Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Where were you Mr Clinton?  Part 1

""Bill, where were you when I landed at DaNang Air Base and we began taking
casualties from rocket fire 10 minutes after arriving in South Vietnam? Where
were you when my best friend triggered a landmine and died in my arms, while
I was covered with body parts, bone fragments, and several ounces of white
hot shrapnel in my legs and arms? Where were you when I crawled on my belly
through a rice paddy, scared and angry, clearing a mine field with a k-bar
knife so our Marine corpsman could help a Marine who had just had his legs
and his manhood blown off by a landmine, and was screaming for his mother?
Where were you when we arrived back on American soil, only to be cursed and
have rotten eggs thrown at us? Where are you now on the issue of banning land
mines? And, finally, where are you on the MIA/POW issue?" --Gordon Boswell,
III USMC, Vietnam Veteran

"Where were you, Mr. Clinton, in 1967, when I was 18 years old in a war torn
land doing what my government asked me to do and what my fellow Americans
expected me to do? Where were you when young men were laying down their lives
for a freedom which you now enjoy? Where were you when our own were being
taken Prisoner Of War and tortured? Where were you when our men turned up
missing? Where ARE you NOW Mr. Clinton while our men are STILL missing. I
wonder how many of them wonder where you are NOW also. Many may not even know
WHO you are." --Doc Stewart


"Where were You, Mr. Clinton, in 1967? while I, a Canadian, who volunteered
in the USMC was serving in VietNam and affording you the luxury of "not
inhaling"! -- Vic

"Where were You, Mr. Clinton, when I was helping to load my people aboard
medevac helicopters?" --Michael W. Rodriguez

"Where were you, Mr. President, on May 9 1967, when I lost my best friend to
a landmine in the Republic of Vietnam, and where are you now when we need
your support to ban these devices that cripple innocent victims for
generations to come?" --Harry Morris

"Where were you, Mr. Clinton, when I held my Brother's hand to comfort him as
he died? Where were you, Bill, when my country called? Where are you now that
my Brother calls? My Brother is still held in the Hell Hole we called
Nam.Where are you, Bill, that he needs you now? What are you doing now to
bring him home? I will tell you what you are doing now. The same as you did
before, NOTHING at all." --John Adams


"President Clinton, where were you during the three days of Dai Do? Where are
you now when we have all of the MIA's still unaccounted for, from Vietnam?"
--Tom Williams

"Bill . . you don't deserve to be called Mr. Clinton . . so I'll call you
Bill. Where were you when the rest of us were doing our patriot service to
"our" country? Where were you when I was picking up pieces of my friends and
putting them on choppers? Where were you those long, dark, and frightening
nights that we sat in the mud and the rain waiting for the enemy to come? But
more importantly where are you now?! Where are you as they close down
services at V.A. hospitals? I don't notice you at any of the funerals that I
go to for my comrades who continue to fall from the effects of Agent Orange
and PTSD. Where are you as Veterans' rights are threatened each and every
day. Where are you while the V.A. Administration denies veterans benefits and
claims? I don't mind you not being there with us then, as I do you not being
behind us now. We need you now more than we did then. Abandoning us seems to
be a trait of yours." --Chuck

"Where were you, Bill, in Picadilly Square, in some little pub, looking for
your "Jennifer Flowers" while I was protecting your family ???" --Al Varelas

"Where were you, Mr. Clinton, when I was attempting -- with actions, not
hollow rhetoric, and having voluntarily put myself in harm's way -- to help
an allied people secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their
posterity?" --Benjamin W. Hartley, 1LT/FA, MAAG Vietnam/USARV, 1963-4

"Hey Slick! Where were you when I was in Viet Nam? Sleeping with Jane Fonda?"
--Corporal William R. Snyder, 2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion Landing Team,
26th Marine Regiment, Khe Sanh, Viet Nam 1966-1967


"Where were you, Mr. Clinton, when one of my men with only two days
in-country was killed on his 18th Birthday." --Bill Gardiner

"Hey, Bill! Where were you on Christmas Eve 1970 while I was flying Night
Medevac?!" --John D. (J.D.) Barber HMM-263, MAG-16 MMAF 1970 - 1971 Crewchief

