-Caveat Lector-

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""Afghanistan's leaders and Afghanistan's people know that they can trust
America to do just this, to do the right thing. The people of Bosnia, the
people of Kosovo, of Macedonia -- they too know that they can trust us to
do our jobs and then leave.""

>>>Open the doors to a flood of opiates?  A<>E<>R <<<

Remarks at the World Economic Forum

Secretary Colin L. Powell
Davos, Switzerland
January 26, 2003

(6:00 a.m. EST)

SECRETARY POWELL: Thank you so very much, Klaus, for a very gracious
and warm introduction. It's a great honor to be here and to see so many
distinguished persons from around the world, and I welcome the
opportunity to share some thoughts with you this morning.

I am especially pleased that the theme of this year's gathering is "Building
Trust," because trust is a crucial commodity, not only in this but in all
eras. I've been here for just over a day, long enough to speak and meet
with a number of you, long enough to hear directly and from others much
of what has been said about the United States over the last two or three
days, about whether America can be trusted to use its enormous political,
economic, and above all, military power, wisely and fairly.

I believe -- no, I know with all of my heart -- that the United States can. I
believe no less strongly that the United States has earned the trust of
men, women and children around the world. Let's just go to Afghanistan.
Ten thousand American soldiers are in that country, helping to create
conditions of security. A new government, a new representative
government, is in place. We see new roads, new hospitals, new schools --
where girls can attend and gain the skills they will need to lead
productive, meaningful lives.

Afghanistan is one example of what we have accomplished in the global war
against terrorism. The United States, together with the countries
represented by many of you in this room, is making it more difficult for
terrorists to move about, for them to communicate, for them to transfer
money, for them to acquire weapons to carry out attacks against innocent

We should be very proud of what has been accomplished in Afghanistan
since we met in New York last year. But I want to say one more thing
about Afghanistan which is reflective about the manner in which America
carries out its responsibilities in the world. The American troops who are
there went there in peace, working alongside now thousands of troops
from more than a dozen countries. And they're all working together to
help train Afghan police and military forces that will take their place, and
as soon as our troops are needed no longer, they will depart.

Afghanistan's leaders and Afghanistan's people know that they can trust
America to do just this, to do the right thing. The people of Bosnia, the
people of Kosovo, of Macedonia -- they too know that they can trust us to
do our jobs and then leave. We seek nothing for ourselves other than to
help bring about security for people that have already suffered too much.

The same holds true for the people of Kuwait. Twelve years ago, we
helped liberate their country, and then we left. We did not seek any
special benefits for ourselves. That is not the American way.

Trust is also at the core of our ties and our work in Africa, where the
United States is promoting trade and democracy while we struggle against
wars and disease that rob so many Africans of their lives and of their

In Latin America, where for decades many often questioned our motives,
doubts now are giving way to trust as the Western Hemisphere is bound by
a new Democratic Charter and is being transformed into a zone of
freedom, trade and investment, and relative stability.

More than a half a century ago, the United States helped to rescue
Europe from the tyranny of fascism that had led to World War II. We stayed
to help Europe regain its vitality. We supported and continue to support a
strong, united Europe, and congratulate Europeans on the recent
enlargement of the European Union.

Americans and Europeans together built the greatest political-military
alliance in history. NATO was at the core of our efforts to keep the peace
in Europe for more than four decades. The Cold War ended, and yet ten
nations have joined the Alliance since the Cold War's end. Why were they
so anxious to join? And why do still others wait on the list to become
members of this grand alliance?

The answer, I think, is rather simple. They want to join to be part of
Europe, a Europe whole and free, but they also want to be part of a body
that links the United States and Canada to Europe. They want to be part
of a transatlantic community, a transatlantic community that at one and
the same time promotes peace, prosperity and democratic values. The
power of men and women to choose, to sustain government of the people.

Now, I'm aware, as everyone in this room is aware, that Americans and
Europeans do not always see things the same way in every instance. I
would quickly point out that this is hardly a new development. (Laughter.)
Henry Kissinger, decades ago, wrote a book on the Atlantic alliance, and
he called it, "The Troubled Partnership." I am told that later Henry had
second doubts about the title when he found that some bookstores were
placing it on the shelf reserved for books about marriage counseling.
(Laughter.) But maybe the bookstore owners knew what they were doing,
because problems with some of our friends across the Atlantic go back a
long time, more than two centuries by my count. In fact, one or two of
our friends we have been in marriage counseling with for over 225 years
nonstop, and yet the marriage is intact, remains strong, will weather any
differences that come along because of our mutual shared values.

