-Caveat Lector-

One sentence, 23 words long: "Israel proposes to
immedialtely renew peace negotiations based on
recognition of the Palestinian right to establish a
state in all territory occupied in the Six-Day-War."
The government knows that this announcement would be
enough to cause an immediate revolutionary change in
Israeli-Palestinian relations; a change which would
start with a cease fire and end with a peace treaty.
The government knows it, but keeps silent. Knows it,
but refuses. Since for this government defending
settlements has priority over peace and security of
its own people.

Top Russian lawmakers said Moscow was free to stock up
on nuclear warheads to Cold War-era levels following a
US decision to scrap the 1972 ABM treaty in the face
of Kremlin efforts to save the disarmament pact.

Boston Action: 12/15 Defend Palestine Emergency Demo

In early 1970's Council on Foreign Relations leaders
Zbigniew Brzezinski, and David Rockefeller created the
Trilateral Commission. It included 60 members from
Japan, 60 from Western Europe and 205 Americans.
Almost all the Americans belong to the Council on
Foreign Relations.

A leading researcher on DNA sequencing analysis was
found dead in the secluded northern Virginia farmhouse
where he lived alone, police said.

Global climate change, often seen as a process
stretching over thousands of years, could in fact
occur abruptly and unexpectedly -- quickly pushing up
temperatures by as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit and
wreaking havoc on human society, scientists warned on

The basic proposition of the hard-liners is that the
business of business is making money, not employing
people or giving them charity. The task of companies
is to maximise profit for their owners, the
shareholders. Appeals for companies to feel
responsibility for the welfare of other "stakeholders"
– their employees, the local community, and the
environment—can only detract from the bottom line. It
is argued that widespread adoption of CSR would
undermine the foundations of the market

Thousands of civilians face starvation due to
violations of the right to food by all parties to the
Afghanistan conflict, warned a letter released on
International Human Rights Day by a coalition of
US-based organizations. The letter requests the UN
Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Swiss
professor Jean Ziegler, to call for "immediate
measures to prioritize humanitarian relief and prevent
further violations of international human rights and
humanitarian law."

A long and bitter legal battle at the nation's only
progressive radio network, marked by protests and
arrests at Houston's KPFT 90.1 FM, ended Wednesday in
an Oakland, Calif., courtroom.

A recent UN Report confirms that opium production
plummeted in Afghanistan last year except in Northern
Alliance areas, thanks to a Taliban decree outlawing
its cultivation. However what might have been a major
curtailment of world heroin trafficking will
apparently not now happen. Instead there are reports
we can anticipate future increases of opium
cultivation now that the Taliban has been defeated.

In a recent Nation article Richard Falk, a well known
professor of international law and a major voice
against the Vietnam war, who says he has not supported
a shooting war since his childhood, writes that the
war in Afghanistan  is “the first truly just war since
World War II.”

With the grounding of virtually all civilian air
flights in the immediate aftermath of the September 11
terrorist attacks, the bizarre speculation about
what’s happening in North American air space
heightened. Columbus Alive received numerous citizen
reports concerning airplanes “spraying” or leaving
behind mysterious “chemtrails” or “contrail grids” in
the sky. Some feared we were under biochemical attack
while others postulated we were being inoculated
against anthrax or some other biochemical hazard.

Now Fox News has learned some U.S. investigators
believe that there are Israelis again very much
engaged in spying in and on the U.S., who may have
known things they didn't tell us before September 11.
Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron has details in the
first of a four-part series.

President Bush (news - web sites) invoked executive
privilege for the first time Thursday to keep Congress
from seeing documents of prosecutors' decision-making
in cases ranging from a decades-old Boston murder to
the Clinton-era fund-raising probe.

Jammu and Kashmir is one of the most militarised
regions in the world having approximately 700,000
security forces stationed there.  In the eleven years
since some elements of the pro-independence movement
chose to use violence, 34,000 people, thousands of who
were civilians, including the elderly, children, women
and other non-combatants, have reportedly been killed.

A German amateur investigator finds information on the
U.S. government's friendly dealings with war
criminals. Meanwhile, the FBI and CIA guard their

In the month since the Bush administration launched a
high-profile clampdown on the networks that finance
Osama bin Laden, no suspects named on a U.S. list are
known to remain in custody and even some of America's
closest allies complain the move was not accompanied
by enough evidence.

