This is still under construction but is far enough along that
it can be critiqued.

LL Lanning~Shipton
1) Food reactions, lactose intolerance, gas, digestive problems?

2) Ellagic Insurance Formula with OPC and Graviola

3) Magic Links - promote your web site with the ability to earn extra
makes NO medical claims nor are we saying that any products
discussed will treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any problems
you have. This information is intended as an educational guide
only, and should not be used as a substitute for informed
professional diagnosis, advice, therapy, or care of
a qualified medical or educational professional.

Title: LLS_space_biology_research_LinksPage
Water Wars / Nazi Take Over OR Insurence Companies for World Control

Opening - Could the closed bio system needed for the space program help us understand current problems on earth?
Scope - biodegradable requires bio to degrade or for the conversion that breaks the complex chemical bonds - composting methods ** This also would mean that an understanding of genetic engineering, in that protiens may be inserted that someone may have a known intolerance to the inserted protien but since the plant is not labled they do not get a chance to be warned, at lease people that are intolerant to the predominant sugar in milk called lactose are allowed to know that lactose is in milk.
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic - activity: Aerobic activity means activity done with oxygen, anaerobic means without oxygen
Time Line - from the erosion and poor crops of the 1930's depression to the erosion, salinity and fish kills or the 1990's and 2000's
Causes? -
Democratic Solutions - 1986Chernobyl (Chornobyl), 1987 CHADD (founded in Plantation, Florida), consecutive years of massive fish kills starting in 1986
Constitutional Reactions -
Closing? -

Opening: Could the closed bio system needed for the space program help us understand current problems on earth?
      From Chinese black powder fire works to the liquid-fueled rockets of Goddard and Oberth in the 1930's, engineers have constantly criticized and improved technology resulting in the currently space shuttles. Future advances in space travel will require knowing how to recover the energy of organic material (gray water, urine, fecal matter, waste food and human bodies) in an closed environment.  To do this requires detailing what goes into the system and what goes out of each system.

Scope: biodegradable requires bio to degrade or for the conversion that breaks the complex chemical bonds - composting methods
On earth the different systems involve ranching, farming, paper production, energy production, pharmaceuticals production, offices, to name a few.  To attempt to detail all the raw materials involved in some of these technologies is beyond the scope of this paper. This paper will deal with some of the waste products that these systems generate and how the waste may be converted into simpler forms on site resulting in business savings from transporting waste to landfills.

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic - activity: Aerobic activity means activity done with oxygen, anaerobic means without oxygen
The current problems of toxic dinoflagellate blooms causing red tides, fish kills, increased crop land salinity, soil acidity, aquifer pollution, river pollution, lake pollution and acid rain are happening globally. The European continent has seen rivers and lakes dry up. Parts of Africa are facing water shortages and some of the well water is not fit to drink. Many pollutants effect the human CNS and the byproducts in the form of acid rain, dinoflagellate blooms that kill life in the water while releaseing toxic aerosols to the air, and land toxins like Stachybotrys chartarum (atra).

Time Line: from the erosion and poor crops of the 1930's depression to the erosion, salinity and fish kills or the 1990's and 2000's
     America has seen the midwest turn into a dustbowl and mud slides in California, crop land devastated by erosion, floods and dust storms
in the 1930's and we are seeing many of these same things in the late 1900's and 2000's. Crop rotation, and wind breaks were some of the technologies that farmers utilized after the depression. 1986-87 saw massive red tides from West Florida to the Gulf of Mexico, 1987-88 Florida east coast and North Carolina saw the U.S. South Atlantic Bight. The previous examples are from the United States but fish kills, coral bleaching, or toxic dinoflagellate blooms are just some of the problems that have happened on a Global scale.

    Many potential causes have been proposed from
energy use
ballast water
Over use of irragation
salinity from p
un-converted waste
biomas from Agriculture
biomas Livestock

International organizations and individual governments have both been aware of these results yet attempting to find the cause has been an exercise in futility with a end result that the countries useing the most energy getting the most blame. Since the United States uses a lot of energy many fingers have been pointed at the people of the United States as wastrels. This blame has extended to criticisms of our constitutional law system in accusing it of just being a democracy that is not based on established law principals.

     Technology has proved to be more of a benefit than a parasite so it is fitting that one of the greatest technological advances of out time should be
Democratic Solutions -
The current problems started accelerating 1986 April 26th when Chernobyl had a melt down of it's #4 reactor, (is near the common borders of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. The plant lies near the Pripyat River, at the northwest end of a cooling pond.)
    An organization called CHADD was founded 1987 in Plantation, Florida

Constitutional Reactions -

*getting rid of high water use, saline intolerant, clear cultivated crops crops - tobacco, cotton, peanuts,
many vegitables and fruits.
*hemp for methan gas
*Solar energy

Since the 1st law of Thermodynamics is that Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but it can be converted. The chemical energy that is locked up in orgaincs will have to be carefully handled to keep it from converting to heat energy.


