Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Tzemach News Service
A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and people of

Week Ending: 13 May 2000 / 8 Iyar 5760

"Arise, O L-rd, do not let man prevail; let the nations be judged before
Thee. Put them in fear, O L-rd; let the nations know that they are but
men." (Psalm 9.19-20)

"BACK-CHANNEL" TALKS UNDER WAY: As the original 13 May
deadline for a framework of the permanent-status agreement passed
unmet Saturday, officials in the Prime Minister's Office admitted that
back-channel negotiations between top Israeli and Palestinian officials
were taking place. Barak spokesman Gadi Baltiansky, responding to
reports of secret negotiating channels, said yesterday that "there are
and have been contacts on different levels," but added that these were
for the most part nothing more than "quiet arenas in which to sound out
ideas and help the main, official, channel." In a meeting scheduled for
next Tuesday in Washington, Barak and US President Bill Clinton are
expected to discuss ways of overcoming the delays in the Israeli-
Palestinian track.

Meanwhile, Israeli and Palestinian officials on Tuesday denied a report
in France's LE MONDE newspaper saying the two sides were nearing a
deal that would remove the three largest obstacles to peace. LE
MONDE reported on Tuesday the sides had progressed toward solving
the issues of Jerusalem's sovereignty, Jewish settlements in Yesha
(Judea, Samaria and Gaza), and the status of "Palestinian refugees".
LE MONDE said the potential agreement would leave Jerusalem under
Israeli sovereignty with Palestinians getting civil control over Arab East
Jerusalem, and would allow Jewish settlements in Yesha to "rent" the
areas under Palestinian sovereignty. The paper stressed that neither
side had leaked the information. Communications Minister Binyamin
Ben-Eliezer dismissed the report, but said sharing civil control in
Jerusalem "has been raised more than once."

BARAK: MAP NOT LAST OFFER: Prime Minister Ehud Barak told PLO
leader Arafat that Israel's proposal to hand over two-thirds of Yesha in a
peace deal is not necessarily the final offer, Barak's top policy adviser
said Thursday. Israel presented a final status map to the Palestinians in
negotiations last week. The Palestinians have refused to discuss the
map, saying it was unacceptable. MA'ARIV newspaper reports that
some 66% of Yesha would be given over to Palestinian control by the
end of the interim period, and that another 14% of Yesha would be
forfeited for the permanent arrangement. The remaining 20% - Jewish
settlement blocs and a narrow strip of territory in the Jordan Valley -
would be annexed by Israel. Like the original Oslo plan, this "Barak
Map" consists of three areas: 20% "white," 14% "green," and 66% - a
future Palestinian state - "brown." The "white" Israeli area takes three
forms, according to MA'ARIV: the settlement blocs; two east-west
strips separating the three main cantons of the Palestinian state; and
another narrow "white" strip running along the Jordan River. This strip
will run west of and parallel to the 14% "green" north-south strip in the
Jordan Valley. The Barak Map's "brown" area will constitute the
sprawling Palestinian state over 66% of Yesha, with its three cantons to
be linked by a series of roads and tunnels. Jericho will be connected to
Ram'Allah, north of Jerusalem, by a road running through what would be
sovereign Israeli territory. Several dozen Yesha communities will find
themselves within the Palestinian state. Beit El Mayor and Yesha
Council member Uri Ariel told ARUTZ-7 that the information he has jibes
well with the MA'ARIV figures.

Meanwhile, US president Clinton is optimistic regarding the 13
September 2000 deadline for the completion of the Oslo process
between Israel and the PLO according to US officials. The president
acknowledged that there are still obstacles dividing the sides but he
believes the final status agreement will be achieved by the deadline.

underway for a mass demonstration this coming Monday night in
Jerusalem on behalf of Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. Interior Minister
Natan Sharansky, Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert, and other public
figures will address the demonstrators on the issues of the integrity of
Jerusalem, the danger to the nation's unity caused by the uprooting of
settlements, and the futility of unrequited withdrawals from Judea and
Samaria. At around the same time as the Jerusalem rally, a similar
demonstration of solidarity will be held in New York, with the same
themes: "Uprooting settlements tears the nation apart!" and "No
Withdrawals from Yesha, the Golan, or Jerusalem!" The demonstration,
organized by Americans For A Safe Israel, will take place at 6 pm on
Monday, at 13th Avenue and 46th Street in Brooklyn. If you plan on
attending in the US, call Americans For a Safe Israel, 212-828-2424 or
Vaad Harabbanim of Flatbush 718-951-8585. The Jews of Yesha must
not be uprooted. The Golan must remain under Israeli sovereignty. The
"Final Status" cannot be Israel's "Final Solution".

