-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

                            FREEDOM NOW!!!
OCTOBER 24, 1999
by Henry Lamb (www.worldnetdaily.com)
Friday, October 01, 1999 7:54 PM

     In less than a year, the United Nations will convene a special
Millennium Assembly as a global summit on the future of the world.
This event will crown a decade of preparation to launch the new
millennium on a new system of global governance. The blueprint was
published by the Commission on Global Governance in 1995. Now, a
Charter to achieve global governance has been developed for
presentation at the Millennium Assembly next September. It will be
published publicly on UN day, October 24th.  [2000]
     It is called The Charter for Global Democracy. It has already
been signed by influential leaders in 56 nations, and has the support
of civil society non-government organizations around the world. The
document is, in reality, a Charter for the abolition of individual
     The first of 12 principles calls for the consolidation of all
international agencies under the direct authority of the United
The second principle calls for regulation by the UN of all
transnational corporations and financial institutions, requiring an
"inter-  national code of conduct" concerning the environment and
labor standards. Principle number 3 demands an independent source of
revenue for the UN, such as the "Tobin tax" and taxes on aircraft and
shipping fuels, and licensing the use of the global commons. The
"global commons" is defined to be "outer space, the atmosphere,
non-territorial seas, and the related environment that supports human
life." Number 4 would eliminate the veto power and permanent member
status on the Security Council. Number 5 would authorize a standing UN
army. Number 6 would require UN registration of all arms and the
reduction of all national armies "as part of a multilateral global
security system" under the authority of the United Nations.  Principle
number 7 would require individual and national compliance with all UN
"Human Rights" treaties and declarations. Number 8 would activate the
International Criminal Court, make the International Court of Justice
compulsory for all nations, and give individuals the right to petition
the courts to remedy social injustice. Principle 9 calls for a new
institution to establish economic and  environmental security by
insuring "sustainable development." Number 10 calls for the
establishment of an International Environmental Court.  Number 11
calls for a declaration that climate change is an essential global
security interest that requires the creation of a "high-level action
team" to allocate carbon emission based on equal per-capita rights.
Principle number 12 calls for the cancellation of all debt owed by the
poorest nations, global poverty reductions, and for "equitable sharing
of global resources," as allocated by the United Nations.
     As preposterous as these ideas may sound to freedom-loving
Americans, most of the world considers them to be an improve- ment
over their current circumstance. The fuel that fires the global
governance movement, however, is not the desires of oppressed people,
it is the money supplied by the well-to-do elite who feel the need to
"do something" to help the less fortunate people of the world. The
strategy for advancing the movement is supplied by those who expect to
control the machinery of global governance.
     It is no coincidence that financial contributions in support of
the Charter for Global Democracy are to be made to the London office
of United Nations Association.  Dozens of documents, all promoting
some form of world government, have been circulating for most of this
decade. All contain these same principles. The Millennium Assembly
will receive these documents and meld them into the legal instruments
required to modify the existing UN Charter. It will take a year or two
for the legal documents to be prepared
and adopted, and another year or two for ratification.

The world is truly standing at the threshold of world government.
Woodrow Wilson brought the world to the same threshold
nearly 80 years ago; the United States decided not to enter, and the
League of Nations collapsed. Once again, it is up to the United States
to determine the future of the world. If the United States embraces
this Charter for Global Democracy, the world will be subjected to
global dominance by the United Nations.
     If the United States opts out, the world may be spared centuries
of inevitable oppression.  There is no issue of greater importance in
next year's election than where each candidate stands on global
governance and national sovereignty.  So far, this issue has not
emerged in any national campaign. The United States must prevent this
catastrophe-in-the-making. Global governance, as envisioned by the
Commission on Global Governance and the Charter for Global Democracy
cannot succeed without the support of the United States. The United
States must walk away. For all practical purposes, the next President,
and the next Senate will make that decision.  By walking away from the
UN's vision of global governance, we are not turning our backs to the
rest of the world. Our next President and Congress should say no to
global governance, and offer a better idea.  There is no better idea,
nor higher aspiration, than individual freedom.  America pioneered
that technology 200 years ago, and it is still the most valuable asset
we possess.

