-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:481874">World Of The Strange 1/25/99
Part 2 of 2</A>
Subject: World Of The Strange 1/25/99 Part 2 of 2
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 1999 11:46 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Part 2 of 2
#1.THE MONTAUK PROJECT AND CAMP HERO TODAY: Part 2 Series 10 of        10
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          B. Haarp-Son Of Phoenix
          C. Postscript - What's To Come
#2 Poem> The Lucifer Curve  © copyright 1999   By Terry Kimbrell
#3. Synchronicity? Coincidences? or Just Plain Fate?  By Louise A. Lowry
#4. ON THE ROAD TO UFOville:  By: -- Michael Precker
#5 A Tribute to Skycloud (Forever Friend) By Terry Kimbrell

#1.THE MONTAUK PROJECT AND CAMP HERO TODAY: Part 2 Series 10 of 10 Copyright ©
1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The HAARP Project gives every indication of being the successor to certain
aspects of the Montauk Project--particularly the interdimensional and time
operations, and to a number of other EM/RF mind control/ manipulation
operations as well.

One of the most significant pieces of official, internal covert military
documentation regarding HAARP brought to light by Begich and Manning, the
authors of Angels Don't Play This HAARP, specifically and precisely described
HAARP's ability to actually scan and "INTERROGATE" the minds of targeted
individuals by means of certain EM/RF technologies /applications. This is just
another way of saying that their minds can be read through "artificial
telepathy" or "techno-psychic"(psychotronic) systems.

This is from the military's own internal documents, referring to many years of
empirical research and development into these types of "weapons", (in total
unconstitutional secrecy, of course!) and the validated, verified,
tried-and-tested results of all these covert endeavors. Naturally, within many
of these same internal documents, the main focus of how these weapons would
likely be used focused excessively upon domestic uses; again, a concept which
right off the bat by it's very definition is absolutely unconstitutional!

Begich and Manning's book makes repeated references to the ubiquitous John
Alexander as well; one admittedly small point which kind of made my blood run
cold was the fact that this guy is one of the few people in the country
who have a doctorate in "thanatology". That is; study and knowledge of
...death. Nice guy.

What jumps out at me from a look at recent history is the fact that the CIA
their spook colleagues in NSA, DIA and other members of the intelligence
"alphabet soup" officially farmed out psychic/telekinetic/ telepathic/remote
viewing research to the "private sector", a sure sign that the whole shebang
has gone completely underground (in one or more possible ways!), and also has
been completely shielded from any possibility of (legitimate) governmental
review, oversight, interference and what have you. Once it's gone private,
anything can "go down".

Which leads to Alexander's domination of the creation of Psy-Tech, the
institute" made (in)famous by Ed Dames, especially via Art Bell's radio
programs. I have really never trusted Dames nor anything he said, nor anything
any of these avowedly ex-spooky characters will ever utter. I have since noted
that most of Dames' utterances have turned out to be hogwash. The cliche "once
an agent, always an agent" is in fact very often very true.

Here is the proof, now, that Psy-Tech and other such "private-sector" entities
like The Farsight Institute, are in fact creations of the covert intelligence
agencies and with certainty are fulfilling certain functions and implementing
agendas for said agencies. Such as spewing malicious disinformation and
on the "New Age" sensibilities of many people by averring that the information
being put forth is being received through higher psychic abilities and is
literally "infallible" (has Dames considered taking the job of Pope?);
guaranteed to be 100 per cent correct (as Dames often referred to his own
"predictions" and prognostications--most or all of which have failed to
materialize!) What was the agenda for putting out certain concepts and
declaring that they are absolutely going to come to pass? An example of this
would be Dames' Number 1 biggie--that a plant pathogen from the comet Hale-
would completely devastate all plant life on earth beginning in Africa, as of
last fall? Dames stated that this would lead to massive devastation of
on an unprecedented scale. (We should all be very badly off right now in
scenario). Dames said over and over, via the mouthpiece of ally Art Bell, that
this was absolutely, positively going to happen.No way in hell it was not
to occur.

Well, we're still here, Ed. Personally, I think Dames is full of crap. At this
juncture I have to say I've become somewhat skeptical of Mr. Bell also.

