-Caveat Lector-

St. Petersburg Times (Florida)

March 6, 1994, Sunday, City Edition


LENGTH: 1305 words

HEADLINE: Military controls my mind, woman says




When you start dabbling in repressed-memory therapy, there's no telling what  will 
bubble up. Take the case of Frances Fox.

Fox, 45, owner of a prestigious bridal shop here on the Miracle Mile, has  recovered a 
harrowing assortment of memories with help from therapists in  Florida, Texas and 

The first memory - of incest with her father - followed a dream in 1989.  Then she 
remembered being abused by other relatives, dangled upside down over  a cliff, taken 
to satanic rituals where a baby was killed and eaten, and  subjected to mind-control 
experiments by the military and CIA.

Fox's father is dead, but she is suing her uncle based on the memories she  recently 
recovered of incest she says occurred 34 years ago. The uncle,  retired lawyer Juan 
Francisco Bauta of Miami, has vigorously denied the  charges.

The case is on hold until the Florida Supreme Court decides whether a law  that lifts 
the statute of limitations on delayed-memory cases is  constitutional.

In an interview, Fox would not discuss the lawsuit or her uncle, but spoke  for three 
hours about the other memories. She wants the government to admit  its wrongdoing, 
release the results of the so-called Monarch mind-control  project and compensate the 
victims. She isn't interested in naming names or  getting anyone in trouble, she said.

"I'm looking for a negotiated peace settlement with the government," Fox  said. "I am 
looking for . . . the keys to my programing so that I may  complete my therapy and 
healing process."

David French, a CIA spokesman, said Friday he isn't familiar with the  mind-control 
experiment Fox described.

Its existence isn't likely, he said. "I wouldn't deny her her memory of  her 
experience, but I would be very surprised to see the CIA involved in any  way."

Fox said her family considers her "wacko," but she insists she is not.  She points to 
the fact that she has found three other women who have recovered  similar memories.

All are members of a support group run by Hilda Brockman, a therapist and  past 
president of the South Florida Society for the Study of Multiple  Personality and 
Dissociative Disorders. Brockman, who has diagnosed about 30  cases of multiple 
personality disorder, does not question the accuracy of the  satanic-abuse and 
military mind-control memories.

"I don't think these folks are making it up," she said. "They're too  together."

Fox, who has two grown children and is separated from her husband, has  built a 
thriving business and developed a busy social life. She has too much  going on to be 
inventing this kind of fantasy, Brockman said.

Besides, the therapist said, people worldwide describe the same things. It  couldn't 
be a coincidence, she said.

It's not a coincidence, says FBI agent Kenneth Lanning, who has studied  allegations 
of ritual child abuse by satanic cults and others. He said in a  phone interview that 
the Monarch Project is "just kind of a myth or legend  that's being spread by a small 
number of people at a variety of therapy  conferences."

In a 1992 study of satanic ritual abuse, Lanning said people like to hang  misdeeds on 
satanic influences - "the devil made them do it" - and also  enjoy delving into 
conspiracy theories about government coverups.

Just because individuals who never met each other tell the same story  doesn't mean 
it's true, he wrote.

"Absurd urban legends about the corporate logos of Procter and Gamble and  Liz 
Claiborne being satanic symbols persist in spite of all efforts to refute  them with 
reality," he said.

Another person who questions the accuracy of the memories is attorney Roger  
Schindler, who represents Fox's 70-year-old uncle.

"It is extremely unlikely for this woman to have suppressed the  extraordinary events 
she alleges occurred to her in her childhood and  adolescence," Schindler said.

"This is not just Daddy sneaking into the bedroom. This is torture.  Murder."

Schindler blames therapists for creating, or at least perpetuating, "mass  hysteria" 
through the current fad for repressed-memory therapy.

Fox said her father was a Cuban-American who went into the U.S. military  and was 
stationed in Panama, Germany and several U.S. bases, including MacDill  in Tampa. She 
was one of seven children.

In 1959, Fox said, her father left the military and returned to Cuba for  about a 
year, when he was asked by the Cuban government to leave. She regards  this as 
evidence that he was a CIA agent.

Her alleged abuse at the hands of her uncle occurred during that year in  Cuba, 
according to her lawsuit. The accusations include rape, sodomy and  unusual sexual 

The memory of the abuse by her uncle, as well as others, remained beyond  her 
conscious mind until after her father's death in 1989, Fox said. At an  intensive 
four-day session of therapy in Minnesota, she got the idea she might  have some kind 
of sexual-abuse problem but she had no memory of any.

Then she had a dream, in which her father was chasing her and laughing,  saying "You 
can't get away from me." She said that when she woke up she knew  what the dream 
meant. It shocked her, she said, "because this was certainly  not the image I had of 
my father nor that anyone else had of my father."

The other memories came later, through work Fox did with a succession of  therapists 
and on her own with pen and paper, letting her subconscious take  over and instruct 
her what to write.

Of the memories she was willing to discuss during the interview, the most  bizarre was 
that involving satanic rituals. She said she remembered her father  taking her to one 
in Panama, where Indians killed a small baby and ate it.

Her father took her to the ceremony purposely to traumatize her on  instructions from 
his bosses in the CIA, Fox believes. She said she "split"  several times that night, 
depositing the painful memory with several alter  personalities.

"I don't know how many parts of me there are," she said.

Memories of military mind control emerged during treatment at Charter  Hospital in 
Dallas, where she was sent by Dr. Colin Ross, well-known in the  field of multiple 
personality disorder. There she was given paper and told to  draw. Her memories of 
programing sessions by her "controls" grew out of that  time. She was only one of many 
children who were traumatized and programed  into total obedience, she said.

"I believe these were experiments to see how much you could control human  beings," 
she said.

Dr. Ross confirmed that Fox told him she was a military-programed multiple  
personality.  His take on it? "It's a very complicated matter, difficult to  figure 
out how much is real and how much is not real. It warrants serious  study."

The Monarch Project experiments are still going on, Fox said, but she  declined to 
discuss current activities because her "controls" might harm  her. She offered a 
manuscript from a group called "Ritual CIA (Cult, Incest  or Abuse) Exposed" in Santa 
Rosa, Calif., that describes the project pretty  much the way she did. The Mafia was 
also involved, it says.

FBI agent Lanning said it's important to note that people who describe  memories of 
satanic abuse and military mind control often really believe they  took place and 
aren't knowingly lying. And it's also possible that something  abusive - not a satanic 
cult, not the CIA, but something - did happen to Fox  while she was growing up, he 

The trouble, though, is that once she starts talking about her wilder  "memories," she 
loses credibility in the courtroom, he said.

That isn't lost on attorney Schindler. "I don't know which of her  personalities is 
suing," he said. "Due process requires that the real abusee  stand up.

"I'm looking forward to cross-examination."


ABErnathy, MARtin F. ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** Providence, RI

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