Weizman stated on Monday that he intends to step down from the
presidency by the year's end. Weizman stated that he is waiting for the
state prosecutor's report concerning him, and will take counsel from his
family and the prime minister about the right time to retire from office.
On Thursday, Weizman collapsed, suffering from dehydration and high
blood pressure, ISRAEL RADIO said. The radio said that Weizman is
currently being treated by doctors.

UN SINGLES OUT ISRAEL: A draft statement on the UN review of the
treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT), which
concludes next week, singles out Israel as the only Middle Eastern
state that has not signed the pact. Israel is not formally participating in
the month-long review conference at the UN headquarters in New York.
In addition to Israel, India, Pakistan, and Cuba have not signed the NPT.

In response, Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy justified Israel's refusal
to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty on Friday, saying Iraq and
Iran posed too great a threat to be ignored. "We have not reached a
state of tranquility and calmness that we can say the friends of Israel
can guarantee the future," he said, citing Iraq's nuclear capabilities as
well as Iran's.

ON THE NORTHERN FRONT: A Southern Lebanese Army (SLA)
soldier was killed early Friday morning by Hizb'Allah fire in the western
sector of the Security Zone in southern Lebanon. Another soldier was
moderately wounded in the attack on the SLA outpost.

Meanwhile, Lebanese President Emile Lahoud has refused to give
amnesty to SLA soldiers. He stressed the need of "trying them for what
they had committed of crimes against their people and country." The
call for general amnesty was made earlier this week by Antoine Lahad,
commander of the SLA. He stated he would not be included in the
amnesty program. Lahad on Monday night stated he and his forces
would maintain a strip of land following the unilateral Israeli withdrawal,
and would continue to fight for their continued safety and freedom. The
statement raises questions for UN officials, who have stated the
dismantling of the SLA is a requirement of Israel's compliance with
resolutions 425 and 426. There are growing concerns in Jerusalem, as
the government leaders realize their responsibilities towards the allied
force which has for over two decades, fought side-by-side with IDF
(Israel Defense Force) forces in southern Lebanon.

held secret talks with Hizb'Allah last month that ultimately were derailed
by the Syrians, a European radio station is to reveal today, based on
sources close to the negotiations. According to the sources, Israel
asked for a seven-day cease-fire in south Lebanon, offering in exchange
to release 20 prisoners from Khiam Prison, as well as the bodies of
seven Hizb'Allah fighters being held by Israel. The Red Cross reportedly
was mediating the deal when Syrian pressure derailed it. The timing of
the negotiations coincided with the failed summit between US President
Bill Clinton and Syrian President Hafez Assad, and, according to the
sources, was going on with tacit Syrian agreement until after the
summit. Israeli officials had no comment on the report, due to be
released last Tuesday on EUROPE ONE radio.

Government believes that there is an increased possibility of terrorist
attacks in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza [Notice the US government
separates Israel and Yesha, as if they were different countries ed].
While there is no reason to believe there is a specific threat directed
against Americans, the US Embassy in Tel Aviv and the Consulate
General in Jerusalem urge all Americans to increase their vigilance with
respect to their security. Additional security advice is contained in the
Consular Information Sheet for Israel and the Occupied Territories. This
would include caution when using public transportation, and when in the
vicinity of bus stops and crowded areas."

