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WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Germany
The nationalistic reflex—left-wing newspapers in Germany exhibit unrestrained
enthusiasm for Putin
By Peter Schwarz
6 October 2000
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In August the loss of the Russian nuclear submarine the Kursk stunned the
people of Russia and the whole world. The event struck a nerve even deeper than
sympathy for the tragic fate of the 118 crewmen and their mourning families
would have led one to expect. As the World Socialist Web site wrote at the
time, in a real sense, “The Russian people themselves are in a situation
similar to that of the submarine crew: they are suffering, they are desperately
searching for a means of escape and hoping for rescue.”

The catastrophe forced the world to confront the scale of the decline Russia
has been subjected to since the break-up of the Soviet Union. Suddenly, there
stood President Vladimir Putin stripped of all pretensions. The way the Kremlin
reacted to the debacle—its indifference, incompetence and arrogance—brought
back memories of the lamentable era of Soviet stagnation under Brezhnev and
Chernenko. The yawning gulf between the regime and its people became painfully
obvious and could not be ignored by the international press which, to some
extent, was critical of Putin's insensitivity.

In this predicament, the Russian president was to receive support from
apparently unexpected quarters. Two German newspapers, each claiming left-wing
allegiance, threw themselves into his defence.

The publication Junge Welt (Young World) regarded Western media reporting of
the ill-fated Kursk as an attempt to “revive contempt for old enemies”. On
August 23, Rainer Rupp wrote in his commentary that the new man in the Kremlin
had shown NATO his teeth: “Because Putin is not prepared to sell Russia to
aggressive neo-liberalism for a few Western trinkets, the free world press has
changed its tone recently.” The submarine disaster had become the perfect
occasion for “giving free rein to old-fashioned anti-Russian reflexes”.

Ralf Schröder expressed himself more openly in a recent commentary written in
the October edition of the monthly magazine konkret (concrete), some time after
the events surrounding the Kursk incident had taken place. Schröder sees in
Putin a “self-proclaimed Russian patriot” who has come on the scene “to restore
Russia's greatness and drive the criminal cartel—meaning Yeltsin and other
members of the oligarchy—out of the Kremlin”. This is supposed to have
“impressed simple Russians” and “filled them with a new sense of national
pride”. “Sceptics of Putin in and outside Russia, on the other hand, fear that
the Russian state (under Putin) will reflect on its ultimate and broadly held
basis for existence and (in contrast to the Yeltsin era) concentrate on
promoting Russian nationalism from now on.”

Schröder's article continues in this tone. He explains that Putin intends “to
free his country from the semi-colonial status resulting from Yeltsin's
politics,” and, “Because Putin, with the substantial approval of his followers,
energetically applied himself to revamping the state's sovereignty on both a
domestic and international level immediately after taking up office, and
moreover because he announced that he would forthwith disassociate Russia as
much as possible from reliance on loans from the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and other Western financial institutions, an informal alliance between
the Russian mafia and the German press was forged almost inevitably.”

Objectively considered, this view is absurd. The claim that Putin is an
opponent of Western economic and Russian oligarchic interests lacks any basis
in reality and instead constitutes an instance of political wishful thinking.
It simply ignores the fact that the then utterly unknown secret serviceman rose
to the highest office of state as the handpicked candidate of his predecessor,
Boris Yeltsin, and that his election success was due to propaganda and
financial support from the oligarchy. In particular, Boris Berezovsky
(financial advisor to the Yeltsin family) had laid the full resources of his
media empire at Putin's disposal.

If Putin has fallen out with Berezovsky in the meantime, this in no way
indicates that he has become an opponent of the oligarchy. Anyone who believes
that confuses the power struggle within a clique with one against it. On
numerous occasions, Putin has guaranteed the oligarchs that the state would not
interfere with their property. Discord only occurs when he tries to buttress
his position against attempts of the oligarchy to exert excessive control over
matters of state—a stance also shared by international financial circles that
see a disincentive to investment in the web of corruption, struggle for
influence and mutual dependencies.

Regarding Putin's relationship to the IMF, the World Bank and international
finance in general, he has never left the slightest doubt that he is prepared
to work with them at the closest level and will continue the capitalist
“reforms” of the Yeltsin era. On this score, too, the claims of Junge Welt and
konkret reveal themselves as pure fantasy.