Differences are inevitable, but differences should not be equated with
American unilateralism or American arrogance. Sometimes differences are
just that -- differences. On occasion, our experiences, our interests, will
lead us to see things in a different way. For our part, we will not join a
consensus if we believe it compromises our core principles. Nor would we
expect any other nation to join in a consensus that would compromise its
core principles. When we feel strongly about something, we will lead. We
will act even if others are not prepared to join us. But the United States
will always work, will always endeavor, to get others to join in a consensus.
We want to work closely with Europe, home of our closest friends and
partners. We want to work closely with Europe on challenges inside
Europe and beyond, and you can trust us on that.

When we talk about trust, let me use that as a bridge to one of the major
issues of the day, Iraq. Let me try to explain why we feel so strongly about
Iraq and why we are determined that the current situation cannot be
allowed to continue. We are where we are today with Iraq because
Saddam Hussein and his regime have repeatedly violated the trust of the
United Nations, his people and his neighbors, to such an extent as to pose
a grave danger to international peace and security.

The United States Security Council recognized this situation and
unanimously passed Resolution 1441, giving Iraq one last chance to disarm
peacefully after 11 years of defying the world community. Today, not a
single nation, not one, trusts Saddam and his regime. And those who know
him best trust him least: his own citizens, whom he has terrorized and
oppressed; his neighbors, whom he has threatened and invaded. Citizens
and neighbors alike have been killed by his chemical weapons.

That is why Resolution 1441 was carefully crafted to be far tougher and far
more thorough than the many resolutions that preceded it. 1441 places
the burden squarely on Iraq to provide accurate, full and complete
information on its weapons of mass destruction.

1441 is not about inspectors exposing new evidence of Iraq's established
failure to disarm. It is about Iraq disclosing the entire extent of its illicit
biological, chemical, nuclear and missile activities, and disarming itself of
them with the help of inspectors to verify what Iraq is doing.

This is not about inspectors finding smoking guns. It is about Iraqis failure --
Iraq's failure to tell the inspectors where to find its weapons of mass

The 12,200-page declaration Iraq submitted to the United Nations Security
Council on December 7th utterly failed to meet the requirements of the
resolution, utterly failed to meet the requirements of being accurate, full
and complete. Iraq attempted to conceal with volume what it lacked in
veracity. Not one nation in the Security Council rose to defend that
declaration. Not one person in this room could do so. The requirement for
a declaration was put in as an early test of Iraq's intent to change its
behavior. It failed the test.

This past week, United Nations Inspector Blix and International Atomic
Energy Agency Inspector El Baradei went to Baghdad to deliver the
message that Iraq's cooperation has been inadequate. Iraq's response did
nothing to alter the fact that Baghdad still is not providing the inspectors
with the information they need to do their job. There is no indication
whatever that Iraq has made the strategic decision to come clean and to
comply with its international obligation to disarm.

The support of U.S. intelligence and the intelligence of other nations can
take the inspectors only so far. Without Iraq's full and active cooperation,
100 or so inspectors would have to look under every roof and search the
back of every truck in a country the size of California to find the munitions
and programs for which Iraq has failed to account for.

After six weeks of inspections, the international community still needs to
know the answers to key questions. For example: Where is the evidence --
where is the evidence -- that Iraq has destroyed the tens of thousands of
liters of anthrax and botulinum we know it had before it expelled the
previous inspectors? This isn't an American determination. This is the
determination of the previous inspectors. Where is this material? What
happened to it? It's not a trivial question. We're not talking about aspirin.
We're talking about the most deadly things one can imagine, that can kill
thousands, millions of people. We cannot simply turn away and say, "Well,
never mind." Where is it? Account for it. Let it be verified through the

What happened to nearly 30,000 munitions capable of carrying chemical
agents? The inspectors can only account for only 16 of them. Where are
they? It's not a matter of ignoring the reality of the situation. Just think, all
of these munitions, which perhaps only have a short range if fired out of
an artillery weapon in Iraq, but imagine if one of these weapons were
smuggled out of Iraq and found its way into the hands of a terrorist
organization who could transport it anywhere in the world.