Palestinians rioted in Hebron, the western entrance to Tulkarm, and the
northern entrance of Jenin, throwing stones, firebombs, and bottles and
burning tires. In Hebron, IDF soldiers shot rubber bullets and tear gas at
dozens of Palestinians who burned Israeli and American flags and threw
stones, lightly wounding 11 people. An Israeli civilian was wounded by
stones north of Jenin near an IDF roadblock and three IDF soldiers were
lightly wounded by stones thrown in Hebron and Tulkarm. On Friday, a
border policeman suffered light wounds from stones thrown at IDF
troops during clashes with Palestinians near the Ayosh Junction, north
of Ram'Allah. Hundreds of Palestinians threw stones, firebombs, and
bottles at security forces and set tires alight. Other clashes took place
at the IDF roadblock north of Kalkilya and at Rachel's Tomb outside Beit

JUSTICE - PLO STYLE: Several dozen Arab children are abducted
every year from Israel to the areas of the Palestinian Authority
(PA/PLO), it emerged on Sunday at a meeting of the Israeli-PA/PLO
joint judicial committee held in Gaza. Most of these abduction cases
involved the children of failed marriages between Palestinians and Arabs
from Israel, though there have also been cases in which one of the
spouses had European or American citizenship. The participants in the
discussion -- led, on the Palestinian side, by Justice Minister Freih Abu
Medein, and on the Israeli side by Justice Ministry Director-General
Shlomo Gur -- decided that the PA/PLO would help locate children
abducted from Israel to its territory. The committee also heard a report
to the effect that about 30 Israelis had been arrested since the
beginning of the year by the PA/PLO, contrary to an agreement
between the sides. At present, four Israelis are being held in detention
by the PA/PLO. Gur urged the PA/PLO to abide by the agreement,
which forbids the PA/PLO to arrest Israelis.

PLO COMMANDOS TRAINING IN ISRAEL: Recently, Palestinian naval
commandos held a training exercise, part of which was conducted in
areas under Israeli control near Shechem. As part of their training for
long marches, the Palestinian commandos walked from the Shechem
area to Janin. They left the Junayd base near Shechem, navigated by
vehicle to Asirah al-Shamaliyah, and from there went on foot in a two-
stage march to Janin. However, between Shechem and Asirah al-
Shamiliyah the areas under Palestinian security control have no
territorial contiguity. Eyval, which is situated in the middle, is under full
Israeli security control. In other words: some of the Palestinian naval
commando force carried out part of its training exercise in areas under
Israeli control. According to the Oslo Agreement, every movement of
Palestinian forces in Areas 'B' or 'C' must be coordinated in advance
with the IDF. Army sources say that the Palestinians did not request
permission for any such movement. (Even if the Palestinian commandos
circumvented Eyval from the east -- which is very hard to believe -- they
still travelled inside Area 'B' where any movement by Palestinian forces
still requires the IDF's prior approval.) A HATZOFE correspondent notes
that Asirah al-Shamaliyah is located in Area 'B and under Israel's
security control. From there on northwards until Janin, the area is under
Palestinian control.

GSS STIRRING-UP OLD TACTICS: Officials in the General Security
Service (GSS/Shin Bet), according to a report in MA'ARIV, are weary of
"extremists elements" in the right-wing camp, specifically "settlers"
(residents of Yesha communities), whom they believe will work to delay
or stop the Oslo process. GSS officials are reportedly concerned that
settlers will "intentionally provoke" incidents in areas close to those
under control of the PA/PLO in the hope of delaying or stopping the
ongoing Oslo process. Secret meetings are taking place in Yesha
communities, primarily among persons whom in the past were active in
the IDF and security fields, seeking to establish a nucleus of activity in
every community. The units will in the future become armed militias
designed to defend residents of communities. They will conduct patrols
outside their respective communities and fill the gap between the IDF
and the PA/PLO security forces. Therefore, the security establishment
has decided to increase intelligence activities and surveillance of
"extremist elements". The GSS is planning to use unique measures to
ensure the flow of intelligence information from Yesha communities. No
details were given. [These same type of "tactics" were used during the
Rabin government. They involve 'planting' GSS agents in settlements in
order to "ensure the flow of intelligence information from Yesha
communities." An example is Avishai Raviv, GSS agent-provocateur
who has been connected with Yigal Amir, Rabin's murderer. He worked
to incite violence in right-wing 'extremist groups'. Many of the GSS
agents infiltrated right-wing groups, permitting them to create a false
image in the press, causing the groups to be portrayed as violent and
"unstable". ed]

prepared to conduct talks with Egypt about arms control, in which the
two countries will present their differing views. The two countries will try
to set an agenda for multilateral talks on arms control and regional
security, which have been frozen for the past five years due to Egyptian
demands to talk about Israeli nuclear disarmament, and the refusal of
Israeli officials to discuss the issue. The United States has been
pressuring Israel to start quiet arms talks with Egypt, and an
international conference in Moscow last February called for both sides
to agree on an agenda for discussions.