John Alexander has been closely tied to HAARP ever since the project's
inception under ARCO. Alexander knows the tremendous potential for the
technology as a means of global control upon the human race through the major
capabilities of HAARP transmissions to very substantially affect and
humanity (and other life forms) physically, emotionally/psychologically and
even psychically/spiritually.

I would recommend that readers familiarize themselves as much as possible with
the HAARP Project and its many covert agendas, and petition whatever decent
elements remain of our government to unilaterally shut down and disband any
all electromagnetic mind/body/mood altering operations at once.

Watch out for HAARP!! Covert and esoteric HAARP operations ("Tesla" EM
transmissions) are now unquestionably being conducted on Long Island at
Brookhaven Labs and apparently at Montauk Air Force Station/Camp Hero's
subterranean installation--one of the earth's primary power points; as well as
at a number of other locations worldwide. I think these are significant and
unfortunate events and deserve intense scrutiny and investigation. If my gut
level hunch is correct, and a linking of HAARP with certain of the Montauk
Project technologies and agendas is being contemplated and/or implemented, we
of the human race could all be in for a very unpleasant situation.


Keep in mind another very significant factor; the Montauk Project appears to
have splintered, with certain aspects such as the interdimensional/time
operations and some of the mind manipulation programs being merged or subsumed
into HAARP, and other elements of the Project continuing on as shown by the
resurgence (indeed, if they ever ceased!) of the hard core, "Montauk Boys",
psychosexual abuse-coupled-with-psychotronic-&-EM/RF mind control
activities--which result in dissociative, multiple personality conditions in
the targeted subjects, with the alternate personalities being heavily

There are statements from certain knowledgeable individuals and some outward
indications to support same, that such mind control activities--directly
to the methods and agendas of the Phoenix/Montauk Project--are being
implemented in the subterranean installation beneath the grounds of the old
Navy submarine base on Fort Pond Bay in Montauk. As I've described, my
experiences at this location and admittedly subjective analyses of these
experiences has led me to conclude that there are some very peculiar surface
conditions as well as a noticeably strange "vibe" in the area which would tend
to give additional credence to such claims.

Claims have also been made that such unwitting agents of the secret "New World
Order" government, with thoroughly programmed alternate identities--many of
these also implanted with biologically-based micro transceivers for
programming and triggering/activation of previous programming--may number
to ten million in the United States alone, with more being inducted and
initiated daily.

If such numbers are anywhere near correct there is in effect a very dangerous,
secret, "sleeper" army which theoretically at least can be called upon by the
covert government at any time and deployed to do what would very likely be the
most horrific and gruesome tasks imaginable.

This doesn't sound very good to me, and one must hope fervently that one way
another the programming starts to break down and disintegrate for most of
unfortunate people. A more widespread acknowledgement of the actual existence
of these wretched operations and certainly a more open and public discussion
the entire topic and its ramifications by our society (media) would be one way
to help dissolve the psychological barriers within us that prevent an
understanding of the severity of the problem; and most especially those
psychological barriers within these "targeted" individuals that prevent
conscious awareness on the part of the main, true personality of the means
to shatter their psyches and the resulting alternate, programmed
In other words, overcoming the phenomenon by which any actual concrete,
conscious memories of the events surrounding the psychosexual abuse and
EM/RF-assisted programming are erased or blanked out of the subjects' minds.

Members of contemporary society, in particular young people, are subjected to
good deal of overt mind manipulation programming by means of the fluff and
candy disseminated by the mass entertainment corporations and major news media
conglomerates; most certainly many of the video and computer games aimed so
heavily at children and teenagers have a significant "programming" impact upon
participants as well. In addition to that
the entire population is to a degree subject to subliminal transmissions, some
coupled to commercial broadcasting and others not.

Perhaps the best way to sum all of this up right now is to say that those who
cherish, support and will defend human freedom and the right of humanity to
fulfill its most positive, most life-affirming, most inclusive, most
most compassionate and most loving destiny: take heed, and take action now, in
any way you can, to counteract the influences of those people who wield the
technologies described in this report in pursuit of the aims and agendas

The general global situation--in terms of global economics (oppression),
ecology/environment (pollution), quality of life and scarcity of resources
issues, and additionally the overall "human predicament" in terms of personal
fulfillment, higher awareness, human rights, and in terms of having any
worthwhile future at all on this planet to hand our children--in many ways
surely never been more precarious: a massive shift of consciousness, and thus
of "reality" itself--as shown by premier quantum mathematician /physicist and
Phoenix/Montauk Project principal Jan Von Neumann--has never been more

"World Of The Strange" Gives John Quinn a very big thank you for his

#2 Poem> The Lucifer Curve  © copyright 1999   By Terry Kimbrell

The Lucifer Curve

Wrong is right, right is wrong;
Don't lay values on me.
Redefine the known universe;
Good is what good you want it to be.

