-Caveat Lector-


28, 2001
by Srdja
is a matter of amply documented record that the policy makers in
Washington had
not treated
Islamic fundamentalist ideology in adversarial terms until it started
America. Quite the contrary: their refusal to accept that Islam as
such is a threat to national security went hand in hand with the
policy of effectively supporting Islamic fundamentalists in pursuit
of short-term
political or military objectives of the U.S. government. The underlying
assumption was that militant Muslims could be propped up, used, and if need be
eventually discarded–like Diem, Noriega, the Shah, the Contras.
The Kaiser lived to regret giving passage
to Lenin on that sealed train in 1917, but in Washington the lessons of that
episode remained unknown for two decades. Quite the contrary: having
enlisted militant Islam in the destruction of communism, the ruling
establishment used it to erode the reliquiae reliquiarum of the Christian culture in 
the Western world through Muslim mass immigration. Leeds and
Leicester have been turned into Peshawar and Rawalpindi; Marseilles and Toulon
into Dakkar or Algiers; Berlin and Stuttgart into Istanbul or Adana. The
underlying assumption all along has been that the Islamic genie released at the
end of the Cold War in the hills of Afghanistan could be controlled through its
eventual reduction to yet another humanistic project in self-celebration,
through its adherents’ immersion in the consumerist subculture, and through
their children’s multicultural indoctrination by state education.
How well
it has worked we can see in the swelling ranks of British, French, and
American-born jihadi volunteers for martyrdom.[i]
This is shocking to many Westerners; but it is nothing new for eastern Christendom, 
which borders on the Muslim world and where the problem continues
be–as it has been since Islam first appeared in the 7th century–that of
direct, violent confrontation, which today stretches from the Balkans to the
Caucasus and on through Central Asia.[ii]
Compared to the yawning gap between Islam and the civilization of Europe and
North America, the intra-European conflicts of the 20th century (let
alone the much older schism between eastern and western Christianity), however
lethal, appear almost like a family feud. There was no difference, to the
conquerors of Sicily a millennium ago, between Capulets and Montagues.
Communists had secretly always suspected the validity of their own creed, and
thus never trusted each other to face the temptations of the Western world
unsupervised. The Muslims have no such problem: their would-be martyrs can
spend years exposed to the charms of southern Florida, or the buzz of London,
and never waver in their murderous intent.[iii]
The blindness to the nature and ambitions of Islam was partly due to the
elites’ stupidity and ignorance, partly to their desire to give Islam its quidfor half 
a century of the pro-Israel quo, but also–more
importantly–to their bias against nations and cultures based on Christianity,
and to their hatred of tradition, normality, and natural hierarchy.
Already at
the time of the first WTC attack in 1993 it was obvious that belligerent Islam
had a firm foothold within the Muslim diaspora in the United States.
Nevertheless, in the ensuing eight years the U.S. government had been incomprehensibly 
liberal in
allowing entry to supporters and propagators of radical Islam or agents of
terrorist regimes and organizations. It allowed many terrorists and their
supporters to enter the United States on fraudulently obtained student visas
that camouflaged their true purpose. Worse still, some really come for
education–so that they develop their countries’ nuclear, chemical or
biological weapons programs. Others enter for shorter periods, including
clerics and leaders of radical Islamic groups who come to attend conferences
organized by militant groups in the U.S. but whose real purpose is to recruit
new members, raise funds, coordinate strategies with other militant leaders,
indoctrinate new ‘foot soldiers’ and even participate in training sessions.
