-Caveat Lector-

The Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS) have denied Human Rights
Watch access to detention centers that hold people
arrested in relation to the September 11 terrorist
investigation. The INS has also said that it cannot
provide information regarding a Pakistani citizen who
died in its custody unless Human Rights Watch produces
a document with the man’s signature indicating his
consent to the release of information. The man,
Mohammed Butt, died on October 23 allegedly of
unspecified heart problems.

The most powerful warlord during the Mujaheddin's
battle against Kabul regime. The most destructive and
antisocial element during the years 1970-1975. He
carried out a number of terrorists acts within
territory of Afghanistan during the Mohammad Daoud
presidency and following regimes . Gollbuddin Attended
two years of engineering faculty in Kabul University
and involved in politics in late 1970 and became
member of "Ikhwan-e Muslimin" (Muslims' Brothers)
movement in 1970. He received most of military and
financial aides from the United States government and
CIA during the Afghan War against Kabul regime.
After that Mujaheddin became to the power of Kabul
regime, Gollbuddin has continued fighting against
Raban's government and his Defense Minister Ahmad Shah

Let's look at the heroin boom of the 1980s. In the
1980s, CIA op-erations again played a role in the
revival of the U.S. drug problem. In 1979, the Soviets
invaded Afghanistan and the Sandinistas seized power
in Nicaragua, prompting two more CIA operations with
some revealing similarities. Let us now pay
particularly close attention to the CIA's Afghan
operation. Not only is the Afghan operation
simultaneous and similar to the controversial contra
operation, but its direct and negative impact on U.S.
drug supply is beyond question or controversy.

On December the 12th 1969 the bombing began, with one
bomb in Milan and three in Rome. The bombs in Rome
left eighteen wounded, the bomb in Milan killed
seventeen and injured eighty-eight. Police acting on
information from S.I.D. ( intelligence agency)
arrested two anarchists for the Milan bomb, later
murdering one of them , Giuseppe Pinelli , with a fake
suicide. Despite mounting evidence that this was a
Fascist bomb, the official party line for years
afterward was blame the Anarchists. Later the
Establishment view changed and the idea that this was
a joint operation between Anarchists and Fascists is
propounded! Eventually a number of Fascists are tried,
convicted and imprisoned but are acquitted, as is the
surviving Anarchist. One of the bombers acquitted for
"lack of evidence" was Guido Giannette a S.I.D.
agent.. When Giannette became a suspect, the secret
state sent him out of Italy and continued to pay his
wages after the arrest warrant had been issued.

Quick on the heels of Taliban defeat, starving farmers
are replanting the opium poppies banned under the
Islamist regime, giving rise to fears of renewed drug
warlordism. Engaged in the shooting war, Washington
may be turning a blind eye to a favorite income source
of its allies, says Pacific News Service commentator
Peter Dale Scott -- bad news for those who want to
reduce global heroin production. Scott is a former
Canadian diplomat and professor emeritus at the
University of California, Berkeley, and has authored
numerous books on drugs and U.S. foreign policy.

The CIA's biowarfare program is now being
investigated. The Washington Post reported a law
enforcement source said the FBI did not initially
include the CIA on its list of labs working with
anthrax because the agency was not among 91 labs
registered with the federal Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention to transfer anthrax specimens.
But as investigators interviewed workers at those
known labs, they learned of the CIA's work, and in the
past few weeks posed questions about it to the agency.

How can a democratic people have confidence in elected
officials who hide the records of their actions from
public view?

Analysis of Sharon's order to liquidate Hamas leader
suggests it was calculated to trigger an escalating
cycle of violence.

Sen. Lieberman: "war against terrorism cannot end
before Saddam Hussein is out of power in Iraq"


What's next?  How will they handle the worldwide
derision over the latest bin Laden video?

The Forest Service is moving to change Clinton-era
policies designed to protect undeveloped portions of
national forests.

This pamphlet is an excerpt from The Knouto-Germanic
Empire and the Social Revolution and included in The
Complete Works of Michael Bakunin under the title

The Pentagon's psychological warfare campaign in
Afghanistan has taken an unusual turn in recent weeks.