Goddard -March 16, 1926 []
Oberth -
You will go to the Moon
                With the discoveries by Robert Goddard and Hermann Oberth of liquid-fueled rockets in the
                1930's and the use of V-2 rockets in the 1940's, rocket travel went from science fiction to
                science fact in the public's mind. In post-World War II America anything seemed possible, even
                going to the Moon! There appeared in 1949, a book The Conquest of Space , which led to a new
                trend in children's books. These books outlined the future the children of the "baby boom"
                would grow up in, the world of space (example). The illustrations in these books show facts (as
                they were known) mixed in with the fantasy of space flight and led many of the readers of these
                books to "dream of space".
Robert Goddard []
BORN Oct. 5, 1882, in Worcester, Mass.
1908 Begins studying physics at Clark University
1915 Proves that rocket engines can produce thrust in a vacuum
1926 Launches the first liquid-fueled rocket to an altitude of 41 ft.
1930 Begins working in Roswell, N.Mex; develops supersonic and multi-stage rockets and fin-guided steering
1945 Dies at age 62, holding 214 patents
WEB RESOURCES:  Robert H. Goddard: American Rocket Pioneer --- A biography from the official NASA web site
MOVIE CLIP: Apollo 11 blasts off to the moon on July 16, 1969
Hermann Julius Oberth [ ]
born on June 25, 1894 in Hermannstadt, Siebenbüergen. --- Transylvanian town of Hermannstadt --
Hermannstadt, Transylvania, Romania.
                                                    Born 1894 in Hermann-stadt,
                                                           (now Sibiu, Romania)
by age 11 inspired by Jules Verne From the Earth to the Moon and Journey Around the Moon
1929 In the Fall -- Oberth fired his first liquid rocket engine, the socalled "Kegeldüse".

Hermann Oberth believed that the highest moral value lay in the justice to which each man must commit
himself. He often said that a lasting peace would only be possible when justice became a reality. On his
tombstone he had chiseled the Biblical quote; "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice."
[ ]  [ ] ]

Jonny Quest's 1964 - 1965
Jonny Quest's place on Television
Jonny Quest's debut was on Sept. 18, 1964 at 7:30 pm Eastern on ABC. It remained a Friday night favorite until Dec. 31,
1964 when it was moved to Thursdays at 7:30 pm Eastern. The first episode was "The Mystery of the Lizard Men" and
television cartoons were changed forever. The last first-run show ("The Sea Haunt") was aired on March 11, 1965 ; the last
prime-time rerun (also "The Sea Haunt") was broadcast on Sept. 9, 1965. But, despite its brief one season initial run, Jonny
Quest was far from finished!

Star Trek 1966 - 1969
[ ]

Misc. links
[]Welcome to the Space Opera's Links & Information Page
[] Man conquers Space: Who's who

Sound Waves
{Long paper that covers many of the key points}
[] TL: GREENPEACE SPECIAL: PAPER (GP) How paper damages the environment and what can be done about it.
SO: Greenpeace International
DT: 1990
Keywords: toxics paper production factsheets gp greenpeace groups solid waste /
[part 1 of 3]
[ ]
Science is always discovering new ways in which to use sound. Some believe that one day a home may have an ultrasonic washer and dishwasher that can clean dishes and clothes using sound. Can you think of ways that sound may be used to help doctors, engineers, architects and others?

[ ]
The latest attempts to make throw away nappies ecologically sound is to include biologically degradable plastic constituents in them or design them to compost down after the plastic has been separated off. But this does not solve the problem of seepage. The biologically degradable plastic is also the subject of controversy since the starch added to it to accelerate decomposition is obtained from grain or potatoes. This means that valuable foodstuffs are being used for the production of throw-away plastic articles while a large part of the world's population is suffering from malnutrition.

Waste Reduction - a good page from Duke University in North Carolina
[ ]

Development of New and Renewable Energy in China
[ ] check this page is see how manure is handled

**** Great pages use for citations
Earthshots:  Shatellite Images of Environment Change
Chernobyl, Ukraine *** 1986, 1992

Chernobyl Accident ** Nuclear Issues Briefing Paper 22 ** March 2001
[ ]

Scientists Using Chernobyl Disaster   Apr. 27, 2001  By MELISSA EDDY, Associated Press Writer
[ ]
UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ Fifteen years after the nuclear accident at
        Chernobyl, scientists and are using the site to develop new technologies to prevent the leakage of radioactive dust and particles.

        Artur Korneyev, deputy head of the Chernobyl project, said a special material called EKOR developed to coat the sarcophagus in a destroyed reactor could in the future be used to prevent hazardous waste leakage worldwide.

...Korneyev was among Chernobyl experts who gathered Thursday at the United Nations to commemorate the anniversary of the disaster.

        In a symbolic gesture earlier Thursday, Kenzo Oshima _ the undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs who himself is a survivor of Hiroshima _ rang the peace bell in memory of the Chernobyl victims. The bell was a gift to the United Nations from Japan.

        "This accident at Chernobyl is much more than the worst technological disaster in the history of nuclear power generation, it is also a grave and continuing humanitarian tragedy," he said.

Kenzo Oshima _ the undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs[ ]

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