Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service - http://www.tzemach.org/fyi

Tzemach News Service
A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 2 Elul 5760/2 September 2000

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"Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, a people in whose heart is My
law; Do not fear the reproach of man, neither be dismayed at their
revilings." (Isaiah 51.7)


> ** NOTICE ** Redemption In The End-Times Prophecy Conference

THREE SOLDIERS KILLED IN BOTCHED ARREST: In what was described by Israel's
top general as a "serious operational blunder," three IDF (Israel Defense
Force) soldiers with the special Duvdevan anti-terrorist unit were killed
by suspected "friendly fire" late Saturday night (26 August) in a fumbled
attempt to capture Israel's most wanted Hamas terrorist, Mahmoud Abu
Hanoud, in his home village near Shechem. Abu Hanoud, a fugitive from
justice for several years, is charged with masterminding Hamas suicide
bombings at the crowded Mahane Yehuda market and popular Ben Yehuda
pedestrian mall in Jerusalem in the summer of 1997, which killed 21 and
wounded dozens more, as well as other terrorist attacks. Israeli security
learned that he had returned to his home village of Atzira Shamali near
Shechem recently, and tracked him down at the home of fellow Hamas member
Nidal Daglas. About 100 elite Israeli troops surrounded the house at about
10:00 p.m. Saturday evening, but Abu Hanoud and Daglas detected their
movements and struck first, throwing a grenade and firing at the Israeli
units. In the ensuing confusion, Israeli soldiers apparently mistook their
own forces assigned to a nearby rooftop as terrorists and opened fire on
them, killing three IDF troops. Although he took two bullets in the
shoulder and back, Abu Hanoud managed to slip away in the darkness,
wounded and bleeding. Evading helicopters with search lights and ground
units, he made it through heavy brush to a Palestinian checkpoint near
Shechem, where he surrendered to the PLO before dawn Sunday. Abu Hanoud
later was treated at a Shechem hospital under heavy guard. Daglas was
wounded and captured by the IDF, and his home was swiftly leveled, after
the army reportedly found four tons of chemicals used in the manufacture
of bombs there. Israeli security forces also arrested four men from the
same village, a hotbed of Hamas activists and still under Israeli security
control. Meanwhile a fourth Duvdevan soldier was moderately wounded by
other IDF soldiers while in hot pursuit of Abu Hanoud.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt-Gen Shaul Mofaz on Thursday canceled a planned
afternoon press conference during which he was to announce the findings of
the inquiry. Mofaz presented the report to Prime Minister/Defense Minister
Ehud Barak, as well as to the parents of the soldiers who were killed.
Mofaz called upon OC Central Command and the investigators to respond to
several points that he felt needed additional investigation and
clarification, thereby deciding to delay his press conference until the
inquiry was complete. Mofaz did state with certainty at this point that
the three combatants of the elite Duvdevan unit were killed by mistaken
fire, and a fourth soldier was seriously wounded.

to 12 years imprisonment on Friday after a PLO court in Gaza found him
guilty of "forming military cells and arming them". During the trial the
judge told Abu Hanoud the court did not want to try him for acts "against
the other side". The PLO has a "revolving door" policy for most of the
terrorists it has sentenced, later releasing them usually to serve in the
PLO security forces. Although Barak has stated that he will 'eventually'
ask for Abu Hanoud to be turned over to Israeli authorities, the PLO has
said it has no intentions of doing so. Hamas strongly criticized the
sentencing and said it did not recognize the court's authority. Hamas
official Ismail Abu Shanab told AFP that Arafat had made a "serious
mistake" and that Abu Hanoud is a "national hero and symbol for all
Palestinians," adding that it was "his judges who should be sentenced."
The spokesman for Hamas abroad, Ibrahim Ghosheh, also condemned the
court's verdict in a telephone call to AFP in Amman.

Meanwhile, Abu Hanoud is being hailed as a 'holy warrior' by other Arabs
as well. The story, as reported by Hamas and several Arab newspapers,
states that Abu Hanoud and Daglas managed to defeat the IDF unit, "a
battle pitting several hundred Israeli soldiers against two 'freedom
fighters'." On Friday, about 2,000 of his supporters staged a march after
afternoon prayers in his village, waving banners saying "No peace with
these Israeli actions" and "Mahmoud Abu Hanoud is a hero."

