-Caveat Lector-


What Was Really Behind the Gulf War: Malthusian Population Reduction
[Editor Note: The reason for the Gulf War, upon analysis, was threefold. It
was to infect the U.S. military and subsequently the U.S. and world
population, and secondly to reacquire Kuwait oil fields, which are owned by
a well-known family in London, and thirdly to test weaponry on Iraq, to whom
factions sold weapons to be used against our own troops. Part of the
cover-up involved with Gulf War syndrome is also meant to conceal the fact
that President Bush and other members of his administration held stock in
some of the biotech companies that produced the biological weapons used
against U.S. troops and shipped to Iraq. Another part of the cover-up
involves conventional arms, specifically a company known as U.S. Arms, who
sold Iraq conventional weapons to be used against U.S. troops. Former
Secretary of Agriculture Ron Brown, who was in the aircraft that was blown
up in Bosnia, was on the board of Directors of U.S. Arms. Four individuals
on the plane were to testify in an upcoming hearing. Traces of thermite,
denoting explosives, were found on the bodies. Thirty-seven people were
murdered. President Clinton recently claimed Executive Privilege as a reason
for not disclosing certain documents to Congress relating to arms shipments
to Iraq. Do you understand, yet? Other reasons for securing the area
involved control of vital earth grid points in Southern Iraq. Interestingly,
there are also large underground facilities in the Middle East, some of them
of rather ancient, and alien, origin, which still today contain high-tech

Mycoplasma Incognitas
I will explain this to you by saying that Mycoplasma Incognitas is between
the size of a bacteria and a virus. It travels through a population, and as
long as your immune system is all right it will not affect you. But,
according to the Nicholson's, who are both Ph.D. cellular biologists, they
found that the scientists who were involved in this horrible plot inserted
40% of the HIV envelope gene into the Mycoplasma. What this means is that it
doesn't give you HIV, but it gives you the symptoms. So, they found this and
realized that they had a germ warfare agent on their hands. It is the first
biological agent identified. There have been others.

The Reigle Reports and Congressional Knowledge About the Problem Covered Up
This is something that the government is trying to keep you from knowing
about. The Reigle report is evidence that biological and chemical weapons
were used on our troops. It was presented to the United States Senate, but
it has been withheld from you. They don't want you to see it. A news release
went out that Senator Reigle from Michigan was a brave man for doing this.
He is no longer in the Senate. He had to pay for the report to be done. The
Feb 1994 news release said, "Reigle Uncovers U.S. Shipment of Biological
Warfare Materials to Iraq Prior to Gulf War". The release went on to say,
"there is evidence of transmission to family members. I am deeply troubled
that the United States permitted the sale of deadly biological agents to a
country with a known biological warfare program." There is no blood ban
stopping Gulf War veterans from donating blood to the general blood supply
that the general population uses. Reigle also sent a letter to Secretary of
Defense Perry on Feb 9, 1994 and talked about the exposure of Gulf War
veterans and the transmission of the disease to spouses and children. He
found out that we had been exporting these biological substances through
ATCC. This information is known to every Senator that was in office in 1994.
Why aren't they doing something about it. Why weren't you told about it?
Reigle also said to Secretary Perry, "without proper treatment and testing,
their condition will worsen. They cannot wait. Many are now destitute, with
their savings spent on medical care not provided by the government.

According to Senator Reigle, "the Department of Defense refuses to
acknowledge any part of the problem. Their blanket denials are not credible.
To my mind, there is no more serious crime than an official military
cover-up of facts that could prevent more effective diagnosis and treatment
of sick U.S. veterans. It is an astonishing example that the Defense
Department is going to deny reality."

The Veterans Administration is not treating Gulf War veterans, but only
monitoring their blood to see how well the biological warfare agents worked.
They are not treating the Gulf War veterans.

(Here she details the bacteriological substance shipped. See attachment from
the Reigle Report at the end of this transcript).

U.S. Companies Sold Iraq New Genocidal Anthrax Toxin
This is why I am scared about what is going on with the biological warfare.
It hasn't stopped, because Saddam Hussein still has these things. Reading
the Sunday Times article, we see that "Russia has developed a powerful new
poison with no antidote that could be used in biological weapons. It is a
variation of the anthrax toxin that causes death within days. It has been
genetically engineered to make it resistant to antibiotics. The toxin is so
powerful that a tiny amount that would fit on a pinhead would theoretically
kill 500,000 people." Can you imagine what that would do to the WATER
SUPPLY? Saddam Hussein had thousands of pounds of this substance that was
given to him by United States companies.

Did you know that George Bush was almost brought up before a Grand Jury? He
was subpoenaed in an illegal export case that involved shipment of
biological agents to Saddam Hussein. You didn't know about that, did you? He
was. In 1993 the "Justice Department" said, "he doesn't have to do it."
George Bush was brought up before a war crimes tribunal. You didn't know
about that either, right? Get the book by Ramsey Clark.

Now, I want to show you this. It appeared in Media Bypass recently. It was
January 1996. In this issue, Sarah McClendon, who was a wire service person
in Washington, has kind of seen the light. She is in her 80's now, but she
follows every story. I want you to see what she has written, because she was
a "government person" beforehand. And now, I will tell you, that she has
truly "changed sides."

She writes, "Proof is building up stronger than ever that big U.S.
corporations [Editor Note: The U.S. Government is also a corporation] made
the weapons that Saddam Hussein used to kill American soldiers in the
Persian Gulf War. These corporations also provided the chemical and
biological weapons that the Iraqis used to make thousands of surviving
soldiers ill. Both the Bush and Clinton Administration Justice Departments
agreed not to prosecute for TRADING WITH THE ENEMY."

