-Caveat Lector-

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Vatican elevated abusive priest Warnings didn't deter rise through Catholic diplomatic corps 9/30/03 By Reese Dunklin / The Dallas Morning News  "The Vatican promoted a U.S. priest through its international diplomatic corps despite high-level warnings in the 1990s that he had sexually abused a girl, according to interviews and records.  The case is believed to be the first in which the Vatican has been found harboring an abuser in its ranks. In a message to American Catholic leaders during last year's abuse crisis, Pope John Paul II said: "There is no place in the priesthood or religious life for those who would harm the young." http://www.dallasnews.com/latestnews/stories/083103dnprovatican.87cb6.html

This has graphic descriptions of violence.
Murder suspect convicted - Second trial ends in 2 guilty verdicts By Paul Pinkham and Tia Mitchell  Times-Union staff writers "An accused devil worshiper was found guilty last night of murdering a college student in his Mayport apartment then setting her body on fire....Mark Anthony Alverez guilty....Alverez contended she died during rough sex, which she suggested, and he panicked. But several Duval County jail inmates testified Alverez told them about a satanic ritual in which he sacrificed Mejias and set her on fire. Police found books about devil worship in his apartment."  http://www.jacksonville.com/tu-online/stories/082403/met_13355160.shtml

two from L Moss Sharman Priest who quit northwestern Minnesota parishes takes leave 8/31/03 Bagley, MN "A Roman Catholic priest who left two churches after parishioners learned of his past conviction for possessing child pornography has taken a leave of absence, church officials said. The Rev. Rick Boyd, 52.... Investigators said they found pictures of him with pictures of nude young men on Web sites he had set up, but no evidence of criminal activity." http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/4070948.html

Blind to a nightmare  8/31/03 by Scott Fornek "In War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, award-winning investigative author Edwin Black connects the Holocaust and other Nazi war crimes to the American eugenics movement, a crusade for selective breeding that led to the forced sterilization of nearly 70,000 Americans deemed "unfit."  A best-selling writer on the Holocaust, Black does not blame Olson and his colleagues for the Nazi atrocities. But he does argue that they hatched the quest to create a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master race here in the United States." http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/31judge.html
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