OTHER TERRORIST ACTS THWARTED:  Police Sunday night defused a pipe-bomb
hidden inside a backpack and left on the side of a road in Jerusalem's
busy Patt intersection, a police spokesman said. Police sappers blew up
the bag and in examining the remains determined it had contained a
pipe-bomb weighing about 1.5 kilograms (3.3 pounds).

Meanwhile, Tuesday three Israeli Antiquities Authority workers were
hospitalized in moderate condition, after a bomb exploded at an IDF
training ground near Rosh Ha'Ayin.  The police suspect that the bomb was
placed there by Palestinian terrorists. Four other bombs have been placed
in the same area by an as-yet unapprehended terrorist cell in past years.

AN IRAQI SCUD ALERT? Jerusalem government sources are having trouble
understanding why exactly United States forces in Germany have suddenly
gone on  anti-Scud alert.  Prime  Minister  Barak  said  that Israel is
keeping an eye on the situation in Iraq, and that as far as is known,
there is no need to send Patriot missiles to Israel. THE WASHINGTON POST
reported Friday, in the name of Pentagon sources, that Iraq is liable to
attack a nation "friendly with the U.S." one month from now. The action
took Israel by surprise because it was leaked to the POST before US
officials had advised the Israelis, who have been holding defence talks
with the Americans, according to the official who spoke on condition of

The question is: Is this another "wag-the-dog" caper? To be sure, we may
well be seeing the groundwork being laid for an 'October surprise' -- some
new hair-brained military operation calculated principally for domestic
consumption in order to demonstrate what superb stewards of the national
security Bill Clinton and Al Gore have been and why the latter's contract
should be renewed. Or maybe it is just a cynical play for Jewish votes in
case Joe Lieberman cannot offset the hostility engendered by concerns
about Hillary's pro-Palestinian and anti-semitic proclivities. It was on
the eve of the US Congress impeachment vote in 1998 when Clinton ordered
airstrikes against Iraq.

to announce an upgrade of relations with Israel to a strategic ally of the
United States on 6 September when Barak is scheduled to meet with Clinton
at the United Nations Millennium Peace Summit in New York. But the
strategic upgrade enabling Israel to retain its deterrent capability and
defend itself is contingent on an agreement between the two countries
limiting Israeli arms exports controls and technology transfers. The
agreement stipulates that Israel must consult with the US before
concluding any defense deals with either China, India, Russia or Pakistan.
Washington is also demanding that Israel participate in a joint technology
committee with the US, intended to investigate complaints that Israel
illegally transferred US-manufactured military components to third
countries. In exchange, the US is expected to include a special aid
package for the IDF, as well as US funding for a multi-million dollar
project to develop drones capable of attacking missile launchers and
ground-to-ground missiles. The extent of the aid package or project
funding has not yet been specified. An Israeli delegation, headed by
Defense Ministry Director General Amos Yaron has been in Washington
hammering out the final details of the agreement.

The pressure from the US has caused major cuts in the Israeli defense
industry. It has cost several major contracts. Defense company chiefs have
warned of a serious threat to the industry if Israel continues to lose
contracts. Israel Aircraft Industries has incurred a loss of $4 billion
worth of contracts comprising 70 percent of the government-owned company's
defense deals over the past year. Association official Ya'acov Toren said
that Israel's strategic capability would be affected because the closure
of the defense plants would make Israel dependent on importing military
platforms, equipment and supplies. The association has urged the
government to maintain its level of domestic contracts and only purchase
from the United States equipment that isn't manufactured in Israel.
Washington provides Israel with annual military aid of $1.8 billion
dollars but the bulk of the grant is linked to the purchase of US

MEETINGS IN NEW YORK THIS WEEK: Barak is to leave for the UN's Millennium
Summit in New York Sunday night for a week of talks that could determine
both the fate of the peace process and his government. Barak is slated to
address the Millennium Summit, a gathering of 159 of the world's leaders,
on Wednesday. But the real focus of his attention will be on numerous
meetings taking place on the sidelines. He is scheduled to meet with
Clinton later that afternoon. Arafat, who will also be attending the
summit, is also scheduled to meet with Clinton on Wednesday. There are so
far no plans for a tripartite meeting. Both Israeli and Palestinian
officials are playing down any chance of a breakthrough next week. US
Special envoy Dennis Ross, who met Friday with both Barak and Arafat, also
sounded doubtful.