What happened -- please, what happened -- to the three metric tons of
growth material that Iraq imported which can be used for producing early,
in a very rapid fashion, deadly biological agents?

Where are the mobile vans that are nothing more than biological weapons
laboratories on wheels? Why is Iraq still trying to procure uranium and the
special equipment needed to transform it into material for nuclear

These questions are not academic. They are not trivial. They are questions
of life and death, and they must be answered.

To those who say, "Why not give the inspection process more time?", I ask:
"How much more time does Iraq need to answer those questions? It is not
a matter of time alone, it is a matter of telling the truth, and so far Saddam
Hussein still responds with evasion and with lies.

Saddam should tell the truth, and tell the truth now. The more we wait,
the more chance there is for this dictator with clear ties to terrorist
groups, including al-Qaida, more time for him to pass a weapon, share a
technology, or use these weapons again.

The nexus of tolerance and terror, of terrorists and weapons of mass
destruction, is the greatest danger of our age. The international
community knows what real disarmament looks like. We saw it in
Kazakhstan. We saw it take place in the Ukraine. We saw it in South Africa.
We see none of the telltale signs of real disarmament, honest disarmament,
in Iraq. Instead of a high-level determination to work with inspectors, we
have continued defiance. Instead of a transparent disarmament process,
we get the same old tactics of deceit and delay, documents hidden in
private homes, denial of reconnaissance flights, denial of access to people
and facilities, the kind of access that must be unimpeded and unrestricted
in order to be successful.

Tomorrow, Chief Inspectors Blix and El Baradei will make their report to
the United Nations Security Council. My government will study their report
carefully, will study it with gravity, and we will exchange views on its
findings that were presented with other members of the Council.

We are in no great rush to judgment tomorrow or the day after, but
clearly time is running out. There is no longer an excuse for Iraqi denial of
its obligation. We must have Iraq participate in the disarmament or be

We should not (sic) understand what is at stake here. Saddam Hussein's
hidden weapons of mass destruction are meant to intimidate Iraq's
neighbors. These illegal weapons threaten international peace and
security. These terrible weapons put millions of innocent people at risk.

It is more than that. Saddam's naked defiance also challenges the
relevance and credibility of the Security Council and the world
community. When all 15 members of the Council voted to pass UN
Resolution 1441, they assumed a heavy responsibility to put their will
behind their words. Multilateralism cannot become an excuse for inaction.
Saddam Hussein and others of his ilk would like nothing better to see the
world community back away from this resolution, instead of backing it with
their solemn resolve.

We will work through these issues patiently and deliberately with our
friends and with our allies. These are serious matters before us. Let the
Iraqi regime have no doubt, however, if it does not disarm peacefully at
this juncture, it will be disarmed down the road.

The United States believes that time is running out. We will not shrink from
war if that is the only way to rid Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction.

We continue to reserve our sovereign right to take military action against
Iraq alone or in a coalition of the willing. As the President has said: "We
cannot defend America and our friends by hoping for the best. History will
judge harshly those who saw a coming danger but failed to act."

It is our hope, however -- it is our will -- that we can do this peacefully. It
is our hope, if we will it to happen, that Iraq would participate in its
disarmament. If it does not, it is also our hope that the international
community will stand behind the elements of 1441, and as a great coalition,
we will deal with this problem once and for all.

North Korea is another example of a country where trust is at issue. Over
the past nine years, the international community engaged North Korea in
good faith, with nuclear agreements which we now know Pyongyang

At the same time, North Korea's policies have dragged its people into a
dark, cold, hungry hell.

In a collection of works published in 1978 under the title Alarm and Hope,
the embattled Soviet physicist and Nobel Peace Laureate Andrei Sakharov,
stated: "I am convinced that international trust, mutual understanding,
disarmament, and international security are inconceivable without an open

And so, in consultation with South Korea and Japan, the United States was
ready last summer to pursue a bold approach with Pyongyang. The
approach would have entailed political and economic steps to improve the
lives of the North Korean people and move our relationship with the North
toward normalcy.

