-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Florida Firm Seeks to Microchip Americans 11/15/02 By Laura Macinnis Washington (Reuters) - "A Washington forum debated on Friday the benefits and hazards posed by a new way of identifying people with a microchip implanted under their skin to replace conventional paper identification. The heated debate at the National Academies, a non-profit think-tank advising the government on matters of technology and science, focused on the threat to individual privacy versus the convenience of switching to a chip." http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=technologyNews&storyID=1751075&fromEmail=true

from L Moss Sharman Surgical tags plan for sex offenders  Silicon chip to be inserted under skin  Martin Bright, 11/17/02 "Britain is considering a controversial scheme to implant surgically electronic tags in convicted paedophiles amid fears that the extent of the abuse of children has been massively underestimated." http://www.observer.co.uk/crimedebate/story/0,12079,841963,00.html

A Reckoning for Harm to Jews - The Vatican must repair damage from its hate By Daniel Jonah Goldhagen (Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, an affiliate of Harvard's Center for European Studies, is the author of "A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic Church in the Holocaust and Its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair"" 11/18/02 "Although the church did not cause the Holocaust, Pope Pius XII and clergy across Europe inflicted catastrophic injuries on Jews. They spread the anti-Semitism from which Nazi anti-Semitism grew, and that led millions to support the Nazis' criminal assault on the Jews. They supported the criminal race laws and policies of Germany and its allies. The Slovakian Catholic Church was complicit in the deportation of Jews to Auschwitz. In Croatia, priests murdered Jews. After the war, the Vatican helped Adolf Eichmann, Dr. Josef Mengele and many other Nazi mass murderers escape to South America. The future Pope Paul VI helped lead the effort. The church owes a substantial duty of repair to Jews." http://www.latimes.com/la-oe-goldhagen18nov18,0,2587815.story

Dear MoveOn member, You've probably heard about the 'Homeland Security' bill that Bush is trying to rush through Congress during the last hours of the lame duck session. Quite simply, this is an incredibly scary bill. The House passed the bill last week, and now the Senate is being asked to rubber-stamp it TODAY -- on Monday Nov 18th. They've only had a few days to master the complexities of this 500 page bill, which has all kinds of weird riders attached to it -- last minute additions that have nothing to do with security. We're asking everyone to call their Senators first thing Monday morning, before any votes, and demand that this bad bill be stopped. 
call your Senators

Ask them to put the brakes on the Homeland Security bill. Ask them to take the time to know what they are actually voting on. Ask them to amend the bill to protect our privacy from the government's new "total information awareness" program (see below). Ask them to defeat the new riders that have nothingto do with security -- for example, protecting companies that move their corporate addresses offshore to avoid taxes. Ask them to protect the rights of federal workers. ...

Senator Tom Daschle, under great pressure to pass this bill, is trying to amend the worst provisions. If the bill is amended it is likely it will be stalled until the next Congressional session, so compatible House legislation can be passed. This will at least give time for the bill to be read and for Congress to come to an informed decision. What's wrong with this legislation? Although couched as a "reorganization," this legislation is fundamentally a direct attack on federal workers' rights to organize. The Bush administration is using the fear of terrorism to essentially break the federal employees' unions. It's a transparent and cynical maneuver, but it's working. In a separate announcement last week, the Bush administration outlined plans to also contract out nearly a million federal jobs -- another way to convert a huge number
of middle class jobs into unprotected, minimum wage jobs, and to reward the Bush administration's corporate benefactors. What you probably haven't heard is that the bill contains provisions that directly attack our civil liberties, giving government immense new powers to invade our privacy. Conservative columnist William Safire highlights these points in a recent New York Times column (http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/14/opinion/14SAFI.html ) ...Just to top it off, this bill also contains last minute riders. They've even included a provision to ensure that our government
can do business with the companies that avoid paying their fair  share of taxes by renting a post office box in Bermuda or another offshore tax haven.

Who knows what else lurks in these 500 pages? Senator Byrd gave an impassioned speech last week to ask the Senate to at least slow down this bill so it could be fully understood. Of course, what this all goes to prove is that when the radical right feels it's on a winning streak, bipartisanship goes out the window. It's time for Senators to draw the line. This can be stopped in the Senate. Please make your calls first thing Monday morning. Thank you, -Wes Boyd President, MoveOn.org November 18, 2002

US Afghan ally 'tortured witnesses to his war crimes'  Rory McCarthy Monday November 18, 2002
The Guardian 
The United Nations has found evidence that a leading Afghan warlord and strong ally of the US tortured witnesses to stop them testifying against him in a war crimes inquiry, a senior UN source said last night. General Abdul Rashid Dostam, an Uzbek warlord from northern Afghanistan, was a part of the opposition Northern Alliance which overthrew the Taliban regime with US help, and has been used extensively by the American military in operations against al-Qaida and the Taliban. Witness accounts suggested that his troops were responsible for torturing and killing up to 1,000 Taliban prisoners after the regime fell in November last year. If confirmed, this would be the worst atrocity committed during the US campaign in Afghanistan, and would raise questions about the role of US special forces troops who were supervising the detention of the prisoners.


from L Moss Sharman - Bush continues his right-wing war on women MICHELE LANDSBERG
Here are just a few of the programs slashed or suspended when Bush yanked that $34 million from the U.N. Population Fund last summer: Family planning programs in eight rural districts of Kenya (programs that taught about HIV/AIDS prevention, contraception and safe delivery). An initiative to cut maternal deaths in Mozambique and to stop the spread of AIDS among youth. Training in emergency obstetrics for doctors in Bangladesh, where one woman dies every hour from complications in pregnancy and childbirth. The first-ever population study in East Timor, to help plan an AIDS prevention program among youth, refugees, fishermen and sex workers. A two-year plan in the Indian state of Maharashtra (population 99 million) to reduce neonatal mortality. About 500 babies will die needlessly this year alone, and 200 to 300 more women will die in childbirth. A plan to train 4,000 Vietnamese health care workers and supply 500 clinics in remote mountain areas with essential medical equipment and drugs. Programs to supply contraceptives in Thailand, Nepal, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Laos.

washingtonpost.com  A Call to Arms By an Enemy of War Against Iraq  By Courtland Milloy
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Scott Ritter, the ex-Marine and former U.N. arms inspector, peppered his Veterans Day talk at the University of Maryland...Ritter painted a disturbing picture of what has been happening in that country since the Gulf War and the imposition of economic sanctions.  He talked about babies drinking water contaminated by sewage because purification plants have been bombed. Mothers carry them to doctors
and are told that nothing can be done. Medicines have gone bad because refrigerators don't work; bombs have knocked out electric power  plants as well...About 3,000 Iraqi children are starving to death each month."

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