-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

"Remote Viewing" at Stanford Research Institute or Illicit CIA Mind Control
Alex Constantine is the author of Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. (Feral
House, 1995), an exploration of electromagnetic mind control, cults formed
by the CIA, collaboration with old guard Nazis, media disinformation and
other outrageous acts of federal malfeasance. The Constantine Report
originated on KAZU-FM as a regular feature on the Lighthouse Report. His
contributions to the Lighthouse Report were first broadcast in 1989. He has
written for Z Magazine, Hustler, Prevailing Winds, Coast Weekly and MindNet,
among other publications. The following selection is from the upcoming
Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America, scheduled for
release in the spring of 1997.

Concrete evidence that electronic mind control was the true object of study
at SRI was exposed by the Washington Post in 1977. When the Navy awarded a
contract to the Institute, "the scientific assistant to the Secretary of the
Navy, Dr. Sam Koslov, received a routine briefing on various research
projects, including SRI's. As the briefer flashed his chart onto the screen
and began to speak, Koslov stormily interrupted,"What the hell is that
about?" Among the glowing words on the projected chart, the section
describing SRI's work was labeled "ELF and Mind Control."

ELF stands for extremely long frequency electromagnetic waves, from the very
slow brain frequencies up to about 100 cycles per second. But the Mind
Control label really upset Koslov. He ordered the SRI investigations for the
Navy stopped, and canceled another $35,000 in Navy funds slated for more
remote viewing work. Contrary to Koslov's attempt to kill the research, the
Navy quietly continued to fork out $100,000 for a two-year project directed
by a bionics specialist.

The "remote viewing" team at SRI was, in fact, engaged in projecting words
and images directly to the cranium. It is not a humanitarian pastime: the
project was military and test subjects are often subjected to a lifetime of
EM torture plied with the same thorough disregard for human rights as the
radiation tests conducted at the height of the Cold War. To be sure, the
treatment subjects have received at the hands of their own government would
be considered atrocities if practiced in wartime.

Mind control was also used in domestic covert operations designed to further
the CIA's heady ambitions, and during the Vietnam War period SRI was a hive
of covert political subterfuge. The Symbionese Liberation Army, like the
People's Temple, was a creation of the CIA. The SLA had at its core a clique
of black ex-convicts from Vacaville Prison. Donald DeFreeze, otherwise known
as "Cinque," led the SLA. He was formerly an informant for the LAPD's
Criminal Conspiracy Section and the director of Vacaville's Black Cultural
Association (BCA), a covert mind control unit with funding from the CIA
channeled through SRI. The Menlo Park behavior modification specialists
experimented with psychoactive drugs administered to members of the BCA.
Black prisoners were programmed to murder selected black leaders once on the
outside. The CIA/SRI zombie killer hit list included Oakland school
superintendent Dr. Marcus Foster, and Panthers Huey Newton and Bobby Seale,
among others. DeFreeze stated that at Vacaville in 1971-72 he was the
subject of a CIA mind control experiment. He described his incarceration on
the prison's third floor, where he was corralled by CIA agents who drugged
him and said he would become the leader of a radical movement and kidnap a
wealthy person. After his escape from Vacaville (an exit door was left
unlocked for him), that's exactly what he did.

EM mind control machines were championed at SRI by Dr. Karl Pribram,
director of the Neurophychology Research Laboratory: "I certainly could
educate a child by putting an electrode in the lateral hypothalmus and then
selecting the situations at which I stimulate it. In this was I can grossly
change his behavior." Psychology Today touted Pribram as "The Magellan of
Brain Science." He obtained his B.S. and M.D. degrees at the University of
Chicago, and at SRI studied how the brain processes and stores sensory
imagery. He is credited with discovering that mental imaging bears a close
resemblance to hologram projection (the basis for transmitting images to the
brains of test subjects under the misnomer "remote viewing"?).

