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Over the next week or two, I would like to print out
small folders containing key information on the
real truths emerging on the WTC/911 Attack.
And mail these folders to people I used to know
around the British Isles. A lot of people just do
not know what is happening. Once they see
the basic ideas, they can start to think. And they
may start thinking like 'never before'. Each person
who starts thinking, will get another 2 or 3 people
thinking. A lot of people know something is wrong.
It seems there are about FIFTY key areas of
information that show who the real perpetrators
of 'September 11th' were, and the real reason
why it happened.
A 'report' of 50 pages, with about one page on
each subject, with addresses to Internet websites
and web-groups, would be quite a substantial
document to send to people. And for them to
start to read in the first few days of 2002.
My webpage, above, only contains early information:
up to around mid or end of October. Since then, the
'Oil' scenario, and the 'Opium' scenario, ETC., ETC.,
have emerged in much greater detail.
ANYONE help me collect short and clear and accurate
discussion of the 'new' information of November and
December??  And links to websites and web-groups?
Please contact me direct at:
Remember, for each person we get going on this
information, they might have another 100 or so
cracking within 3 or 4 months. People do know
things are wrong, and many do want the information.
Good wishes
British Isles
Please e-mail assistance direct to:

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