Adding to the suspicions is the fact that in Israel,
Comverse works  closely with the Israeli government,
and under special programs, gets  reimbursed for up to
50 percent of its research and development costs by
the Israeli Ministry of Industry and Trade.  But
investigators within the  DEA, INS and FBI have all
told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest  Israeli
spying through Comverse is considered career suicide.

The US military is continuing its relentless bombing
of the Tora Bora area of Afghanistan after sabotaging
a surrender deal negotiated last week between Afghani
militia leaders and pro-Taliban fighters holed up in
cave complexes in the rugged mountains. Claiming that
it now has Osama bin Laden and other senior Al Qaeda
figures cornered, the US is conducting what amounts to
a systematic slaughter.

The most significant feature of November’s elections
for the new assembly in Kosovo is the continued
failure of the political successors of the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) to win any substantial support
at the ballot box.
Workers employed by capital receive a wage equivalent
to the value of the commodity they sell, their labour
power, or capacity to work. Once having purchased this
commodity, the capitalist, like every other purchaser
of a commodity, is entitled to its use value. The use
value of labour power is that it is a source of
additional value, which it creates during the process
of production. Suppose that the value of labour power
(paid in the form of wages) is equivalent to half a
day’s labour. Then at the end of four hours, the
worker will have reproduced the value of his labour
power. But as we know, the worker does not work for
four hours, but for eight hours, or a longer period.
During that period, the worker creates additional or
surplus value, over and above the value of the labour
power he sold to the capitalist.

Everything that Mr. Putin has earned by spectacular
improvement of relations with China, India, Vietnam,
Cuba and some other countries collapsed nearly
overnight. What has surfaced was Gorbachev's primitive

concept of 'common human values' - i.e. subordination
of Russia's interests to those of the West.

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to
create a one-world government combining
super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent,
under their control...Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do.
I am convinced there is such a plot, international in
scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly
evil in intent." Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976,
killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down
by the Soviets.

Yes, that is correct, it's called HR3162. If you don't
have a copy of it, I suggest you get one. Now. It just
removed the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights from
our existence. Do NOT believe the lie that this
document, and others like it, will be "Grand fathered"
or simply done away with after four years. This will
not happen. Do NOT take solace in the fact that this
Legislation is "only" aimed at those weird, brown-
skinned Arab types....you know, the ones with towels
on their heads..... Think again - you and I are next.
This is precisely the very same tract taken by every
petty Dictator, Tyrant or wann-be starting with Rome,
or before, running through Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini
all those bozo's in Africa, and on, and on.

FBI: Hope You Can Come!

Frontline: Animal Liberation Totals for 2001

Gangs of Northern Alliance soldiers have unleashed a
crime wave of looting and killing in Kabul which is
awakening nostalgia for the Taliban

An Iraqi opposition leader has lobbied the US
government with a war plan against Saddam Hussein,
calling for an air assault and the deployment of
American special forces.

Dear FBI Director Robert Mueller,

I don’t know whether you have seen Sunday’s Washington
Post (Dec. 16, 2001) article by authors Rick Weiss and
Susan Schmidt entitled “Capitol Hill Anthrax Matches
Army’s Stocks: 5 Labs Can Trace Spores to Ft.
Detrick,” in which a short list of your chief suspects
is provided?  I am pleased to read these revelations,
and wish to further facilitate your investigation
toward a successful conclusion. As a Harvard-trained
public health authority and independent investigator
published in the field of using the FBI’s motivational
model for investigating serial homicides involving
infectious agents, I want you to know that on Monday
December 10, I released a 20-page detailed report to
the press, to members of Congress, and to your bureau
chiefs, which has largely propelled these recent
mainstream media identifications of the Battelle
Memorial Institute (BMI) and the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) as your principle suspects in the anthrax
mailings mystery.

As the assets of two more American Muslim charities
were frozen on Friday, American Muslims are watching
closely to see if the same standards apply to
non-Muslim groups who allegedly support terrorism-even
terrorism against fellow Americans right here at home.
 Concern is growing so much, in fact, that a
well-respected American Muslim organization, the
Public Affairs Council (www.mpac.org), is
incorporating a discussion of domestic terrorism into
its national convention on December 29th in Los

This is the third failed attempt in a year by the UN
to establish a monitoring force in the Occupied
Territories and the second time in a year that the US
has vetoed the Security Councils' draft Resolution.

