-Caveat Lector-

New Green Energy and ANWR Bill in the Works!

Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) has introduced the American Made Energy
Freedom Act (HR- 5890) to Congress today targeting the opening of the
10-02 Area Coastal Plain of ANWR for oil and gas exploration and the
funding of alternative energy sources such as ethanol, solar and
coal-to-liquid fuels.  The bill is a complete energy package with three
distinct objectives:

   1. Authorizing the opening of the 1.57 million acre 10-02 Area of ANWR
for oil and gas exploration.  This would include:  limiting the total
development footprint to 2000 acres or less than .01% of ANWRs area;
banning the export abroad of any oil found there;  ensuring a 50-50 split
of oil revenues between the State of Alaska and the Federal Government;
requiring the uses of state-of-the-art oil exploration equipment for
protection of the environment; and providing an impact aid program for
local government and community service assistance.

   1. Tax incentives for cellulosic biomass ethanol, solar and fuel cell
property and liquid fuels derived from coal.  This includes:  an increase
to $1.25 tax credit per gallon of ethanol produced; 30% increase in tax
credits to businesses purchasing solar power plants or homes using solar
heaters, fuel cells and equipment; extension of the $.50 per gallon tax
credit on production of coal-to-liquid fuels.

   1. Creation of a $39 billion (over 30 years) American-Made Energy Trust
Fund from ANWR oil revenues.  This fund would be used to pay for
alternative energies such as: production of and research into
forest/cellulostic biomass fuel; development of a national bioenergy
program; funding of a loan guarantee program for creation of commercial
byproducts from municipal solid waste and cellulosic biomass; funding of a
renewable national fuel program; and funding of research into new
innovative energy development.

The bill goes far to make clear that the US government supports a
comprehensive package of energy improvements in the United States to
offset the fiscal, social, and material drain that comes from importing
60% of our national oil consumption.  The bill will hopefully win over
staunch anti-ANWR politicians such as Rep. Pelosi, Markey and the Udals,
as well as Senators, Cantwell, Kennedy, Boxer, and Feinstien who all
continually work against any ANWR legislation.

The unique aspect of this bill is the alternative energies American-Made
trust fund powered by ANWR oil revenues.  This fund would be the worlds
largest single fund for alternative energy production and research ever
amassed.  Part of the irony of ANWR legislation is that it is one of only
a handful of issues that come up before Congress that costs the American
people and Congress nothing yet brings in billions and billions of dollars
in royalty revenues.  With the alternative energies trust fund anti-ANWR
radical environmentalists would have little to complain about should this
measure be passed.

Part of the problem with any governments proposal to look into the
research of alternative energies is answering the question of who will pay
for it?  In the last energy bill, EPACT, passed by Congress in December
politicians demanded research and development of alternative energies, yet
the billions of dollars required to be spent into potential discoveries of
cleaner alternative fuels is beyond the reach of most all private
companies. Nuness bill makes ANWR royalties the solution, and perhaps are
an appropriate compromise between environmentalists, the government, and
the oil industry on the ANWR debate.

Representative Nuness bill makes this the third installment of ANWR
legislation pending on this years Congressional books.  The Senate Budget
Resolution (S. Con. Res 83) which successfully passed the Senate and
contains a ANWR provision is sitting in Joint House/Senate Conference
Committee waiting to be released for final vote, and most recently,
Congressman Pombos ANWR stand alone bill, HR5429, is sitting in the books
of the Senate having successfully passed the House.  ANWR legislation is
supported by a majority of the House and Senate yet continually is blocked
by filibuster in the Senate (requiring 60 votes to break the deadlock).
It is hoped that the American-Made Energy Trust Fund creation will win
over enough Senators to overcome this yearly deadlock and finally allow
America to enjoy a fully funded sensible national energy plan.

Representative Nuness bill is not expected to be debated until September
when Congress returns from August recess.

Representative Nunes web site is located at: http://nunes.house.gov/

Comprehensive bill information can be found at:
:: Posted on July 27, 2006 ::

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
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