WHO'S SOVEREIGNTY, WHO'S AUTHORITY? Several "creative" proposals were
given this past week regarding the Temple Mount. One proposal gave
'authority' to the Waqf (Moslem authority currently on the Temple Mount)
and 'sovereignty' to G-d (it was not clearly stipulated which god -- the
true G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or the pagan moslem god 'Allah'). The
purported American proposal involves the division into four different
zones and jurisdictions: 1) the mosques, 2) the plaza, 3) the external
wall, and 4) the cavities beneath the Mount. Others were also bantered

Meanwhile, Justice Minister Yossi Beilin and Acting Foreign Minister
Shlomo Ben-Ami have volunteered to kick off the government's campaign
paving the way for the transfer of control of the Temple Mount to Moslem
hands. Speaking on Army Radio  Tuesday, Beilin said that the Mount has not
been under Israeli control since it was captured in 1967, and "all that
remains is to legally formalize the situation." Ben-Ami, at a press
conference in Paris Monday, said, "The dispute is only about symbols.
After all, ever since the days of Dayan [Defense Minister during the 1967
Six-Day War], the Palestinians have had functional autonomy on the Temple
Mount. No matter what, there will be no major changes there."

This MUST be a major area of prayer focus for both Jews and Christians.
This is where the Third Temple of the G-d of Israel will be built and it
is here the Mashiach will come and reign. G-d told Solomon, "I have heard
your prayer and your supplication, which you have made before Me; I have
consecrated this house which you have built by putting My name there
forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually" (1 Kings
9.3). Ezekiel saw the Glory of G-d returning to the Temple Mount and G-d
told him, "Son of man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the
soles of My feet, where I will dwell among the sons of Israel forever"
(Ezekiel 43.7). G-d has not forsaken His people, for He says, "Behold, I
have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually
before Me" (Isaiah 49.16, see also Jeremiah 31.35-37)

sponsoring a new bill aimed at preventing Prime Minister Ehud Barak from
signing diplomatic agreements as long as he does not have a Knesset
majority. The bill was initiated by National Union MK Rabbi Benny Elon.
Should the bill pass - as it is expected to - a minority government would
be unable to legally sign deals that entail the transfer of sovereignty to
a foreign entity or the alteration of the country's borders.

PM MOVING AHEAD WITH NEW SECULAR REFORMS: Apparently moving ahead with his
planned secular reform policies, Prime Minister Ehud Barak on Tuesday met
with members of the "Awakening" organization, seeking one draft for all
Israeli citizens, including Israeli Arabs and ultra-Orthodox yeshiva

Part of the new secular reforms is the total dissolving of the Ministry of
Religious Affairs. The departments of the ministry would be reassigned to
the Chief Rabbinate, local municipalities, Ministry of the Interior,
Justice Ministry and other official agencies. The Ministry handles many
operations of Jewish religious life, such as appointment of religious
councils; financial assistance to yeshivas and renovation and construction
of physical facilities at the yeshivas; planning and financial assistance
for the construction and renovation of synagogues; maintaining public
order, supervising, protecting, and guarding Jewish holy places. This
might be opening the door for Barak to accomplish several items of
business he has not been able to do as of yet, such as to get rid of
Israeli control of the Jewish holy sites and to limit the work done at the
yeshivas, if not attempt to shut them down due to lack of funding.

