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Where is Iraq War Instigator, Richard Perle?
Wednesday, July 09 2003 @ 07:36 PM GMT

"The shifty Perle, the Mother of all Neocons, also predicted, like former
Defense Department official, Ken Adelman, that a U.S. invasion of Iraq
would be a 'cakewalk!' .."

By William Hughes,
For Palestine Chronicle

Perhaps we should take a break on looking for Saddam Hussein, Usama bin
Laden, William “Slots” Bennett, or, even James J. “Whitey” Bulger. For me,
the key question today is: Where is Richard Perle?

Before the launching of Iraq War No. 2, in March 20, 2003, Perle, America’s
Iago, regularly appeared on TV and cable TV programs, on radio, and in the
print media, too. He repeated, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, why it was so
absolutely critical for the U.S. to immediately invade Iraq.

America was “at risk,” he said, with that ubiquitous smirk on his mug.
There wasn’t a moment to lose. “Saddam has WMD,” he told us, and he
also “hates America” and poses a dire “threat to our security?”

The shifty Perle, the Mother of all Neocons, also predicted, like former
Defense Department official, Ken Adelman, that a U.S. invasion of Iraq
would be a “cakewalk!” It will be “easy,” he boasted. We would also be
“exporting democracy” to the Iraqi people, who will “welcome us” with
open arms “as liberators,” he claimed over and over again in similar words.
Cakewalk! Easy! Exporting Democracy! Liberators! Sure!

Now, Perle is among the missing! The man with the sinister-looking scowl
hasn’t showed up on the Talking Head circuits since about the time the
U.S. occupation of Iraq began going sour. Could he be hiding out in his
beloved Israel, in a safe house provided by Benjamin Netanyahu, a/k/a
“Bend-the-Truth Yahoo”? Or, are the War Hawks, Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA)
and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT), telling him to keep a low profile by
working temporarily as an extra on a Hollywood movie? Who knows?

It’s a certainty that the idea of “regime change” for Baghdad was first
hustled in Zionist Israel. A 1996 paper concocted by Perle, Douglas Feith
and David Wurmser, entitled, “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Security
the Realm,” called for, inter alia, “the removal of Saddam Hussain and the
installation of a Hashemite monarchy in Baghdad.”

The “realm” Perle, Feith and Wurmser were seeking to secure, however,
wasn’t America’s, but Israel’s! The study was intended as a blueprint for
the then-upcoming Likud-dominated government of Netanyahu. Feith now
works for “our” Defense Department, in a high policy post, while Wurmser
is planted in the State Department as a “special assistant.” (“Examining the
Role of Israel- and its American Friends-in Promoting War on Iraq,” Allan C.
Brownfeld, WRMEA, May, 2003).

For a while, Perle was a chief honcho of the Defense Policy Board, which
advised Donald Rumsfeld and reported directly to another shadowy figure,
Deputy Defense Secretary, Paul Wolfowitz. Perle was recently forced to
resign from the top post, but still remains on the Board.

Perle is a notorious Israeli Firster. He is a member of the Jewish Institute
of National Security Affairs (JINSA). He is also a research fellow at the
American Enterprise Institute, a hard line, right wing “think tank,” that has
slated Iran as Amerca’s next war target. Perle advocates a so-called “Pax
Americana,” a new American Empire, which promotes America’s world
domination. Gee, I wonder if Israel will benefit from that scheme, too?

Perle serves, also, on the Board of Advisors of the Foundation for Defense
of Democracy (FDD)-another right wing group, which is, of course,
fanatically pro- Israel. He hangs out with Super-Hawks, such as: Charles
Krauthammer, William Kristol and Gary Bauer.

In fact, Perle is a master deceiver! American soldiers are now dying in Iraq,
30 since President George W. Bush declared “mission accomplished” on
board the USS Lincoln, on May 1, 2003. As the body bags of our fallen
heroes return to Dover, Delaware’s Air Force base, loved ones have every
right to blame Perle, and his ilk, for their losses.

The Iraq invasion was not a “cakewalk.” Iraq doesn’t have WMD, nor did it
have any ties to terrorists, as Perle tooted. And, the Iraqi people bitterly
resent the U.S./ British invasion and occupation of their country.

The unnecessary and immoral destruction by Coalition Forces of Iraq’s gas,
water and electrical works, the bombing of their cities, pollution of their
lands and rivers by toxic chemicals, leaking raw sewage and tons of
depleted uranium, the death and injuries to countless thousands of
innocent civilians,and the mostly total collapse of its social, health,
cultural and monetary systems, too, has been a human catastrophe of the
first magnitude. A country of 25.5 million souls has become a living hell for
no darn good reason. Opponents of the war have nothing to regret.

Democracy, Perle’s rotten lies to the contrary, is not, like Coke Cola, an
exportable product. Americans troops now face death around every
corner in Iraq, as the situation on the ground begins to resemble the
guerrilla warfare conditions of the British-occupied north of Ireland during
the late 70s. The Iraqi war will only be over when the Iraqi people say so.
The cost to U.S. taxpayers could hit $1.6 trillion. And, this totally uncalled
for conflict has created even more enemies for America around the globe.

A final question: Will the slippery Perle, America’s Iago, ever be forced to
answer to the people for his incalculable wrongdoing?

© William Hughes 2003. William Hughes is the author of “Andrew Jackson vs.
New World Order” (Authors Choice Press) and “Baltimore Iconoclast”
(Writer’s Showcase). He can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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