The policy
was developed during the first Bush administration in a statement by then
Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and North African Affairs, Edward
Djerejian, who emphasized that the United States did not regard Islam or
Islamic movements as the enemy. It recognized the right of Islamic movements to
participate in the political process.[iv]
The spirit of the statement was reiterated and expanded upon by his successor, Robert 
Pelletreau, during the Clinton Administration. Pelletreau observed in
1996 that the “image of Islam in the minds of the average newspaper reader is
often one of an undifferentiated movement hostile to the West and ready to use
violence and terrorism to achieve its ends.”[v]
He distinguished the many “legitimate, socially responsible Muslim groups with
political goals from Islamists who operate outside the bounds of law.” The standard 
establishmentarian view–in this case summarized by John Esposito, director of the
Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University - was
distinctly rose-tinted:
Contemporary Islam is more a challenge than a threat. It
challenges the West to know and understand the diversity of the Muslim
experience. It challenges Muslim governments to be more responsive to popular
demands for political liberalization and greater popular participation, to
tolerate rather than repress nonviolent opposition movements, and to build
viable democratic institutions, while containing extremism and terrorism…
Contrary to what some have advised, the United States should not, in principle,
object to the implementation of Islamic law or involvement of Islamic activists
in government.[130] Islamically oriented political
actors and groups should be evaluated by the same criteria that are applied to
any other potential leaders or opposition party.[vi]
The consequences of this flexible
definition were disastrous. By early 2000 a leading expert on Islamic subversion in 
North America, Steven Emerson, testified before a Congressional
committee that the United States and Canada had become the home for a wide
spectrum of international Islamic terrorist groups as well as indigenous
The primary threat of international terrorism on American
soil stems from Middle Eastern terrorist organizations, a fact that FBI and CIA
officials have repeatedly testified to. These organizations have set up
fundraising operations, political headquarters, military recruitment and
sometimes even command and control centers. [vii]
The entire
spectrum of Islamic terrorist groups now operates on American soil, including
Hamas, Hezbollah, the Algerian Armed Islamic Group, the Egyptian Al Gamat Al
Islamiya, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Islamic Liberation Party, the PKK
and Al-Qaeda, the organization of Osama bin Laden. The pattern was set over a decade
 Ismail Al-Faruqi, the first theorist of the U.S.-made jihad,
said in 1983 that “nothing could be greater than this youthful, vigorous, and
rich continent [North America] turning away from its past evil and marching
forward under the banner of Allahu Akbar.”
December 1989 several fundamentalist leaders attended a rally at Chicago,
including Bashir Nafi, the funding member of Islamic Jihad, and Abdul Aziz
Odeh, its spiritual leader.
Omar Abdel Rahman–the blind sheikh later convicted of
planning a ‘day of rage’ by blowing up New York buildings–in 1991 called on
Muslims to “conquer the land of the infidels.” He was a legal resident alien in
the U.S. at that time.
Siraj Wahaj, the first imam to deliver a Muslim prayer for
the U.S. House of Representatives, declared that Muslims will eventually elect
the president: “Take my word, if 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the
country will come to us.”
Zaid Shakir, formerly the Muslim chaplain at Yale
University, believes the Koran "pushes us in the exact opposite direction
as the forces at work in the American political spectrum" and from this
argues that Muslims cannot accept the legitimacy of the existing order.
Ahmad Nawfal, a Jordanian who spoke often at American
rallies in the 1990s, says that if Muslims stand up, "it will be very easy
for us to preside over this world once again."
June 1991 the innocuously named United Association for Studies and Research
(UASR), based in Virginia, co-sponsored one of the largest gatherings of
Islamist militants ever held in the US. It included Kamal Hilbawi, the leader
of the Muslim brotherhood of Egypt, who openly advocated terrorist attacks.[viii]
Al-Amoush, a top pan-Islamist leader and MP from Jordan, who used similar
rhetoric in Chicago in 1994, subsequently had meetings at the State department
and on Capitol Hill–courtesy of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
fanatics working the U.S. lecture circuit are Sheikh Ghuniem from Egypt and
Yusuf Qaradawi, a militant cleric living in Qatar and ideologue of Hamas who
openly preaches violence on his website. On his U.S. tours Qaradawi praises
Sudan as a model for the Muslim world. Ghuniem was the star speaker at a
conference in Brooklyn organized by pan-Islamist groups on May 24, 1998.
At a benefit dinner organized by the Muslim American Society
and CAIR, just two days before the WTC attacks, an American convert to Islam,
Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Hanson, told the crowd: “This country [America]
unfortunately has a great, great tribulation coming to it. And much of it is
already here, yet people are too illiterate to read the writing on the wall.”