It was then that we discovered that the North had been pursuing a covert
uranium enrichment program in egregious violation of its international
obligations. When confronted with the bald facts, Pyongyang admitted
what it had been doing.

The United States is willing to talk to North Korea about how it will meet
its obligations to completely dismantle its nuclear weapons program. But
this is not just a matter between the United States and North Korea.
Pyongyang's behavior affects the stability of both the immediate region and
of the world. And that's why the IAEA Board of Governors deplored in the
strongest terms North Korea's actions.

Once again, we are working with our allies and others in the region and
across the international community to address through diplomacy our
common concerns over North Korea's programs.

The United States has no intention of attacking North Korea, President
Bush has said that repeatedly, and we are prepared to convey this in a
way that makes it unmistakable for North Korea. At the same time, we
keep all of our options on the table.

Meanwhile, the United States has been the world's biggest donor of
humanitarian assistance to North Korea and we will continue to contribute
to their humanitarian requirements and needs.

Let me be clear: The United States stands ready to build a different kind
of relationship with North Korea once Pyongyang comes into verifiable
compliance with its commitments. The North must be willing to act in a
manner that builds trust.

As an old soldier who came of age during the Cold War, I find it interesting
to take a step back from time to time and note the important role being
played by Russia and China in efforts to resolve the challenges posed by
Iraq and North Korea. They voted along with the rest of the Security
Council members for 1441, for example. Just imagine how different and
how difficult things would be if it were still the Cold War and our relations
with Moscow and Beijing were marked by intense rivalry, and we looked
through every aspect of international politics through that lens of the Cold
War. But gone are the days of superpower confrontation. The major
threats that each of us faces are shared with others, and so are the
solutions. With this new perspective, Presidents Bush and Putin have
established a new strategic partnership which they are determined to
deepen in the years ahead.

We also support Russia's efforts to become fully integrated into the
international economic community. That include Russia's membership on
commercial terms in the World Trade Organization, as well as full
membership in the G-8 in 2006.

The United States still has important concerns and disagreements with
Russia, and Russia with us, however we are building a relationship worthy
of two great countries with great responsibilities and much to contribute
to the 21st century world we live in.

We have also brought new momentum to our relationship with China. As
President Bush told China's next generation of leaders, the students at
Qinghua University: "China is on a rising path, and America welcomes the
emergence of a strong, peaceful and prosperous China."

China's participation in world affairs is a positive and welcome
development. We look to China to play a responsible role in world affairs,
following international standards on trade, on proliferation, on human
rights, and on international peace and cooperation.

The United States seeks to work with China as it rises so that the choices
that it makes build international confidence instead of distrust and create
Hope among the people of China for a better, freer life.

Another way we are building habits of cooperation with Russia and China is
by working with them to help parties in war-torn regions bring peaceful
ends to conflicts. A good example of this is how we are working together
in South Asia and in the Middle East.

>From the outset, the Bush Administration has viewed both India and
Pakistan as countries with which we wished to pursue expanded agendas.
>From the outset, we were determined not to have a policy toward India-
hyphen-Pakistan, but to seek productive relationships with each in its own

And we believe that our improved relationships with India and Pakistan
were significant in helping the international community ease them back
from the brink of war last year.

No American "Hidden Hand," however, can remove the distrust between
India and Pakistan. This they must do themselves. The United States has
extended a helping hand to both India and Pakistan and we stand ready to
do so again. But it is crucial that they both take risks for peace, risks for
peace on that great Subcontinent, and that they work to normalize their

The situation in the Middle East is proving to be among our most
challenging, based however on the President's vision, President Bush's
vision of two states, living side-by-side, in peace and security. And with the
help of the international community, we and our Quartet partners have
drawn up a roadmap that shows the way to a lasting peace.

To achieve this vision, the Palestinians must build trust by establishing a
new and different leadership and new institutions and by putting an end
to all terror, all violence. Israel also will be required to build trust by
easing the economic plight of ordinary Palestinians and by putting an end
to settlement construction.

With intensive effort by all, the creation of a democratic, viable Palestine
is possible in 2005. And the United States will be engaging fully in this
prospect, in this effort, in the coming months and years.