Evil exist no longer for us,
Except in ones who say we will pay.
God is what you want him, her, it to be,
Therefore no judge to say.

So forget the ridged straight line,
And walk a smooth and flowing curve.
Throw away all of lifes rules,
Follow this angel of light and you'll get what you deserve.

T. Kimbrell © copyright 3/17/98

#3. Synchronicity? Coincidences? or Just Plain Fate?  By Louise A. Lowry

Attempts to explain prophecies, synchronicities or coincidences must make
suppositions about the future. The most fundamental supposition is that events
in the future do not yet exist and cannot, therefore, produce effects in the

Some may indeed stem from clues scarcely noticed in a conscious way.

I bring forth here a few short items on these issues....some you may have
of, and others you may have not!

Titan and Titanic

In 1898 Morgan Robertson published a novel about pride, greed, and stupidity.
It was called "The Wreak of the Titan, or Futility," and it described the
maiden voyage of a transatlantic luxury liner named (Titan). Although
reputedly, unsinkable, the Titan strikes an iceberg and sinks, with enormous
loss of life. *Sound Familiar?

In 1912 the Titanic, a transatlantic luxury liner widely touted as unsinkable,
made her maiden voyage. She struck an iceberg and sank, with enormous loss of
life. The following similarities pertained:

Month Of The Wreak          April                             April
Passengers and Crew        3,000                            2,207
Lifeboats                           24                                20
Tonnage                            75,000                         66,000
Length                              800ft.                           882.5ft.
Propellers                         3                                  3
Speed Of Impact               25 knots                       23 knots

Lincoln and Kennedy

Two of the most tragic and dramatic deaths in American history, the
assassinations of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John Fitzgerald Kennedy,
involved the following astonishing parallels:

1) Lincoln was elected president in 1860. Exactly one hundred years later, in
1960, Kennedy was elected president.

2) Both men were deeply involved in civil rights for Negroes.

3) Both me were assassinated on a Friday, in the presence of their wives.

4) Each wife had lost a son while living at the White House.

5) Both men were killed by a bullet that entered the head from behind

6) Lincoln was killed in Ford's Theater. Kennedy met his death while riding in
a Lincoln convertible made by the Ford Motor Company.

7) Both men were succeeded by vice-presidents named Johnson who were southern
Democrats and former senators.

8) Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908, exactly
one hundred years later.

9) The First name of Lincoln's private secretary was John, the last name of
Kennedy's private secretary was Lincoln.

10) John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939,
hundred years later.

11) Both assassins were Southerners who held extremist views.

12) Both assassins were murdered before they could be brought to trail.

13) Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and fled to a barn. Oswald shot Kennedy
from a warehouse and fled to a theater.

14) Lincoln and Kennedy each have seven letters.

15) Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson each has 13 letters.

16) John Wiles Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald each has 15 letters.

In addition, the first public proposal that Lincoln be the Republican
for president (in a letter to Cincinnati Gazette, Nov. 6, 1858) also endorsed
John Kennedy for vice president (John P. Kennedy, formerly secretary of the

Little tid bit! Did you know that......
A one dollar bill that was issued in Dallas only two weeks before JFK was
killed there, is now known as the Kennedy assassination bill. Since Dallas is
the location of the 11th of 12 Federal Reserve Bank districts, the bill bears
the letter K, the 11th letter of the alphabet, and the number 11 appears in
each corner. The serial number begins with K and ends with A, standing for
Kennedy Assassination. Eleven also stands for November, the 11th month of the
year; two 11's equal 22, the date of the tragedy. And the series number is
1963, the year the assassination occurred.

The Unfortunate Anagram

Sir Peter Scott, one of Britian's best-known naturalists, is an enthusiastic
believer in the Loch Ness monster and has lent the weight of his reputation to
the debate about it for a good many years. So great, in fact, is his
in the creature's existence that he has promoted the use of the Greek name for
it: Nessiteras rhombopteryx. This name, which he and underwater photographer
Robert Rines coined in December 1975, may be roughly translated as "The Ness
monster with diamond-shaped fin." As London newspapers quickly pointed out
some glee, the name is also an anagram for the words "Monster Hoax by Sir

Lucky Seven?