First off, we learn that the Mossad often receives
information from the CIA, while it has a policy of
never giving such information out - even if the lives
of Americans are in danger. Also, we discover that a
super-secret division of the Mossad (called Al) is
active in New York and Washington - engaged in spying
on American citizens, recruiting Jewish "helpers", and
carrying out covert activities. It employs between 24
and 27 field personnel, and most of their activity is
with U.S. borders (primarily New York and Washington).

A Boeing 767, United Airlines Flight 175, is swallowed
by South Tower while an unnoticed  supersonic aircraft
directs a missile into Building 7 of the WTC complex,
passing its target at almost the same second that
sight of the doomed airliner is replaced by the impact
explosion, an explosion just beginning to blossom.

Lyndon LaRouche, the Democratic Party pre-Presidential
candidate, issued a blunt warning on Dec. 9, 2001,
that the policies being pursued by Ariel Sharon and
top officials of the Israeli Defense Force will surely
lead to the self-destruction of Israel, and its future
vilification as a Nazi-like state, guilty of hideous
crimes against the Palestinian and Arab people.

International Relations Committee today (December 12,
2001).  If passed, it will give the Bush
administration authority for a massive attack on
Iraq.  Such an attack will kill a lot of innocent
Iraqi civilians.  It will turn large numbers of
Muslims completely against the United States and
destroy any remnants of sympathy people may still have
for us as victims of terrorist attack.  It will
certainly increase violence in the Middle East
generally and may lead to an international war.

According to Mr. Blythe, Kristol and Kagan are not
alone in urging us toward what they call "The Right
War" (2), but are joined by "Charles Krauthammer,
Norman Podhoretz, William Safire, Morton Kondracke,
Don Feder, Ben Wattenberg, and Mona Charen." He adds
that "In the Bush administration, Paul Wolfowitz is
the most prominent advocate of a multi-front war."

The war in Afghanistan and the government commitment
to a long fight against terrorism at home and abroad
foreshadow increases both in defense budgets and, more
importantly, in the government spending in new
equipment and technology, analysts said.

Significant changes are under way in the federal
government's war on terrorism, including unprecedented
electronic surveillance measures designed to uncover
terrorist cells in the U.S.

Activists in the Green Party of the United States are
asking the U.S. to hold the government of Israel
accountable for the latest wave of bloodshed, and
insist that Israel seek  negotiation instead of the
"War on Terrorism" against the Palestinian people that
Israel's own policy of assassination recently ignited.

The Northern Alliance is fiercely opposed to any
sizeable international force being deployed in
Afghanistan, but this is not the main reason for
Blair’s hesitancy. Rather, for the first time since
President Bush declared his “war on terrorism”, there
are open divisions between the US and Britain, as well
as serious differences over policy within each
country’s ruling elites.

The Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence [ISI]
was founded in 1948 by a British army officer, Maj Gen
R Cawthome, then Deputy Chief of Staff in Pakistan
Army. Field Marshal Ayub Khan, the president of
Pakistan in the 1950s, expanded the role of ISI in
safeguarding Pakistan's interests, monitoring
opposition politicians, and sustaining military rule
in Pakistan.

Asked how he pleaded to the charges, guilty or not
guilty, Mr. Milosevic reacted like his old defiant
self and said: 'This miserable text is the ultimate
absurdity. I should be given credit for peace in
Bosnia, not war.' Responsibility for the Bosnian war,
he went on, 'lies with the Western powers that broke
up Yugoslavia and their Yugoslav agents.' Because he
failed to respond with a plea, the court entered a
plea of not guilty.

Israeli army bulldozers today demolished the
Palestinian television and radio broadcasting centre
in Ramallah, in the West Bank, and were preparing to
blow up the main transmitting mast, an AFP reporter at
the scene said.

Pope John Paul II called Tuesday for an end to the
embargo on Iraq and said the Church would share in the
"unjustly inflicted" suffering of Iraqis on Friday, a
day of fasting for Catholics.

The controversy, rumours and speculation surrounding
the FBI's Magic Lantern tool has attracted ridicule
from the internet underground.

Not so any more. Now both the infamous hacker group
the Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc) and Microsoft have
offered a helping hand to the Feds and are preparing
to include the surveillance software in all future
editions and updates of the new Microsoft Windows XP
operating system.

The situation in the West Bank and Gaza is extremely
bad. The criminal Sharon government has now formally
cut off ties even with the Palestinian Authority and
has launched massive bombardment and an attack intent
on reoccupying the 18% of the West Bank and Gaza which
include Palestinian population centers.

