Title: mayor - bank robber
A politician with a real record
The former mayor of a Kentucky town has been sentenced to seven years in prison for the armed robbery of an Ohio bank.
Robert Jones, 56, broke down in tears and bemoaned the lost opportunity to spend time with his seven grandchildren Thursday when Judge P. Daniel Fedders imposed the sentence in Warren County Common Pleas Court.
Jones pleaded guilty to robbing the Community National Bank of Springboro, Ohio, of more than $48,000 in June 1998.
Jones has also been charged in a November 1998 bank holdup in Kettering, Ohio, a crime that happened one week after he was defeated in a bid to win reelection as mayor of Williamstown in Northern Kentucky.
He was removed as mayor by impeachment in 1997 for perjury and misuse of city funds for personal gain, charges to which he pleaded guilty and for which he was sentenced to two years probation.
Jones told the judge Thursday he resorted to bank robbery because he was facing financial ruin. The judge dismissed a second charge of grand theft against Jones and ordered him to make full restitution for the stolen money. Police recovered $19,000 when they searched his home.


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