With respect to the broader Middle East, Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah is
right: Arab governments must introduce meaningful political and economic
reforms if their people are to realize their potential. Indeed, all of us must
work with citizens and governments of the region to close what Jordan's
Queen Rania eloquently calls the "Hope Gap."

That is why my government has launched a new US-Middle East Partnership
Initiative. The Initiative supports public-private efforts in the political,
economic and educational spheres to help create conditions under which
the young men and women of the Middle East feel they have a stake in
rejecting terror and supporting a comprehensive peace.

Once again, what is missing here, what must be created, is trust.

If trust between states is crucial, so is trust between ordinary people and
their governments.

New democracies created with high hopes can founder if ordinary citizens
do not see direct improvements in their lives. Transitions can be chaotic
and wrenching. Democratic systems take time to develop and to deliver.
Meanwhile, autocrats will sing siren songs of stability. Corruption will
squander a nation's treasure. Extremists will feed on frustration and fears.
Populists will pander and make false promises of fairness.

By strengthening civil society, independent media, democratic institutions
and the rule of law, we can build confidence among citizens to stay on the
difficult course of reform.

And governments striving to do right must have good reason to count on
other members of the world community to help them through the rough
times to the point where democracy and development are stable and self-

The global economic engine needs to operate on all cylinders if developing
countries are to achieve growth rates high enough to halve the proportion
of people in the world living in poverty by 2015. A dynamic US economy will
continue to be a prime mover of those cylinders.

President Bush fully recognizes that economic growth is not as strong as it
should be in the United States. And it is for that reason he announced a
growth and jobs plan that will promote investment at home and abroad,
encourage consumer spending, and deliver critical help to unemployed

A growing U.S. economic, however, will not suffice to expand the global
market to the extent needed for dramatic strides in development. Japan
should quickly implement Prime Minister Koizumi's reform program, notably
with regard to non-performing loans, and start growing its domestic
economy. Europe needs to put into action a "pro-growth" agenda that
involves labor- market and regulatory reforms. And China needs to
implement fully its market opening commitments to the WTO.

Concluding the Doha Development Round by the end of 2004 also will
deliver a much-needed boost to global growth. According to the World
Bank, free trade in all goods, including agriculture, would result in a gain
in world income of some $830 billion; 65 percent would flow to developing
countries, helping an estimated 300 million people escape from poverty.

The United States has already stepped forward with bold and sweeping
proposals to liberalize trade in both agriculture and in industrial goods.
Now other major players must join us. Governments must resist the
temptation to erect new barriers such as those blocking trade in
agriculture and biotechnology which have the effect of reducing trade
while depriving food assistance, for example, to hungry -- nay, starving --

To be sure, only substantial and rapidly expanding trade and investment
can generate economic growth on the scale needed to lift entire nations
out of misery. But wisely channeled foreign assistance can play an
important part in creating conditions that attract trade and investment in
the first place.

Last Spring, at the Financing for Development Conference in Monterrey,
Mexico, donors and developing countries reached a consensus on mutual
responsibilities: for donor nations, a new commitment to development
assistance of the kind needed to open more markets; for developing
countries, a new commitment to create the political and economic
conditions needed to use assistance in ways that attract investment and
empower its citizens.

At the same time, President Bush proposed the groundbreaking Millennium
Challenge Account. When approved by Congress, the Millennium Challenge
Account will dramatically increase our development assistance, ramping up
to an additional $5 billion every year, and we'll get that ramp up over the
next three years, targeting poor countries that govern well, invest in their
people and open their economies to enterprise and entrepreneurship.
This new program has the potential to fundamentally change the situation
in so many developing countries.

And last September in Johannesburg, at the World Summit on Sustainable
Development, the world community deepened and extended the
Monterrey consensus by setting development goals and recognizing the
critical role that public-private partnerships play in helping countries
achieve these goals, especially in the areas of energy, water and health.

Indeed, building trust is not just a job for governments. In a globalized
world, states confront problems of such complexity and such scale that
they cannot hope to address them without help from non-governmental
actors, such as are assembled here, so many of them, today.

We in government bear the responsibility foremost for providing a secure
environment in which confidence, well-being and freedom can grow and
spread. We need your help to set high standards of accountability and
habits of integrity throughout society. We need you to use your positions
of leadership to foster tolerance, promote democratic principles, stem the
HIV/ AIDS pandemic. We need your innovations and investments to expand
the global economic, sustain development and eradicate poverty. We need
you to use your vast resources, your vast networks, to link the least of
God's children living in the farthest corners of the Earth with the
knowledge that they need to succeed.

