-Caveat Lector-
1. Massive turnout in Venezuelan referendum, at least one dead
2. Faked Recording of Venezuelan Recall Results Seized
3. Electoral fraud attempt fails in Caracas
4. Venezuela's Chavez Wins Recall Vote
5. Clandestine sources email allegedly preliminary results to the international media
6. Crude Oil Falls From Record After Chavez Wins Recall Vote
1. Massive turnout in Venezuelan referendum, at least one dead
In a message dated 8/16/2004 1:19:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

AFP via Yahoo - August 15, 2004

Massive turnout in Venezuelan referendum, at least one dead

CARACAS (AFP) - Voters in volatile Venezuela turned out in huge numbers to
determine whether to revoke President Hugo Chavez's mandate in a
referendum marked by an incident that left at least one person dead.

Gunmen fired at voters waiting to cast their ballots just outside Caracas,
killing one person and wounding 10 others, according to the capital's fire
chief Rodolfo Briceno.

In another incident in the Petare suburb, masked motorcyclists fired guns
in the air and unfurled the banner of a hardcore pro-Chavez group, causing
panic among voters, witnesses said.

But on the whole, electoral observers appeared satisfied with the voting
process Sunday afternoon, and former US President Jimmy Carter
congratulated electoral authorities on their "heroic performance."

A massive turnout and a slower than anticipated voting process led
authorities to announce polling stations would not close until the last
voters in line had cast their ballots.

Some people, eager to vote early, showed up shortly after midnight, and
others were awakened at 3:00 am by buglers and fireworks meant to rally
the more than 14 people eligible to participate in the recall referendum.

"It is a true democratic fiesta," Chavez told state-run television. "It is
a battle that resounds worldwide."

Opinion polls ahead of the referendum gave an edge to the controversial
former paratrooper, but pollsters said the race could go either way, and
political analysts warned that a close outcome would heighten the risk of

Foes of Chavez had pressed for the referendum, accusing the charismatic
president of wasting the country's oil wealth and of seeking to emulate
his close friend Fidel Castro (news - web sites), the leader of communist

But Chavez claims the opposition is merely seeking to regain the
privileges it used to enjoy before he launched his self-styled revolution
he claims is lifting millions of Venezuelans out of poverty.

His popularity got a strong boost from recent spending on highly popular
health program made possible by a huge oil boom brought on by record world

Chavez warned that only his electoral triumph could guarantee crude
shipments from the world's fifth oil exporter, claiming that an opposition
victory would lead to a privatization of the huge Petroleos de Venezuela
(PDVSA) state oil firm, which would prompt oil workers to stage a
crippling strike.

There have been market concerns that a victory by the opposition, which
last year staged a two-month oil sector strike could affect exports --
notably to the United States, where Venezuelan shipments accounts for 15
percent of oil imports.

The opposition that has pushed for the referendum is an alliance of right-
and left-wing parties, managers and trade unionists, former military
officers and civic groups, united by their hatred of Chavez, but divided
on numerous issues.

In order to revoke the president's mandate, the opposition needed to win a
majority of the votes and match the 3.75 million ballots Chavez garnered
in 2000, two years after he was first elected and eight years after he
tried to grab power in a failed military coup.

Even if the president's foes manage to unseat him, Chavez still has strong
chances of winning the presidential elections that by law must be held 30
days after the referendum.

Carmen de Garcia, 53, who stood in line to vote in the staunchly
pro-Chavez La Canada slum, was confident the president would win a huge
victory, something she said would "give a lesson to the United States."

But in the anti-Chavez stronghold of eastern Caracas, Miriam Sequera, who
is in her fifties, drew cheers from other voters as she said: "there is a
certain gentleman who has to go."
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2. Faked Recording of Venezuelan Recall Results Seized
In a message dated 8/16/2004 2:07:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

Agencia Cubana de Noticias (AIN)

Faked Recording of Venezuelan Recall Results Seized

By Pastor Batista and Franklin Reyes
Special Correspondents

Caracas, Aug 15 (AIN) Venezuelan electoral authorities
revealed Sunday what appeared to be an attempt by the
enemies of the Hugo Chavez administration to misguide
public opinion by using a new maneuver: a faked recording
announcing the results of the recall referendum.

Francisco Carrasquero, president of the National Electoral
Council (CNE), and Jorge Rodrmguez, another leading figure
in the council, told the press in the Venezuelan capital
that they had received a CD with a doctored recording of
Carrasquero officially announcing that President Hugo
Chavez had been recalled by a vote of more than eleven
million votes.

