-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Whatever Happened to the Nazi Gold?
From: "capcomx" <A
Date: Mon, 02 August 1999 08:23 PM EDT
Message-id: <7o5cp5$b0t$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


One Trenton Parker, an ex-Marine colonel with CIA connections and claiming
to have inside knowledge as to what actually became of the Nazi gold horde
following World War II, was Tom Valentine's guest on his nightly radio show,
Radio Free America, on July 29, 1993. Parker is described in the Radio Free
America catalog of past programs as follows:

  July 29, 1993: A veteran CIA operative claiming to be with an
  especially secretive group known as Pegasus, was guest.
  Trenton Parker, a "sheep-dipped" Marine Colonel, told of his
  role in planning/execution of the "great energy scam" of the
  70s when Big Oil drove U.S. independent oil companies out of
  business, closed/opened the Suez Canal, created lines at gas
  pumps to drive up price of oil, filched stolen gold into the
  market by opening the gold window to Americans for 1st time
  since 1933, sold weapons to Arab states getting rich from the
  oil scam and sealed the deal with Portland cement from Spain.

For further background on Parker, see Rodney Stich's classic outline of
hidden corruption in the U.S. government, Defrauding America {1}. See also
Radio Free America's tape archives of past
programs {2}.

By way of background, it may be helpful to re-acquaint ourselves with a few
       (1) Francisco Franco emerged from the Spanish Civil War (circa 1936)
as the undisputed dictator of then-fascist Spain. Franco had friendly ties
to Hitler's Germany.
       (2) ODESSA: an abbreviation of Organisation Der Ehemaligen
SS-Angehorigen (German: "Organization of Former SS Members"). The
Encyclopaedia Britannica describes ODESSA, in part, as follows:
"...clandestine escape organization of the SS underground... A large
organizational network was set up to help former SS and Gestapo members and
other high Nazi functionaries to avoid arrest... to escape from prison, or
to be smuggled out of the country. The main escape routes were (1) through
Austria and Italy, then to Franco's Spain, (2) to Arab countries of the
Middle East, and (3) to South America..."
       (3) Martin Bormann: again, quoting in part from the Encyclopaedia
Britannica, "[Bormann] became head of the administrative machinery of the
Nazi Party, and through intrigue, party infighting, and his shrewd
manipulation of Hitler's weaknesses and eccentricities, he became a shadowy
but extremely powerful presence in the Third Reich... He disappeared shortly
after the death of Hitler, and it was presumed that he was either dead or in
hiding... Later reports, especially in the 1960s, alleged that Bormann had
escaped and had been living in South America, possibly Paraguay. However,
early in 1973 a Berlin forensic expert established 'with near certainty'
that one of two skeletons unearthed during construction in West Berlin in
December 1972 was that of Bormann, and on April 11, 1973, West German
authorities officially declared him dead."

As is apparent from the Radio Free America catalog excerpt quoted above,
Parker discussed many things during his July 29, 1993 appearance. What
follows is the gist of his explanation of what actually happened to the
"lost" Nazi gold horde. For further details I refer interested readers to
the tape of his July 29th testimony, available from Valentine Communications
(see below).

Many of us have heard the story that the Nazi gold was thrown into a deep
lake in Switzerland and sank far down, down to the bottom. Parker calls this
nonsense. The gold, he says, was never thrown into any lake. The gold went
into Spain, through Martin Bormann's ODESSA. There it sat, under the
watchful eye of Generalisimo Franco.

"A lot of people have never, ever, asked the obvious question: What deal was
struck, in order for Franco to pull out of the Axis powers during the Second
World War?... And the deal was: you get to be president; we're not going to
bother you... There was a deal struck... Spain became, in effect, a major
access and exit point for a lot of people coming out of Germany at that

How does Parker know all this? One Ortega-Perez served as a staff
interpreter for General Eisenhower. The sister of Ortega-Perez had married
one of Franco's physicians. So, one of Franco's physicians passed what he
knew to his wife, who passed it to Ortega-Perez, who passed it to Eisenhower
and/or others in that group, and from there the information was grabbed hold
of by U.S. Intelligence.

Parker insists that Martin Bormann did not die in Germany, as West German
officials had declared. "I can assure you that Martin Bormann did *not* die
in Berlin. He looked very much alive, in March of 1975, in a villa outside
of Madrid, Spain, where I went to negotiate the liquidation of various tons
of gold which were turned into perfect Krugerrands."

That is the second part of the story: what happened to the gold after it got
to Spain. The gold remained in Spain, in care of Francisco Franco, until
circa 1975. Then, with Franco about to
expire, things began to happen. With Franco nearing his end, other factors
occurred at about this same time; said factors coalescing to bring about
"Phase II" of "What Happened To The
Nazi Gold?" As Parker tells it, the closing of the Suez Canal and subsequent
shortages of "Portland-grade cement" came together as chips to be used by
international power brokers in a complicated deal. The details of said deal
are beyond the scope of this article. For further information, again, get
hold of the tape of the original, July 29, 1993 broadcast.

"If you'll remember, at this particular point in time, we got rid of
American's not being able to own gold. And the big push was Krugerrands. And
you could buy 'em through Merrill-Lynch and
Hutton and what have you. It's easy to counterfeit perfect Krugerrands if
you've got gold." According to Parker, the gold was turned into counterfeit
Krugerrands and sold in the biggest potential market of that time: The
United States of America.

If you have doubts, then Parker asks you to consider the following: even
though Americans were buying a lot of gold at that time, because of the
sudden legality that now they were allowed to do so, the price of gold did
not climb; it stayed flat. "The only explanation for *that* is that somebody
is bringing in a new supply of gold."

Tom Valentine, host of Radio Free America, summed it up: "Tons of
Krugerrands, phony Krugerrands, made from the Nazi Germany gold... This was
actually turned into Krugerrands and they put it into the market."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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