A good number of opinion leaders here today from the corporate world
and the NGO community already are making greater contributions to
international well-being than many governments are. Some of you even
conduct your own foreign policies. Welcome to the club. (Laughter.)

Certainly, certainly, all of us gathered here in Davos have great
opportunities to build trust in a better future. The United States looks
forward to working with you in this endeavor. We understand full well that
whatever we can do, whatever we can do as one nation, is nothing
compared to what we call can do if we unite, if we become part of a great
partnership of freedom-loving nations, nations that are committed not only
to our own development, but nations that are committed to the hungriest,
most desperate people anywhere in the world.

If all of us can use meetings such as this to once again revitalize our
commitment once again, to remember that our obligation to ourselves, to
our nations and to our world is to make sure that as we generate wealth,
as we create wealth, we recognize that ultimately the purpose of that
wealth has to be to touch the lives of every one of God's children.

Let that be our solemn obligation and let that be our charge for today.
And in that great crusade, the United States is aligned with each and
every country and institution represented in this room.

Thank you very much.


MR. SCHWAB: Mr. Secretary, you really brought us a message of
responsible globality, and I am sure your words will so much contribute to
the theme of our meeting, "Building Trust." Not only your words, but the
following actions of all of us here in this room.

We have 50 minutes time, as the Secretary graciously retarded his
departure, and we have some possibility to interact. In view of the short
time, I would like to ask you to be very short with your comment, if any,
and your question, and please indicate your name and your affiliation to
give the Secretary an opportunity to see that here in the room we have
really a multi-stakeholder, probably the foremost multi-stakeholder
platform in the world.

So let me see who would like to ask a question. I see here -- oh, let's start
with the lady. Let's start with the lady.

QUESTION: Thank you. Mr. Secretary of State, I am Irene Khan, Secretary
General of Amnesty International, a global human rights movement. I would
like to thank you for coming to speak to us. And I have a question for you
which I know is troubling many civil society groups around the world,
including many of us who are represented here today.

My question is: Do you believe that the threat which Iraq poses today is so
great, so grave and so imminent, that it justifies provoking a massive human
rights and humanitarian crisis?

I say this because the humanitarian situation in Iraq is very fragile and
military action could easily precipitate, in our view would certainly
precipitate, a huge humanitarian disaster. We have seen -- we remember in
1991 -- the millions of refugees who were trapped on the border. There
could be a bloodbath inside, a ripple effect as well.

And my question is: How does one balance the human rights and
humanitarian concerns with that military action, the threat, the military
action both with the humanitarian concern? Thank you.

SECRETARY POWELL: Thank you very much.


SECRETARY POWELL: We do believe the threat is great and the Security
Council believes the threat is great, and it's reflected in the 15-0 vote on
1441. Iraq must be disarmed.

We are sensitive to the plight of the Iraqi people, not only in the case of a
conflict, but their plight right now. The Iraqi leadership has more than
enough money to take care of the needs of the Iraqi people if the money
would be spent in the right way, as opposed to being used to punish the
Iraqi people by withholding aid.

And perhaps if a conflict were necessary -- and once again, we are hoping
it will not be necessary -- but if it is necessary, the contingency planning
that we are doing in the United States includes actions directly related to
ensuring that the humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people would be taken
care of, and perhaps with a regime that is more responsive to the needs of
its people and more interested in using the wealth of the Iraqi people for
the benefit of the Iraqi people, and not for weapons of mass destruction
and not wasting the money on armies that invaded Kuwait, armies that
invaded Iran.

Perhaps not only would the Iraqi people be better off in the aftermath of
such a conflict, but so would the whole region.

MR. SCHWAB: Thank you. I saw another question here.

QUESTION: Mr. Secretary of State, I'm George Carey, the former
Archbishop of Canterbury. I'm now happily retired and here at the World
Economic Forum. And I thank you very much indeed for your address and
for all that you are personally doing to improve the state of the world.

