-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.washtimes.com/world/20021013-30498908.htm

The Washington Times

Rage meets Falwell's comment

Published 10/13/2002

     BEIRUT, Lebanon — Shi'ite Muslim clerics in Lebanon and Iran have reacted with 
rage at
the Rev. Jerry Falwell for calling Islam's prophet a terrorist, and an envoy of Iran's 
leader reportedly called for his death.
     Iranian cleric Mohsen Mojtahed Shabestari, addressing Friday prayers in the
northwestern town of Tabriz, said Mr. Falwell was a "mercenary and must be killed," the
Farsi-language daily Abrar reported yesterday.
     "The death of that man is a religious duty, but his case should not be tied to the
Christian community," Mr. Shabestari, a representative of Iran's Supreme Leader 
Ali Khamenei, was quoted as saying.
     In an interview broadcast last week on the CBS program "60 Minutes," Mr. Falwell 
in reference to the Prophet, "I think Muhammad was a terrorist."
     Mr. Falwell, a conservative Baptist minister, said he has concluded from reading 
and non-Muslim writers that Islam's prophet "was a violent man, a man of war."
     But Mr. Falwell apologized yesterday for calling the Prophet Muhammad a terrorist.
     "I sincerely apologize that certain statements of mine made during an interview 
for the
September 30 edition of CBS's '60 Minutes' were hurtful to the feelings of many 
the preacher said in a statement issued in Lynchburg, Va.
     "I intended no disrespect to any sincere, law abiding Muslim," Mr. Falwell added.
     In presenting his apologies, Mr. Falwell said that in his more than 50 years of 
ministry, he had never preached a sermon on Islam, nor written a book or pamphlet on 
     "I have always shown respect for other religions, faiths and denominations," he 
"Unfortunately, I answered one controversial and loaded question at the conclusion of 
hourlong CBS interview which I should not have answered. That was a mistake and I
     In Lebanon yesterday, Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah called on Muslim
countries to respond to Mr. Falwell's comments on CBS, which, he said, had "infringed 
the prophet [Muhammad´s] dignity."
     Mr. Fadlallah, however, cautioned against resorting to "physical violence" 
against Mr.
Falwell, saying Islam is a "religion of mercy and love."
     In a statement issued in Beirut, Mr. Fadlallah also urged Muslims worldwide to 
what he called a "cultural war" launched against Islam after the September 11 terrorist
attacks on New York and Washington.
     Mr. Fadlallah, 67, has condemned the September 11 attacks. He is a senior Shi'ite
religious authority and a harsh critic of U.S. policies in the Middle East.
     In August, Mr. Fadlallah issued a fatwa, or religious edict, banning Muslims from
assisting the United States and its allies if they attack Iraq. He also urged Muslims 
withdraw their money from U.S. markets for fear they may be frozen or confiscated.
     Earlier this week, another Shi'ite cleric in Iran, Ayatollah Hussein Nouri 
Hamedani, called
on Muslims to cut relations with the United States. He accused Mr. Falwell of 
a "Zionist plan" to cause a clash between Islam and Christianity.
     But other Muslim clerics held different opinions.
     "Although [Falwell´s] opinion is insulting, he can be answered through dialogue 
so that
all ambiguities in his mind are cleared," Iranian Ayatollah Hussein Mousavi Tabrizi 
     Mr. Tabrizi refused to compare Mr. Falwell to British author Salman Rushdie, 
whom the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the Iranian revolution, 
issued a
death verdict in the 1980s for blaspheming Islam in his book "Satanic Verses."
     "Rushdie is a symbol of the red line between Islamic countries and the West. But 
we will
not issue a death verdict against the priest. Iran is a country that promotes dialogue 
civilizations," Mr. Tabrizi said in an interview yesterday.

Copyright © 2002 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

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