The SRI/SAIC psi experiments were supervised at Langley by John McMahon,
second in command under William Casey, succeeding Bobby Ray Inman, the SAIC
director. McMahon has, according to Philip Agee, the CIA whistle-blowing
exile, an affinity for "technological exotics for CIA covert actions." He
was recruited by the Agency after his graduation from Holy Cross College. He
is a former director of the Technical Services Division, deputy director for
Operations, and in 1982 McMahon was appointed deputy director of Central
Intelligence. He left the Agency six years later to take the position of
president of the Lockheed Missiles and Space Systems Group. In 1994 he moved
on to Draper Laboratories. He is a director of the Defense Enterprise Fund
and an adviser to congressional committees.

Many of the SRI "empaths" were mustered from L. Ron Hubbard's Church of
Scientology, Harold Puthoff, the Institute's senior researcher, is a leading
Scientologist. Two "remote viewers" from SRI have also held rank in the
Church: Ingo Swann, a Class VII Operating Thetan, a founder of the
Scientology Center in Los Angeles, and the late Pat Price. Puthoff and
Targ's lab assistant was a Scientologist married to a minister of the
church. When Swann joined SRI, he stated openly that fourteen "Clears"
participated in the experiments, "more than I would suspect." At the time he
denied CIA involvement, but now acknowledges, "it was rather common
knowledge all along who the sponsor was, although in documents the identity
of the Agency was concealed behind the sobriquet of 'an east-coast
scientist.' The Agency's interest was quite extensive. A number of agents of
the CIA came themselves ultimately to SRI to act as subjects in remote
viewing experiments, as did some members of Congress."

The intelligence groups were reportedly so taken with the SRI experiments
that funding swelled. Millions of dollars were thrown at "Grill Flame" under
(DIA) and Navy auspices. The projects at SRI were augmented by a
parapsychology team at Fort Meade in Maryland under INSCOM and the NSA.
Military intelligence personnel were recruited, including Major Ed Dames,
the Psi-Tech founder. General Stubblebine ran the project and broadened it
to include tarot and the channeling of "spirits." By this time, Puthoff and
Swann left the Church of Scientology to join a spin-off religious movement.
The DIA inherited "Grill Flame."

A reporter for the BBC (requesting anonymity) offered a glimpse of the
Army's remote viewing project at Fort Meade, declares he was given "The
Official Line (ie we were about to be used for disinformation). As soon as I
started asking hard questions, the project was taken away from us and
[given] to a far more docile broadcaster."

The British correspondent learned on the tour that medical oversight for the
psi experiments was provided by Dr. Louis Jolyon West,then a professor of
psychiatry at UCLA, one of the most notorious CIA mind control specialists
in the country. Apart from monitoring the health of the subjects, according
to SRI spokesmen, Dr. West conducted his own experimental studies of the
"phenomenology of dissociative states," or multiple personalities, at the
Institute. Dr. Colin Ross, a specialist in dissociative disorders, offers
that Dr. West's work for the CIA centered on the biology or personality of
dissociative states. Many victims of the CIA-anchored experimentation have
been left with multiple personalities induced at a young age, and it is
certain that the CIA can trigger induced multiple personalities
electronically from a remote source to commit any act on cue ñ the ultimate
Manchurian Candidate.

Under Dr. West's tutelage at UCLA, "parapsychology" experiments of another
sort were conducted by Kirlian aura researcher Thelma Moss, a writer for
television and a human guinea-pig herself in LSD experiments conducted in
1957. Three years later, as a UCLA psychology student, she designed
protocols for her own LSD experiments under the supervision of Dr. Oscar

The CIA, of course, could not be far away. Dr. Janiger's supplier of the
drug was the legendary Captain Al Hubbard, the "Johnny Appleseed of LSD."
"Nothing of substance has been written about Al Hubbard," Janiger once said,
"and probably nothing ever should." Hubbard, a convicted rum-runner, had a
knack for electronic communications. He was recruited by the OSS by agents
of Allen Dulles and surely reported to the CIA thereafter. Hubbard, an
arch-conservative, joined SRI at the urging of Willis Harman, director of
the Institute's Educational Policy Research Center, ostensibly as a
"security guard." Harman, an LSD experimenter himself, admits, "Al never did
anything resembling security work." Hubbard was employed on the Alternative
Futures Project, a corporate strategy program.