The following memoir, sent to Arthur Koestler after the publication of his
"The Roots of Coincidence" in 1973, may be too good to be true. The author of
the letter, Anthony S. Clancy of Dublin, Ireland, writes:

I was born on the seventh day of the week, seventh day of the month, seventh
month of the year, seventh year of the century. I was the seventh child of a
seventh child, and I have seven brothers; that makes seven sevens. On my 27th
birthday, at a race meeting, when I looked at the race-card to pick a winner
the seventh race, the horse numbered seven was called Seventh Heaven, with a
handicap of seven stone. The odds were seven to one. I put seven shillings on
this horse. It finished seventh. [Alan Vaughan, Incredible Coincidence, quoted
in Readers's Digest, August 1979]

A Shared Fate

A man riding a moped was killed by a taxi in Bermuda in 1975, exactly a year
after his brother had been killed-on the same street, by the same taxi driver,
carrying the same passenger, and on the very same moped. (M. Rickard,
Phenomena: A Book Of Wonders)

...And Dogs Named Toy

When identical twins Jim Lewis and Jim Springer met after 39 years, they found
the similarities in their lives, habits, and ideas "downright spooky."

These twin boys, born in Ohio some 50 odd years ago, were adopted by different
families shortly after birth. In 1979, after 39 years apart, they were
reunited. It was discovered that each had been named James; that each had had
law-enforcement training; that each liked mechanical drawing and carpentry.
Each married a woman named Linda, had a son-one named James Alan and the other
James Allan-had divorced, and then married a second wife, named Betty. Both
had dogs named TOY. Also, both favored the same St. Petersburg, Florida,
vacation beach. (Reader's Digest, January 1980)

Deadly Kimono

A kimono, successively owned by three teenage girls, each of whom died before
she had a chance to wear it, was believed to be so unlucky that it was
by a Japanese priest in February 1657. As the garment was being burned, a
violent wind sprang up, fanning the flames and spreading them beyond control.
The ensuing fire destroyed three-quarters of Tokyo. leveling 300 temples, 500
palaces, 9,000 shops, 61 bridges, and killing 100,000 people. (Noêl Nouet,
Histoire de Tokyo, P.98)

Double Jeopardy

Jabez Spicer, of Leyden, Massachusetts, was killed by two bullets in the
on the federal arsenal at Springfield on January 25, 1787, during Shays's
Rebellion. At the time, he was wearing the same coat his brother Daniel had
been wearing when he, too, was killed by two bullets on March 5, 1784.

The bullets that killed Jabez Spicer passed through the holes made by the
bullets that had killed his brother Daniel three years earlier. (Official
History of Guilford, Vermont, 1678-1961)

EDITOR'S NOTE: I have gotten this in awhile ago and thought my readers would
love to see this little UFO Humor!