Such examples abound. “These
radical terrorist groups found that the United States, the freest country in
the world, was the best place to organize and build up their terrorist
movements,” said Oliver Revell, former head of the FBI’s counter-terrorist
In recent years, Hamas and other
terrorist groups found they can manipulate the American public and politicians
hiding under non-profit ‘religious charities,’ self-defined religious umbrellas
and the politically correct buzzword of human rights.[ix]
friends and allies have even managed to join the armed forces of the United
States, and continue their subversive activities not only from within America
but also from within its defense establishment.[x] Federal agencies had long known of 
the U.S. terrorist
cells associated with Osama bin Laden, but they did nothing to break them up
and deport the conspirators, or even to monitor them effectively enough to prevent the 
All of
these people, and dozens others just like them (or even worse), are sponsored
by “mainstream” Muslim organizations in the United States. They travel
lecturing at mosques and Islamic centers filled to the capacity. They rely on
quasi-legitimate civil rights Islamic groups that operate as fronts of the
fundamentalist movement. Prior to September 11 they had grown confident, even
cocky - so much so that CAIR had begun to organize street protests against news
organizations that write about the history of militant Islam, going to the point of 
lambasting anyone who refers to “fundamentalist Islam” or to the
concept of jihad in Islam as guilty of “defaming Muslims.” When
Argenbright Security (infamous for letting through the Nepalese illegal
immigrant with seven knives and a stun-gun at O’Hare) fired seven Muslim women
a few years ago–four from the Sudan, a terrorist state according to the U.S.
government, the EEOC made the firm rehire the women–and the EEOC complaint
was drafted by a lawyer for CAIR. [xii]
attracts corruption: Muslim leaders are courted by politicians–primarily
those belinging to the Democrat camp–who are every bit as squeamish about
their client-base as Unocal executives. On at least two occasions Hillary
Clinton hosted receptions organized by Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), a
group that has promoted the activities of HAMAS, Turkey’s fundamentalist
Welfare Party, and the Muslim Brotherhood. Its officials have defended
Hezbollah, while publicly insisting that they condemn terrorism.
support base for radical Islam in the United States, its hundreds of activists
and millions of contributors, raise tens of millions of dollars a year  much of it 
through 501-c-3 tax-exempt
charities, which makes them a legitimate target for close public scrutiny,
especially in view of the factthat much of that money is then funneled to
overseas radical Islamic groups. Ms. Clinton admittedly had to return $50,000
received from MPAC–the Jewish vote in New York was at risk–but she
justified her contacts by claiming that she was trying “to promote a framework
for peace,” that included “lines of communication to many different groups and
many different individuals.”
“lines of communication” included the AMC chairman Alamoudi, who invites
thousands of attendees at its events to chant their support for terrorists. “We
are all supporters of Hamas,” he once declared. When the New York Daily News
asked about these comments Alamoudi denied making them, telling the reporter:
“You better check your Arabic.” When the reporter noted that he had given the
speech in English, Mr. Alamoudi lost his cool: “It was in English? Oh my God, I
courting of such people has continued even after September 11. Muzammil
Siddiqui, the former president of Islamic Society of North America and Imam of
the Islamic Society of Orange County in California, was invited to the Oval
Office by George W. Bush on September 26 so that the President could thank him
for his participation in the national day of mourning and remembrance. Imam
Siddiqui had soothing and reassuring words for the President:
The Muslim community has unanimously condemned and deplored
the crime committed on September 11, 2001. It was a most horrible crime against
our [sic] nation and against humanity.
In reality
Mr. Siddiqui recognizes only one “nation”–that of Islam. Only a year earlier,
at a Jerusalem Day rally in Washington, this same Imam Siddiqui had a rather
different message for his formally adopted country:
We want to awaken the conscience of America: because if you
remain on the side of injustice, the wrath of God will come,” he told the
crowd. “Please all Americans, do remember that, that Allah is watching everyone. If 
you continue doing injustice, and tolerating injustice, the wrath
of God will come.
