-Caveat Lector-

Nonviolence is about personal attitudes, about
becoming the change we wish to see in the world.
Because, a nation's collective attitude is based on
the attitude of the individual. Nonviolence is about
building positive relationships with all human beings
+ relationships that are based on love, compassion,
respect, understanding and appreciation.

If you have any concerns about why Yellowstone
National Park (YNP) Rangers are in Montana assisting
with the slaughter of America's last wild buffalo -
you should call Cheryl (your public servant paid by
your tax dollars) and  chat with her about it. (Please
note YNP has a new Park Supervisor this year).  Speak
from your heart and with compassion.

America was born again on September 11. Citizens who
weren't particularly religious suddenly found God,
while those who already followed the light helped
shine it into public sanctuaries that had long been
protected by the principle of separation of church and
state so cherished by the founding fathers. Coins
bearing the motto "In God We Trust" were transformed
into religious icons, and the Pledge of Allegiance
became an excuse to say "under God."

U.S. tobacco companies attempted to amend the new U.S.
anti-terrorism law to stop Canada and other countries
from suing them in U.S. courts for billions of dollars
in taxes lost to cigarette smuggling.

Have you ever wondered what emits those strange
mechanical hums behind certain doors in academic
buildings? Or what lies beneath the manholes on campus
sidewalks? Or how the power plant spreads its juice to
all the buildings?

Syria’s highest Islamic authority, Ahmad Kataro, the
Grand Mufti of Damascus, has stated that the Israeli
intelligence service Mossad is implicated in the
September 11 attacks which destroyed New York’s Twin
Towers and part of the Pentagon building in

A day after US President George W. Bush offered to
bring India and Pakistan together for "good and
meaningful talks" on the Kashmir issue, Secretary of
State Colin Powell ruled out any mediation in what
could be a setback for Pakistan President Pervez

This piece documents how closely the CIA and the
Taliban, and perhaps, Osama bin Laden really are, and
hints at the value of Afghanistan to CIA as a tactical
opportunity to capture a new drug supply. It turns out
that the niece of former CIA Director Richard Helms is
the defacto ambassador to the Taliban, and thus, the
principle political buffer between the US and Osama
bin Laden. Moreover, it highlights how badly the
administration and intelligence community does NOT
want Osama bin Laden captured and brought to justice.

Within minutes, they were comparing the attack on
America with Pearl Harbour; the massive blockbuster
movie of the same name only recently having left the
'big screen' and still fresh in the minds of millions.
'It's like a movie,' was the initial response of
millions of stunned onlookers.

The Vice President is an oil executive and former
Secretary of Defense. The National Security Advisor is
a director of a transnational oil corporation and a
Russia scholar. The Secretary of State is a man with
no diplomatic experience, and the former Chair of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. The other interesting
appointment is Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of
Defense. Rumsfeld is the former CEO of Searle
Pharmaceuticals. He and Cheney were featured as
speakers at the May, 2000, Russian- American Business
Leaders Forum. So the consistent currents in this
cabinet are petroleum, the former Soviet Union, and
the military. Based on the record of Daddy Bush, in
all his guises, and the general trajectory of US
foreign policy as far back as the Carter
Administration, I feel I can reasonably conclude that
Middle Eastern and South Asian fossil fuels are one of
their major preoccupations.

Washington: Parent of the Taliban and Colombian Death

The Israelis have been retaliating by shooting and
killing (assassinating) the main militants involved in
Hamas that are waging the "jihad" or "holy war"
against the "Zionists" This has to do with the
founding of the State of Israel and the modern day
government. These "Zionists" want to reclaim the
Temple Mount to rebuilt the "Third Temple of Soloman"
for the preparation of the coming Messiah. The only
problem is that the land where this is, is currently
occupied by the muslims and is the home of the Al-Aqsa
Mosque, where thousands of muslims come to worship.
But, the main thing people must realize here, is that
eventually, the "GREAT PLAN" is for Israel to take
back the property, somehow, in order to do this. They
must if they wish to rebuilt the "Temple of Soloman"
on the previous Temple Mount where it once stood. It
is my belief and the contention of a number of authors
that the State of Israel was set up for this purpose
by the family (Royal Davidic Bloodline) Merovingians,
in order to bring forth their groomed "heir" to the
throne of Jerusalem, and rule the world in the coming
one-world government. This has been a plan of theirs
for 2000 years now, and they are probably getting a
bit tired of waiting.

BIG changes are imminent at the Mossad, Israel's
renowned intelligence service. The director, Ephraim
Halevy, likes his job, wants to keep it and has fended
off the ambitions of his deputy, General Amiram
Levine, who wanted to succeed him. FOREIGN REPORT's
sources say the prime minister, Ehud Barak, has
decided to appoint a deputy director to succeed
Levine. Two candidates are favoured and Barak may make
a decision shortly, possibly this week.

Sayed Ali welcomed the fall of the Taliban, but the
new political and social freedoms now on offer mean
little to the poverty-stricken Afghan farmer. What is
important is that he can grow opium poppies again - he
has already planted his first crop.

When Mr George W Bush, in his first reaction to the
attacks in America, told the Americans that freedom
had been attacked, he obviously meant that the
American way of life and civil liberties had come
under attack by those presumably wanting to deface and
petrify them.
But no sooner had Mr. George Bush’s statement
resonated across America than his administration
embarked on dismantling the most cherished American
edifice of civil liberties.