"I won't ask where you were when I was in Vietnam or the myriad of other
places I served. I know the faces and yours is not among the living or the
dead. But I will ask you where you are now when Veterans (at home and
missing) are neglected while money is spent on putting human feces in a jar
as artistic expression? And I can't help but wonder why Marines have to raise
their own money to memorialize our history of defending this country for all
who live in it each day. It seems those who give the most receive the least.
And I wonder why?" --Dan/Mary

"Where were you Bill Clinton, when I was on a seven man patrol that had only
two survivors? Where are you today as we try to piece our lives back together
knowing we have abondoned our own...perhaps some still alive? Where will you
be when my son or daughter is put in harm's way? Yes, we are still
here...ever watching, ever trusting, ever giving and sometimes dying so that
you and others like you can go on living the good life. You see, we are
United States Marines! Thank God that still means something to some of us.
P.S. I didn't inhale either...cordite tends to burn the nostrils and throat!"
--Jim Rooth, SSgt USMC

"To Bill: Where were you when the first man died? Where were you when his
family cried? Where were you when the women warriors died? Where were you
when their families cried? Where did you write your letter of "loathe"? In
fact, Mr. President . . . Where were you?" Your pal, Don, Vietnam Veteran

"Mr. Bill: Where were you when my comrades were fighting and dying in
Southeast Asia? Where were you when those fortunate enough to come home to an
ungrateful country were spat upon and called "baby killers?" Where were you
when those who came home, only came home partially, mentally anquished,
trying to understand why they were asked to fight a war that their country
did not understand? Where were you when the POW's were being brought home,
broken and tired, asking their country's leaders "why?" And now, Mr. Bill,
where are you now when we still have comrades that are POW/MIA in Southeast
Asia? President of the United States, Mr. Bill? Surely you jest!!!" --Dennis

"Bill: I will not address you as commander and chief. Where were you between
7/68 and 9/69 when I called the KIA medevacs for 26 of my fellow
Marines.????????? Where were you? You sure as hell were not with me and those
26!!!!" --gene'o

"Where were you "Slick Willy" when several million American men and women
answered their country's call? Where were you, "Slick Willy," when 58,000+
American men and women gave their lives because their country called? Well,
where were you "Slick Willy?" --Ed Yates, USMC, Charlie Company, 1/1/1, RVN


"Where were you, Hillary, while I was lying awake listening to Illinois
Central's 2:00 AM train on its way to New Orleans, wondering what my husband
was doing on the other side of the world, in a place he called 'the Nam';
wondering if he would come home to me safe and sound? Every time I hear a
train whistle blow late at night, those old fears wrap softly around me like
a shroud, and the memories of a young man I once knew and loved run though my
mind like shadows in moonlight. There is no other sound so lonesome as that
whistle calling softly from a train still on its way to New Orleans."
--Cheryl Boswell

"Mr. Clinton, where were you when Donald died in Vietnam. You know, his mama
still cries till this day. How about when Eddie died crawling down into a
tunnel into a nest of the enemy? You didn't know Bobby, did you? He never
came home to his bride. What about Mike? He was my cousin. So full of life
till he went back for a second tour and a mine blew him into our memories.
Where were you when our boys came home to a country that turned their backs
on them and for 30 years, and have had only each other to turn to? Where are
you now when their questions and needs still go unanswered? Oh, and one more
question. Do Draft Dodgers have a brotherhood like the Vietnam Vets do?"
--Lois Adams

"Dear Bill, Where were you in 1964, when I obviously didn't want to become
President, and you obviously didn't want to become a soldier? However, I did
want to serve in the finest military service in the world, and you wanted to
avoid serving in any military service. I was 21 when I went to Viet Nam, in
April 1966. The following December, I celebrated my 22nd birthday (and
Christmas) in a rain soaked, mud-filled sandbag bunker, peering over a
perimeter of barbed wire and Claymore mines at the end of the Dong Ha air
strip, wondering if I was going to see my next birthday. Where were you for
your 22nd birthday, while my Marine Brothers were getting shot up and dying,
and those of us lucky enough to get home, suffered humiliation and
indignities for our courageous Viet Nam service? Just where the f@#% were
you?" --Buzz Nichols, Sgt. USMC, Viet Nam Service 4/66-11/67


"Where were you when Charlie came home home on one leg and a pair of
crutches. Or when Mike came home not quite a whole man, or Dean with a metal
plate in his head. Where were you when I was 19 and had to watch so many
families bury there young sons? I didn't go to Viet Nam either, but I didn't
hide when MY COUNTRY called for me, I at least answered that call." --Virgil
"Butch" Roach