Mr. Secretary of State, at this conference, among the language that has
been used has been a phrase, the difference between hard power and
soft power: hard power and military power, and perhaps expressed in
America as the only superpower with a grave responsibility to create and
help to forward the cause of peace in the world; and then soft power,
soft power which binds us all, which has something to do with values,
human values and all the things that you and I passionately believe in.

Here at WEF, we are thinking of creating a Council of 100 which includes
business leaders, politicians, religious leaders -- trying to cross all of the
boundaries of media and so on. That may be something that you may wish
to give your support to in the days ahead.

But I've got two questions, if I may. The first one: Do you feel that in the
present situation, and I'm following on my colleague who just spoke, and
regarding Iraq but also Palestine as well, that we are doing enough in
drawing upon the common values expressed by soft power in uniting what
is called West and the Middle East in Islam and Christianity, in Judaism and
other religions?

And would you not agree, as a very significant political figure in the United
States, Colin, that America, at the present time, is in danger of relying too
much upon the hard power and not enough upon building the trust from
which the soft values, which of course all of our family life that actually at
the bottom, when the bottom line is reached, is what makes human life


SECRETARY POWELL: The United States believes strongly in what you call
soft power, the value of democracy, the value of the free economic
system, the value of making sure that each citizen is free and free to
pursue their own God-given ambitions and to use the talents that they
were given by God. And that is what we say to the rest of the world. That
is why we participated in establishing a community of democracy within
the Western Hemisphere. It's why we participate in all of these great
international organizations.

There is nothing in American experience or in American political life or in
our culture that suggests we want to use hard power. But what we have
found over the decades is that unless you do have hard power -- and here
I think you're referring to military power -- then sometimes you are faced
with situations that you can't deal with.

I mean, it was not soft power that freed Europe. It was hard power. And
what followed immediately after hard power? Did the United States ask for
dominion over a single nation in Europe? No. Soft power came in the
Marshall Plan. Soft power came with American GIs who put their weapons
down once the war was over and helped all those nations rebuild. We did
the same thing in Japan.

So our record of living our values and letting our values be an inspiration
to others I think is clear. And I don't think I have anything to be ashamed
of or apologize for with respect to what America has done for the world.


SECRETARY POWELL: (In progress) -- power or talking with evil will not work
where, unfortunately, hard power is the only thing that works.

We have seen these sorts of evil leaders before. We have seen them
throughout history. And they are still alive today. There are still leaders
around who will say, "You do not have the will to prevail over my evil." And
I think we are facing one of those times now.

We have done everything. President Bush carefully analyzed the situation
with respect to Iraq. We have felt strongly for years that they must be
disarmed. The previous administration felt just as strongly. This isn't
something that just arrived when the Bush Administration came in. The
previous administration had the same concerns. It's been a problem for us
for the last 11 years, for the international community.

And so finally, we decided it is time to deal with it. And we rallied the
international community. President Bush came before the Security Council
on the 12th of September and put down a powerful indictment. I worked
very hard, I can assure you, seven weeks, to satisfy the concerns that
people had about what kind of a resolution should be put forward.

A resolution was put forward. It's a resolution that puts the burden on
Iraq, not on the inspectors. And it is not the United States, it is not the
international community, it is not the United Nations that is the source of
the problem. The source of the problem is Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi
regime and their use of the treasures of the Iraqi people to develop
weapons of mass destruction.

And let there be no doubt that the intent to do so is still there, as the
inspectors are trying to do their job.

My heart grieves when I think about the situation in the Middle East. I've
worked very hard on this for two years, and for years before that. But
trust is broken down. We have to do everything we can in our power -- all
of us, the United States, the European Union, any other nation that has
the ability to influence the situation in the Middle East -- to work with the
Palestinians to put in place a leadership that is responsible, with
representative institutions of government that will clamp down on
terrorism, that will say to its people, "Terrorism is not getting us
anywhere. It is not producing what we want: a Palestinian state. It is
keeping us away from a Palestinian state."

And we also have to say to our Israeli friends that you have to do more to
deal with the humanitarian concerns of the Palestinian people, and you
have to understand that a Palestinian state, when it's created, must be a
real state, not a phony state that's diced into a thousand different pieces.

And that's what we're going to be concentrating on in the months ahead
with the roadmap that's been created.



Released on January 26, 2003

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