Over the past four years we had discovered massive
evidence of gold market manipulation. None of that
evidence contradicts our initial assertion that gold
was not allowed to rise in price due to an
effort of certain bullion banks. Unfortunately, we
learned the gold price manipulation extends to the
International Monetary Fund, the Bank for
Settlements, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United
States, and the U.S. Treasury's Exchange Stabilization

Dear NPR:

Linda Gradstein today again ignored the facts, and
picked news clips and items as if there is only an
Israeli governmental version of the world to report to

Drugs, Impunity and the CIA

Since the day of infamy on September 11, 2001,
conspiracy theories have been rampant about what
happened in the terror attacks against the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon by hijacked planes. (Gee,
imagine that?) There's been many questions asked, but
the biggest of all, of course, is "Who done it?" While
the chorus of the korporate media has focused almost
completely on lone nut evil madman Osama bin Laden -
or, perhaps, that other evil crazy Muslim monster
Saddam Hussein - in their own officially sanctioned
conspiracy theory, there have been numerous
alternative theories presented in the underground
press: Israel and Mossad, China and the PLA, Russia
and the KGB, MI6 and the Royal Crown, and, of course,
the always nominated Illuminati.

Last week Barron's published an essay by Robert D.
Auerbach, a professor at the University of Texas,
complaining about the Federal Reserve's active
concealment of the public policies it carries out.
Interestingly, one of the Fed meetings cited by
Auerbach is the one in whose minutes GATA's
investigators discovered what we consider to be the
smoking-gun reference to "gold swaps" undertaken by
the U.S. Treasury Department, the Federal Open
Market Committee meeting of January 31, 1995.

God forbid dollarization! It would be the end of our
nationality. Look, I’ll put it differently; we know
very well that biodiversity is a good thing, that we
must preserve species, that we must preserve species
from extinction. Well, for the same reason we must
avoid the extinction of nationalities, because they
are what gives flavor and human quality to this world.
And if we become the same as Americans, and part of
their culture, through dollarization, the world will
have lost something very valuable: Mexican culture.

North American gold miners Barrick Gold and Homestake
Mining have wrapped up their $US 2.3 billion ($4.43
billion) merger, clearing the way for the expanded
Barrick to enter the battle for Normandy Mining.

Every person in the world would be fingerprinted and
registered under a universal identification scheme to
fight illegal immigration and people smuggling
outlined at a United Nations meeting today.

1.  German firm close to identifying
probable-advance-knowledge WTC crashbombing
financial-market profiteers

2.  Frame-up:  Dates entirely wrong on video,
President viewing, full moon, Ramadan references --
reduces probability of video authenticity to near-zero
based on this one timing issue alone.

3.  Did heroin profit returns from Afgan raw opium
play a role in State Department/CIA buying cooperation
among druglord  tribes to form the "Northern

Russia hopes that the US will consult with European
countries before starting a war on terrorism beyond
the bounds of Afghanistan, the Russian President said
in his interview with the Financial Times. However,
the Russian president warned against military
agression against Iraq. The anti-terrorist coalition’s
next task should block sources of terrorist
activities’ financing, he stated. Though, for the time
being, we have neither information nor proof of Iraq
financing terrorist activities.

Eye-witnesses claimed that the Mosque was attacked as
the Hammas leaders prayed inside the Mosque of Al
Rahma in the Al Rimal suburb of Gaza City in the Gaza
Strip. Various missiles were fired by Israeli


The topic was an investigative series that appeared
last summer in the San Jose Mercury News. Written by
Gary Webb, "Dark Alliance" explained that millions of
dollars from the sale of drugs went to support the
Nicaraguan Contras during the Reagan years. Most
newsworthy was the type of drug sold -- crack cocaine.
At the cost of ruined lives in America's inner city,
Ollie North funded his illegal war. For his work, Gary
Webb received Journalist of the Year honors from the
Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Northern
California Chapter.