CNN'S BIAS TOWARD ISRAEL: CNN got clobbered recently by a deluge of angry
e-mail about its detaching Jerusalem from Israel in a weather page on the
heavily trafficked CNN.com website. Jerusalem was restored with an
asterisk whose footnote states: "The status of Jerusalem, the seat of
Israeli government, is the most contentious issue in the
Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Palestinian and Arab leaders consider
part of Jerusalem the capital of a prospective Palestinian state." In no
other case where a city's sovereignty is contested, such as Lhasa, Taipei
or Jammu, does CNN qualify the national affiliation with a political

* A similar sequence of events had occurred earlier when American Muslims
for Jerusalem denounced CNN for referring to Jerusalem as Israel's capital
on another web page. The very same day AMJ Executive Director Khalid
Turaani boasted in a follow-up e-mail about CNN's "quick response to the
community" when network officials capitulated, striking out reference to
Jerusalem as Israel's capital in a Millennium-related web page. AMJ
exulted that their campaign had "lasted just three hours." [In contrast,]
it took a month to restore the reference to Jerusalem [as Israel's
capital], and, once again, the correction came with a qualifier.

* When CNN aired a particularly blatant error, claiming harsh Israeli
policies have led to a "dwindling" of the Arab population of Jerusalem,
the network stonewalled for a year before issuing a retraction. Volumes of
data and evidence provided to CNN demonstrating the dramatic growth of
that population availed nothing. Only under the duress of extended public
pressure, including ads in newspapers such as the New York Times exposing
the absurdity of the statement, did the network broadcast a correction and
an accurate report.

* The same CNN penchant for espousing Arab views can be seen even now on
the network's website. A feature entitled "The Struggle For Middle East
Peace" includes a timeline filled with biased, if frequently moronic,
statements about the history of the region. The overarching distortion is
the deleting of Arab aggression against the Jews. Events in 1929, for
example, when anti-Jewish rioting was fomented by Arab leaders and led to
the murder of scores of Jews throughout Palestine, especially in Hebron,
are glossed by CNN as entailing "a dispute at the Wailing Wall" which
"ignited an Arab riot and call for Islamic Jihad. Consequently, Jews began
arming themselves and both sides waged terrorist attacks." Likewise, the
sole reference to the bloody record of PLO terrorism in the 1970's is a
line about the killing of Israeli athletes at the1972 Munich Olympics.
Unmentioned is the PLO-sponsored murder three months earlier of 27
civilians at Israel's Lod airport. The heinous Palestinian terrorist
attack in 1974 on an Israeli elementary school and the slaughter of 22
children is similarly omitted, as is the 1978 PLO  hijacking of a bus on
the Tel Aviv-Haifa Road. That killing spree took 34 lives.

* Amazingly, even the unprecedented series of bus bombings in Jerusalem
and Tel Aviv in the 1990's are also censored out. Yet CNN gives separate
mention (with a photograph) to victims of Baruch Goldstein's killing of
Muslim worshipers in Hebron in 1994. Thus is the record blurred to obscure
the fearsome campaigns of terrorism by Palestinians against Jews, while
singling out the lone act on a similar scale of Jewish violence against
innocent Arabs.

* The same deferential distortions are accorded Yasser Arafat in a
biographical article in the "Struggle for Peace" section. As though
echoing the career of Dr. Martin Luther King, CNN describes Arafat
repeatedly as pursuing the "dream" a Palestinian state.  "That dream,"
writes CNN, "sustained him during his years as a guerilla fighter with a
pistol on his hip, and it has guided him through his leadership of the
Palestine Liberation Organization." Here too only sanitized mention is
made of Arafat's bloodstained past -- his organization, Al Fatah, is said
to have launched "guerilla raids and terrorist attacks into Israel." CNN
labors especially hard to find oblique phrasing for Arafat's role in
the1972 Munich massacre, writing that Arafat "came to be regarded as a
villain for his suspected involvement in the murder of Israeli athletes by
Black September Arab terrorists..."

No doubt if CNN.com carried an honest and accurate biography of Arafat and
a truthful timeline chronicling the record of Arab aggression and
violence, there would be a new deluge of Arab complaint. Probably CNN
reporters fear being denied access to Palestinian officials, and perhaps
the network seeks to open new bureaus in the Arab world and so prefers to
avoid offending future customers. Whatever the cause, the propensity at
CNN for advocating Arab views over journalistic objectivity and factual
accuracy, and only reluctantly and belatedly making adjustments when
challenged on the facts, is professionally derelict -- and disgraceful.

comes from Lee Green Director, National Letter-Writing Group CAMERA. The
August 4, 2000 edition of the CHICAGO TRIBUNE carried an opinion piece
[see the CAMERA website: http://www.camera.org] by James Ron which
contained gross inaccuracies and baseless accusations against Israel. The
CHICAGO TRIBUNE is of course welcome to publish many perspectives on
controversial topics, but Ron has bolstered his case with falsehoods and
it is the editor's responsibility to root out such errors. Whether we
agree or disagree with Ron's conclusion, it is still our duty to protest
published inaccuracies. Lack of fact checking is unacceptable in both news
articles and opinion pieces.

