-Caveat Lector- http://www.babelmagazine.com/

War-Mongers, Death-Merchants, & Killers: America's War Machine and the Carlyle Group (part one)
by Victor Thorn

Before beginning this article, I’d like to make it perfectly clear that I am not an anti-war peacenik that bows to the altar of pacifism. Instead, I take the stance that if any person’s family, country, house, or personal being is attacked, they should come out shooting, throwing fists, or dropping bombs. If they don’t, that person or nation will get bowled-over day after day with little hope of survival or respect.

With this in mind, I’d also like to note that there are people and leaders in this world that are evil to the core, and counterproductive to humanity as a whole. When these figures threaten us or our sovereignty, they should be dealt with in the harshest terms possible. When viewed in this light, why should we excuse a group of bloodthirsty hit-men from thrusting the United States into another war for the sheer sake of making huge profits for their respective companies, or for furthering the aims of the New World Order Controllers? If the following men have their way, the titles beside their names will ring true with frightening clarity. Why? Because America’s War Machine is gearing up once again to feed its bloodlust and greed, and the men below are responsible for lighting its fuse:

Richard Clarke: War-monger, death-merchant, killer?
Paul Wolfowitz: War-monger, death-merchant, killer?
William Kristol: War-monger, death-merchant, killer?
Richard Perle: War-monger, death-merchant, killer?
Dick Cheney: War-monger, death-merchant, killer?
Henry Kissinger: War-monger, death-merchant, killer?
Donald Rumsfeld: War-monger, death-merchant, killer?
Frank Carlucci: War-monger, death-merchant, killer?
James Baker: War-monger, death-merchant, killer?
George Bush, Sr.: War-monger, death-merchant, killer?
(George W. Bush wasn’t included because he doesn’t make any decisions for himself.)

The list could go on to include those shadowy figures that have these men do their dirty work, but what I’d like to focus on is the visible mechanics of how our War Machine operates (i.e. those who grease its wheels to keep it churning along its course). So, what I’m going to do in this essay is point-out how money and oil interests led us to our current situation, then how the Carlyle Group is leading us into war by using former government officials to DETERMINE public policy.


To get things rolling, here’s a recent quote from Lt. Colonel Steven Butler that appeared in a Monterey newspaper on 5-26-02. “Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism.” And what did this revelation bring to Lt. Col. Butler? Answer: his dismissal from the U.S. Military.

NBC News weighed in with a similar story, reporting, “Only two days before the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, President Bush was given a ‘detailed war plan’ to dismantle Osama bin Laden’s network.”

I could begin delving into all the “did Bush know” evidence, but instead I’d like to show how various characters in the public eye are tied to the War Machine and the oil industry. One of these men is Richard Clark, who has the following credentials:

- Chief of the CSG (Counter-terrorism Security Group)
- Member of the Cyber Security Task Force
- Member of the Homeland Security Council
- Member of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee
- Coordinator, National Security Council on Counter-Terrorism

In other words, if anyone in America knows about security, it’s Richard Clarke. In fact, it’s been said that this man worked virtually day and night during 2001 in the CSG, and was exposed to tremendous amounts of information on the threat of impending terrorist attacks. Clarke even commented on the intelligence data he received on the upcoming Al Qaeda attack: “It all came together in the third week of June. The CIA’s view was that a major terrorist attack was coming in the next several weeks.”

On May 23, 2002, MSNBC confirmed that Richard Clarke advised the FAA to issue warnings about possible hijacking threats. And when did he do that? June 22, 2001. Then, on July 5, 2001, he called a CSG meeting, followed by a get-together with Condaleeza Rice and Bush Chief of Staff Andrew Card. After that, he met again with the CSG, FBI, FAA, and INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services). At these meetings he was quoted as saying, “Something spectacular is going to happen.” What do you think he was referring to – the National Tiddlywinks Championship in Hoboken? Hardly.

In that same month (July, 2001), Clarke was also aware of a meeting between the Pakistani and Taliban Ambassadors in Karachi where they discussed rumors of an Al-Qaeda attack on America. That’s two months before 9-11. Clarke also knew the ISI (Pakistani Intelligence) Lt. General Ahmad instructed a Mr. Ahmad Uman Sheikh to wire $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, who was considered the mastermind of the attacks.