Prescription For Scandal:
Biological Psychiatry's Faustian Pact

Janis Besler Heaphy, president and publisher of The
Sacramento Bee, was speaking before the largest crowd
ever for a CSUS graduation ceremony about the threats
to civil liberties posed by the federal government's
investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks. Her comments
were drowned out about five minutes into the
eight-minute speech when a segment of the audience
began to stomp and clap in protest to her words.

A powerful Washington, D.C., law firm with unusually
close ties to the White House has earned hefty fees
representing controversial Saudi billionaires as well
as a Texas-based Islamic charity fingered last week as
a terrorist front.

When is American foreign policy going to start putting
America first? The US had nothing to gain, and
everything to lose, by vetoing a UN resolution
condemning violence on all sides in the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The resolution condemned
terrorism, no matter what the source, called for the
creation of a "monitoring mechanism" to prevent
violence, denounced executions without trial, and said
the destruction of property must cease. You gotta
problem with that?

"We seek a genuine Palestinian state....with Jerusalem
as its capital, alongside the state of Israel."

Sept. 12:
For Mayor Willie Brown, the first signs that something
was amiss came late Monday when he got a call from
what he described as his airport security -- a full
eight hours before yesterday's string of terrorist
attacks -- advising him that Americans should be
cautious about their air travel.

676 pages of files copied from FBI Headquarters in
Washington, D.C., and archived on CD-ROM covering the
Ku Klux Klan. Files contain approximately 350
narrative pages. Files chiefly cover the Louisiana
KKK, known as the Original Knights of the Ku Klux
Klan. Documents contain cursory information regarding
the FBI investigation of the Ku Klux Klan during 1964
and 1965 for possible violations of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 and other criminal activities.

Most of us accept the premise that terrorism is a
phenomenon that can be defeated only by better ideas,
by persuasion and, most importantly, by amelioration
of the conditions that inspire it. Terrorism's best
asset, in the final analysis, is the fire in the
bellies of its young men, and that fire cannot be
extinguished by Tomahawk missiles. If intelligent
Americans can accept that premise as a reasonable
basis for dealing with this nemesis, why is it so
difficult for our leaders to speak and act

During World War II, restrictions on shipping and
strict port security produced a marked hiatus in
global opium trafficking. In sum, the war cut the
long-distance smuggling routes between Asia and the
West, confining the drug traffic to regional markets.
Denied illicit opiates from Asia, the United States
drew limited supplies of low-grade heroin from Mexico
that failed to meet even a fraction of consumer
demand. By the end of the war, the US addict
population had dropped to an historic low of some
twenty thousand.

Throughout the Cold War the CIA used gangsters and
warlords, many of them drug dealers, to fight
communism. As the Cold War ended, the list of CIA
assets who used their alliance with the agency to deal
drugs had grown longer—Marseilles Corsicans, Lao
generals, Thai police, National Chinese irregulars,
Afghan rebels, Pakistani intelligence, Haitian
colonels, Mexican police units, and Guatemalan

The intelligence community of Pakistan, which was once
described by the "Frontier Post" of Peshawar (May
18,1994) as its "invisible government" and by the
"Dawn" of Karachi (April 25,1994) as "our secret
godfathers" consists of the Intelligence Bureau (IB)
and the ISI.  While the IB comes under the Interior
Minister, the ISI is part of the Ministry of Defence
(MOD).  Each wing of the Armed Forces has also its own
intelligence directorate for tactical MI.

James Cross, the British Trade Commissioner, was
kidnapped by the Liberation cell of the FLQ on October
5th, 1970. He was taken from his home on Redpath
Crescent in Montreal and held for 60 days in an
eight-by-fourteen room on des Recolletts Street in
Montreal North. He was eventually freed by police
action on Dec 3rd, 1970. Mr. Cross left Canada and
returned to England within days of his freedom. He
retired in 1980 and now lives in Seafort,England. Mr.
Cross is 79.

Winds of change in policy matters are blowing across
the world (is it?).  China with its own vulnerability
and strengths must be watching the prospective changes
in international security dynamics more closely than
ever before.  Chinese eyes on the current US
involvement in Afghanistan and the associated American
activities reflecting on regional and international
security imperatives might intend to accept the
present impasse both as a challenge and an opportunity
to include them in future national behaviour.

