-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
-----Original Message-----
From: Blagovesta Doncheva <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: We Are Briskly Marching to Europe - HURRAY!

We Are Briskly Marching to Europe - HURRAY!

The pro-government, fed-up media diligently keep the public attention
focused on several myths for the last ten years.
Here is one of them:
 We are going to Europe! We are "entering" Europe!"
(As if Bulgaria is in Asia!)
"Foreign Investors! Let the Foreign Investors come!"
When do the foreign investors appear?
When the Constitution and the local laws are reworked out in such a way
that - instead of protecting the national and local people interests -to
guarantee the transnational corporations a maximum profit for a maximum
short time!
Only then the foreign investors will materialise and will stay here till
they suck out our resources - and while there are white slaves, ready to
work for them twelve hours per day for next to nothing!
Now the scream of the day is the Europe myth: "Bulgaria is enterin Europe!
Bulgaria has already been invited! Hurray-ay-ay!" - the mainstream media
yell hysterically.
"The Iron Curtain Has Fallen!", squeals excitedly a well-fed up daily.
At last Bulgaria will integrate to the West European Values our politicians
of all colours are striving so passionately after.
They talk till they get blue in the face about those European Values but
nobody of them has defined them yet
What Values they have in mind? Is killing a neighbouring European country an
European value? Is cutting an European country into pieces another European
value? Is poisoning a whole European region for years to come a third
European value?
Is cringing before the Empire of Evil beyond the ocean a value?
What are the European Values OF TODAY? I am in my right to insist to know
Nobody tells me.
As for the European values of the past.. Europe has long lost them somewhere
on the road to the present day.. But where is that one courageous man or
woman to cry: "The King is naked!" and to point a finger to the shaking,
stinking fat body of greedy, mercenary Europe?
Who among the Bulgarian journalists, fed at the UDF trough (or sniffing
longingly by it!) will tell the ordinary Bulgarians with "words simple and
honest", as the poet says, what will be the price? How the eventual EU
membership will hit their everyday life? What will happen with the remnants
of the Bulgarian industry - is there a future for the Bulgarian agriculture
in the EU frames? Is there future for Bulgaria?!? What are the demands in
detail for that membership?
Why the power elite are in such a leg-breaking hurry to rework the Bulgarian
Constitution, throwing away the Articles forbidding the Bulgarian land sale
to foreigners? (EU demand, they say. What about the land protecting laws in
the other countries, EU members? What about France and Germany, f.i.?)
Aren't they in a hurry to sell all the land to foreigners, clearing away the
Bulgarian agriculture before the problems start?
Why the media is pouring out only exalted panegyrics about hypothetical
rivers of honey and butter that are going to rush into Bulgaria? Why nobody
tells us about the EU membership negative sides? Why many European countries
voted against EU? Switzerland? What about Norway?
Where is that honest man or woman to shed a tear for that people - for our
dying Motherland?
Isn't that EU membership invitation in fact only a condescending patting on
the back for a deadly collaboration to a neighbouring country deliberate
execution? Isn't it only a political support for a government of lackeys in
a moment of crisis?*
Now everybody is commenting if the Premier's actual EU membership end term
(2006) is realistic or not.
Nobody wonders who will live to see 2006** .
Will there be Bulgaria?
Will there be Bulgarians after some more years of Galloping Genocide under
the IMF and WB conductor's baton?
How many will survive the newly raised electricity prices (with 14 %),
central heating prices (with new 10 %), bread', medicines', transport's
How many unemployed, young and old, will commit suicides?
How many children and elderly will pass quietly in another dimension either
from tuberculosis - or cancer - or heart failure - or a simple cold?
Some of the political elite are excitedly rubbing now hands: "Sure! There
will be loans from Europe!"
Loans, used by them, and paid by us and our children (if there are any)!
They are right to keep scratching happily their pelican gizzards!
There have been referendums for the EU membership in some European
countries. (Two referendums even have been carried out in some of them!)
NEITHER of the Bulgarian governments in that last ten year period has even
mentioned the word "referendum": either in connection with EU membership, or
NATO membership. (To say nothing about the deadly IMF agreements they keep

Let's imagine for a moment or two what the Bulgarian future will be like. We
look around - and what do we see?
The dream of a former UDF Bulgarian Minister from the present UDF government
has come true: there is no state owned industry in Bulgaria anymore. The
Bulgarian plants and factories are bought per $1 a piece by Foreign
Investors - partly owners of the same business firms in their corresponding
countries, they have long liquidated the newly acquired plants, having
cleared out in that way some of the irritable competitors.
Others have already devoured away what they have found edible in Bulgaria
and are peering thirstily into unconquered or still existing resources in
other countries or territories.
The Bulgarian army is archivated. (NATO demand!)
The Bulgarian Nuclear Station is only a pale remembrance. (EU demand!)
The Bulgarian Constitution is long changed suitably under the Big Brother's
dictate (Big Brother being either EU or The Stripes and Stars beyond the
ocean). Later it is directly suspended to be easier.
The Bulgarian land is sold to Foreigners and military (nuclear) bases,
airports, viaducts, and other facilities for the military and business
personnel are built on our unique native land..
Some big farms from the last century are reborn and the present land owners'
descendants (if they have survived) are slaving under the whip of the
descendants of Century Old Masters from one PRESENCE that have lasted for
five hundred years* ..
The rest of the aboriginal natives live in ghettos, light their miserable
dinners with pine splinters or our great grandparents' gas lamps, polish the
Masters boots and satisfy His needs of sex and vulgar murders..
The political elite from the last ten years cannot be seen in the Vitosha
skirts.** Having sold away a country and a people, they have long "entered"
Europe (or have transported themselves under Uncle Sam's wing). And together
with their descendants, they live the sweet life of the rich in their
foreign estates, bought with the common Bulgarians' stripped off skins..
Mother Bulgaria has evaporated into non-existence..
There is no trace of Her people too..

"..Kapankata was jumping.. dancing.
Wringing hands, she was thumping heavily on the earth, and her shouts were
splitting the horrified sky above:
"Ihu-u-u****, you, black Earth! Iha-a-a, you sweet Earth! Ihu-u-u! Iha-a-a!
Crack you, Earth! Open your womb, you, Earth, you, whore!.. Open it to
swallow us, Mother Earth!.. Ihu-u-u, iha-a-a - Hi-I!*****

page 2: * Some days after that Helsinki invitation the Premier replaced one
lackey batch of Ministers with another
** A week ago an old woman jumped from the balcony of the apartment block on
my left..
Some weeks ago a young woman jumped from the balcony of the apartment block
on my right..

page3: * The five century Turkish Yoke is called "PRESENCE" now.
** Sofia is situated in the skirts of Vitosha Mountain.
*** National ring chain dance.
**** Cry of horo dancers.
***** From The novel "HORO" by Anton Strashimirov, a Bulgarian writer from
the first half of the 20 century.
Kapankata, an elderly woman, is forced by the officer of charge to dance
around her son's dead body, killed in the 1923 peasant uprising.

Blagovesta Doncheva,
Sofia, Bulgaria,
the Balkans

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Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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