It should
not be surprising that he hypocrisy of “mainstream” Muslim leaders is
universal, as it is condoned by the openly situational morality of their creed.
According to a leading spokesman for Islam in the West, terrorism
must be differentiated “from the struggle of peoples for their acknowledged
national causes and the liberation of their territories.”[xiv]
The key is “the intention of the perpetrator and the general acceptability of
his act is Din with all its spirit, laws and concepts,” not his act as
such, and does not apply to “acts of national resistance . . . resistance against
racial discrimination”:
It is indeed comical that the United States of America, the
mother of international terrorism and the source of all the circumstances of
oppression and subjection of peoples . . . should seek to convene symposia on
combating terrorism, i.e. any act that conflicts with its imperialist
interests . . . Islam does not omit to lay down a comprehensive, realistic and
flexible code of sanctions that deals with facts according to their social
effects. [emphasis added]
So much for
the “moderates”–the acceptable face of Islam presented to international
forums and the media. “You’d think the White House would know about the
double-talk,” says Emerson, but that does not seem to be the case: Imam
Siddiqui, the leader of one of the largest Islamic groups in the United States,
knows that the level of naivete and denial among Americans is nothing short of
It's very difficult to get a sense of the dimension of what
we're up against because of the level of deception. There isn’t a moderate
Islamic leadership. There isn't. And someone has got to say it. We deny it at
our peril. When the President talks about Islam being hijacked, what's really
happening is that the Muslim extremists have hijacked the leadership . . . The
Islamic leaders now come crying under victimhood status and as being the
subject of hate crimes. But no one has demanded that the price of coming to the
table is that they thoroughly repudiate Islamic terrorism.
nonsense cannot continue. “It took the bureau more than ten years before it
could infiltrate the Mafia, learn the language, recruit Sicilians,” says Don
Lavey, a former FBI man and former head of Interpol's counter-terrorism branch.
“But this time, the threat is much greater and the bureau's resources
incredibly more limited.”[xv] Emerson
The same mild-mannered people who pay their bills on time
also end up becoming terrorists, so it's almost impossible to tell. One thing
is clear: Wherever there is Islamic extremism there's a nexus to the potential
of violence . . . Anybody who subscribes to the tenets of militant Islamic
fundamentalism is capable of violence.[xvi]
realize that the Muslim population is not like any other, for–as Daniel Pipes
put it recently–it harbors a substantial segment of believers who share
important goals with the suicide hijackers. Both despise the United States and
all it stands for, and ultimately wish to transform it into a Muslim country -
by whatever means, violent or otherwise, that will be retroactively justified
by the supposed sanctity of the goal.
Exactly the
same problem is present in each and every Western country that has carelessly
opened the floodgates to mass immigration from the Muslim world. “We will
remodel this country in an Islamic image,” says one Mr. Bakri, a foremost
Islamic leader in Britain: “We will replace the Bible with the Koran . . . Christians 
have to learn that they cannot do this to Islam. We will not allow
our brothers to be colonialised. If they try it, Britain will turn into
this same Mr. Bakri was expelled from Saudi Arabia as a dangerous agitator in
the fundamentalist-revolutionary cause and has lived in London since 1986,
drawing welfare and calling on young Muslims to take up arms against the
“opponents of Islam”–ultimately meaning everyone who is not Muslim, or who
does not subscribe to his vision of Islam. His organization, taking its cue
from its numerous and eminently successful U.S.-based counterparts, has offices
across the developed world and regularly asks its members for donations to fund
its work.
We can only
guess how many thousands of Bakris operate freely in Boston, Michigan, or New
Jersey. By allowing a vast and so far
unsupervised subculture of non-Western immigrants to emerge within their societies, 
the nations of Western Europe and North America have permitted the
emergence of an alternative social and political structure in their midst in
which terrorists can operate virtually undetected.