You are faced with a stark choice. Do you dedicate
yourself to an impossible cause? Or do you look after
your own, making do as best you can? The choice is
clear. You must dedicate yourself to an impossible
cause. Why? Because we are all incurables. Because
solidarity is a form of tenderness. Because the simple
act of caring for the world itself is a victory. Take
a stand – not because it will lead to anything, but
because it is the right thing to do. We never know
what can or can’t be done; only what must be done.

The latest hit limiting access to government business
came last week when President Bush invoked executive
privilege to block Congress from seeing prosecutors'
memos in some criminal cases. Even stalwart Republican
leaders were angered by the move, and rightfully so.

Anyone with a stomach ache and a bottle of antacid
could be subject to quarantine by the government
during a public health emergency under model
legislation financed by the federal Centers for
Disease Control, critics of the plan charge.

American Blackhawk helicopters have been spotted near
Mogadishu in Somalia. An eyewitness said the
helicopters flew at a very low level and were
photographing the region. The Blackhawks are well
known in Somalia from U.S. operations in 1993 that
left 18 Americans and over 300 Somalis dead. Sources
close to Somali leaders said American military
officials had also recently visited Mogadishu for
talks about new targets in next phase of the war on

“The first war of the 21st Century” was how Bush has
described the events sparked off by the suicide –and
murderous – attacks on the World Trade Center in New
York and the Pentagon in Washington on 11 September. A
chilling reminder that, under capitalism, things are
going to be no different this century than they were
in the last. But Bush's claim was not entirely
accurate, since the attack on America that Tuesday was
the continuation of a conflict that has been going on
for half-a-century, irrupting from time to time in
open warfare: the struggle for the control of the oil
resources of the Middle East.

Case by anguished case, family by tortured family, the
truth is starting to surface: The Mexican army and a
shadowy force of secret police systematically
kidnapped, brutalized and "disappeared" hundreds of
people in the 1970s as it crushed an array of leftist
guerrilla movements.

Israel Selects a New Target for the USA

An exercise in psychological warfare and damage
control: Pre-empt the claims that bin Laden is alive
and well, sighted someplace or other, after he fails
to be killed or apprehended -- which is exactly what
happened on December 17th, when even Rummy
acknowledged that bin Laden has disappeared without a
trace, and that they have neither killed nor captured

For A New Jerusalem Campaign

The U.S. government has broken international law and
the Geneva Convention many times with its brutal use
of force and horrific violence against persons and
property, to intimidate and coerce governments,
civilian populations, and many segments thereof, in
furtherance of political, social and especially
economic objectives.

President Bush may act on his own to install
controversial nominees at the Labor and State
departments if the Democratic Senate refuses to vote
on them this week. Senior administration officials
said Monday they are exploring ways to give Otto Reich
and Eugene Scalia temporary appointments during
Congress' recess. The officials, speaking on condition
of anonymity, said Bush has not made a final decision
but is likely to issue recess appointments if the
Senate doesn't act.

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call
girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." - CIA
operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor
Washington Post, on the availability and prices of
journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover
stories. As terrible as it is to live in a nation
where the press in known to be controlled by the
government, at least one has the advantage of knowing
the bias is present, and to adjust for it. In the
United States of America, we are taught from birth
that our press is free from such government meddling.
This is an insideous lie about the very nature of the
news institution in this country. One that allows the
government to lie to us while denying the very fact of
the lie itself.

All it takes is a little provocation, like like last
week's attack on the Parliament of India. Poof, World
War III gets another two players, and Dim Son's little
dilemma over his new muslim allies in Pakistan is
solved. Only problem is, this skirmish of the Great
Terror Crusade is likely to go nuclear. The following
are mostly from Indian sources.

The United States on Monday intensified the hunt for
al-Qaeda fighters after the apparent fall of their
compound at Tora Bora in Afghanistan, with one US
television network reporting that special forces had
been dispatched to Pakistan to head off fleeing enemy

Many people asked me what I should like to be done in
response to the WTC-attack. I can think of many
possibilities but all lead to nothing. Within the
present paradigm any solution is bound to fail. Our
political system in which elitist democracies in rich
countries are connected to feudal dictatorial regimes
in other countries cannot provide a lasting solution.
Something else has to happen.