DEFENSE BRIEFS: Rafael - Israel's Combat Means Development
Authority - has won a tender to supply rockets to the Finnish Army.
Finland chose Rafael over the American giant Lockheed-Martin, after
examining Israel's anti-tank Gil missile for four years. The deal is worth
$35 million.

The Israeli and Italian air forces are slated to sign an agreement
facilitating mutual training, HA'ARETZ reported. The agreement is the
first of its kind signed by the Israel Air Force with a western country.
Security Establishment officials said on Thursday that in light of the
threat to Israel by more distant countries like Iran and Iraq, the IAF must
train over distant, unknown territories. Last September, six Israeli F-16
and F-15 jets as well as a Hercules freight plane landed in Italy for a
short period to practice navigation. Two months later, six Italian jets
arrived in Israel, practicing emergency airborne fueling methods along
the way.

Meanwhile, according to HATZOFEH, Polish Minister of Security Dr.
Yanucz visited Israel Aircraft Industries and discussed the possibility of
having Polish jets and helicopters improved by the IAI.

Sri Lanka has purchased new fighter jets from Israel and is awaiting a
large supply of arms from Pakistan, an Indian newspaper reported
Friday. One week after renewing diplomatic relations with Israel, Sri
Lanka already had taken delivery of some aircraft and of 24 containers
of arms and ammunition, the Hindu newspaper reported, quoting Sri
Lankan officials. An unspecified number of jet fighters were still awaited.

Fifty-Two years Later: Israel's population on its 52nd independence day
is 6.3 million, compared to 6.076 million last year. Some 4.9 million
citizens are Jews, and 1.1 million are Arabs. When the state was
founded, the total population numbered 806,000. Some 63 percent of
the Jewish population was born in Israel, 95 percent after the state was
founded. Of those born in Israel, 43 percent are second-generation
Israelis. According to data published Monday by the Central Bureau of
Statistics, about 3 million people are immigrants, 1 million of whom
came in the 1990s from the former Soviet Union. Immigration rose in
1999, with more than 6,000 immigrants arriving every month, compared
to less than 5,000 a month in 1998. In 1999, 87 percent of the
immigrants came from the former Soviet Union. Of the 1.1 million Arabs
living in Israel, 81 percent are Muslims, 10 percent Christians and 9
percent Druze. Some 70,000 Israelis will be celebrating their 52nd
birthday this year, together with the state. Most of them, about 70
percent, came to Israel after 1948, mainly from European countries (64


7 May 1147: Encouraged by Peter the Hermit, a mob attacked the Jews
on the second day of Shavu'ot in Ramerupt, France.

11 May 1415: Benedict XIII was enraged by the lack of voluntary
conversions after the Christian "victory" at the Tortosa disputation. As a
result, he banned the study of the Talmud in any form, instituted forced
Christian sermons, and tried to restrict Jewish life completely.

1942: The Biltmore Program was adopted in an emergency meeting (at
the Biltmore Hotel in New York) of the Conference of American Zionists.
The program proposed by Ben Gurion and Abba Hillel Silver totally
rejected the British White paper and called for the establishment of a
Jewish state. There was opposition to the proposal by the "non-
Zionists" and those who believed in a bi-national state (HaShomer

1267: A special session of the city council of Vienna decided to force all
Jews to wear a cone-shaped headdress in addition to the badge. It was
called the "Pileum cornutum" and was to become a distinctive attire
which is prevalent in many medieval woodcuts illustrating Jews.

This material has been adapted from "Beyond Time and History" by Eli



Tzemach News Service
"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace,
and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest" Isaiah 62:1

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 Lee Underwood

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