     FREEDOM and democracy are not synonymous. In most of the world,
the term democracy means the right of citizens to participate in the
process of government. It is a right granted by the government, and
controlled by the government, and if exercised improperly, it is
denied by the government.
     FREEDOM, on the other hand, is the God-given right to govern
one's self.
     FREEDOM is the power to enter into voluntary agreements with
other people who have precisely the same freedom,
          to achieve objectives of mutual benefit, as determined only
by the parties to the agreement.
     FREEDOM is the power to make the rules that govern those
     FREEDOM the power to create and control a system of general
governance designed to serve its creators.
     FREEDOM is the power to cheat, lie, and steal -- and learn the
consequences of those actions.
     FREEDOM is the power to experiment, to invent, to help others --
and learn the consequences of those actions.
     FREEDOM is the ultimate objective of human kind.  A system of
global democracy, administered by the United Nations, would turn the
world away from its primary quest -- individual freedom. Poverty
cannot be eliminated by taking wealth from some and giving it to
others.   The inevitable consequence of such action is the expansion
of poverty, by taking not only wealth, but the incentive to produce
wealth as well.

     The environment -- the global commons -- cannot be protected for
long by regulated preservation. It must be protected by those who use
it to meet their daily needs. Government ownership or control of the
environment is the most certain way to ensure its degradation through
stagnation. People, like virtually every other species on earth,
should be free to use that portion of the environment they can control
in whatever way they choose.   If they abuse that environment, the
environment will not sustain them. If  they cultivate and care for
that environment, it will sustain them.  This is a fundamental law of
nature that cannot be repealed by any institution of government. In
the long term, government attempts to manage the environment become,
in retrospect, examples of gross mismanagement. Individuals, managing
that portion of the planet they are able to control, provide the
surest way to achieve a healthy, vibrant environment for all.
     FREEDOM  is the power to gain control over a portion of the
environment -- land ownership.
     FREEDOM is the power to defend that land, by whatever means
necessary, from those who have not learned the consequences of
cheating, lying, or stealing. Freedom is the power to use the
resources the land provides to create products and services others are
willing to buy.
     FREEDOM  is the power to buy products and services others have
     These are the ideas for which the world hungers. These are the
better ideas America should offer the world. Because these ideas have
produced prosperity beyond the wildest dreams of the rest of the
world, we should happily share our freedom technology with the world.
Democracy can be imposed upon people by government; freedom cannot be
imposed. Freedom must be learned through experience. Sometimes the
experience is bloody, as it was in America, and always, it is painful,
as is the current learning experience in Russia. It is the price we
must pay for the benefits freedom bestows.   America should stop
pouring its prosperity down the United Nations' drain. Instead, it
should help directly, any nation that wants its people to be free. If
given the choice, the people of every nation would choose individual
freedom over a system of UN handouts. The governments of those
nations, however, are not likely to embrace the possibility of
relinquishing power. Governments of every stripe around the world, are
the obstacles preventing individual freedom.
      THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES should first ensure their
continued freedom by limiting the power of the government through the
people elected to represent us. We should insist that America never
relinquish one more ounce of its national sovereignty, and begin to
reclaim our national sovereignty by disengaging from the labyrinth of
UN treaties we have embraced in recent years. We should insist that
our national defense is second to none, and never subject it to the
command of any authority but our own.  We should never relinquish our
right for individuals to own and use land, nor should we allow our
government to use our tax dollars to buy the land which is our
posterity's birthright. We should direct our government to reestablish
as its highest priority, the protection of individual freedom for
every American.
     These ideas are repugnant to the promoters of global democracy
under the authority of the United Nations. These ideas are labeled as
"jingoism."   These ideas are described as "extreme nationalism
bordering on hatred of non-nationals." The opposite is true. These
ideas are offered to the rest of the world because America
demonstrates that these ideas can bring the same kind of benefits to
all nations that embrace them.
     The next President and the next Senate will deliver whatever
message we, the voters, send. If we, the United States, embrace the
Charter for Global Democracy and the world government it establishes,
America will be reduced to the lowest common denominator forced equity
demands. The power of individual freedom will be caged in history
books for generations. It could easily take centuries of gradual
decline and rising oppression before a new generation of founders cast
off the scourge of the UN-King and rediscover the truths upon which
America's founders built our great nation.
HANDS.  The people we send to Washington as the result of our  next
election will either embrace world government, or reject it. It is up
to us.
- - - - - - - - - -

     Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental
Conservation Organization and
     chairman of Sovereignty International.

1999 WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.
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