Decades of
covert and overt support for Islamic terrorism are a foreign policy disaster,
detrimental to peace in all affected regions and to American security. Its
beneficiaries are Osama bin Laden and his co-religionists. The Bush
Administration should investigate the facts of these cases; name the
instigators of such policy; and ensure that none of them remain in any
positions of responsibility. Executors of “excellent ideas” should be replacedwith 
responsible professionals who will accept that Islam as such–not
some allegedly aberrant form of it - is the main identifiable threat to our
global security in the coming century, and who understand that the attacks of
September 11 reflect Islam’s inherent link with violence and intolerance.
Accordingly, a coherent counter-terrorist
strategy must entail denying Islam the foothold inside the West. Like communism, Islam 
relies on a domestic fifth column–the Allah-worshiping
Rosenbergs, Philbys, Blunts, and Hisses–to subvert the civilized world. It
also relies on an army of fellow-travelers, the latter-day Sartres and Shaws in
the ivory towers, on “liberal academics and opinion-makers [who] sympathize with Islam 
partly because it is a leading historical rival of the Western civilization they hate”
and partly because they long for a romanticized and sanitized Muslim past that
substitutes for the authentic Western and Christian roots they have rejected.[xviii]
Those roots must be defended before it is too late, before the world
rooted in Christian traditions and institutions and values known as “Western”
succumbs to the demographic deluge of Islam. As Sam Francis has rightly pointed
a great and in many respects admirable faith, simply is not part of it, and
those who subscribe to Islam and its civilization are aliens, regardless of
their clothes, their professions or their places of residence.[xix]
Perhaps only one in a hundred communists
was an active Soviet spy; maybe not one in a hundred Muslim immigrants is an
active bin Laden asset. Nevertheless, managing the communist risk fifty years
ago entailed denying entry visas (let alone permanent residences or passports)
to self-avowed Party members. Doing the same now with bin Laden’s potential
recruits is the key to any meaningful anti-terrorist strategy, in conjunction with a 
frank, rational, and humane system of ethno-cultural profiling. The alternative
is a non-targeted, sweepingly general clampdown on civil liberties that will be
as ineffective in curbing Islamic extremism as it will be undoubtedly
successful in making life less pleasant and less dignified for all of us. It is a 
matter of balance based on
clearly defined strategy: those infringements of civil rights that are
essential to anti-terrorist strategy should be open to scrutiny, and considered
a painful sacrifice, or a purely tactical retreat, not as the mere brushing
aside of irritating legal technicalities.
Trifkovic is the director of The Rockford Institute Center for International
Affairs and foreign-affairs editor for Chronicles.
[i] 'We will replace
the Bible with the Koran in Britain' http://www.observer.co.uk/islam -
Observer, November 4, 2001
[ii]Cf. Bat Ye’or: The Decline of
Eastern Christianity under Islam: From Jihad to
Dhimmitude http://www.cmep.com/by.htm
[iii] “Five British
Muslims die in Kabul fighting,” AP, 16 November 2001
[vi] John L.
Esposito, Islam and U.S. Policy,
[vii] United States
House of Representatives: House Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims.
Hearing on International Terrorism and Immigration Policy, January 25, 2000; Testimony 
Steven Emerson. www.frontpagemag.com/guestcolumnists/emerson09-12-01.htm
[x] http://www.newsobserver.com/monday/front/Story/831377p-821059c.html
October 21, 2001: “Al-Qaeda terrorist duped FBI, Army”
[xi] “Bin Laden Link Cited”The New York Times, September 13, 2001.
[xii] Thomas Fleming’s
Far Right (November 18, 2001): http://www.rockfordinstitute.org/HardRight/HardRight.htm
[xiv] Ayatullah Shaykh
Muhammad 'Ali Taskhiri, Director of the International Relations Department of
the I.P.O., at the conference on terrorism called by the Organization of the
Islamic Conference, Geneva, June 22-26, 1987:
[xv]www.totse.com/en/politics/terrorists_and_freedom_fighters/ terrpers.html
[xvi] 'Don't ask for
me by name' by Linda Frum, National Post  (Toronto), October 20,
[xvii] The Observer
(London), October 27, 2001.
[xviii] Philip Jenkins
in Chronicles September 2001
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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