Please write short letters to the editor of the CHICAGO TRIBUNE to respond
to Ron's distortions. Focus on only one or two of the following talking

* James Ron repeats the common error that all land not belonging to Jews
in mandate Palestine belonged to Palestinian Arabs. In fact, historically,
under Ottoman and British rule, most of the land was government owned.
According to statistics from the Survey of Palestine, which was published
in 1946 by British mandate authorities, and later republished by the
PLO-affiliated Institute for Palestine Studies, Jews owned 8.6 percent of
the land and Arabs owned 28.6 percent. But the Arab total included Bedouin
grazing land (8.4 percent) and waste land (13.4 percent), neither of which
was legally ownable according to the prevailing Turkish and British land
laws. Not counting Bedouin grazing land and waste land, Arab owned land
totaled only 6.8 percent. But, even if one counts land in these categories
as Arab owned, the majority of land in Palestine in 1948 was state land,
which did not belong to Palestinian private owners. Because there was
never a sovereign Palestinian Arab state, this state land cannot be said
to have ever have been "Palestinian owned."

Also, it should be noted that most of the Jewish-owned land was purchased
from wealthy Arabs, among them the well-known Nashashibi, el-Husseini, and
el-'Alami families.

* James Ron falsely accuses Israel of "ethnic cleansing," forcing
Palestinians to flee. Recent research by Israeli scholars such as Efraim
Karsh ("Fabricating Israeli History: The 'New Historians'") have
thoroughly discredited authors such as Benny Morris and Ilan Pappe who had
charged Israel with mass expulsions of Palestinians during the 1948-49
Arab-Israeli war. Of course, it should be remembered that the Palestinian
refugee problem was caused by this war, and that the war was initiated by
the Palestinian Arabs themselves, and by the five Arab states whose armies
invaded Israel the day it declared independence. It should also be
remembered that the roughly 550,000 Palestinian refugees were not alone --
there were similar numbers of Jewish refugees from Arab countries. At
great expense and effort, the newly born state of Israel settled these
Jewish refugees. Unfortunately, the Arab states, many of them flush with
oil wealth, made no such effort, often acting to keep the Palestinian
refugees in continuing poverty, all the better to use them as a weapon
against Israel.

According to historians such as Efraim Karsh, Arabs expelled Jews from
areas in mandate Palestine (the Old City of Jerusalem, the Etzion Bloc,
Atarot, Kfar Darom or Beit Ha'arava) in roughly equivalent numbers that
Jews expelled Arabs. By and large, though, Arabs fled for various reasons,
often at the behest of their own leaders. For example, in the July-August
2000 edition of COMMENTARY magazine, Karsh details the Arab flight from
Haifa, which began before fighting broke out with the exodus of the Arab
social elite. Although Haifa mayor Shabtai Levy and other Jewish
authorities went to great lengths to convince their Arab neighbors to
remain, the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) in Beirut ordered an evacuation.

Arab propaganda also played a part. Hazem Nusseibeh, an editor of the
PALESTINE BROADCASTING SERVICE's Arabic news in 1948, admits that he and
Hussein Khalidi, the secretary of the Arab Higher Committee (the
representative body of the Arabs of British Palestine), fabricated
atrocities in reporting about the battle at Deir Yassin "so the Arab
armies will come to liberate Palestine from the Jews." Nusseibeh said in a
BBC television series (Israel and the Arabs: the 50 Year Conflict) that,
"This was our biggest mistake. We did not realize how our people would
react. As soon as they heard that women had been raped [a fabrication] at
Deir Yassin, Palestinians fled in terror."

