-Caveat Lector-

The Virginia Company, is not the Untied States of America.   The United States,
is the federal district sitting on the shores of the Potomac.  This is the new
name and “home” of the Virginia, Company  which was created under the seal of
King James
I, in 1607.

The stockholders of this Royal Chartered Company secured their obligations to
the King, in 1787 under the Constitution.  A surety of $640,000.00 was paid to
the Britannic Majesty of the British Isles in 1794, under a Treaty negotiated
behind closed doors.  Why?  We have been told the “United States” had won
the “War for Independence.”   Why would the “Winner” pay a surety to the

Why did the Senate of the United States, with The President of the United
States, hold secret negotiations with the Britannic Majesty?  The result of
these negotiations became public, when Benjamin Franklin’s Son printed the
facts of the Jay Treaty.  The Congress of the United States reacted with the
first of many unconscionable  Statues, this one, the Alien Act, and then the
Sedition Act.

The simple fact is that the Estates of the King, known as the thirteen United
Colonies, were expropriated lands secured by a force of Arms,  under the
Committee’s of Public Safety.   In  Maryland this committee was known as the
Council of Safety.

The Military “adventure” in the Balkans, is ritual suicide.  Otto von Bismark
stated this simple fact in the 1880's.   Furthermore, follow the money in
Kosovo, to the Stari Tryg mines  mines.

The United States is the artificial entity, the Agent of the States.   The
States created a confederation, known as the United States of America.   This
Constitution of the United States was for the United States of America.  Yes,
the States of America are Sovereign and Independent, where in the people are

The United States was the Agency created under the Articles of Confederation.
An Agency that put Ambassadors overseas to present the interests of the United
States of America.  Prior to July 4th, of 1776, Benjamin Franklin had been in
London for near twenty years.  He had originally applied to be a collector for
the excise, imposts and duties, imposed under the Navigation Acts, the Townsend
Acts of 1760.  When he had first hand witnessed the outrage of Americans over
these new impositions imposed by the Parliament under the Seal of the Britannic
Majesty, , he dropped his petition and went off to London to lobby for the
Colonial interests.

The United States, an artificial creation, was dominated by the American
Stockholders of the Virginia company.  George Washington, and Alexander
Hamilton among others, had the need to protect their domestic investments, but
also their oversea’s trade, especially to China.   The King’s Navy controlled
the seas.  Only under his protection could you trade from your American Ports.

Alexander Hamilton received a stipends from his Britannic Majesty during his
tenure under the Administration of George Washington.  Alexander Hamilton
represented London’s Interest in America for the Virginia Company.

The Title of Nobility Amendment was the recognized supreme law of the Land.
King George III, was so incensed over this slap at his treaty of 1783, and
1794, that he sent troops to land upon our Shores here in Maryland, and
successfully burned all the public records in Washington City.

The records burned were the State resolutions acknowledging the Thirteenth
Amendment.  So to  insure the absolute domination of the United States over its
creators, the States, the Lincoln Administration embarked upon the foolish
slaughter and maiming of over one million Americans.

Under the Tariff Act of 1828, the United States imposed high imposts upon the
goods the Southern State bought from overseas.  This was an artificial increase
imposed by a Congress of the United States to protect a “special class”, the
burgeoning industrialist of the northern states.

John C. Calhoun, stood up to Andrew Jackson, and stated, that the States were
Sovereign and Independent and not at the mercy of a Corrupted Congress of the
United States.  Andrew Jackson, a staunch militarist, surrounded South Carolina
with 100,000 thousand Federalized Troops in 1833, and dared John C. Calhoun to
leave the Union under the Constitution.

The Result of this standoff, was the first of many dramatic compromises between
the National Government in Washington City, and it’s Superiors, the States.
This First Compromise, reduced the “Tariff of Abominations” over the next ten
years starting in 1833..

Andrew Jackson forced the closure of the King’s Bank in 1836.  He knew that
certain hands of ownership led back to John C. Marshall who owned 4000 shares
of Stock in the King’s Bank..   He demanded that all debt to the United States
be paid in specie.  This ruined the script of the Bank of the United States.
Loans were called in to be redeemed in  gold and silver, which had been lent in
script.  The Panic of 1837, was the direct cause of the monetized debt money
issued by this Bank of the United States.

The Conventions of the “ people” were the property owners, who had the
privilege of participation within the Corporate Body Politic.  The Constitution
of the United States for the United States of America is the Commercial
agreement between it’s creators, the States, and its enfranchised Agent the
United States.  This commercial agreement created a public Trust. (Article VI)
to be administered by the officers and employees of the United States..

Agents of the Britannic majesty are conspicuous with their petite Titles of
Nobility.  These esquires today control 515 seats of the Congress of the United
States,  all the Federal “judgeships”, and dominate the Executive Branch.   The
Judicial Branch of the United States has never convened, nor has the supreme
Court of the United States ever held a session.

The Rump Congress of the United States that convened in March of 1861,
consisted of Duly elected officials of the Federal Districts created by the
States, and the duly appointed Senators, representing the States.

