-Caveat Lector-


10am update

WorldCom reveals further £2.1bn error

Mark Tran
Friday August 9, 2002
The Guardian

Auditors at WorldCom today revealed the scale of corporate fraud at the bankrupt 
giant is greater than was previously thought as they disclosed an additional $3.3bn 
in improper accounting.

The disclosure doubles what is already America's largest fraud to more than $7bn, but 
company warned last night it may find more accounting problems as it continues an 
investigation. WorldCom said it will restate its financial reports for all of 2000 as 
a result of
the new findings and may have to write $50.6bn to reflect the reduced value of its many

WorldCom's fraud is the most spectacular to emerge so far from a string of corporate
scandals that has sapped investor confidence and contributed to a slump in shares 
the world. The Wall Street scandals have forced the Bush administration to sign into 
tough new legislation against corporate malfeasance that includes an oversight body 
for the
accounting industry and stronger penalties for fraud.

As WorldCom's reputation sank further with the latest disclosure, a lawyer for its 
and former chief executive, Bernie Ebbers, resorted to a familiar line of defence. Reid
Weingarten, of the Washington law firm of Steptoe & Johnson, told the CNBC TV network
that Mr Ebbers could not have known of every decision that was made at the telecoms

"I'm certain of this," Mr Weingarten said. "When the investigation is done, there will 
not be
a shred of credible evidence that Bernie Ebbers had a thing to do with those 
decisions. The chief executive of a company with 60,000 employees can't know about 
decision that is made. Accounting decisions are arcane. They're mysterious for people 
are not trained in the science. Bernie Ebbers certainly was not."

Mr Ebbers resigned in April as the Mississippi-based company suffered from the
consequences of the bursting of the hi-tech bubble. A plunging share price, massive 
and questions about $408m in loans he received from the company made Mr Ebbers'
position untenable and the cowboy boot-wearing media tycoon that had dazzled Wall 
was forced to step down.

Last week, WorldCom's former chief financial officer Scott Sullivan and its former
controller, David Myers, suffered the indignity of being led away in handcuffs in 
front of the
cameras as they were arrested on charges of securities fraud.

WorldCom shocked Wall Street in June 25 when it admitted to having inflated profits by
reporting $3.8bn in expenses as investment. It fired Mr Sullivan, who was subsequently
accused by the then company's auditor, Arthur Andersen, of withholding crucial 
about WorldCom's accounts. WorldCom filed for bankruptcy protection last month.

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--- Ernest Hemingway

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