The fake recording was to be broadcast simultaneously with
the real announcement and presented as a transmission of
the national radio network.

The CNE described the incident as "a very serious electoral
crime" the has requested an immediate, in-depth
investigation to discover those responsible for what the
council said was an undertaking against both the referendum
and democracy in Venezuela.

After emphasizing that the CNE had worked in a transparent,
objective and impartial manner and that it will continue
representing the sovereign will of the majority of
Venezuelans, Francisco Carrasquero urged those who had not
yet voted to exercise their constitutional right without
fear. The election official encouraged voters to wait for
the official results whichhe saidthe CNE will release
np arh 04 1558

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3. Electoral fraud attempt fails in Caracas
In a message dated 8/16/2004 1:19:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

sent by Cort Greene

[So many people want to vote that the polls will remain open
past midnight - Caracas time!]

Vheadline - August 15, 2004

Electoral fraud attempt fails in Caracas

by Gustavo Borges

Private media outlets have, of course, tried to silence and conceal
accusations made by the National Elections Council (CNE) which has reported
an opposition attempt at electoral fraud.  Voicing over a CNE announcement
broadcast on all local TV and radio channels, the opposition loaded media
organizations mistakenly (?) played a recording they are alleged to have
planned to broadcast in the streets at 8:00 p.m. tonight to announce that
President Hugo Chavez Frias had lost the referendum by an amazing 11 million

The recording purported to announce first results of the referendum as being
a resounding defeat for President Chavez Frias ... it was, in fact, a
somewhat amateurish attempt to fake the voice of CNE president Francisco

The opposition media immediately sought to prevent information being leaked
further and the chain-broadcast was shipped off the air without a single
explanation or inquiry.

Minutes after the CNE went public with the accusation Luis Miquilena,
claiming to be an opposition leader (he was formerly part of the Chavez
government), went on-camera to claim that those responsible belonged to
left-wingers Bandera Roja and unsuccessfully tried damage control by making
a side comment that the whole thing had been "intended only as a joke.

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4. Venezuela's Chavez Wins Recall Vote
In a message dated 8/16/2004 7:12:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

[So much for those "razor thin, neck-and-neck" polls. Preliminary
results show a 59%-41% victory for Hugo Chavez.-NY Transfer]

Venezualanalysis.com - August 16, 2004

Venezuela's Chavez Wins Recall Vote

By Martin Sanchez, Venezuelanalysis.com

Caracas, Venezuela. Aug 16. (Venezuelanalysis.com).- At 4:03AM,
Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) announced that according to
preliminary results, Venezuelan opposition to President Hugo Chavez will
continue his term until 2006.

The announcement was made by the CNE President Francisco Carrasquero, and
it was preceded by a separate announcement by CNE board members Sobella
Mejias and Ezequiel Zamora, who cited technical reasons to question the
announcement to be made by Carrasquero. Both Mejia and Zamora are believed
to be aligned with the opposition.

According to the numbers, obtained from a tally count of 94,49% of ballots
from automatic voting machines, the opposition failed to obtain more votes
that those who wanted Chavez to stay. The "no" option obtained 4,991,483
votes representing 58.95%. The "yes" option obtained 3,576,517 votes,
representing 41.74%.

Manual count results from rural places and low income urban areas where
Chavez has widespread support, could increase Chavez's margin

After almost six years in office, the South American leader has managed to
hold up his popular support as he obtained 56% in the 1998 elections and
59% in the 2000 re-election.

After numerous attempts to remove Chavez from power though
unconstitutional means, including a coup d'etat, illegal strikes, and a
management-led shutdown of the state oil company, the opposition put all
their hopes in the recall referendum to oust the charismatic leader.

The recall referendum represents the eight electoral victory of Chavez or
his party in the last six years.

OAS Secretary General Cesar Gaviria announced on Sunday that the
referendum results will be trustworthy.

"We are an example of Democracy in the world," said Venezuelan Education
Minister Aristobulo Iszuriz.
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5. Clandestine sources email allegedly preliminary results to the international media
In a message dated 8/16/2004 7:12:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

VHeadline.com - August 15, 2004

Clandestine sources email allegedly preliminary results
to the international media

by Katherine Lahey

As the August 15  recall referendum continues, the reality of the voting
process slips farther and farther away from the opposition promulgated
image of tension, worry and outbreaks of violence.