The Pakistan government on Tuesday expressed
regret at new accusations from India of Pakistani
involvement in an attack on Indian Parliament and
offered to take part in a joint inquiry.

Militants belonging to Pakistan-backed
Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM), jailed by the Northern
Alliance in this remote prison alongwith over 300
Taliban fighters,
are hoping to get out on a general amnesty vowing to
fight against India in Kashmir and the new regime in

Abbie Hoffman's FBI files

Can Feds be sued for "covert actions?"

The Global Surveillance State predicted in the
December 2000 edition of my book Snitch Culture is
rising from the ashes of the September 11, 2001
attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Documents Should Lead to Indictments of Kissinger and

That was pretty exciting there, at least for a while:
the Northern Alliance was closing in on Osama bin
Laden, or so we were told, and the battle of Tora Bora
was going to be Al Qaeda's Gotterdammerung: the Mad
Sheik's last stand. They heard Osama's voice giving
commands to his beleaguered troops over the radio, and
brought in specialists to verify his DNA in case he
fell in battle. Pundits argued over whether he should
be tried in one of those special military tribunals,
and headlines screamed: Osama Cornered! Bin Laden
Finished! There's No Escape! Closer and closer the US
and its Afghan allies crept, until, at last … victory
evaporated into the mist, along with OBL himself.
Welcome to the "new war," the Surreal War, where
nothing – including "victory" – is quite what it

Over the weekend, George W. Bush told Americans that
illegal drug use among Americans was helping our
enemies by putting money in the hands of terrorists
and regimes that support them. There’s a sense in
this is true, but the issues of cause and effect
implied by such a statement are comically wrongheaded,
and need to be addressed.

A shortwave radio program focusing on anti-government
militia issues has caught the attention of the Federal
Communications Commission for broadcasting without a

The Jewish state is a virtual state that quickly loses
all remaining connection to reality. This ghost of a
state kills people and collects money in America; it
continues some nefarious existence, like the legal
term, "estate of the deceased". Its fields are worked
by imported guest workers, guarded by imported
Russians and Ethiopians, explained by Israeli
professors teaching forever in American universities
and by brave generals on the lookout for a big shake.
The unemployment grows daily, vital services are on
strike; the tourist industry collapsed, hotels are
boarded up and other branches of national economy are
close to collapse. Israelis buy flats in Florida and
Prague, while houses in Israel could not be sold.
Sharon's desire to punish Palestinians was similar to
punishing one's own left hand: Palestinians and
Israelis are intertwined and integrated, and this
separation kills the economy of both.

Dr. Charles Andrew Crenshaw, who became a favorite of
conspiracy buffs when he asserted three decades after
the assassination of John F. Kennedy that Lee Harvey
Oswald had not acted alone and that as a surgical
resident he saw four gunshot wounds in the fallen
president, has died. He was 68.

Einstein on Socialism

The U.S. is the only country that was condemned for
international terrorism by the World Court and that
rejected a Security Council resolution calling on
states to observe international law. It continues
international terrorism.

Coroporate Media Will not Admit that it was the hard
work of the progressive community that created the
climate that convinced the police not to cooperate
with the FBI.

The City-Parish Council has banned cable television
broadcasts of the public comment session at the end of
its meetings, a move critics say stifles free speech.

Al-Maqtari told of being interrogated for 12 hours
straight, lied to by the FBI, accused of beating his
wife, then locked up with little ability to contact
his wife or attorneys, all because Tiffinay Al-Maqtari
wore a head scarf to a recruiting center where she
enlisted in the Army, and because soldiers found box
cutters and New York City postcards in their car.

After a decision by a federal court, the Agriculture
Department has decided it will no longer shut down
meat processing plants that repeatedly fail to control
the salmonella bacteria.

The Northeast of recent historical memory could
disappear this century, replaced by a hotter and more
flood-prone region where New York could have the
climate of Miami and Boston could become as sticky as
Atlanta, according to the first comprehensive federal
studies of the possible effects of global warming on
the Northeast.

The Bush administration are still considering military
action in Somalia, despite admitting that they have
found no Al Qaeda training camps in the country. There
are also plans for “hot pursuit” of Al Qaeda members
fleeing to Somalia, and the US is said to be willing
to use help from the Ethiopian military, or from the
various militia run by warlords in Somalia, to snatch
Al Qaeda members.