* Although Ron discusses Palestinian wartime losses, he ignores that fact
that Palestinians are entitled to receive -- and have received --
compensation for their losses. 1993 figures from the Israel Land
Administration show that by that time, 14,692 people claimed compensation
under the Absentee Property Law and the Validation and Compensation Law.
Claims were settled with respect to 200,000 dunums of land. More than
10,000,000 NIS had been paid as compensation, and more than 54,000 dunums
of replacement land had been given in compensation. The basis for
compensation is the property's value in 1947, corrected for inflation,
plus added yearly interest, to be paid in installments. Israel has
followed this generous policy despite the fact that not a single penny of
compensation has ever been paid to any of the more than 500,000 Jewish
refugees from Arab countries, who were forced by the Arab governments to
abandon their homes, businesses and savings.

* Ron wrongly asserts that as of 1948, Israel controlled 78 percent of
"historic Palestine." In fact, nearly 80 percent of historic Palestine was
severed by the British in 1922 and allocated to what became Transjordan.
Jewish settlement there was prohibited. The UN then divided the remaining
20 percent of Palestine in what was to be two states -- one Jewish, one
Arab. When Jordan annexed YESHA in 1950, and with Gaza occupied by Egypt,
the Arab hold on historic Palestine totaled 80 percent. The Jews held only
17.5 percent.

Please write to the CHICAGO TRIBUNE: 435 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL
60611-4041 tel#: 312-222-3232 fax#: 312-222-4760 website:
www.chicago.tribune.com To send e-mail message, go to website. Scroll way
down and look on left hand side. Under "Newspaper", click on "Letters to
the Editor."

1 Elul 520 BCE (1 September):  Prophet Haggai exhorts Zerubbabel to
commence construction of Second Temple (Haggai 1).

28 August 1942: Gerhard Reigner's cable about Nazi plans for the complete
annihilation of European Jewry reaches Rabbi Stephen Wise, who contacts
Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles. Welles urges Wise to refrain from
any public announcement until official confirmation is obtained.

29 August 1897: The First Zionist Congress is convened by Theodor Herzl in
Basel, attended by 197 delegates.

1933: Official confirmation received that the Nazis are sending Jews to
concentration camps on a variety of charges from "consorting with German
girls" to "imitating the Nazi salute".

31 August 1947: The 11-member United Nations Special Committee on
Palestine issues its report, which recommends unanimously that Great
Britain terminate its mandate for Palestine and grant it independence at
the earliest possible date.

1 September 1939: Jews in Germany are forbidden to be outdoors after 8
p.m. in winter and 9 p.m. in summer.

1941: German Jews ordered to wear yellow stars.

1975: 'Second Sinai Agreement' signed with Egypt.

This material has been adapted from Elli Wohlgelernter and "Beyond Time
and History" by Eli Birnbaum



We at Tzemach News Service believe that these are the "last days"
predicted millennia ago by the Hebrew prophets. Therefore, a conference is
being convened by the Tzemach Institute and Fellowship Church to explore
ways of promoting cooperation in the redemption process between leaders of
the faith community of Israel and Christian Zionists in America. Those
Israeli and Christian leaders participating in this conference are
prepared to discuss, in frank terms, real areas of cooperation that have
been tested and proven fruitful over the past several years. We invite you
to come and join us with others in this endeavor. We are sure that you
will return home truly blessed and with a fresh vision for godly
righteousness burning within you.

Conference presentations include:

* The redemptive process as seen from an Israeli perspective and a
Christian perspective.
* The importance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in the redemption
* International response to the redemption process.
* Spiritual warfare in the midst of the nations.

Conference participants include Gershon Salomon, leader of the Temple
Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement; Yohanan Ramati, Chairman of
the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense; Ken Garrison, Pastor of
Fellowship Church and Director of the Tzemach Institute for Biblical
Studies; and a leading rabbi from the settlement movement to be
announcement later.

The conference will take place January 31 - February 2, 2001 at the
Sheraton Orlando North Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

Information may be found on our website: http://www.tzemach.org or email


"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will
not rest." Isaiah 62.1

Tzemach News Service (TNS) is a ministry of Tzemach Institute for Biblical
Studies (http://www.tzemach.org)

Lee Underwood

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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