-Caveat Lector-

Without knowing who the source is and what he did in the war against
Yugoslavia, it is impossible to accept this information as fact. The
best we can do is compare it with other information out there and see
if it jibes.

I have also had conversations with someone who had access to good
information and what I heard from him is similar in parts to the info
below, but not as extensive in range.

I monitored the war from the instant this Gov/Media coalition began to
prep the public for war until now. Much of what is written below seems
right to me and matches other information in my archives.


----- Original Message -----
From: Serbian Peace Action Network/USofA
Sent: Monday, November 29, 1999 6:31 PM
Subject: Fw: Fascinating insider view

SPAN can not confirm any of the stuff discussed below.
Still, it makes an interesting reading, for whatever it's worth.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Fenton
To: Recipient List Suppressed:; <Recipient List Suppressed:;>
Date: Thursday, November 25, 1999 10:45 PM
Subject: Fascinating insider view

>Dear All
>I think the following is very interesting. The person who wrote these notes
>is known to me and is absolutely 100% reliable. I have amended the account
>slightly to protect the anonymity of the person who appears to have risked
>considerable trouble in speaking out in this way. The opinions  do not
>exactly come as a surprise but to come from a person in that position is
>fascinating. Perhaps the biggest surprise is the nature of Stroboscope
>Talbot who has the reputation of being a dove as far as I knew... Some of
>the remarks about "genetic pool" etc. suggest that some of this persons
>views are suitable only for well... the US military!
>An account of a conversation at the Whitehall demo in London
>I was standing outside the Ministry of Defence talking when I was
>approached by someone who asked:
>"Who's in charge of the demonstration? I'm an American, and I think there
>are some things about this war that you need to know: your newspapers here
>have not given you an accurate picture of what actually happened."
>This person was from SHAPE headquarters, working closely at the Joint
>Operations Centre with Gen. Wesley Clark, an acquaintance of many years.
>The military ID and personal card from the JOC, both appeared 100%
>authentic, - but pleaded not to be identified ("I would lose my job
>"I spent the entire war working with Clark, a man who has an entirely
>misguided view of who was who in YU (although I don't like Milosevic at
>The conversation lasted about an hour.  With hindsight, it is my strong
>view that the person was asking to be quoted - albeit as an unattributable
>principal points arising
>1. claimed that "NATO was dragged kicking and screaming into this war".
>Stated that although the NATO countries had agreed to the October 1998
>resolution that force could be used against YU, no-one - with the
>exceptions of the UK and USA - had had the slightest intention of
>implementing the resolution
>2. "the only individuals who wanted this war were Clinton, Albright,
>Holbrooke, Talbot, Blair, and Cook".  Confirmed that Blair was easily the
>most hawkish of this group
>3. suggested that Clinton was more supportive of the bombing than some UK
>media sources implied
>4. stated that Albright was simply a front for the Secretary of State's
>office with no real clout, and that Talbot was the real force behind the
>bombing - once Clark had convinced him YU was a pushover, and that
>Milosevic would seek a settlement within days of the bombing starting.
>Albright also subscribed to the view that YU was a military patsy, despite
>all intelligence reports to the contrary
>5. Holbrooke was never sympathetic to the YU position, and welcomed the
>Rambouillet ultimatum as a means of pressurising the YU government
>6. "it would be easier for me to tell you that there were real political
>and military objectives involved in the bombing of YU - but this wasn't the
>case, whatever you might think."  Stated that Clark had an "irrational
>obsession" with Albanian independence, and could not be persuaded that the
>KLA were anything but freedom fighters pursuing a glorious and rightful
>7. confirmed that NATO never had any exit strategy from the war once they
>had begun the bombing - and that this remains the case with the occupation
>of Kosovo
>8. confirmed that Clinton was never, at any time, prepared to consider a
>ground force entering YU.  He did agree however to allow it appear that his
>position on this had changed, in order to give Blair the opportunity to
>play the hawk, supported by his US ally
>9. "Blair's entire attitude to the war was based on what it would do to his
>domestic position.  He was only concerned with what the British people
>thought, and whether they supported him - not whether the bombing was
>militarily effective or politically desirable"