What is more interesting than these obvious instances of false interpretation
of reality is the outright nationalistic tone running through both articles.
Since when have left-wingers or socialists defended the promotion of national
interests as “the state's basis for existence”, as Ralf Schröder does in
konkret? Such a proposition is particularly absurd in relation to Russia.
Historically, nationalism in Russia has always played a reactionary role. The
national idea came into being in Western Europe during the era of the bourgeois
revolution. It was a progressive movement whenever it was directed against
feudal particularism. As the bourgeoisie gained power it became increasingly
reactionary and finally assumed an openly imperialist character. In Russia,
however, the bourgeoisie came onto the stage extremely late in history and was
never to play a progressive role.

The events of the year 1917 revealed the bourgeoisie's inability to solve the
democratic tasks of the bourgeois revolution. Swept into power during the
February Revolution, it had no answer to the burning questions of the time: the
land issue, the war situation and the question of nationalism—which in Russia
was posed, not as a task of uniting small states into a national state, but of
securing democratic rights for the repressed nationalities languishing under
tsarist tyranny.

The success of the Bolsheviks in October was fundamentally due to the fact that
they alone had an answer to these questions. But to achieve this success they
had to base their strategy on an international and not a national perspective.
The October Revolution would only prevail if it were to be supported by the
socialist world revolution. It was only under the Stalin regime that the
October Revolution was increasingly interpreted as a national event. But from
that point the decline of the Revolution began, ending in the restoration of
capitalism by Stalin's heirs.

The nationalistic clichés serving Putin's propaganda machine today do not
derive from a tradition of bourgeois struggle for freedom—there never was such
a thing in Russia—but from the junk room of Greater Russian chauvinism which
polluted the ideological climate in the tsarist empire and went through a
revival under Stalin. This chauvinism is easily recognisable due to its
unappealing appearance: the rebirth of the Orthodox Church, the revival of anti-
Semitism and the outbreak of racial prejudice against national minorities which
took hysterical forms during the war in Chechnya.

Putin's nationalism serves the purpose of securing the hegemony of a semi-
criminal parasitic clique, owing its rise to power and wealth to the
undermining of the achievements of the October Revolution. His momentum is not
in the direction of democracy but rather towards a dictatorial regime. Today's
Kremlin overlords are living proof of the fact that, today more than ever,
Russia lacks a firm foundation for bourgeois democracy. In comparison to the
contemporary power mongers, the Kerensky regime (which was overthrown in 1917)
appears positively fresh.

Putin's occasional sabre-rattling against NATO does not make him an anti-
imperialist as konkret implies with its reference to the “semi-colonial status”
of Russia. There can be no doubt that NATO is systematically edging the former
superpower into a corner. The Balkans War, the advances on the part of the
western powers into regions of the Caucuses and the Caspian Sea and American
plans for the construction of a new anti-missile system (NMD) all work to this
end. But whoever then draws the conclusion that Putin's nationalism defends the
interests of the Russian people overlooks unbridgeable class contradictions
between the ruling clique in the Kremlin and the broad masses.

Irrespective of its nationalist rhetoric the Putin government operates as a
means of access for international capital in the former Soviet Union. When
problems emerge between Russia and the West this only indicates that, despite
its economic weakness, Russia under Putin is attempting to follow its own
imperialist ambitions. It is not the job of socialists, however, to support
weaker imperialist powers against the stronger. The continuous economic decline
of the country does not alter the reactionary character of Russian imperialism.

Quite the opposite, the combination of Russia's social decline together with
the fact that the country remains a nuclear power gives rise to an explosive
mixture which, should it ignite, would have catastrophic consequences for all
of humanity. Under conditions where both America and the European powers are
increasingly prepared to use the military option in order to assert their
global interests, it is no longer possible to exclude such a tragic

The only possible answer to this danger lies in the international unification
of the working class in the struggle against organised capital and every form
of chauvinism and nationalism, irrespective of whether it cloaks itself in the
star-spangled banner, black-red-gold (Germany) or blue-red-white (Russia).
The shameless glorification of Russian nationalism by konkret and Junge Welt
indicates a sharp turn to the right by these magazines.