#4. ON THE ROAD TO UFOville:  By: -- Michael Precker

ALONG THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL HIGHWAY--Now that they have their own highway,
perhaps those E.T.s  will feel more at home.
        Maybe they're ready to chat, pose for picutres, reveal themselves to someone
with the ability to reach even the most skeptial Earthlings.  What better
for all that than a major metropolitan newspaper?
        So here I come, fella.  Let's hit the road:
        MILE 0:  It's 107 smooth and lonely miles north of Las Vegas, up Interstate
and U.S. 93, to the beginning of the E.T.Highway, heretofore known as plain
Nevada 375.
        I am a little behind schedule, having missed a turn. Didn't see any sign.
I am farsighted and love to flaunt my sign-spotting powers.   I never miss
signs.  How odd....Don't they want me here?
        At the intersection is a ruined building, clearly abandoned long ago.  Yet a
couple dozen cars are parked in the lot.  How odd...actually, the local
guidebooks say that employees at the secret Air Force base meet their shuttle
bus here.
        MILE 7:  First signs of life -- a white compact car going the other way.
a bright, clear day, yet the headlights are on.  How odd...
        The road is straight and flat, and the landscape is high desert: scrub brush
with no trees for mile, brownish mountains off the distance.  A hospital
leanding site. like the Sea of Tranquility where Apollo 11 set down.
        Then again, why wouldn't an advanced civilization spot the amazing lights of
Vegas? and couldn't they figure out a way to make the slot machines hit 777
every time?
        MILE 15:  There are many dirt roads leading from the highway, and here is
perhaps the most famous.  Guidebooks say it goes to the secret Air Force base
and that security men in white Cherokees will arrest you if you get too close.
Nonetheless, it's popular for people who want to peek at secret Air Force
or look for UFOs.
        But no dirt road for me.  They know I'm here.  They'll find me.  Besides,
a rented car.
        MILES 17:  Hey!  There's a couple of big cows grazing just a couple of steps
from the road, with nobody tending them.  All along the highway you can see
cattle, brown-and-white sentries dotting the landscape, pretending to mind
their own business.
        It turns out this is open range where rancher don't need to fence their
in.  yet that seems too simple an explantion.  Why did I feel as if they're
watching me?
        While you're scoping out aliens, you better watch for cows who decided to
share the road.  A couple of times a year, usually at night, cows and car
collide, and nobody wins.
        MILE 20:  Ah, the famous Black Mailbox.  A rancher gets his mail here, but
Buffs and tourist buses have made it a landmark to stop and search the skies.
Believers tell of many UFO sightings here, usually at night.  Skeptics point
Air Force maneuvers and other natural explanations for weird lights.
        MILE 30:  The last radio station I can still pull in is testing the Emergency
Broadcast System.  What do they know that I don't?
        MILE 40:  Approaching Rachel, the only town on the E.T.  Highway, a fierce
dust storm kicks up Tumble weeds blow across the road, just like the movies.
Don't they warn me to stop here?
        As the dust clears, I think I can make out the face of an alien by the road.
        Then the dust clears some more....and the face turns out to be painte on the
sign for A'Le'Inn.  The most popular item on the menu is the $2.75
 Does this have anything to do with those cows?
        MILE 50:  I cross from Lincoln County to Nye County.  Another good spot on
plateau for sky-watching, but nothing yet.  Clouds are gathering, casting
intriguing shadows on the plains before me.  What are they trying to tell me?
What do they look like?  Crop circles?  Religious
icons?  Presidential candidates?
        MILE 68:   On either side of me is a gray mist descending from the clouds, as
if it's raining.  but the sun shines on the road, and on me, and I steam
the end, cows watching me all the way.
        MILE 99:  As lonely as it begins, the E.T. Highway ends at the base of a
 You can turn left on U.S. 6 to Tonopah, right to Ely.
        This abandoned place is called Warm Springs, for the water coming down the
hill is a cement channel.  There are a few crumbling shacks, junked cars and a
cafe that is closed and shuttered.
        Now that I've finished the highway, it starts to rain.  Will there be no
no revelation, no proof?  But wait!  There are no life forms here, but there
a pay phone and it works.
        E.T. Highway...all alone...far from loved ones...phone booth...of course!
themessage:  P-H-O-N-E  H-O-M-E.
        So I do.
        -- Michael Precker

#5 A Tribute to Skycloud (Forever Friend) By Terry Kimbrell

EDITOR'S Note As the week was going on, I was contacted by a friend about the
unexpected death of a good friend...James (SkyCloud) will forever be in our
hearts...and his soul mate Cathy (DreamBreeze)

Dear Louise,
 Im saddened to hear about James (Skycloud to me). I felt I knew him without
ever meeting him. We used to talk about Alabama, thats my home state, alot and
it was like I was back there. I wrote a tribute poem, if you feel that it is
appropriate you can forward it to others. I dont have addresses. Love, Terry

For Skycloud

A smile remembered in childlike glee.
Friend to many even if the smile they did not see.
Your words carried your image to me.
Messages from my homeland, a comfort to read.

To those who loved you the time was short it seems.
You found fulfillment one day in a dream.
The sweet breeze of  love blew and caressed your face,
And it will follow you as you go beyond this place.

May your skies be clear and your course be set.
On the otherside we will meet and I will never regret;
Knowing you from afar and the smile I felt;
And to all who loved you, the joy you left.

See you later buddy, Terry Kimbrell (Goodwise)
        Louise A. Lowry
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"Tis-Strange but true: For Truth is always Strange! Stranger than Fiction!

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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