>10. confirmed humanitarian issues irrelevant to NATO "Turkey? well, no-one
>touches Turkey in NATO because the Turks can represent American interests
>in the Middle East"
>11. stated that "everyone in the American and western European governments
>knew that the Albanians were 'narco-mafiosi' - and had known this for
>years".  There was no enthusiasm for helping the Albanians - except from
>Clark.  Confirmed that it was widespread knowledge in the Clinton
>administration the only economic activity in Albania came from drug
>running, prostitution, and illegal weapons sales
>12. also confirmed that Albright, Holbrooke et al knew that Thaci and the
>KLA high command were terrorists
>13. "mind you, business is business, and the Albanian mafia do some of
>their best business with the Serbian mafia"
>14. "everybody who comes to Kosovo for K-FOR becomes a surrogate Serb
>within 24 hours."  Stated that virtually all troops at all levels became
>deeply disillusioned with the Albanians within a short time of arriving in
>the province, and that the administration of Kosovo was largely
>15. by contrast, the sense of grievance of Serbs in the province is readily
>understood, once the behaviour of the local Albanians has been encountered
>16. claimed that from the Serbian perspective ("and I don't expect you
>necessarily to agree with this") it was best a British general was in
>charge of K-FOR.  Reckoned that Jackson was doing his best to be
>even-handed.  The French and Italians were singled out as the nationalities
>most lenient to the KLA militias, and the most inherently pro-Albanian.
>The Germans were the toughest on the Albanians: "they've already got
>400,000 of them in Germany, and they know what they're dealing with"
>17. after all, "the Albanians are the bottom of the genetic barrel"
>18. "the most effective thing you guys can do is get a million dollars
>together and hire the best PR agency to push the Serbian cause - but right
>now, probably no-one would listen"
>19. confirmed that the return of the "refugees' into Kosovo was completely
>unregulated, and that literally hundreds of thousands of Albanians might
>have illegally entered Kosovo when K-FOR took control after the VJ withdrew
>20. said that the Kumanovo agreement was considered, in some parts of NATO,
>simply a diplomatic nicety which could allow the implementation of the
>Rambouillet military annex B (i.e. wholesale occupation of the entire FRY)
>21. "no-one in the USA can comprehend what American interests have been
>advanced by the bombing of YU, or the occupation of Kosovo"
>22. "Clinton is completely vindictive, and regards Clark as having failed
>in YU.  That's why Clark was effectively relieved of command immediately
>the bombing stopped"
>23. "NATO losses in YU were not what you've been told" (wouldn't elaborate
>24. "we ran out of military targets after two weeks" - at which point Clark
>gave the orders to destroy the civilian infrastructure of YU.  Confirmed
>that this was instigated without the support of the majority of NATO
>members, who were simply excluded from the decision-making loop
>25. also confirmed that NATO had been unable to locate the VJ on the ground
>in any significant numbers - thus the shift to civilian targets
>26. stated that all personnel in NATO were annoyed by the spinning of
>Alastair Campbell's press office in Brussels, and felt that it interfered
>both with the prosecution of the military campaign and the credibility of
>NATO.  The insistent British involvement in news management was resented
>throughout NATO
>27. "I cannot understand the obsession that modern western governments have
>with a multi-culturalism that is going to destroy the essence of what is
>admirable about Europe."  Considered ethnic Albanian self-determination in
>Kosovo would give major encouragement to Islamic fundamentalism in Europe,
>and that this was likely to be permanently damaging
>28. "everybody in the States is very uncomfortable about what has happened
>to YU.  I think the best word to sum it up would be 'uneasy'.  They can't
>see why America got into this, and are worried about where it's going both
>now and in the longer term.  There are also serious concerns about damaging
>the relationship with the Russians"
>29. "the media coverage in the USA has been very managed too, especially
>the TV stations which are in the pocket of the White House.  But if you
>wanted to find out what people really thought, and what was really
>happening, then independent talk radio was doing quite a good job"
>30. also offered US websites such as stratfor and Z-Net as evidence that
>there was a real American understanding of what was going on both in NATO
>and YU
>31. "people in America can't understand why they're told to go and rescue
>the Albanians.  And most of us remember Vietnam..."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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