In The Name of Truth Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
"The Watchman"
Subject:  Protest Update
Date: March 12, 2000
This Sunday I went to Mt.Carmel in "New Jerusalem" Waco Texas to protest the building of the new "church" . As many of you know this "church was founded on the Sabbath, which was on a Saturday September 18,1999. Most people in this world believe that the Sabbath is on Sunday and yet they are building this "church" on that day.  So no matter which day you believe is the Sabbath you must declare this "church" to be an Abomination.
Know this; According to the teachings of David Koresh it is:
"The Abomination That Maketh Desolate"!
Many of you have already seen the new video that was, in part, shot at the beginning of this Protest on November 28, 1999.  In the video "X A True Revelation" I was attacked, by Clive Doyle who is a government agent posing as a follower of David Koresh.  For telling people the truth of his crimes against God he had me arrested. They sent a helicopter gun ship and squad cars to take me into custody.  Since then I have continued my protest on the days of my choosing.  March 12th was the first 'Sunday" I protested there since the attack by Clive Doyle and the builders.
When I arrived outside the gate I was met by a visitor who asked about the reasons for my protest.  Once I explained it to him he, like all other Christians, swore that he would in NO WAY support this sinful project. While speaking to him two trucks came from the building site just as they do in the video. Those that have seen the video know how violent these people are. Anyone with knowledge of this current government church project call "The Phoenix Project" can imagine what I expected. Since there were no videos there to protect me I thought that there would be trouble.
The truck drove up to where I was and James Ritter [EMAIL PROTECTED] stepped out. This is the same man in the video that physically attacked me with Clive Doyle. Mr.Ritter extended his hand in peace and apologized for his behavior and for Clive's. He said that things just  "got out of hand". Yeah they got out of hand all right, and I  got put in Jail!  So, it seems that he has been told by his "handlers that they are to use different tactics since this video has been released. This is a weak attempt to stop the truth, but the video shows them for who they are "Members of the Bill Clinton Murderers of The Children of Waco".
At about 5:00 that afternoon I was approached by "Scott" the watchman for their "church". He had a passenger, white male in his mid twenties. He drove up next to me and pulled a Semi-automatic 9 mm pistol, waved it at me cocked the hammer and smiled.
This is a crime! A clear assault!  I called the police to report it.  You will not believe what happened next.
After giving the Waco police a report #00-15973 I was told that since the crime occurred outside of Waco I would have to report it to the McLennan County Sheriffs Department. This I did and was put in contact with Officer Keon. He is the cop that arrested me in the video. Officer Keon said that he was too busy to come out to my house to take a report!  He was suppose to be here today, Teusday the 14th. When he didn't show up I called again. This time when he called back he said that I had NO RIGHT to be there and that he will arrest me if I protest there again! Also he stated that he would not take a report from me!!!!!!!!!!
Should I lay down like a good doggie? I will lay down only if they are cowards enough to beat me down.  I am "The Watchman" and I will sound the alarm!
Please look at this for what it is. These people that are building this Abomination are agents of the Bill Clinton Murderers of the Children of Waco. The government remains in total control of this site of mass murder. Do not be fooled by the
"Waco Suits for Waco Suckers" They are a smoke screen.
This Abomination must not be permitted to continue!  Speak against it!
Do not support it with money! And for the sake of your own soul do not enter it!

Andrew  "The Watchman"
Waco Video:  "X A True Revelation"  $10.98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
They were HACKED to death before the fire!
If you do not want updates on the current Government control of Mt.Carmel in New Jerusalem Waco Texas, reply to this post with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

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