The honest truth is ... at least in the streets ... nothing out of the
ordinary is going on. People are waiting patiently in line ... sometimes
for hours on end ... for their turn at the voting machines and that's the
plain truth.

There's no Chavista propaganda ... no one is wearing Chavista red ...
they're sincerely respecting the public call on television last night
asking people to abide by a peaceful, democratic voting process and not to
bring propaganda to the polls.

President Hugo Chavez Frias was out early to vote!

The order of the day is to respect the rights of each voter to make an
independent decision .. the feeling in the streets is a profound respect
.. although trumpets blared at 3:00 a.m. to rally folks to the polls.  In
general the people have been calm, and are taking the process very
seriously ... which is not to be confused with passivity, flatness, or

The time to celebrate comes later.

The private media, however, walk the streets in the opposition
neighborhoods, surveying crowds and inciting them to dramatic scenes of
impatience, harping all the time on the alleged incompetence of the voting
process in general. For the cameras, they chant We want to vote!  As
usual the opposition-loaded private media continues to create their own
stories at the expense of any real news.

The real drama continues behind closed doors...

Already with just minutes to spare before 3:00 p.m. international media
began receiving emails from IP address claiming to release
preliminary results.  In accordance with electoral regulations,
VHeadline.com will not publish the information ... we do not give much
credence to the information since tracing the sender IP to Virginia, USA!

Within the past hour, the CNE announced that they had recovered a
recording of the CNE president announcing that Chavez had lost the
election.  Audio technicians were quickly able to declare the recording a
fake but it is clear that radical elements had planned to broadcast it to
announce a supposed victory for the opposition.

With the discovery and technical backup, it appears now that the
opposition has created an even more embarrassing situation for itself,
since an opposition official has publicly gone on the record admitting
that the story is true. The private media has interview confused members
of the opposition who claim that they voted Yes, but that the machine
"ate" their vote, and printed "No."  When asked for proof, they responded
that they torn them up and thrown them away...

The same sad story reappears in opposition reporting from San Francisco
(California) where members of the opposition have advised their supporters
to refuse to provide documentary proof of legal residence in the USA).
The idea is that given the fact they will consequently be denied the
opportunity to vote, it will implant an image of repression of voters
rights and ultimately to discolor a projected Chavez victory.

As the process proceeds with relative tranquility, VHeadline.com will
continue to wait for updates and well be back with more. Voting stations
will now stay open until at least 8:00 p.m. and/or as long as there are
people who want to vote.

Were patrolling the streets and keeping our eyes on developments
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6. Crude Oil Falls From Record After Chavez Wins Recall Vote
In a message dated 8/16/2004 7:25:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

[For up-to-the-minute news via news.google.com, you can't input the
search term "Venezuela" -- all you will get are US mainstream stories
from 24 hours ago.  But if you input "Chavez wins" you will get
updated stories from Europe (Bloomberg in Germany, and Ireland)
that cover the Chavez victory. Google still hasn't caught up with
sources like Venezualanalysis.com or VHeadline.com, of course.-NY Transfer]

Bloomberg - August 16, 2004

Crude Oil Falls From Record After Chavez Wins Recall Vote

Aug. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil futures fell from record highs after
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez won a referendum that might have removed
him from office.

The motion to recall Chavez was rejected by 58 percent of voters, the
National Electoral Council said. Oil had risen earlier on concern that
supply might be disrupted in Venezuela, the fourth- largest exporter to
the U.S., because of violence surrounding voting.

``He's won the referendum, the oil market is moving lower, which is a move
that should be expected on this news,'' said Paul Goodhew, a broker at
GNI/Man Financial in London.

Crude oil for September delivery fell 38 cents to $46.20 a barrel in
after-hours electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange at 9:16
a.m. London time. Earlier it had risen to $46.91 a barrel, the highest
intraday price since oil futures began trading in 1983.

In London, Brent crude oil for September delivery, which expires today,
was down 45 cents at $43.43 a barrel on the International Petroleum
Exchange at 9:16 a.m.


Ireland Online - August 16, 2004

Chavez wins Venezuelan elections
16/08/2004 - 09:17:21

The Venezuela Elections Commission president says preliminary results show
President Hugo Chavez won recall vote.

Venezuelans turned out in such huge numbers to vote on whether to oust
President Hugo Chavez that they overwhelmed election officials.

The sheer number of voters, believed to be a record for any election in
Venezuela, in yesterdays referendum, along with problems with electronic
thumbprint ID machines, caused election officials to twice postpone the
polls closing to midnight  eight hours later than first scheduled.
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