Last night the Israeli army raided the West Bank and
Gaza Strip, with the War Criminal Sharon unleashing
his full military might and terrorizing the
Palestinian civilian population. The Israeli attack on
Gaza last night was a horrific and an intolerable act
of terrorism which obviously violates our U.S. Arms
Exports Control Act. I mean Israel has gone way over
board in using our American made Apache Helicopters
and F-16 fighters that struck with missiles weighing
1500lb, completing the destruction of Gaza civilian

In the US, organized criminal activity has never been
a serious threat to established economic and political
power sructures, but more often a fluid, variable, and
open-ended phenomenon that complemented those

It may seem strange to you that while people are dying
and Israeli leaders are fast cutting off the contacts
that preserve the option of talking rather than
killing, CPT is sending you an Urgent Action Appeal
about curfew in Hebron.

The 7 December 2001 broadcast of the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation's As It Happens [Real Audio
link] uncovered a disturbing example of corporate and
political interference in freedom of the press. The
program reported on a new editorial policy directive
from CanWest Global, a leading Canadian media
conglomerate, that impairs readers' ability to make up
their own minds about the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, among other issues.

Neighborhoods are under curfew, and Israeli tanks have
taken up locations within the city. These area's are
also being monitored by drone helicopters for
collection information, and wearabouts of Palestinian
Authority policeman and guards for targets.

We are under a new air attack in Ramallah as I write!

In the light of the dramatic escalation of violence
over the last 24 hours, Richard Burden MP, Chair of
BPAPG (Britain Palestine All Party Group) has called
for an emergency debate in the House of Commons on the
Middle East crisis.

Below are two articles in the Yale Herald about
Continua magazine (a magazine by Yale students
speaking of truths not frequently heard in the US
media, its debut issue was released with articles
about so many topics including basic human rights). I
think it is legally actionable to label people who
criticize Israel as anti-Semitic.  At best it is a
cop-out and intellectually dishonest. I urge the
editors to take the Yale Herald to task for publishing
such venom about them being "anti-Semitic" (BTW, two
of the six student editors of Continua are Jewish).

A Harvard trained public health expert has released a
stunning report exposing links between leading
suspects in the anthrax mailings case and top
bioweapons developer Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI)
of West Jefferson, Ohio. The report considers the
widely criticized FBI inquiry and concludes
investigators have been blocked by officials linked to
pharmaceutical company profiteers.

The first chapter closed yesterday on an historic case
involving New York State's 150-year-old "mask law,"
says attorney Ron Kuby. Fourteen anarchists who had
been arrested on May Day 2000 for "masquerading in
public" at a march for undocumented workers' rights
received a verdict of guilty from Judge Ellen Coyne of
Manhattan Criminal Court. She sentenced them to two
days' community services - prosecutors had asked for
15 - and fines of $60 apiece, plus 15 days in jail if
they don't complete the community service.

The Skeptical Environmentalist presents itself as a
work of impartial scholarship, an attempt to test the
validity of various environmental concerns through a
careful analysis of the evidence. In fact, it's a
polemic, an intellectually dishonest tract filled with
glaring omissions, appalling errors of fact and
analysis, and inaccurate characterizations of contrary
arguments. There are some valid points as well --
Greenpeace and other advocacy groups have distorted
scientific information for their own ends -- but
Lomborg must be read with a very skeptical eye.

On Sept. 20, as much of the country was still in shock
from the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade
Center, self-proclaimed members of the Animal
Liberation Front firebombed a primate research lab in
New Mexico, causing $1 million in damage.

For nearly a decade, U.S. Army scientists at Dugway
Proving Ground in Utah have made small quantities of
weapons-grade anthrax that is virtually identical to
the powdery spores used in the mail attacks that have
killed five people, government sources say.

Public opinion polls have become a kind of Fifth
Estate in American politics. As soon as they are
released, poll results become fodder to justify
policies, attack opponents or wage wars. When the
numbers hover around 90 percent, as do Bush's current
approval ratings, they are political gospel. After
all, when 9 out of 10 Americans agree, the country's
resolve must be strong as steel ... Or is it?

Afghanistan is a tragic country. The Soviet-backed
coup and subsequent invasion in 1979 ushered in more
than two decades of brutal war. During the 1980's, the
US supplied at least USD 32 billion [1] of military
aid to the mujahadeen, the Islamic opposition to the
Soviet regime. The US explicitly channelled their
funding to the most fanatical and violent islamists in
an attempt to cause the maximum damage to the

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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