Israeli, Palestinian and international human rights
groups have reported various cases in which Israeli
soldiers have shot and killed Palestinians without
provocation at roadblocks. The blockades have not
provided security for Israel, but instead work to
radicalize moderate Palestinians whose still believe
in peace.

We forget our own terrorist history, both in our
religious communities and in our nation. Christians
and Jews can read about forms of fundamentalist
religious bigotry on the pages of our sacred
writings. An Old Testament psalmist urges the faithful
to take "two-edged swords in their hands, to execute
vengeance on the nations and punishment on the

Why is it a greater crime to know Youssef Mouammar
than it is to be Youssef Mouammar?

On March, 1995, the regents of the University of
Texas, at the ehest of Governor Bush, invested $10
million with the Carlyle Group, a merchant bank in the
District of Columbia. Carlyle was chaired by Frank
Carlucci, Ronald Reagan's secretary of defense and,
since 1989, "a darling of the corporate sector," per
the L.A. Times. Carlucci sits on the board of
numerous mega-corporations, including Bell Atlantic,
Ashland Oil and the Kaman Corporation.

Israel's ambassador protested to Germany's leading
news magazine Monday for publishing a column comparing
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's hard-line stand toward
the Palestinians to policies pursued by Adolf Hitler.

BioPort Corp.'s controversial anthrax vaccine may have
contributed to the death of one of its own employees,
a medical examiner said Wednesday.

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein called upon the leaders
of the Arab countries to summon an urgent session to
discuss the situation in the Middle East due to the
escalation of the conflict between Palestine and

I was in the old Soviet Union in 1971 and spent three
weeks there. In the old cathedrals you could see that
this was part of us. You are as much a part of the
West as America is. If a great final clash of
civilizations is coming, Russia will hold the eastern
and southeast flank of the West, just as the Polish
King John Sobieski defended Vienna. Russia is part of
the West, and America should bring Russia in from the

Jammu & Kashmir is a state in India. It is a large
state and was ruled by a Maharaja (Indian King) in the
past. Jammu & Kashmir is made up of many regions but
is called "Jammu & Kashmir" because the two most
populous regions in the state are called Jammu and
Kashmir. This territory is basically populated by the
Muslims – 70% and 30% - the Hindus. The total square
of the territory is about 222 thousand square
kilometers, and one-third of this area is
illegitimately occupied by Pakistan.

This Monday, Palestinian extremist organization Hamas
declared it would continue its operations against
Israel till the Israeli regime stops its occupation.
This was reported by Lebanese radio referring to Hamas
officials statement.

The West's reaction has been revealing. A grand
coalition is being organised to combat “terrorism”.
But not terrorism in general. The Western powers are
not concerned about the Tamil Tigers or ETA or the IRA
or the various South American guerrilla groups.

Though Perle draws no government salary, he holds a
Pentagon appointment and he has an office in the
Pentagon's E-Ring, a short hop from that of Defense
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. He has access to all
manner of classified information; he's in the loop on
war planning. Rumsfeld recently told CNN's Bob Novak
that Perle is "not a government official." But by most
commonsense definitions, Perle isn't a former member
of the Reagan administration; he's a member of the
current administration.

Rashid Masharawi wants to show the world what life is
like in the Middle East

The Central Intelligence Agency has been given new
freedom to get involved in domestic surveillance and
investigations in ways that are unprecedented in its

New Yorker Roger Hertog is a big-time financier,
big-time philanthropist and big-time conservative --
and now, a big-time part owner of the left-leaning New

The state of Nevada filed a lawsuit Monday to halt the
Yucca Mountain Project, challenging Energy Department
ground rules for judging whether the site is suitable
for nuclear waste storage.

By taking the state propaganda at face value, and
focussing on this war as a singular event, rather than
a manifestation of historically arrived-at social
relations, peace protestors are left with nothing more
than vapid hopes.

My first job for the CIA's clandestine services 46
years ago was to organize a network of informants in
the squalid Palestinian refugee camps of southern
Lebanon -- some, ironically, barely a stone's throw
from where my grandfather and great-grandfather
established American mission schools more than a
hundred years ago.