It seems like a lot is going on, especially when Newsweek Magazine reported that on September 10th the Pentagon put its employees on HIGH ALERT and told them to cancel all flights on 9-11. Also, add this little tidbit to the mix. In July, 2001, at the Group of Eight Summit held in Genoa, Italy, plans were already being discussed to oust the Fundamentalist Islamic Taliban from power. And who in America was promoting these plans? Well, they’re cryptically referred to as “Team B” and include:

- Paul Wolfowitz: Deputy Secretary of Defense
- Richard Perle: who holds a National Security policy making post and attended a        Bilderberg meeting in 1985
- Paul Nitze: National Security Advisor

Another “Team B” member is the Sunday morning talk-show pundit and propagandist William Kristol. This guy is a CFR member, Bilderberg attendee, and publisher of the “Weekly Standard” which is owned by Rupert Murdoch. To place this publication in context, Rupert Murdoch is controlled by the Rothschild, Bronfman, and Oppenheimer families, who along with Murdoch, are known as the “Billionaire Gang of Four.” The Kristol family also owns the publishing company “National Affairs, Inc.” on whose board is none other than Henry Kissinger. (His name sure does keep popping up a lot, doesn’t it?)

Essentially, then, I’ve listed a few names initially because oftentimes people in this field refer to those in power as some sort of faceless, nameless entity. Well, I’ll give you names in this three-part article. What you have to do is follow-up on them by researching, reading the American Free Press, and finding out for yourself how these war-hawks fit into the puzzle. Right now, it’s oil and war. Those are the two primary ingredients to our current situation.

Look at Lynn Cheney, wife of Vice President Dick Cheney. She recently resigned from the Board of Directors of one of America’s premier companies – Lockheed Martin. Who are they? Only the world’s largest weapons producer that sell F-16’s to Oman and the United Arab Emirates, MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket Systems) to Egypt, and F-16’s, C130 transport planes, and P-3 surveillance crafts to Pakistan. (All of these countries, by the way, are in or surround the Middle East.) Her husband, Dick Cheney, was also on the Board of TRW, another huge arms dealer. And Condaleeza Rice was a member of Chevron’s board. If you start doing a little digging, you’ll find plenty of these ‘coincidences.’ The only problem is; why won’t Dan Rather spell it out like this on the CBS Evening News? Maybe the billionaire media moguls don’t want you to make the connection! Why? Because war, which results in social unrest and chaos, tends to make people turn to their government for answers, thus laying even MORE POWER in their laps. Do you see how it all comes together?


Before we proceed any further, we should return to the first phase of this mess – which is the Caspian Sea region where $5 trillion worth of oil and natural gas resources are ripe for the picking. There is also the country of Turkmenistan, which boasts the world’s third largest gas reserves, and is in a prime spot to provide oil to the markets of China, India, and Japan. The only problem – there is a troublesome little country near these reserves – you guessed it – Afghanistan. Thus, the key to our current troubles are best explained in economic terms by the Indian Press: “Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan are threatened by the Taliban that is aiming to control their vast oil, gas, and other resources by bringing Islamic Fundamentalism to power.”

Can you see the conflict? The Taliban wanted to control the oil (and opium fields, also), and so did an array of American energy companies. Which ones? Well, there was Amoco, Chevron, Exxon, Mobil, Unocal, Enron, and the UK’s British Petroleum. So remember, there’s a lot at stake in this part of the world because the biggest industries known to man are energy, usury, drugs, and war. And all four are ready-made to be exploited. Afghanistan produces 80% of the world’s heroin supply, there is oil & gas galore, and when nations go to war, they need to borrow money at interest (usury) from the Controller’s international banks. Very convenient, huh? As James Dorian stated in the “Oil & Gas Journal”: “Those who control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new production.” In other words, we’re talking about who’s going to control the future direction of the world!

