Rhonda knew these tunnels well.  As a cub TV reporter
covering Mosquitoes City Hall for KPRC, she used to have lunch in
these underground tunnels deep in the heart of downtown
Mosquitoes.  She was on her way to meet Captain Zulfikar
"Zodiac" Zolkoski, a corrupt Law Enforcement Official (LEO) with
the Mosquitoes Police Department (MPD). Captain Zolkoski, a
recognized expert on Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD), was
going to give her a deep background briefing on Kansan1225, the
Catholic Protest compound, and the pretender, the self-styled Czar
Nicholas III.

They met at dusk, at the "New Delhi" deli, a vegetarian speak-
easy much favored by the clandestine Luciferian Masonic (CLuM)
cliques of Mosquitoes.  As she entered, she saw Zulfikar at a table
eating his date.

Rhonda Schlepper:  "Ramadan mubarak!  Blessed is the month
of Ramadan, Captain!"

Captain Zulfikar "Zodiac" Zolkoski:  "Ramadan kareem!  Noble
is the most holy month of Ramadan, Ms. Schlepper!  You just
caught me breaking my day-long fast."

R.S.:  "Captain, long time, no see.  I haven't talked to you since
last year's unpleasantness with Rafael Resendiz Ramirez.  Here I am
again, asking your help as a background source.  Please call me

Z.Z.Z.:  "OK, and you call me Zodiac.  What do you think of
me being featured in a new major motion picture?"

R.S.:  "I think it is an honor for you to be portrayed by Leonard

Z.Z.Z.  "Yes, I agree.  I admire Leonard's work, but take a look
at my ears:  they are completely normal.  Also, I may be a
vegetarian, but I am no vegetable.  Anyway, my attorney will be
keeping a close eye on that production in case of defamation."

R.S.:  "Zodiac, you know that I am here to ask you about this
so-called 'international man of mystery', Kansan1225.  What do
your LEO sources have on him."

Z.Z.Z.:  "He's no mystery to us.  LEO files on him are titled 'Dr.
K', K as in KGB, K as in Kommunist."

R.S.:  "Is that right?  But he poses as a 'servant of God'.  He has
quite a following among Christian conspiracists."

Z.Z.Z.:  "How can anyone claiming to find Divine messages in
the Victoria's Secret catalog have any credibility with Christians?
No, the answer lies elsewhere.  His extended family in Europe
belongs to various Communist cells operated by the old KGB.
Members of his family have been elected to public office as
Socialists and Communists.  Some others of his relatives have
participated in bloody Communist uprisings as officers.  Some of
them were killed after World War II in civil war battles."

R.S.:  "Wow, I can't wait to tell Lupus."

Z.Z.Z.:  "Dr. K's own career started as a researcher with a
major pharmaceutical company in New Jersey.  The company then
came out with a vaccine that has been blamed for spreading AIDS
in the gay community.  Could K have been part of a KGB plot to
destabilize American society?

"Later on, in August 1983 Dr. K was spotted by Interpol in
County Tipperary, Ireland, a notorious hotbed of the old IRA.  The
ties between the IRA, the KGB, and Arab terrorists are well-
known.  In September 1983 he was arrested by the British in the
Falls Road area of Belfast, Northern Ireland.  Under interrogation
he claimed that he was in terrorism-riddled Belfast on vacation!
What was K's real mission during this 'vacation' trip?

"In March 1988 Dr. K surfaced in Wichita, Kansas, associating
with major supporters of the John Birch Society.  In 1991 and 1992
the Kansas Bureau of Investigations (KBI) spotted K spending an
inordinate amount of his free time in Herington, Kansas, near Fort
Riley.  He was also spotted visiting Oklahoma City's downtown on
several occasions.  Is Dr. K one of the unindicted co-conspirators in
the Oklahoma City bombing case?

"In August 1993 K turned up in Riyadh, the capital of the
Magic Kingdom, as a guest of the Saudi Government.  Why did he,
an American citizen, choose to live in a German compound, at
Philipp Holzmann?  Was he involved with unrepentant Stasi
officials and Baader-Meinhof gang members?  We know that he
used to shadow the then-Naval Attache' of the U.S. Embassy in
Riyadh, while his closest friends were the notorious Pakistani
Shiites Abbas and Ali.

"In the Spring of 1995 Dr. K flew from Saudi Arabia to China
twice.  Was he involved in the trading of nuclear secrets from China
for the construction of the so-called Islamic bomb?  Do these trips
explain Dr. K's uncanny prediction of the timing of Pakistan's first
nuclear explosions in May 1998?

"In November 1996 Dr. K was hospitalized under mysterious
circumstances at Mustashafa al-Hammadi in Riyadh.  He remained
in the hospital for three to four weeks and, when he came out,
many people commented about a change in his personality.  Are we
dealing with some kind of "Manchurian Candidate'?

"We suspect that K's real mission in Saudi was to harm Western
interests there and prepare that country's fall into the hands of some
future resurgent Communism.  In any case, all of a sudden in the
Summer of 1998 he left Riyadh and turned up in Houston, the city
that his demented mind insists on calling Mosquitoes."

R.S.:  "What about his other associates at the Catholic Protest

Z.Z.Z.:  "The whole Catholic Protest situation is an active MPD
case.  I can not comment too much on it."

R.S.:  "What is the basis of the investigation?"

Z.Z.Z.:  "Suspicion."

R.S.:  "Suspicion of what?"

Z.Z.Z.:  "Suspicion is good enough for now.  But, just take
them one by one.  Abu Yahya al-Tarabulusi is suspected of
continuing links to Osama Bin Laden.  Do these links explain the
accuracy of Kansan's prediction of an 'attack on the people of God'
for October 12, 2000?  As for the so-called Metropolitan Abdullah
Ishihara, he has been linked to the old Japanese terrorists associated
with the Palestinians."

R.S.:  "And what about H.I.M. Nicholas III?"

Z.Z.Z.:  "Ah, yes, that fraud.  My LEO sources in Moscow
have uncovered fragments of his old personnel file with the KGB.
His file is marked 'Colonel Nikolai Alexandrovich Kafeyev'.  He
really comes from a clan of uncouth Thessalian hillbillies."

R.S.:  "What is the purpose of his claim on the Czar's throne?"

Z.Z.Z.:  "The old KGB networks are trying to reimpose
Communism on Russia, this time with a Czarist facade."

R.S.:  "Fascinating."

Z.Z.Z.:  "Amusing, I would say.  But Kansan1225's presence in
Houston has worried LEO from the very start.  He has been spotted
driving by former President Bush's house in the Galleria area.  We
suspect that we may be dealing with another Lee Harvey Oswald.
We think that Dr. K's present objective is to keep Governor George
Walker Bush out of his lawful place in the White House."

R.S.  "How can that be possible for Kansan1225?"

Z.Z.Z.  "Well, back in 1991 he started publishing his KGB
disinformation rag, 'Contemporary Indications of a Conspiracy'.
The Freemason Bureau of Investigations (FBI) believes that his
scathing attacks on President Bush back then were responsible for
Bush's defeat in the 1992 elections.  Kansan1225 gave us eight
years of Bill Clinton.  

"If we don't do something about it, Dr. K will impose Gore on
us for another eight years, and, who knows, Hillary after that.  It's
all a gigantic Russian Chinese Communist Conspiracy."

R.S.  "I have to call Lupus."  (Dials quickly.)  "Lupus, dear ..."

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