, when he could decide to
approve President Clinton's regulations on reporting lead emissions.
"What is the one consistent thing Democrats do about George Bush?" he
asks. "They underestimate him."

Not Barbra. She will never relax. "How could such a destructive man be
so popular with the American people?" she writes. ". . . We cannot trust
George W. Bush." He "stole the presidency through family ties,
arrogance, and intimidation." As for Americans, they're being "fooled"
because they are "not sufficiently informed to protect their own

Today's Coffee Tawk: The American people. Fools? Or uninformed? Discuss
amongst yourselves.

Gloria Borger is also a CBS News special correspondent.

                             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                                            *Michael Spitzer*
           The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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