In the case of Junge Welt it is not so surprising. The paper was formerly the
central organ of FDJ, the youth movement of the former ruling Stalinist party
(SED) in East Germany. Following reunification the paper undertook a certain
opening up in its outlook but has never fundamentally broken with the
foundations of Stalinism. For Junge Welt, as we have seen, the October
Revolution was a strictly Russian and national event. Correspondingly the paper
regards the defence of the Soviet Union as subordination to the national
perspective of the ruling bureaucracy and not the advocacy of an international
socialist perspective.

For many years Rainer Rupp, the author of the cited article, worked as a spy
for the Soviet Union inside NATO headquarters, before being caught and serving
a long prison sentence. After his release he joined the staff of Junge Welt.
The paper, therefore, has no difficulty in extending its loyalty to the former
Soviet Union to today's Russia despite the change in social fundamentals. Here
it is simply an issue of a long ingrained national reflex making itself felt.
The situation is somewhat more complex with regard to konkret. The magazine
also has its origins in the murky circles of Stalinism. Headed by Rainer Röhl
and Ulrike Meinhof, who was later a founder of the Red Army Faction (RAF), the
magazine served in the fifties as an unofficial organ of the German Communist
Party which had been banned at that time. In the middle of the sixties it
loosened itself from Stalinist tutelage and served as a vehicle for various
factions of the 68 movement.

Unlike other newspapers and magazines that emerged from this movement, such as
the daily taz, konkret maintained its critical standpoint in relation to
official German politics even after the elevation of the Green Party into
government. The magazine vehemently opposed the NATO intervention into Kosovo
and its editor Hermann L. Gremliza still proudly recalls his description 10
years ago of a reunited Germany as a sort of Nazi “Fourth Reich”.

What is striking with konkret is the cynical undertone which characterises most
articles. It resembles above all the tone of the offended intellectual snob,
grumbling and complaining about current conditions but unable to see a way out.
At the back of such a position is a subjective point of view characteristic of
many political radicals: for them politics consists of a chain of conspiracies.

The media are nothing more than manipulators of opinion. When the bourgeois
press writes something is white, then the radical declares it is black, or vice
versa. When the German press attacks Putin, then they feel compelled to defend
him. This is the basic muster which runs through Ralf Schröder's article. The
authors at konkret prefer to ignore the fact that there is such a thing as an
objective world which even the bourgeois media cannot completely ignore.

Above they refuse to acknowledge that as well as official politics there exist
the broad masses who, because of the degeneration of the official workers
movement, are unable to give expression to their wants and desires, but
nevertheless embody progressive tendencies. For konkret, the people comprise
merely a grey, passive mass allowing themselves to be manipulated at will.

This is especially clear from a further article written on the “Kursk Accident”
in the same edition of konkret. The author, Florian Sendter, pokes fun at the
sympathetic way the Kursk tragedy was followed in Germany. He interprets such
feelings as a mixture of war nostalgia and media manipulation. He never even
considers that at the back of such expressions of sympathy for the desperate
situation of young sailors, many of whom were barely 20 years of age, could lie
an element of profoundly felt international solidarity.

The article climaxes in a parallel drawn between the Kursk events and the
Concorde plane crash in Paris and the rhetorical question: “How has it come
about that for the German media the North Sea is closer to their hearts than
Paris? That for them (the media) 118 Ivans are more important than 114 innocent
air passengers, most of whom were German? How did Germans end up in a Russian
submarine?” This is supposed to sound ironic, but is in fact just cynical. It
is impossible to mistake the racist undertone. Arrogance and hostility to the
masses could not be more clearly expressed.

This standpoint drives konkret and Junge Welt into the camp of nationalism—and
not just of the Russian variety. When the “broadly accepted basis” of the
Russian state consists in the defence of national interests as Ralf Schröder
writes in konkret, then why not the same “basis” in relation to the German
state? This is the barely inescapable logic of such an argument—particularly as
tensions intensify between Germany and America, also bearing in mind the
latter's overwhelming military superiority.

In the last instance, expressed in the enthusiasm for nationalism on the part
of konkret and Junge Welt are tensions and changes in the base of society. It
would not be the first time that left-wing intellectuals switched to the enemy
camp on the eve of great class struggles.

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World Socialist Web Site
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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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