[Editor Note: Now, this is an interesting coincidence, because it is exactly
what Prescott Bush and the Rockefellers did before and during World War II,
when they materially and financially supported the buildup and creation of
Nazi Germany, and later Communist Russia, to create extreme forms of
National Socialism and International Socialism, in order to anger the
planetary population, who would stamp these forms of socialism out and make
way for International Corporate Capitalism, which is Global Socialism, or
otherwise known as the New World Order. Any good student of history will
find the prosecutions levied for Trading With the Enemy on U.S. companies
during this period in history. Don't believe any of this? Do your homework!
The same people have been at it behind the scenes for the last 60 years
doing the same thing. When you then see Operation Paperclip and Project 63
in action for 30 years . . . . . well, welcome to the covert 4th Reich in
disguise. All the research is in Matrix III Volume Two, of what they are
doing, how they are doing it and why. Read it and understand. Everything is

You have heard about the Trading With the Enemy Act? Guess who has really
been trading with the enemy? Now they are being openly accused of it. The
Media Bypass article continues: "The buildup of Iraq's weapons was paid for
by U.S. taxpayers, and this business was conducted for years before the
Persian Gulf War, and after it started. Such trading with the enemy is
tantamount to TREASON. Since when did treason become a civil case? Federal
Judge Schub of Atlanta, before whom the case came during the Bush era, said
in a phone call to Attorney General Janet Reno, that "anyone who believes
there was not grounds for prosecution, has to believe in never-never land."

Let me tell you about Peter Kawaja. He operated under a government code
name. The reason he did this is that he found out that biological agents
were being made in the United States, and he was aware of the fact that it
was essentially treason, and that it was wrong, and he went to the CIA, FBI
and U.S. Customs and told them that this was going on.

Product Ingredient Technology and Dr. Barbouti
He told them that "they are making biological agents in Boca Raton, Florida,
and that they are being used for germ warfare." The government then said to
him to let them know everything he found out, and they wanted to stay on top
of it. Peter was a security systems person that was hired to do security
contracts. In doing so, he was able to see what was happening at this plant,
called P.I.T, the Product Ingredient Technology plant. This plant was a
project of Dr. Barbouti, who is from Houston. His son still lives in
Houston. Dr. Barbouti had been involved in the (illegal) sales of arms to
Iraq, had originally built the biological warfare plant in Libya, had come
to the United States and had cloned the Libyan plant in Boca Raton, Florida.
They said they were making a cherry flavoring there. That was the cover
story. Well, he got a letter after he signed the contract to do the security
arrangement. In the letter, PIT stated that "we forgot to tell you that we
need a cyanide detection system."

Now, if Saddam Hussein had wanted to kill our soldiers, he would have just
outright killed them with mustard or cyanide, right? That wasn't the plan.
The plan was to give them a long-term illness that they would bring back to
their families. What better way to give a country a disease than to give it
to the military, who move all over the country. This was an experiment in
biological warfare. Well, this cyanide that was to be made in Boca Raton was
for Prussian Blue , which is a hydrogen cyanide derivative, and the purpose
for its manufacture was that it was placed in the SCUD rockets with the
biochemical substances. When the missile blew up, the Prussian Blue would
deteriorate the materials of which the gas masks were made , especially the
filters. So, even if they did put their protective gear on, it wouldn't
work. All the time, they thought the chemical suits were protecting them.
Again, this Prussian Blue was made by a company in the United States.

The Bush Administration Response to Discovery
When Peter Kawaja continued to get this information and found out about all
of this, he then did something the government did not expect him to do. He
wire tapped all the telephones at the PIT plant. He wire tapped all the
phones at the corporate living quarters of the International Headquarters of
IBI International (Ishan Barbouti International). When he wiretapped all of
these phones, he heard Congressmen, officials in the Bush administration,
high-level world officials, and he found out that he had been had -- that
this was a joint venture with the United States government. Now, they
realized that he had tapped the phone lines, and they served him with a "War
Powers Act Subpoena" -- the first one ever issued since World War II. It
takes an Executive Order from the President to issue this. They came to his
business with armed guards and took all his recordings, documents --
everything. This is significant. He was not served with the affidavit of the
search warrant to go along with it, all of this evidence remains at the
Department of Justice and it is being held under "national security" until
"the investigation" is "complete."

The Federal Lawsuit Against the Perpetrators
(Slide Shown) This is a lawsuit that Peter Kawaja has filed in the Southern
District Court of Florida. He is charging war crimes against the Bush
administration. He has filed a lawsuit against 100 federal agents. I will
show you part of what he has done. He has accused them of war crimes,
concealment, conspiracy, corruption, aiding and abetting, fraud, obstruction
of justice, tampering with a witness, and more. You see, he was called three
times to be a witness for a Federal Grand Jury against Barbouti. There is a
lot that we can't go into because of time. He is doing this Pro Se, by the
way. It has been in the system for two years now, and he has kept it there.
He is saying that they attempted to conceal U.S. Government dealings with
terrorists and terrorist nations -- the same terrorists the Bush
administration had publicly declared war against. Under item "I" in this
lawsuit, it reads, "to conceal from the American public, and from American
forces, and their families, who were knowingly placed in harms way, that the
same terrorist nations the Bush administration had declared war against, had
acquired new weapons of mass destruction from the United States , which
American forces could not defend against." This information is in the court
system, and Peter needs support. We are aware of this case, and we are going
to be watching this case. By the way, when he filed this lawsuit against the
U.S. Government, they didn't come back and deny anything. They simply said
"we deserve immunity, because we are the United States Government."

(Slide Shown) This is part of the deposition of one of the agents involved.
It says here, "I can assure you that if drums of cyanide left our plant, Dr.
Barbouti had his reasons, either to be used against American troops or
terrorist acts against the United States at home." It is amazing to see this
in a deposition.

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