A Florida company is poised to become the first to
sell microchips designed to be implanted into human
beings, an achievement that opens the door to new
systems of medical monitoring and ID screening.
Implantable chips have long been discussed by
technologists and denounced by those who object on
religious grounds or fear their use by a totalitarian
state. But the company that did the test, Applied
Digital Solutions of Palm Beach, said the specter of
terrorism is shifting attitudes.

Some of the prophecies of our various tribes talk
about a time when technology and development will be
so far out of balance that it may affect the future of
our planet. The Six Nations in the eastern Great Lakes
area have prophecies about the time when the trees
will start dying from the top down, and I understand
that's happening. We've got glaciers in the Andes that
are receding. We've got thinning ice in Alaska that is
affecting the subsistence culture of the Alaska
Natives. I hear that aquifers are starting to dry out.
Climate change and global warming are impacting our

Representative Ed Markey (D-MA) December 18, 2001
Letter to Northern Arizona University concerning
transfer of a shipment of anthrax to Los Alamos
National Laboratory

Once the heroin left these labs in Pakistan's
northwest frontier, the Sicilian Mafia imported the
drugs into the U.S., where they soon captured sixty
percent of the U.S. heroin market. That is to say,
sixty percent of the U.S. heroin supply came
indirectly from a CIA operation. During the decade of
this operation, the 1980s, the substantial DEA
contingent in Islamabad made no arrests and
participated in no seizures, allowing the syndicates a
de facto free hand to export heroin.

A senior Hamas official has said the radical
Palestinian movement has decided to stop suicide
bombings against Israel.

In Joe McCarthy's day they were called "snitch lines."
They worked like this: if you suspected your colleague
or neighbor or employee was up to something
un-American - leaving lights on when nobody was home,
sympathizing with the Communists, etc. - you could
call up a special phone number and anonymously rat
them out.

In this time of heightened national security, the
snitch lines are back. In the aftermath of September
11th, the FBI received tens of thousands of calls on
so-called "tip" lines, and folks were broadly rounded
up for questioning.

In a 1995 commencement address at Michigan State
University, which was delivered shortly after the
terrorist bombing at Oklahoma City, Bill Clinton
declared: "If you say the government is in a
conspiracy to take your freedom away, you are wrong…
There’s nothing patriotic about hating your government
or pretending you can hate your government but love
your country."

A few weeks later, in remarks before a hand-picked
audience in Billings, Montana, Clinton insisted that
Americans have a patriotic duty to "shout down"
critics of government actions: "When you hear somebody
doing it, you ought to stand up and double up your
fist and stick it in the sky and shout them down."

December 17, 2001 Appearing before the House Committee
on Financial Services, on December 12, Joseph
Berardino, chief executive of Arthur Andersen, the
accounting firm that conducted Enron's internal and
external audits, said the company had engaged in
"possibly illegal acts," and had misled auditors.
Berardino's appearance followed Enron's filing for
bankruptcy on December 2, after years of being touted
as an exemplar of corporate innovation.


David Barsamian on Afghanistan, internment camp
survivor Yuri Kochiyama, Anuradha Mittal of Food
First, Sue Armstrong from the ACLU, Glenn Morris of
the American Indian Movement, and Valery Alzaga from
Justice for Janitors. "Star Wars Returns" - a quick
look at the consequences of the U.S. withdrawal from
the ABM treaty. We look into the impact of the US war
on Afghanistan, especially it's impacts on Afghan
women. And, you'll hear how crackdowns on Civil
Liberties affect activists and immigrant workers.

Astronauts of the future could receive text, graphics
and even video through a wearable computer built into
their space suits. At present, during space walks,
astronauts get their instructions via radio. But the
American space agency (NASA) reckons the way to
maximise information exchange is to send it visually
into the astronaut's helmet. Fitting the upgraded
communications equipment into the space suit means
kitting the astronauts out with a wearable computer.

Clark Kissinger of Refuse and Resist analyzes Bush and
Congress measures to destroy many legal safeguards to
civil liberties in name of fighting terrorism.

Georgie looks awful guilty in this amateur propaganda
video (RealVideo) designed to make you look at things
in a different context.

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