-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find excerpts from the article below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse. All accusations are alleged.

excerpts from: http://www.carleton.ca/~whovdest/swap.html


by Connie M. Kristiansen, Carleton University
Newsletter of the Section on Women and Psychology, Vol 20, No 2, page 7-16.

my note: these statements were made in rebuttal to a speaker at  McGill

"He was drowned out, reduced to a whisper, by the jeering, whistling,
coughing, shouts and rattling noisemakers of survivors. Survivors who knew
their power because they had borne witness to an unbelievable truth before.
Survivors whose hearts beat softly, oh but ever so firmly, saying, "when we
speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are
silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak, remembering, we were
never meant to survive" (Audre Lorde, 'Litany for Survival')."

"Not since Dr. Ralph Underwager, formerly on the Advisory Board of the FMS
Foundation, was forced to resign after he proclaimed that "Paedophiles can
boldly and courageously affirm what they choose.... With boldness they can
say, 'I believe this is in fact part of God's will'....Paedophiles need to
become more positive and make the claim that paedophilla is an acceptable
expression of God's will for love and unity among human beings" (Geraci,
1993). And not since Jennifer Freyd, a cognitive psychologist at the
University of Oregon and the daughter of the FMS Foundation Executive
Director Dr. Pamela Freyd, exposed her father's sexual abuse and the way in
which her parents are using the FMS Foundation as a weapon in their personal
war against her (Freyd, 1993). "As one clinician said at a national meeting
recently about the FMSF: "there is persuasive evidence that this organization
grew out of one family's feud that's overgrown it's boundaries and come into
the popular culture" (cited in Freyd, 1993)."

"...how can you claim that recovered memories of abuse are false? One, Herman
and Schatzow's (1987) finding that 74% of 53 women in group therapy, 64% of
whom had moderate to severe amnesia, were able to obtain corroborating
evidence, including pornographic photographs, for their recovered memories.
Two, William's (1992) finding that 38% of a sample of 100 adult women failed
to recall their childhood sexual abuse, abuse documented some 20 years
earlier in hospital medical records. Three, a literature review by Brewin,
Andrew and Gotlib (1993) showing that recollections of childhood are more
accurate than previously thought and that it is parent's recollections, not
those of their adult children, that are distorted. Four, Summit's (1983)
finding that children minimize the frequency and severity of their abuse,
compared to the subsequent confessions of their parents. Five, findings that
in the case of battering, it is the male abusers who underestimate the
frequency and severity of the abuse they inflicted (cited in Brewin et al.).
Six, Famina, Yeager and Lewis' (1990) finding that among a sample of 69
abused youths, all distortions of abuse were in the direction of
minimization, out of embarrassment, shame and the desire to forget about it.
And seven, based on her study of 150 children who had experienced a variety
of traumas, Lenore Terr (1991), a professor of child psychiatry at the
University of California, noted that "even those who were infants or toddlers
at the time of their ordeal and thus were unable to lay down, store, or
retrieve full verbal memories of their traumas tend to play out, to draw, or
to re-see highly visualized elements from their old experiences." As an
example, Terr cites the case of a five year old who had been sexually abused
in a daycare home between 15 and 18 months of age. The discovery was made
when US Customs officers found pornographic photos of the girl. In
retrospect, the parents realized that since the girl first began to draw, she
had sketched hundreds of nude adults. And while playing in Terr's office, the
child told Terr that a baby she drew was 'all naked' and a 'bad girl.'
Moreover, while children may have no verbal recall of their abuse, they do
re-enact their abuse in their play, repeating aspects of the original trauma.
And such repetitive behaviors have been observed in children who were exposed
to trauma prior to age 12 months when they had no verbal memory. For example,
the five year old girl I just described experienced 'funny feelings' in her
'tummy' every time a finger was pointed at her. The confiscated pornographic
photos showed an erect penis jabbing the exact spot on the 15 to 18 month
infant's belly. Thus, while adults may not recall personally meaningless
events before the age of three or four, such as where they were at the time
of Kennedy's assassination, they can recall trauma experienced during
infancy, although such recollections may not appear in verbal form."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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