-Caveat Lector-

           The main characteristics in Kosovo and Metohija are the absence of dialogue 
and a deep
           division between the ethnic groups. In spite of the fact that the Albanians 
achieved an
           enviable standard of living and a demographic explosion (the highest birth 
rate in Europe) in
           the FR of Yugoslavia, the Albanian separatists do not want the 
normalization of the life in
           Kosovo and reject every kind of dialogue which could contribute 
substantially to the
           normalization of the situation and to the lessening of the tensions.

                                            The high degree of autonomy and of national
                                            rights did not satisfy the Albanian 
                                            They organized a separatists’ rebellion in 
                                            with "Kosovo Republic" as their main slogan
                                            (separatist’s demonstrations have been 
                                            a number of times until 1989). The slogan
                                            "Kosovo Republic" represents the main 
                                            of the Albanian separatism - the 
                                            of the Autonomous Province of Kosmet into a
                                            Republic which would have the right of
                                            secession. The Albanian separatist leaders 
                                            Kosmet never mention the question of the 
                                            of national minorities, let alone the 
question of
                                            human rights and liberties. They request 
                                            and unequivocally an independent state.

                                              The Albanian separatist leaders organized
                                            elections in 1991, and established 
institutions of
                                            the "parallel authorities" which represent 
a "state
                                     alternative" of the FRY.

           The selective non-recognition of the state in which they live and work is 
reflected in the:

           - refusal to serve in the army

           - non-participation in the elections - had they participated in the 
elections, the Albanians
           would have, bearing in mind the population, more than 30 out of 250 
deputies in the
           Republican Parliament, around 12 out of 178 deputies in the Federal 
Parliament, and some
           80% of the deputies in the Parliament of the Province.. It is quite obvious 
that the members
           of the Albanian national minority would have practically the entire power 
in the Province.

           - non-payment of all state taxes and duties. At the same time, they 
regularly pay to the
           "Parallel authorities" 3% of their income (very often that is a pure and 
simple blackmail of
           their compatriots).

           - the establishment of "parallel schools", exclusively for the members of 
the Albanian national
           minority. The teaching is performed according to nationalist and separatist 
programmes, in
           non-adequate premises. The level of the knowledge acquired is best shown by 
the fact that
           their diplomas are not recognized anywhere in the world. Generations of the 
Albanian youth
           are handicapped educationally at the very start, and the "parallel schools" 
resulted in the final
           ethnic division among the young, in the closing of the young members of the 
Albanian national
           minority in the dogmas of extreme nationalism and separatism and the 
creation of the
           consciousness that common life with Serbs is impossible. The demonstrations 
and requests to
           return to the school buildings have as objective only the seizure of the 
buildings, and not the
           acceptation of the valid curriculum - as a matter of fact, they want to 
continue the "parallel
           schools" in the school buildings.The boycott of the educational system of 
the Republic of
           Serbia, which guarantees and assures conditions for teaching in Albanian 
prevents the
           application of the Declaration on the Rights of National, Ethnic, Religious 
and Language
           minorities, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1992. The manipulation of 
the young for
           the achievement of separatist objectives violates the UN Declaration on the 
Rights of
           Children and the International Convention on the Rights of Children.

                              Such a behaviour represents a violation of the provision 
37 of the
                              Final Document of the 2nd Meeting of the Conference on 
                              Dimension of the OSCE (Copenhagen, 1990), and of the 
                              of the Preamble, of the articles 20 and 21 of the 
                              Convention of the Council of Europe on the Protection of 
                              Minorities. These provisions do not allow to the 
minorities any
                              activities which would be contrary to the principles of 
the UN
                              Charter, of the OSCE, and especially to the principle of 
respect of
                              the territorial integrity, of the Constitution and the 
laws of the
                              countries in which the minorities live.

                              At the same time, the Albanian minority uses all the 
benefits given
                              by the state and the system they do not recognize, but 
which are
                              suitable for them:

           - health insurance

           - employments in public and private sectors

           - all rights in the field of information

           - passports

           - vaccination of the population, etc.

           - the Albanian national minority has the Albanian Drama, a Section of the 
Academy of
           Science, an Authors’ Association, a Musicians’ Association and over 100 
cultural and
           artistic associations. These institutions are financed by the Republic of 

           [ From the Serbian government's web site. - J2 ]

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