"Where were you, Mr Clinton, when Mike took three machinegun rounds through
his legs and ended up loosing one of them? Where were you, Mr. Clinton, when
he died shortly after in a field hospital? Where were you, sir, when we got
the news that a dear friend was listed as MIA? Where were you, Billy Bob,
when we asked why he has not been found YET? Where were you, Mr Morals, when
I was spending every night in a snake infested bunker and praying for the sun
to come up?" --Higgy


"Where were you, Mr. Clinton, when I was listening to President John F.
Kennedy: 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for
your country?' Where were you when the word HONOR was taught in school?
Because it obviousely wasn't taught at home! Where were you while brave men
died in the field? Smoking dope and protesting the war on foreign soil like
so many other COWARDS! Where were you on your first day in the Oval Office,
while our nation looked to you? You were trying to undermind the good order
of our PROUD & HONORABLE service by trying to push gays into our ranks. Keep
your sexual preferences to yourself; we Marines enjoy our heterosexuality.
Where were you when my platoon was cut to pieces on OPERATION ALLEN BROOK in
May of 1968? It doesn't matter where you were as long as you never again gaze
upon our WALL! That's right, our wall. You are a disgrace to everything they
died for and the rest of us fought for. Our God, Country and Corps; and we
did it with HONOR!! That leaves you out, Billy boy." --GySgt. Jack Parsons


"Where were you, Mr. Clinton, in September of 1968, when my company raced an
enemy battalion to the top of a hill, sustaining 55 casualties (11 KIA, 44
wounded) along the way? What were you doing while we were fighting for our
lives to hold that hill? But that's history! The real question is what are
you doing NOW to ensure the strength of our military and proper treatment of
our veterans of all conflicts. I pray that we never have to endure another
Vietnam. I pray for you, sir, and may God grant you knowledge of His will as
you make decisions affecting the lives of so many." --AJdoc


"Where were you Mr. Clinton, when I was an 18 year old Marine and trying to
stuff my buddy's guts back inside him and reasuring him that it was ok . .
when I knew he was going to die. WHERE ARE YOU NOW?"--Terry Dixon


"Mr Clinton, I notice how many veterans are upset with your not wanting to
help fight for the right to be free years ago. I tend to agree, but I do
believe that you have made up for it somewhat by your performance as
President of these United States. I would like for you to give every effort
to make sure that another Vietnam never happens again. I should hope that you
will do everything in your power to insure the proper treatment of all this
county's veterans of foreign wars. You owe them that! Mr. Cinton, this is
your best chance to make ammends for not going to fight for your country
during those Vietnam war days."--Thomas W. Peterson


"Where were you Mr. President, my Commander in Chief, while my friends
suffered and died? Although I was only 7 when the war ended, as a Marine, I
have to refer to you as the Honorable Mr. Clinton. As an American, I find
that disgusting. As a Marine, I choke it down. You will be pleased to know I
still do not tolerate gays in the Marines, and the hazing they get would make
you throw up. Please sir, wake up. We are Marines, we have policed our own
for 222 years. We will continue to do so! It is too late to redo the past,
the future (MIA/POW) is yet to be seen. Semper Fi, Marines!"--Cpl D USMC


"Well, that is pretty obvious as you were not where the majority of us and
probably most of your high school male classmates were. I am glad that I am
retired now, so I don't have to call you sir because of your position as
Commander-in Chief--just the idea makes me want to vomit. Where were you when
myself and another couple of Marines were ordered to dig up a grave in a B-52
bomb crater to verify a kill in 1966/67? Where were you when we had to go
without food for 3 days because we couldn't get re-supplied due to the
monsoons rain? And where were you when my buddies and myself had to live in
holes in the ground on a hill called Con Thien overlooking the DMZ and North
Vietnam? I echo the others on this page: Where were you then, but even more,
WHERE in the hell are you now when you are in a position to help those that
you deserted thirty some years ago? Abandoning them again? Remember, they
served their country and fought for you to be able to make the choice that
you made. Mr President, I want you to remember this when you try to sleep at
night. There are veterans out there beyond the White House walls that are
going without food, shelter, and medical care that they sould be getting,
because they fought and bled for their country, while you a politician, sleep
warm, eat good, and get free medical care just because of their sacrifices.
Do somthing for our veterans; and more importantly, bring home our POW/MIA's!
You have the power, or are you still a COWARD? "--Steven (Stick) Stickley


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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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