-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~

When Elephants Fly
by Carole Ward

I believe Republicans are going to lose in November, because
utopian wolves outnumber the grass eaters. Even if conservatives
eke out a victory in November, the battle for a Constitutional
Republic is lost. Elections are now self evident bidding wars
between coalitions who use government as organized crime to
steal from their neighbors.

The debates proved this. The exercise I saw Tuesday should
have been called dueling nannies. "I’ll give everybody free drugs."
says the right. "But my program gives you free drugs AND
medical care!" insists the left. If you vote Bush, you get creeping
socialism and perhaps, new justices who won’t let women evacuate
their unborn. Ahh ­ but if you vote Al Gore, you get fast track
utopianism, with a silver lining. I believe an Al Gore presidency
could actually topple our present form of "government". A
catharsis will occur when dummy Constitutionalists gaze at each
other the morning after, and ask ­ Who? ­ Who could have
voted for this ­ this ­ parsimonious prig, ­ this pestiferous
pustule, the petulant pimpernel from podunk, proffering potlatch,
pedantry and pederast? .

Who could have wanted this? ­ Then, slowly, in group therapy
with Rush, Medved, O’Reilly, Hannity and Coulter presiding, the
losers will put it all together. See, it don’t matter WHO is nominee
on the left. All that arguing over morals, marriage, truth, justice
and the American way?...a shallow exercise. Democracy has
been the 250 year honeymoon of stupidity. And it’s delivered
the death blow to Republican Government. ALL that mattered in
this election was ­ drum roll ­ a putative putsch to steal more
from those who "have" and give it to those who "need." Two
wolves and a sheep voted on dinner.

That was the contest. Pure and simple. Most of the underclass
votes Democratic to get day care, welfare, health care, dental
care, you know, potlatch. Hell, they’ll even send somebody
over to kick ya in the chest each morning to getcha breathing.
Ditto for government workers, teachers, single moms and
grandma. None of these groups wants their compensation in
life tied to performance ­ or effort. Their ticket in life is voting
organized crime. The Federales. Homosexuals are the wild
cards in this war, who vote against their individual economic
self interest in return for more sexual freedom from the nihilists.

Ever since big daddy Roosevelt began giving away the goodies,
we have been sliding toward collectivism with programs called
the "Great Society" and "Social Security." Each new batch of
immigrants votes with the addicts for more, giving us a fresh
supply of peasants willing to toil for the mob. The system works
great for subsistence third world types who believe this is the
promised land when their kids receive a polio vaccine.

But it’s a no win for the the middle class. On the left we have
the entitlement junkies, including otherwise conservative Aunt
Beatrix who worries whether she will be able to keep her RV
once Uncle Harry dies. She will vote a strict democratic ticket
no matter if Joe Stalin is the nominee. Bush, and his handlers
on the right, know this. All they can do is promise Bea enough
to get themselves elected. Then, they can shelter themselves
against the growing pool of "needy." Well situated Republicans
hope to cover their assets, and throw a little sand on that
slippery slope to full scale socialism, while they quietly position
themselves offshore.

This agenda has been in place for some time. Clinton/Gore
nailed the final stake into the heart of economic freedom when
they enacted the "Liz Taylor" laws in the IRS code. These protect
against capital flight, because now you cannot escape the "needy"
for ten years, if you leave the United States. Why do you think
multi-nationals have been positioning themselves offshore with
laws like NAFTA and Gatt? The new world order enables the big
boys to become virtual citizens immune from the pillage of the
entitlement junkies of Europe and the U.S. They have had several
years now to position themselves in low tax markets, with their
products and services available to the open markets in high tax
countries. Their cash flows away from the high tax, high benefit,
social democracies, to the low tax, third world headquarters,
where they set up shop.

I love to run my mouth about irrefutable laws of the universe. I
call em Carole’s Maxims for Living. Here’s #6 ­ If you want to
understand how the world works, you only need to know ­ a
trust attorney in St. Barts, ­ a nanny in Aspen ­ and a whore
in Gstaad. Their collective wisdom can provide you with the
navigational tools to survive the Neuveau Reich of the
Clinton/Blair/Gore/Annan/ and, sadly ­ Bush, paradigm for

Ever wonder why all those Hollywood types vote the big D,
when they have so much to lose? Well, to borrow from Bubba,
their liabilities are negotiable, depending on your definition of
gross income.

Taxable income for most of us, is our gross receipts in life.
Adjusted gross income or taxable income for Julia Roberts is
very very different. If she gets a mouth full of white caps, it’s
an expense against income because her face is her business.
If Streisand sings for Al Gore at a fundraiser, or Save the
Sparrows, she deducts the estimated worth of that "contribution."
There are barrels full of these provisions. I once knew a man
who made his money writing niche tax laws for political
contributors. He said, tell me what you love to do and I’ll tell
you what business to go into for an adjusted gross income of
zero. Readers would gag if they saw those itty bitty figures
at the bottom of Steven Speilbergs 1040. But it gets
worse ­ Then these pretty little dust mites make a very public
display of supporting the entitlement junkies, in an effort to
fleece THEM of the money stolen from us!

We are not going to stop this with letters to the editor and
elections. The gentle folk who watch debates, believe
they can influence the vote of the misguided postal worker,
by pointing out the self evident flaws of the Petulant
Pimpernel. They are fools. This system will change only
when Americans become hip to the game. And that will
only happen after profuse portions of the pimp’s pastiche.

We should be thankful for the Clinton/Al Gore phenomenon
in a perverse sort of way. If these two hadn’t been so
awful ­ so corrupt and transparently evil, we still might not
have come to terms with the source of our illness, which is
hereditary, brought to us through the food chain called
democracy. It’s a bad recipe for freedom and slow death
for even alert grass eaters.

I predict a real live, bloody revolt in the streets within a
decade of an Al Gore presidency. If we get Bush, think of it
as an IV drip, with a thousand little tubes running into as many
vials. They will keep you alive, just barely, for you are the
source, the life ­ the future of America. Think of yourself
as a goat, tethered in the bathtub of a family of Honduran
immigrants in Southern California. When busted, they
claimed they couldn’t afford meat, so they kept the animal
alive in the tub, eating only what they needed.

I seen a house fly, I seen a dragon fly. I seen a clothes
horse, rear up and buck, and they tell me that a man made a
vegetable truck. But I never seen that, I only heard, but just
to be sociable, I’ll take your word. I seen a peanut stand, I
seen a rubber band, I seen a polka dot railway tie. ­ -But I
be-done-seen ‘bout ehvry-thin, when I seen an elephant fly.

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