The timeline for this debacle began in 1997 when Centgas (Central Asia Gas Pipeline Consortium) proposed a 790 mile pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan. To convey how important this project is, President Clinton sent his Under Secretary of State Karl Underforth to meet with some Taliban high-rollers in December, 1997. In America, meanwhile, Unocal had tossed their dice and secured 46.5% controlling stake in this endeavor.

In January, 1998 the Taliban signed an agreement to let a $2 billion natural gas pipeline be built from Turkmenistan to Pakistan. (Keep an eye on Pakistan; they play a prominent role in this process.) But civil unrest continued to plague Afghanistan, and within one year, by December 1998, Unocal pulled out of the deal, saying they wouldn’t invest any more money until an “internationally recognized government” was in place. (Did you notice the words “internationally recognized” – do they sound eerily familiar to something that would fit into the Globalist’s New World Order scheme?) Unocal also bailed out of the Centgas consortium, which had as one of its member companies Halliburton. Now think for a second. Who in the current Bush administration is connected to Halliburton (providing him with a $23 million retirement package)? Yup, Dick Cheney!

One of the people who acted in the role of consultant to Unocal was none other than Henry Kissinger. (Here he is again!) Kissinger is also associated with, among other companies, the Daily Telegraph, Hollinger, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Defense Policy Board, and served as a negotiator with India for the National Security Council. Do you think ‘ol Henry K knows what’s going on in the world, and is up to his eyeballs in it?

Anyway, as you can see, the trouble in Afghanistan began in 1998 with a conflict between Unocal’s interest in oil and the Taliban’s desire to maintain control of that area. Reporter Nina Burleigh described the situation as such: “So many big deals, so much oil; all those big players with powerful connections to the Bush administration. There is a significant money subtext that the American public ought to know about as “Operation Enduring Freedom” blasts new holes where pipelines might be buried someday.”

Marty Miller, Unocal Vice President, also weighed in with this assessment. “No other import project can provide such volume of natural gas to the markets of India and Pakistan at a lower price.”

Hmmm, now we’re getting somewhere. Y’see, India and Pakistan are currently huge markets on the rise, and are slated for even bigger growth in the future due to their ability to be economically exploited. But before Unocal and Centgas could move forward with their plans, they had to overcome one roadblock – the Taliban and those who want to keep this area as their own. So, to ease everyone’s fears, an “internationally recognized” government had to be established. To do so, the power-brokers needed to take control of Afghanistan (using terrorism as a guise), while they kept moving eastward in their search for more oil.


As I said earlier, the Pakistani government has a crucial vested interest in what’s taking place in Afghanistan because this unstable country is the only thing between them and the rich oil fields of Turkmenistan. If the Taliban could be erased from this area, the flow of oil to this country would be dramatically increased. And, considering how close they were to entering a full-scale war with their enemy India, Pakistan is extremely interested in ousting the Taliban (even though they’re also the world’s largest supporter of terrorism)! To them, a pipeline reaching across Afghanistan would be like manna falling from heaven.

What makes this situation so curious is that the Taliban are primarily a thorn in the side of two major countries – American and the “official” Pakistani government. But guess who worked hand-in-hand to form the Taliban in the first place – the CIA and the ISI, Pakistan’s secret service! As the highly regarded “James Defense Weekly” described it, “Half of the Taliban manpower and equipment originated in Pakistan under the ISI” (which is very much controlled by the Fundamentalists).

But similar to America’s view of the Taliban, Pakistan’s perspective also changed once they saw they were getting out of control. In fact, the only secret service agency NOT to contact our CIA with warnings of the impending 9-11 attacks was the ISI! The United Kingdom did, as did Germany, Italy, Jordan, Egypt, France, Israel, and Morocco. All of them gave us indications that shit was going to hit the fan – all except Pakistan (who was the closest to them). I wonder why? Could it be that they wanted a war with the Taliban as badly as those who control our oil companies and War Machine did? Even more incriminating is that Pakistani General Mahmud Ahmad was in Washington, D.C. from September 4–15, 2001 (during the time of the 9-11 attacks) meeting with a variety of governmental and defense big-wigs. To make matters even more curious, his visit with Condaleeza Rice was altered (censored) in the official White House transcripts. Strange? Indeed.

(to be continued)

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