-Caveat Lector-


America's Reichstag Fire
Osama bin Laden as Useful Idiot

Paul Weber

In 1933, the German Weimar Republic was tottering on the edge of anarchy. The
National Socialist German Worker’s Party had gained a plurality—but not a
majority—in the German Reichstag. An election was due to be held, and no one
knew whether or not the Nazis, under their shrieking leader, Adolph Hitler, would be
able to gain a clear majority. In fact, if anything, the early indications were that 
Nazis were losing ground. But a few days before the election, an event transpired
that seemed tailor-made for Hitler’s sagging campaign: a fire broke out in the
Reichstag Building. The event itself was small and insignificant; what ended up being
significant, historically, was how the event was used to catapult the ambitious Nazis
into a position of total power. The building itself was only partially damaged, but the
Nazis immediately went into propaganda overdrive, blaming the fire on a vast
conspiracy of communists and socialists bent on plunging Germany into anarchy and
despair. A mentally retarded Dutchman named Marinus Van der Lubbe was arrested
and confessed to setting the fire, adding that he had been directed to do so by the
communists. The convenient arsonist was given a quick trial and sentenced to death.
The rest is history: Hitler rose to power on the tide of panic created by the Reichstag
fire, quickly enacted emergency security measures giving him dictatorial control over
the entire country, and instituted his twelve-year reign of terror. It was assumed for 
long time, among historians, that the Nazis themselves set the fire and took
advantage of the half-witted Dutchman to promote their cause. Others who study the
case think Van der Lubbe acted entirely on his own, perhaps motivated by nothing
more than what usually motivates arsonists: the joy of watching something valuable
go up in smoke. Van der Lubbe was, however (in Stalin’s memorable phrase), a
convenient and useful idiot, someone who advanced a cause without having any idea
what he was doing. Those who wish to gain complete, dictatorial power over a
country need some sort of cause celebre to focus people on their cause. The
importance of the event is emphatically not the actual harm done, but the efficacy of
the symbolism: the sight of the Reichstag, the seat of government, in flames was
enough to push the common German citizen just far enough to consider voting for
the leader of a bunch of brown-shirted thugs. History is filled with convenient causes
celebres, but Americans are in no position, by and large, to understand how these
events are used to put the noose around their collective necks. Dumbed down by
twelve-year sentences to enforced propaganda camps (sometimes called public
schools), a shocking percentage of Americans have absolutely no knowledge of the
most basic facts of history. Jay Leno often does an amusing segment of the Tonight
Show, in which he asks college freshmen the most basic questions about history:
"What countries were allied against us in WWII?", "What century the Civil War was
fought in?", and so forth. Amazingly, many college students haven’t the slightest
clue, yet somehow they managed to earn good grades in school and are selected to
some of the country’s most elite institutions of "learning." I have no doubt that many
of these dunderheads go on to study international relations and then get cushy jobs
with the foreign service bureaucracy, where they help write policy that explains why
the United States must station soldiers in one hundred different countries across the
globe. Though these poor creatures are amazingly dull-witted about history, they do
know how to sniff out an opportunity to grab some power and perks. I’m sure if you
mentioned the Reichstag Fire to virtually anyone in the State Department, you would
be greeted with a blank, bovine-like stare. Another now-forgotten cause celebre was
the sinking of the battleship USS Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898. The loss of the
Maine was tragic, but was certainly not a crippling blow to American naval power.
The sinking did serve, however, as a rallying point to get the American people behind
the Spanish-American war. Newspapers, always eager for good copy, jumped
enthusiastically on the war bandwagon as a way of increasing sales. Stories were
cooked up of Spanish agents attaching underwater explosives to the hull of the
Maine. Outraged, Americans demanded justice! In short order, we were kicking
Spanish butt across the globe, from Cuba to the Philippines. The sheep-like
American people rallied behind the president with the war cry of "Remember the
Maine! To Hell with Spain!" Over the years, cooler heads have looked at the tragedy
of the Maine and concluded that the sinking was most likely due to an accidental
explosion of ammunition on board. To have propounded this theory at the time,
however, would have been considered treasonous, in much the same manner that
those who now question the War on Terror are openly called traitors. I never had
much sympathy for Senator Tom Daschle, who is obviously a mewling liberal ready
to reach into your wallet any chance he gets, but he certainly didn’t deserve to be
called a traitor for his mild, timorous questioning of the course of the war. But you
