-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Uncle Sam's a Bigger Bully Than Saddam
by James Ridgeway

Spun through the gears of Bush's PR juggernaut,
Saddam Hussein becomes the subhuman demon
incarnate. Saddam will terrorize usand not
just our troops, but our civilians. He, or the
terrorists he shelters in Iraq, will wipe out
our cities with nuclear bombs, poison our
schools and subways with bioweapons, cut off
our water supplies, threaten our hospitals,
strangle our economy. We'd better get him before
he gets us. Let's use any means short of
nuclear attack, or maybe we'll resort to that,

But by Bush's own standards, America is the
true global bully, with a record not just
of perceived threats but of action. During
the Gulf War, we bombed Iraq's cities. We
took out transportation, communication, and
power facilities. Our push for long-term
sanctions rendered a generation unable to
obtain basic vaccines and left a nation
thirsting for clean water, a situation the
UN says has resulted in the deaths of well
over 500,000 small children. And a decade
earlier, in the 1980s, the U.S. government
fully supported Iraq's use of chemical warfare
against Muslim fundamentalists in Iran.

In the end, we haven't so much miscast
Saddam as the bad guy as covered over our
own heinous acts against innocent men, women,
and children.

Now a Bush-led White House is again preparing
to use every effort against Saddam's militaryand
more generally against the civilian population.
The average citizen of Iraq remains vulnerable,
having never recovered from the Gulf War. The
infrastructure is still in ruins. There are no
seeds to grow crops, no fertilizer, no
pesticides. This year's drought has made
everything worse.

But all of this suits Vice President Dick Cheney
real fine. He's stumping again for blowing away
Saddam, showing the same bluster as when he
trumpeted the American victory in 1991. Speaking
to reporters in July of that year, then secretary
of defense Cheney addressed the issue of our
bombing Iraq's civilian infrastructure. Every
Iraqi target was "perfectly legitimate," he
said, adding, "If I had to do it over
again, I would do exactly the same thing."

The only real question for the U.S. military this
time is what's left to hit in the upcoming turkey
shoot. Much of the firing may end up taking place
in the cities, putting Yankee soldiers in the
position of carrying out their own urban jihad.
But with production lines working overtime to
convert old bombs into high-tech smart ones,
America could always just flatten the entire

Among the heavy weapons to consider:

Fuel air explosives: Big, horrific bombs, these
send out a volatile mist that spreads through
any openinga doorway into a building or
underground bunker or, as at Tora Bora, a
cave. The bomb then detonates, its explosion
rocketing through underground passages.

Daisy cutters: Used in Afghanistan last winter,
these 15,000-pound monsters wipe out everything
in a 300-feet radius. "You're not literally so
close that the bomb is breaking you apart or
you catch on fire or anything," explains Carl
Conetta of the Project on Defense Alternatives,
"but the shock wave is so powerful that it crushes
internal organs."

Microwave weapons: Supposedly nonlethal crowd
controllers, these beam-blasting transmitters
can cause third-degree burns. In combat, the
weapons might be used to clear urban riots. But
their power source is cumbersome, which might
prohibit using them.

Cluster bombs: Tossing these sweethearts around has
been likened to laying a minefield from 15,000
feet. We used these as many as 1500 times in
Afghanistan. To prevent infantry from walking
in front of the tanks and picking them up,
anti-personnel explosives are mixed in. The
cluster bombs wait on the ground to go off in
predetermined sequences.

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