The Federation of American Scientists on Wednesday
told a 144-nation conference on banning germ warfare
that the U.S. anthrax attacks were "almost certainly"
derived from a U.S. government laboratory.

Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that
investigates and prosecutes government corruption,
today announced that it would be filing a Freedom of
Information Act lawsuit against the State and Defense
Departments in order to obtain documents concerning
the Carlyle Group, an international consulting and
investment firm which retains former President George
H.W. Bush.

Public Citizen has sued the Bush administration to
overturn an executive order that would severely limit
access to presidential records.

A well-funded business front group, the Washington
Legal Foundation, is one of many using September 11th
to condemn the patriotism of public interest
activists. In today's biweekly "In All Fairness" ad in
The New York Times, WLF's Daniel Popeo condemns
"self-anointed consumer protection groups, working
closely with profiteering plaintiff lawyers,"
"Naderite food police" and "no-growth activists,"
saying that "in the post-September 11 world we can no
longer afford to put the narrow agendas of a 'public
interest' elite ahead of our own national interests."
Look for this rhetorical attack to heighten in the
months ahead as corporate front groups exploit tragedy
and war for political gain.

As the United States and her allies buckle up for the
new war on terrorism, many representatives of the
mainstream media have begun to feel pressure to
confine their reporting and limit it to State
Department and Pentagon press releases. No doubt, this
is standard procedure for a wartime news culture. But
how does the public then draw the line between
information and propaganda? And to what degree will
the government, itself, manipulate the media in order
to create the most favorable public opinion of the war
and its new domestic policies during these critical

Mainstream news coverage of the terrorist attack on
the World Trade Center has left little room for
speculation about the true identities and intentions
of its masterminds. As television monitors around the
world broadcast recurring images of the once mighty
Manhattan skyline, now reduced into a smoldering pile
of dust and rubble, forces are gathering to inflict
what is sure to be one of the most brutal retaliatory
strikes in the history of modern combat. And, despite
the lessons learned from Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, and
Oklahoma City, both the U.S. Congress and the American
public have been pushed to the brink of entering a
long and difficult battle against an indistinguishable
foe in a heretofore unconquerable land.

Silencing Powell: Between American Reticence and
Israeli Intransigence

A few hours later, as Palestinian children headed to
school, the mine exploded. Five school children were
instantly reduced to broken flesh. The youngest was
aged just six.
Initially, the Israeli army denied any guilt, alleging
instead that the children had played with an old
unexploded (Israeli) tank shell.

But after left-wing Israelis like Meretz leader Yossi
Sarid accused the government of a cover-up, the
occupation army at last admitted "indirect

Colin Powell has laid out a plan to follow through on
the George Mitchell and Warren Rudman plan to prod
Israel into a peace settlement with the Palestinians
who inhabit the land it seized in 1967.

Ariel Sharon is in the US today and is being welcomed
with red carperts all around.  Belgian courts have
already decided there is enough evidence for trials
to proceed not only on his role in the massacre of
refugees and others at Sabra and Shatila but for his
role in more recent atrocities.  Released documents
last week reveal perhaps hundreds were "dissappeared"
not by phalangists in Lebanon but by Israeli forces
under Sharon's command.  This is not to mention his
direct role in the massacres at Qibya in 1953 and Gaza
in eth 1970s.

Enron suffers biggest collapse in corporate history

Despite the counter-terrorist campaign going on in
Afghanistan, the scale of drug trafficking from this
country across the Afghan-Tajik border to the Central
Asian countries, to Russia, and further to the West
has not diminished.

Nepal asked the world community for military help to
fight against Maoist rebels. India responded. During
his yesterday’s telephone conversation with Nepalese
king Gyanendra, Indian prime-minister Atal Bihari
Vajpayee proposed to render any assistance in
suppression of terrorist activities of the leftist
groups. India considers Maoists to be terrorists, what
was declared by the prime-minister.

Two Chinese citizens and one from the Myanmar
Republic, formerly Burma, have been caught and
arrested in the Chinese province of Yunnan, with the
skins of 23 Bengali tigers, 33 leopards and 134 sea
otters, all of which are animals threatened with

Recent anti-terrorism legislation has given Carnivore
-- the FBI's online snooping tool -- increased powers.
But privacy-minded citizens can foil the Feds with a
few simple tools.

And I need to make something else very clear here. I'm
an ex-cop, and you know that. I watched the firemen
and the policemen in New York and I wept. Because that
is who I am and what I am and that's America. What
America is not is what has been done around the world
to cause enormous anger at the United States, whether
it be the genocide of 2 million people in Rwanda for
U.S. economic interest.

"Until now they have spoken about targeted hits," said
the leftwing opposition leader, Yossi Sarid, referring
to Israel's strategy of assassinating Palestinian
activists. "Yesterday was absolutely not a targeted
killing," he told Israel Radio yesterday. "It's a
residential area. What kind of bombs do you place in
an area where children pass by?"

Among those who helped design the Great Seal of the
United States the following are known to have been
Masons: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, William
Churchill Houston, and William Barton. Whether they
drew heavily upon Freemasonry in this work it is
impossible to assert but when an informed Mason
examines the Great Seal here is what he sees...

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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