have to hand it to the politicians of 1898; they really knew how to make the public eat
out of their hands. Before those wicked Spaniards knew what had happened, we had
taken over the Philippines, as well as a lot of strategically-useful territory that 
prove valuable in a whole series of twentieth-century wars. In the negotiations with
Spain that ended the war, none of the newly-conquered territories had any say in
their own fates. The Philippines, having fought for years to gain independence from
Spain, suddenly found themselves a conquered territory of the United States. Now
we come to the events of 9/11. A gang of fanatics, most of them from Saudi Arabia,
hijacked some domestic flights and completed a suicide mission that resulted in the
destruction of the World Trade Center, as well as significant damage to the
Pentagon. About 3,000 people died in these attacks. Certainly, the attacks were an
atrocity, but can we really say—as the propagandists have insisted since that day—
that "freedom itself is under attack?" Are we to believe that the armies of Saudi
Arabia and Iraq will soon be marching down Broadway? Atrocious as the attacks
were, can we honestly say we are in danger of being subjugated by a foreign power?
As is often the case, propaganda ministries often tell the truth, in an ironic sort of
way. Freedom is definitely under attack—only the threat comes from this side of the
Atlantic, with the command centers of anti- freedom forces working overtime from
offices along the Potomac. The fanatics who commandeered those airplanes have
indeed proved themselves to be the most useful of idiots for any politician in
Washington looking for a quick and easy way to create a new fiefdom to rule. We
now have the bizarre, Orwellian Office of Homeland Security, which has managed to
panic Americans with vague, dark warnings of unspecified terrorist plans, though no
further atrocities have happened in America since 9/11. The actions taken allegedly
to prevent another hijacking—frisking little old ladies waiting to get on the
plane—have nothing to do with increasing security, but everything with making
Americans feel threatened and debased. The most effective means of preventing
hijackings—arming the pilots—has been summarily rejected. On the other hand, post
9/11, it’s unlikely that terrorists will be able to complete a suicide mission on an
airplane on such a huge scale, because any pilot in a hijacking situation today is
going to depressurize the cabin, tilt the plane forty-five degrees, and toss the
hijackers around the plane like to many loose melons. The main reason the 9/11
hijackings came off so well for the terrorists was that Americans have been trained
for years to give criminals whatever they want, to give in to their demands, to wait 
the police and professionals to handle the situation. If there is anything good to come
out of 9/11, it’s the fact that fewer Americans will just lie down and take it next 
someone attempts such an atrocity. The useful idiots who flew planes into buildings
have plunged us into a situation in which the president could plausibly declare a state
of emergency and suspend most of our freedoms. You think there is an inviolable
right to freedom of speech or the press? Guess again; those rights were suspended
in the Civil War, World War I, and World War II. The right to keep and bear arms?
That one is practically gone already; one more American Reichstag fire should be
enough to cancel the Second Amendment. After the Reichstag Fire, Hitler was able
to invoke Article 40 of the Weimar Constitution, suspending rights to free speech and
association, closing down the individual state governments, and establishing his own
department of homeland security, the SS and SA. Ask yourself: Is there anything
nowadays, given the general ignorance and disregard of the Constitution among both
politicians and the dumbed-down populace, that the President could not do? Could
he bomb Libya or Iraq or Iran without consulting Congress (much less getting a
declaration of war from them)? Could he close down annoying newspapers and
websites that "undercut the morale" of the war effort? Could he authorize
conscription to ensure we have enough soldiers to enforce our wills on countries
across the globe? Could he commandeer American industries in the "national
interest" and force them to produce at a loss for the sake of the war effort? Osama
bin Laden, assuming he is the mastermind behind 9/11, probably hoped to unite the
Muslim world against the United States. Given the likelihood of American
overreaction in places as far apart as Korea, Iraq, Libya, and China, he has a good
chance of succeeding. In the wake of 9/ 11, the unthinkable is now on the table:
observe how often radio talk show hosts speak openly of nuking this or that country.
Observe how the Pentagon now considers conducting pre-emptive nuclear strikes
against nations if they resist American hegemony, as was recently leaked to a
reporter for the LA Times. Acts like the Reichstag Fire, the sinking of the Maine and
9/11 serve as excuses to cancel freedoms and widen political control for those in
power. In this sense, the deranged operatives who masterminded the 9/11 attacks
were most useful idiots indeed.

Paul Weber’s novel, Transfiguration, is available at http://www.xlibris.com/
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