"Al had a grandiose idea," one co-worker recalls, "that if he could give the
psychedelic experience to the major executives of the Fortune 500 companies,
he could change the whole of society." Hubbard was a major supplier to
universities sponsoring experimentation, and flooded the youth subculture he
despised with LSD in the 1960s. The massive drug-dealing operation ñ at
least as large as the government's ñ had Harmon's unreserved support. Al
Hubbard's contract at SRI was canceled in 1974.

Among the labs closed in 1966 with the criminalization of LSD was Dr.
Janiger's. His protege, Thelma Moss, continued to pursue experimentation
with the hallucinogen as a psychotherapeutic tool, and later as an ESP
trigger. Her increasingly bizarre interests led her to Kirlian photography,
and she set up a lab at the Neuropsychiatric Institute under Dr. West.

At least one volunteer in Moss's experiments alleges to have been led down a
blind alley to lifelong torture. D.S. (requesting anonymity) appeared on
Moss's doorstep in 1978. After the experiments, she was whelmed by
"back-to-back psychic experiences" ñ not true ones, she realized, but
precognitive dreams "that had to be fed to me." (Biotelemetric subjects
routinely complain that their dreams are commandeered.) For 15 years she
walked through a barrage of novelty effects. The "psychic" episodes
gradually gave way to torture, including head pains and endless hours of
"persuasive coercion," the art of psychological paralysis honed by the CIA
in the prison system. In 1994 she began to receive non-stop audio
transmissions that still torment her, cybernetic "voices" registering on her
brain's "primary frequency allocation," her mental "channel."

Another tip-off that biotechnology, cyber-psi, was focal in Stargate
research was the Agency's choice of The American Institutes of Research
(AIR) in Washington, D.C. to evaluate the validity of "remote viewing." AIR
could be counted on to keep the secrets. In the 1970s, the Army's Office of
the Inspector General released declassified files disclosing a series of
CIA-DoD behavior modification experiments conducted in prisons, mental
hospitals and campuses from 1950 through 1971. The documents identified 44
laboratories enriched with public tax funds for secret, inhumane brain
research. The first on the list was AIR. SRI also received funding. An
in-house "study" ensured CIA personnel would not be dragged in from the

Some of the aims of the research:

Inducing toxic psychosis, terminal cancer, stress, sleep, headaches and
chemical lobotomies.
Developing foods that taste normal but stimulate fear and anxiety.
The concoction of drugs to facilitate the brainwashing of civilians.
Using LSD-25 and electrodes in the brain to pinpoint pain centers.
A number of SRI spinoffs have taken "remote viewing" into the private
sector. A brochure for the Farsight Institute states flatly that technology
is used, and promotes the "alien" diversion: "The Farsight Institute (TFI)
was founded by Courtney Brown, Ph.D., in 1995, evolving from a research
program that he conducted in the early 1990s, described in his book Cosmic
Voyage: A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth (Dutton
1996). Dr. Brown's investigations began with his training in a remote
viewing technology that had previously been used by the U.S. military during
highly classified operations in the 1980s and '90s.

"Historically, the principal breakthroughs with this technology were made at
Stanford Research Institute in the 1970s and 1980s by the gifted artist and
natural psychic, Ingo Swann. The vision of The Farsight Institute is to
promote the continued research most modern and effective forms of this
continually evolving technology."

Other "remote viewing" gurus from the SRI program have sprung up like poison
mushrooms around the country, ranting about the paranormal, scapegoating
"aliens." The rhetoric is a serious development in mind control ñ cult
programming for mass consumption. The populace is now subjected to the same
crazed systems used to indoctrinate recruits of the mind control cults.
Psi-Tech founder Ed Dames claimed on Art Bell's syndicated radio program
that his company can comb the "collective uncounscious" for answers to such
mysteries as the origins of the AIDS virus. By scanning the "Global Mind,"
Dames claims, "we perceived massive global weather changes that preclude
growing crops, a tremendous problem with epidemics and pandemics in Third
World countries because it appears the ozone problem is increasing the
mutation rate. We're perceiving a bovine AIDS that kills a lot of babies."
The future "get grimmer after that."

Parapsychology, E.T.s and the Apocalypse are not just for the tabloids
anymore – the intelligence community wants the you to believe ... believe

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