The Fourteenth Amendment created a new title an honor, the Statutorily
protected citizen of the United States.  This Amendment as you stated was
enforced, and adopted under the Barrel of the military occupation.  In the
State of Tennessee, the Legislature was herded into its chambers under the
Rifle barrels of the United States Army, and given two options, vote for
ratification, or else.

Here on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, was occupied in April of
1861 by the military and civilian forces under the Lincoln Administration.
Maryland did not ratify the 14th Amendment until 1956.

This United States, created under the Articles of Confederation as adopted by
Unanimous Consent of the United States of America in March of 1781, has force
and effect today.

The Virginia Company now sits upon the shores of the Potomac, still the colony
of the Britannic Majesty.

Article I, Treaty of Paris, as ratified in September of 1783, still has force
and effect.  The Brittanic Majesty still retains the title of Elector on behalf
of the United States.    The Hanoverian Family, now known as the Windsor’s has
been an elector since the days of Charlemagne.

                The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance

"In a age of universal deceit, telling
the truth is a revolutionary act."

                George Orwell

> Subject: We're Not British
> Date: Friday, June 11, 1999 12:18 AM
> In a message dated 6/10/99 at 11:22:41 AM EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> <<  Andrew Jackson's hard stance thwarted open armed rebellion.  >>
> Jackson faced only the malcontents and absurdists of South Carolina.  What
> rebellion are you speaking about, here?
> <<  He successfully defeated the monetized debt instrument, the Bank of the
> United States.    He failed to recognized the domination of the foreign
> agents, who knew the United States was the Virginia Company, which had
> successfully secured its  administrative position in March of 1781, under its

> new name the United States.  >>
> When Jackson was President, the law books of the several States contained
> their Constitutions and the Constitution of the United States:  most of the
> States had the original Thirteenth Amendment, prohibiting Titles of Nobility
> and Honor in their law books (Connecticut, 1821-1839, Ohio 1824, Illinois six

> different times, etc.).  Look at the Table of Ratifications constructed by
> Barefoot Bob at the following URL:
>               [ http://www.nidlink.com/~bobhard/13table.html ]
>  All States who ratified the Constitution did so by holding Conventions of
> Delegates of the People, otherwise known as Conventions of the People.
> Nowhere does it say that "the Virginia Co." is now the U.S. of A.  The States

> all have clauses in their constitutions saying that they derive their just
> powers from the consent of the governed.  New Hampshire and Connecticut are
> very strict about that language!  If we as people don't seek the enforcement
> of that promise, that is our weakness, not the that of our ancestors.  Our
> own common law has evolved differently.
> << The stock holders of the Virginia dominated the United States, and secured

> its
> position as the administrator of the Public trust with the adoption of the
> Constitution of the United States for the United States of America.  >>
> Say What?
> <<  The people of the States, were allowed a voice in the House of
> Representatives.
> This voice died in December of 1860, when the Congress of the United States
> for the United States of America, adjourned sine die.  >>
> So who was it that called the House to order just a few weeks later and
> proceeded to conduct business, even tho' southern States had seceded?
> Aliens?  British impostors? etc.?  No -- the work of destruction of the
> Republic has been going on since the death of John Quincy Adams and the
> installation of that British spy and provocateur, James Buchanan.  The Pansy
> President.  Even Abraham Lincoln was gulled into supporting the Lawyerly View

> that the original Thirteenth Amendment did not officially exist.  He made
> this point crystal clear ... if you read behind the lines .. in a speech he
> gave at the Cooper Union in New York City, in February of 1860.
> He was talking about the constitutional provisions for recognizing KANSAS as
> a free state, and the rights of the Territorial legislatures to ban slavery
> on their own, but he kept referring to the Constitution with its "twelve
> amendatory articles."  The man knew very well that six different editions of
> Illinois State law had been published, in his young manhood, showing the
> original Thirteenth Amendment prohibiting Titles of Nobility and Honor to be
> the lawfully ratified and proper Article XIII.
> <<  After a million dead and wounded Americans spilled their blood, the
> United States was empowered under the fourteenth Amendment to use force of
> arms without question to suppress any perceived usurpation of its now
> unlimited statutorily created social democracy.  >>
> You are on to something here.  But the Fourteenth was neither properly issued

> by a lawfully seated Senate nor ratified by lawfully elected State
> legislatures.  Both the State of Kansas, the Territory of the Dakotas and the

> Territory of Colorado recognized the Anti-Slavery Amendment of 1865 as the
> true Fourteenth Amendment in 1868.  Wyoming refused to recognize it at all as

> late as 1876.  Attack the 14th as fraudulent if you will, it is the article
> which makes corporations into "people."
> I don't buy the British-never-left-us scenario:  if they have owned this
> country since the last day of the Revolution any way, why have they tried so
> hard, again and again to destroy us, or to get us involved in their military
> adventures?  Like Kosovo?
> Richard C. Green
> Green for U.S. Senate
> P.O. Box 1254
> Orange, Connecticut  06477

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